View Full Version : Off Subject Some (broken Bus)

11-08-2006, 04:17 PM
YEARS ago when Clinton was in office and Hillary was traveling around promoting the health care program .My brother inlaws tow truck company here in Oregon got a call from somebody wanting a schools bus towed around Downtown Portland for an hour ,The Bus Was Broken Down No Motor ,windows broken and shattered beat up pretty bad .had slogan painted on it about the health care program being broken down,AS it was towed around the downtown area about two round trips were she was speaking,
two black suburbans pulled the tow truck over and said you call leave now or we will impound the tow truck for the rest of the week and arrest the Driver.
They told the Driver, will figure this freedom of speech thing out later your choice.

11-08-2006, 04:56 PM
Someone had some cajones, it would be interesting to see who dispatched the black Suburbans against Hillerby.

11-08-2006, 05:02 PM
The Clintons were not big fans of free speech. One of the first things they did once they were in office (early 1993) was to set up policies barring federal workers from talking to the press or cooperating with congressional investigations. In the case of our agency, they actually had our PR people (who had previously always incouraged us to talk to the press and cooperate fully with all types of legitimate investigations) come out and tell us point blank that any unauthorized contact with the press or any congressional offices would result in our being fired. This was one of the first things that made me really start to doubt my previously held "liberal views".
P.S. I have a very good friend who was actually on Hillerys' "team" that developed her Health Care Initiative. It was a crappy plan over all, but it did have some good points in it. :wink:

11-08-2006, 05:13 PM
Someone had some cajones, it would be interesting to see who dispatched the black Suburbans against Hillerby.
I'm not 100% sure but, I think you are misreading the above. I think he is saying the bus was protesting Hillerys' broken plan.

11-08-2006, 05:48 PM
I'm not 100% sure but, I think you are misreading the above. I think he is saying the bus was protesting Hillerys' broken plan.
I thought it was some hairbrain scheme to parade the broken bus around as a symbol of the current (then) health care that Hillery was going to "fix". :rolleyes:

11-08-2006, 06:44 PM
That would be her style.....

11-09-2006, 03:28 AM
I thought it was some hairbrain scheme to parade the broken bus around as a symbol of the current (then) health care that Hillery was going to "fix". :rolleyes:
That was how it read to me.

11-09-2006, 08:34 AM
That was how it read to me.
I don't think it could have went down that way. While the Clintons were in the White House they had zero tolerance for dissent from within the government. If that happened to Hillery, those guys in the black SUV's would have been sooooooo fired. In addition, if they didn't work for a government agency their bosses, or whoever they did work for, would have caught hell from the IRS like you wouldn't believe. Not to mention the charges of alleged civil rights violations Secretary Janet Renos' dept would have brought down on them.

11-09-2006, 11:44 AM
THE Bus was protesting her new plan for health care.

11-09-2006, 02:47 PM
I don't think it could have went down that way. While the Clintons were in the White House they had zero tolerance for dissent from within the government. If that happened to Hillery, those guys in the black SUV's would have been sooooooo fired. In addition, if they didn't work for a government agency their bosses, or whoever they did work for, would have caught hell from the IRS like you wouldn't believe. Not to mention the charges of alleged civil rights violations Secretary Janet Renos' dept would have brought down on them.
Yea, quite true, It just didn't initially strike me that way. Thx for the reminder. :)