View Full Version : Chicken little

Blown 472
11-08-2006, 08:30 PM
the sky is falling, here comes the first wave of gay, satanist rag heads to take away everything you own and enslave you to the gubment.
Are ya bushies wringing your hands and rocking back and forth in your chairs??

11-08-2006, 09:10 PM
Unless 9/11 was some hollywood stunt I'd say the threat is real. Keep hiding your head in the sand and let the grown ups handle it. We'll wake you when it's over (or maybe we won't)

11-09-2006, 03:29 AM
Some just refuse to be woke up, and can't be helped.
Do I get a retraction from ya here too when history proves one of us right blown? Not likely I suppose.

Blown 472
11-09-2006, 05:04 AM
Do you guys really think that bush is going to keep you safe? if so that is really sad that you buy into that crap that is spewed on tv.
Seems like the american people no longer believe his bullshit anymore, and used their power to change the gubment.

11-09-2006, 05:42 AM
Do you guys really think that bush is going to keep you safe? if so that is really sad that you buy into that crap that is spewed on tv.
Seems like the american people no longer believe his bullshit anymore, and used their power to change the gubment.
He can/will keep us alot safer than Hilary(or Kerry) could ever even hope to.

Old Texan
11-09-2006, 05:44 AM
Blown you sound like the knight on Monty Python that keeps pushing the fight while losing body parts. I hope for the best of everything from whomever is in office. I give a rat's asse about Rep vs Dem, Lib vs Con, etc. It's all about what's best for me, mine, and the country.
You on the other hand seem to just wish for the worst to spite the rest.
And by the way, when are you ever gonna 'splain why you have such a burr under your saddle towards society?

11-09-2006, 09:22 AM
Do you guys really think that bush is going to keep you safe?
How are we to know that his efforts against terrorism, isn't directly responsible for America being attack free since 9-11? I am thankful that under his leadership, we haven't been targeted again. Do you think the terrorists just went away uninterested, or perhaps discouraged by G. Bush's fierce opposition?

11-09-2006, 03:05 PM
Do you guys really think that bush is going to keep you safe? if so that is really sad that you buy into that crap that is spewed on tv.
Seems like the american people no longer believe his bullshit anymore, and used their power to change the gubment.
So, blown, just who will make us safe and how should it be done?

11-09-2006, 03:13 PM
Do you guys really think that bush is going to keep you safe? if so that is really sad that you buy into that crap that is spewed on tv.
Seems like the american people no longer believe his bullshit anymore, and used their power to change the gubment.
A hell of alot safer than the clintons did.I didn't see ol' Clinton do much of anything after the first time BinLadden try to bomb the World Trade Center.He shot a few cruise missiles at his training camp and then turned around and came home.And did nothing after that.And wern't all these guys already in flight schools and in this country dirring the Clinton administration.Mabey if he had some nuts 9/11 may never have happened.

Blown 472
11-09-2006, 07:52 PM
But but didn't the worst attack on america happen under gdubya watch?

11-09-2006, 09:21 PM
But but didn't the worst attack on america happen under gdubya watch?
Yup, after 8 years of Clinton not changing the oil, filling the pan with sand and reving it to 10,000 rpm the engine finially blew up. Clinton sold it to Bush after owning it for 8 YEARS. 8 months later it takes a shit. Yup, Bush's fault :rolleyes:

11-10-2006, 01:40 AM
But but didn't the worst attack on america happen under gdubya watch?
THERE is the new stupidest thing blown has ever posted, and may just be the championship winner.
No matter the entire WTC attack (do you actually believe arabs flew planes into them, or was it an inside job by the "gubment" blown?) was concieved, planned, funded, all flight training done, all personell moved to the US, Army Intel group Abel Danger's intel kept from the FBI and then ordered destroyed under the CLINTON PRESIDENCY.
No, disregard all that, it is unimportant, has no bearing at all. Nothing whatsoever.
Let's also forget the wanton destruction of White House computers by the departing CLINTON STAFF which delayed anyone getting settled into their work for quite a while.
The only important part is the date the buildings fell, it's Bush's fault it happened.
Why are you trying to cover for the Clinton's blown? You proclaim to not support them????

11-10-2006, 02:03 AM
Blown, even though I disagree with you, I still love you. (you know I'm from Texas don't you?) :crossx:

Blown 472
11-10-2006, 04:19 AM
THERE is the new stupidest thing blown has ever posted, and may just be the championship winner.
No matter the entire WTC attack (do you actually believe arabs flew planes into them, or was it an inside job by the "gubment" blown?) was concieved, planned, funded, all flight training done, all personell moved to the US, Army Intel group Abel Danger's intel kept from the FBI and then ordered destroyed under the CLINTON PRESIDENCY.
No, disregard all that, it is unimportant, has no bearing at all. Nothing whatsoever.
Let's also forget the wanton destruction of White House computers by the departing CLINTON STAFF which delayed anyone getting settled into their work for quite a while.
The only important part is the date the buildings fell, it's Bush's fault it happened.
Why are you trying to cover for the Clinton's blown? You proclaim to not support them????
Well if them a rabs where so afraid of gdumbya why did they attack us. His watch plain and simple.

'75 Miller
11-10-2006, 07:40 AM
Well if them a rabs where so afraid of gdumbya why did they attack us. His watch plain and simple.
They attacked during Bush's reign because the want a fight. If they wanted us to fall to our knees & suck them off they'd wait 'til your comrades are in.

11-10-2006, 07:44 AM
Well if them a rabs where so afraid of gdumbya why did they attack us. His watch plain and simple.
You have proven that you are a MORON,plain and simple.I bet you believe in the Easter Bunny,Santa,and the Tooth fairy also.

'75 Miller
11-10-2006, 07:50 AM
You have proven that you are a MORON,plain and simple.I bet you believe in the Easter Bunny,Santa,and the Tooth fairy also.
Come on AZ, this guy's made it clear he believes in nothing. 'Cept that he's right & everyone else is dumb or at least terribly misinformed.

Blown 472
11-10-2006, 08:22 PM
You have proven that you are a MORON,plain and simple.I bet you believe in the Easter Bunny,Santa,and the Tooth fairy also.
The easter bunny isn't real? you bastard. :yuk:

'75 Miller
11-10-2006, 09:35 PM
The easter bunny isn't real? you bastard. :yuk:
Of course the easter bunny's real. And my boat does 100. And you're a patriot.

11-10-2006, 10:47 PM
Well if them a rabs where so afraid of gdumbya why did they attack us. His watch plain and simple.
They didn't know how Bush would react. The knew Clinton was a wimp so they wanted to test the waters with Bush (or whomever was in office since 9/11 was planned way before the election)
Clinton had numerous events to act upon and didn't. However right or wrong you think Bush was for reacting, the important part is that he did!

11-19-2006, 03:51 PM
Unless 9/11 was some hollywood stunt I'd say the threat is real. Keep hiding your head in the sand and let the grown ups handle it. We'll wake you when it's over (or maybe we won't)
How well have the "grownups" in the bu$h administration handled it so far in your estimation? I give them an F.

11-19-2006, 04:04 PM
They attacked during Bush's reign because the want a fight. If they wanted us to fall to our knees & suck them off they'd wait 'til your comrades are in.
So Ronnie Rayguns' attack on Grenada wasn't a response to the Beirut barracks bombing in 1983 on HIS watch? It came not a month after that. Doesn't make any difference though; Reagan did NOTHING about that attack.
So there aren't any gay Republicans willing to fall to their knees and suck? Does James Gannon/Jeff Guckert ring your bell? Do the Log Cabin Republicans-gay men all-ring your bell? Or has your bell been rung already with the Democrats winning the House and Senate?
Democrats aren't wimps; we started WW2, Korea and Vietnam.

11-19-2006, 04:39 PM
So Ronnie Rayguns' attack on Grenada wasn't a response to the Beirut barracks bombing in 1983 on HIS watch? It came not a month after that. Doesn't make any difference though; Reagan did NOTHING about that attack.
So there aren't any gay Republicans willing to fall to their knees and suck? Does James Gannon/Jeff Guckert ring your bell? Do the Log Cabin Republicans-gay men all-ring your bell? Or has your bell been rung already with the Democrats winning the House and Senate?
Democrats aren't wimps; we started WW2, Korea and Vietnam.
Ummmmm dumbass ........
WWII was started by NAZI Germany invading Poland, circa 1939...
Korea was started by the N Koreans invading S Korea (only the N Koreans claim the US invaded THEM ........
Vietnam was started by the N Vietnamese trying to take over S Vietnam.....
The Democrats who happened to be in charge at those times bear no resemblance whatsoever to the current crop of spineless appeasers that have the reigns now.
Do tell Knot, just what do you expect to happen in Iraq after we bail out 6 months from now?

Blown 472
11-19-2006, 07:29 PM
Ummmmm dumbass ........
WWII was started by NAZI Germany invading Poland, circa 1939...
Korea was started by the N Koreans invading S Korea (only the N Koreans claim the US invaded THEM ........
Vietnam was started by the N Vietnamese trying to take over S Vietnam.....
The Democrats who happened to be in charge at those times bear no resemblance whatsoever to the current crop of spineless appeasers that have the reigns now.
Do tell Knot, just what do you expect to happen in Iraq after we bail out 6 months from now?
WWII was started by the jews declaring war on germany. duh.

11-20-2006, 03:13 AM
WWII was started by the jews declaring war on germany. duh.
Better explain THAT statement.

Blown 472
11-20-2006, 04:57 AM
Better explain THAT statement.
Gee smokin, dont know your history? perhaps you better google it since you are the king of that. It's out there you just have to find it.

11-20-2006, 08:35 AM
Gee smokin, dont know your history? perhaps you better google it since you are the king of that. It's out there you just have to find it.
Oh it's out there, waaaaaaaay out there.
I guess you just have to google up the KKK or Neo Nazi websits?? :rolleyes:

Blown 472
11-20-2006, 03:32 PM
Oh it's out there, waaaaaaaay out there.
I guess you just have to google up the KKK or Neo Nazi websits?? :rolleyes:
History is a bitch, no?

11-20-2006, 04:59 PM
Jesus blown, the "Jew war on Germany" was a call for an economic boycot intended to make jews themselves emigrate to Palestine, OUT of Germany.
Kinda different when you include all the lurid details. Krikey, LAME (but I expected your best blown, and got it. :rolleyes:

Blown 472
11-20-2006, 06:11 PM
Hey smokin, what about them boys what killed that 14 yr old gurl after they rapped her, and smoked her family too? what is their status?

11-20-2006, 07:18 PM
man, you are out there .... WAY out there.

Blown 472
11-20-2006, 07:23 PM
man, you are out there .... WAY out there.
Lemme give ya heads up, pleaded guilty.

Old Texan
11-21-2006, 06:11 AM
Lemme give ya heads up, pleaded guilty.
Blown, ya just gotta tell us.....What makes you hate the Jews so damn much?

11-21-2006, 10:22 AM
Blown, ya just gotta tell us.....What makes you hate the Jews so damn much?
He actually thinks like Hitler wanted people to think and even cites the same type of junk rationale. I used to think he was just a joke, but now I'm a bit concerned.

Blown 472
11-21-2006, 07:23 PM
Blown, ya just gotta tell us.....What makes you hate the Jews so damn much?
Dont hate the "jews" I hate the zionists, you see you can be jewish and not a zionist and not kill people, and attack ships, and blow up buildings killing people, in fact I have a few "jewish" friends that dont do any killing.

11-21-2006, 07:39 PM
Dont hate the "jews" I hate the zionists, you see you can be jewish and not a zionist and not kill people, and attack ships, and blow up buildings killing people, in fact I have a few "jewish" friends that dont do any killing.
Yea, you're a "good jew" if you think Israel should be abolished, and all the "bad jews" beheaded or blown up, a "bad jew" if you think otherwise.

Blown 472
11-21-2006, 07:41 PM
Yea, you're a "good jew" if you think Israel should be abolished, and all the "bad jews" beheaded or blown up, a "bad jew" if you think otherwise.
What is that? kinda hard to hear ya talk while you are eatin yer crow. :220v:

Blown 472
11-21-2006, 07:42 PM
Yea, you're a "good jew" if you think Israel should be abolished, and all the "bad jews" beheaded or blown up, a "bad jew" if you think otherwise.
Them good jews are the ones that want to live wif dem a rabs, dem bad jews is da ones dat wants to kill dem a rabs.

Old Texan
11-22-2006, 05:46 AM
Them good jews are the ones that want to live wif dem a rabs, dem bad jews is da ones dat wants to kill dem a rabs.
Do the good ones or the bad ones build ammo dumps in the neighborhood?
Do the good or bad "a rabs" strap on bombs and blow up public places where the "good or bad jews" frequent?
Blown you're skirting the question again with your "zionist" coverup. If you had any "Jew friends" would you like them to read your posts?

'75 Miller
11-22-2006, 07:40 AM
Dont hate the "jews" I hate the zionists, you see you can be jewish and not a zionist and not kill people, and attack ships, and blow up buildings killing people, in fact I have a few "jewish" friends that dont do any killing.
So Mr Goebbels, why do you hate zionists? What business is it of yours if they kill their enemy? Are you of Palestinian decent? That's about the only way your hatred makes any sense. If not you're just another American with too much time on your hands. Pretty pathetic you'd get so wrapped up in other people's affairs.
Why don't you go over there, to the territories, fight & protest with them. Maybe you can get yourself killed like other Americans/westerners that stick their nose in other's business. Be a martyr to a LOST cause.
What's that clown's name? Hurndall? I bet if you pass around the hat you'll find many generous ***boaters who'd love to put in on a plane ticket for you.

11-22-2006, 11:24 AM
in fact I have a few "jewish" friends .
:rollside: :rollside: :rollside:
Are they "some of your best friends"..........My sides are splitting.... :rollside:

11-22-2006, 04:49 PM
Them good jews are the ones that want to live wif dem a rabs, dem bad jews is da ones dat wants to kill dem a rabs.
So blown, just what are "dem a rabs dat wants to kill jews"?

Blown 472
11-22-2006, 08:55 PM
Do the good ones or the bad ones build ammo dumps in the neighborhood?
Do the good or bad "a rabs" strap on bombs and blow up public places where the "good or bad jews" frequent?
Blown you're skirting the question again with your "zionist" coverup. If you had any "Jew friends" would you like them to read your posts?
What about the jews that killed all those british folks??

Blown 472
11-22-2006, 08:55 PM
So blown, just what are "dem a rabs dat wants to kill jews"?
Still skirtin that crow aint ya big boy, sting just a lil bit does it?

11-23-2006, 02:01 AM
What about the jews that killed all those british folks??
Still skirtin that crow aint ya big boy, sting just a lil bit does it?
Questions anwered (I use the term "answered" VERY loosely) with off-subject questions.
Nobody pays any attention to your diversion tactics blown, answer up, or shut up.

11-23-2006, 02:07 AM
Hey smokin, what about them boys what killed that 14 yr old gurl after they rapped her, and smoked her family too? what is their status?
How about ACCURACY blown? There are 8 defendants, What preytell IS the current result?

Blown 472
11-23-2006, 06:57 AM
How about ACCURACY blown? There are 8 defendants, What preytell IS the current result?
I guess they dont show this stuff on the sunshine channel you watch, guilty pleaded to it, and then some others have pleaded guilty to dragging a guy out and shooting him in the street, so now you have two plates of crow to choke down, have a nice day and happy thanksgiving as we know what will be served at your house. :rollside:

'75 Miller
11-23-2006, 08:39 AM
I guess they dont show this stuff on the sunshine channel you watch, guilty pleaded to it, and then some others have pleaded guilty to dragging a guy out and shooting him in the street, so now you have two plates of crow to choke down, have a nice day and happy thanksgiving as we know what will be served at your house. :rollside:
Why does the fact that American soldiers committed such a hideous crime fill you with such glee? They're in the "system" now though, in prison I assume. Is that not good enough? Should we hand them over to your comrades in black so they can be beheaded on Aljazeera? What's the point of bringing this incident up? Do you have a point?

Blown 472
11-23-2006, 09:54 AM
Why does the fact that American soldiers committed such a hideous crime fill you with such glee? They're in the "system" now though, in prison I assume. Is that not good enough? Should we hand them over to your comrades in black so they can be beheaded on Aljazeera? What's the point of bringing this incident up? Do you have a point?
Not that this "point" has anything to do with you.

'75 Miller
11-23-2006, 05:31 PM
Not that this "point" has anything to do with you.
Can't answer the question, huh Josef? Well here's another one... What does the way Israel deals with a bunch of lil bitch-ass terrorists have to do with you?
Seems your pals in hamas sent out another suicide bomber today... a 57 year old MOTHER of 9. Stupid bitch only WOUNDED 2. HaHa. One less gullible dingbat I guess. So when you gonna strap on a vest tough guy?

Blown 472
11-24-2006, 12:30 AM
Can't answer the question, huh Josef? Well here's another one... What does the way Israel deals with a bunch of lil bitch-ass terrorists have to do with you?
Seems your pals in hamas sent out another suicide bomber today... a 57 year old MOTHER of 9. Stupid bitch only WOUNDED 2. HaHa. One less gullible dingbat I guess. So when you gonna strap on a vest tough guy?
Wont strap on a vest, up to me I would cut off your tax dollars that feed the effing kike machine, course you are too stupid to see it and you just keep supporting it, put your head down and take your fleecing.

11-24-2006, 01:11 AM
Wont strap on a vest, up to me I would cut off your tax dollars that feed the effing kike machine, course you are too stupid to see it and you just keep supporting it, put your head down and take your fleecing.
Pretty cool. Not a single word against the arabs who blow up in a grocery store or public bus killing jews who never harmed an arab. Simply "If we'd quit giving Israel money, the arabs'd leave them alone, once they killed them all.".