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View Full Version : Greatest website on earth

11-16-2006, 06:13 AM
My buddy just finished his website. He is a MI cop and has written several stories about his life and job. All of his stories are true (and totally hilarious).
Check it out, I promise you won't be disappointed.

11-16-2006, 06:16 AM
My buddy just finished his website. He is a MI cop and has written several stories about his life and job. All of his stories are true (and totally hilarious).
Check it out, I promise you won't be disappointed.
From the website home page:
"The creation of this website marks the single greatest achievement in the
history of mankind. It contains stories of unparalleled manliness and
sheer bravado that even the most grizzled men can never hope to
Everything in your life that has impressed or interested you up until this
point will now fade into obscurity.
This site was created by me, Officer Awesome, a police officer in the
state of Michigan, and the definition of Mantastic. I am an Alpha Male the
likes of which you can only read about in comic books, or observe in the
most erotic of women’s sex dreams.
I created this site because I am sweet. I knew that my exploits were
legendary and that millions of people were eager to live vicariously
through me.
Also, I have seen that the work of a cop can suck. We do a thankless job,
at ungodly hours, under the constant watch of self-serving
administrations. I feel that officers in all levels of law enforcement need a
medium in which to share funny stories about their jobs, their lives, and
the crazy shit they see.
So, if you’re sick of lonely idle nights, tired of restlessly twiddling your
thumbs, and ready to splooge all over the evil face of boredom, then go
forth and experience the X-Chromosome-shredding onslaught of bitchin’
that awaits you.
But be warned, gentile reader. Cops are the cornerstone of masculinity,
the culmination of evolution, and the object of every woman’s desire. We
are superior to you in every way. Our lives are more interesting, our
women hotter, our semen more potent.
After viewing this site your girlfriend may find you less attractive. She
could become complacent, distracted, and uninterested.
You may even cease to please her all together.
Continue forward if you are brave. Perhaps your body will become so
inspired by my model of manhood that it will sprout a beard and increase
your testosterone production ten fold.
Whatever the case, peruse the site, enjoy the stories, and make sure to
email me your own."

11-16-2006, 10:54 AM
This is by far the funniest guy I know. Read the story on the skunk.

11-16-2006, 11:19 AM
Tom Brown needs to read the Gallon Challenge. :crossx:

11-16-2006, 11:30 AM
The skunk story is great

11-16-2006, 11:35 AM
Sweet revenge is good too. Should be really appreciated by Tom Brown.