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View Full Version : OC Landlord/Tenant Attorney Recommendation

11-24-2006, 02:36 PM

11-24-2006, 02:48 PM
Are you on any kind of lease or month-to-month.
If you're on month-to-month, start packing.

Larry H Parker
11-24-2006, 03:57 PM
He gave you 30 days? Get the fock out.
Most of that other stuff has no bearing on his ability to evict you.
If this guy is really the crook you portray, you are only in a position to lose. What...you might get a judgment against a crook? Yay...that and 50 cents still won't get you a big gulp at 7-11.
What do you hope to achieve?
Yes, you could drag it out, but you will regret it.

11-24-2006, 04:20 PM
Not an attorney, but have worked several thousand eviction cases; testified in excess of 300+ times in eviction court cases. I’ve also worked numerous fraud cases, identical to yours.
I hate to tell you this, but you are screwed. I can tell you why if interested, because no matter who you hire, you’re still gonna be the one getting the short end of the stick. Sux, but in rental scams, the occupants always lose.

11-24-2006, 09:10 PM
All a lawyer will do is cost you money.
You have 3 choice: talk with the rightful owner and work somthing out, make a plea to the local news sations so that you can make a deal with the rightful owner, and 3 stay there and be removed.

11-24-2006, 09:24 PM
if you send me a PM, id be happy to answer any questions you have...

11-24-2006, 09:39 PM
Some people say the same thing about calling a plumber, yet I still get called to diagnose and fix plumbing problems. Could be wrong, but I think folks want a professional opinion.
What these people are trying to tell is correct..........you have no choice but to vacate. Atty or no Atty..........

11-25-2006, 05:38 AM
Why don't you take the money you want to spend on an attorney and use that money to put a down payment on a house.

11-25-2006, 09:16 AM
Some people say the same thing about calling a plumber, yet I still get called to diagnose and fix plumbing problems. Could be wrong, but I think folks want a professional opinion.
I understand your point. But, you should step back and take a good look at what you are about to do. The problem here is that if this guy is a crooked as you say, you will spend a lot of money and get nowhere.
Now, if you just have a bunch of money lying around, then go for it!!!
Call Bill Handle on KFI this morning, or any saturday morning and give him you situation. Or, go to www.legalzoom.com and go to the legal forums and post your problem and a real attorney will respond. If you go on the air with Bill Handle, let us know so we can listen in as he roasts the shit out of you. :D

11-25-2006, 09:25 AM
If you are a renter in CA, you have NO RIGHT to occupy the property once your lease or contract expires, PERIOD!!! You WILL have a judgement levied against you if you continue to occupy the place after 30 days, or 60 days if you have been in the place for over 1 year. It is NOT your place, so give it up is good advice.
Some exceptions are involved including municipal laws, like rent control laws in LA, etc. Aside from that, just find another place and get on with life.

11-25-2006, 02:41 PM
If you are a renter in CA, you have NO RIGHT to occupy the property once your lease or contract expires, PERIOD!!! You WILL have a judgement levied against you if you continue to occupy the place after 30 days, or 60 days if you have been in the place for over 1 year. It is NOT your place, so give it up is good advice.
Some exceptions are involved including municipal laws, like rent control laws in LA, etc. Aside from that, just find another place and get on with life.
I believe the 60 days for one more than one year,was changed at the start of 06. We are landlords and just had to do this same thing. Gave the tenant a months notice, they didn't move ,we evicted and got a settlement....

11-25-2006, 03:06 PM
find out if the superior court in oc has a dept for landlord tenant disputes. you can go talk to them for free and they will help you fill out paper work if desired. should be unlawful detainer section. you can also look up landlaord and tenant responsibilities on line to see if you have a claim of any sort.
I use the superior court unlawful detainer dept. in getting rid of nonpaying destructive tenants. good luck
if you rented that property from someone who isnt the owner under a scam id say you are out of luck because you dont have a valid contract from the owner of property. you dont mention any reasons for the eviction but from what you say id be looking for a place to live instead of wasting money on an attorney

11-25-2006, 03:13 PM
sounds like if i stole your car and sold it to some one. then you wanted it back well to bad he paid for it? sounds like the same situation your in. would you agree the guy should keep your car because he bought it from a crook?
you just happen to be the guy who bought stolen car, so to speak. look at it that way

11-25-2006, 03:15 PM
Any chance its in a rent control district?

11-25-2006, 03:34 PM
Any chance its in a rent control district?
I believe he is in Orange County,no rent control.

12-10-2006, 06:44 PM
Well, after SPEAKING WITH AN ATTORNEY, I opted for the lesser of time and money consuming options. The fact which I hadn't revealed here is that there was a matter of $2,000 security that I paid my dirtbag landlord that I WANT BACK! So...in a roundabout way...I got it back, and yes I moved.
For what it's worth, it turns out this thieving jerk is a property manager that has been skimming off all the rental monies under his supervision. Something like 10+ properties altogether.
As always here on ***boat, thanks for the helpful replies and the not so helpful, well...whatever
Thats not surpising...happneds alot.