View Full Version : Hillary

Ken F
11-28-2006, 05:37 PM

Old Texan
11-28-2006, 06:13 PM
That's my Boy!!!!!!! :cool:

Poster X
11-28-2006, 09:08 PM
Be nice. That's your next President.

11-28-2006, 09:10 PM
Be nice. That's your next President.
He'd probably do better than the chick he's trying to hit.

11-28-2006, 09:40 PM
Good kid :crossx:

11-28-2006, 10:04 PM
Be nice. That's your next President.
Yeah, like the left treats people "nice" because they are President. :rolleyes:

Poster X
11-29-2006, 09:03 AM
I'm being nice. This website doesn't allow the gutter profanity and character assaults I'd like to use when addressing President Cheney. I don't think much of their spokemodel G Dubya neither. :wink:

11-29-2006, 09:13 AM
Yup. When you can't come up with anything substantive, resort to "gutter profanity and character assasination". A quick tongue is useless when connected to an empty mind. I'll give you a few minutes to reference the Democrat playbook and get back to me on that one.

11-29-2006, 10:04 AM
I'm being nice. This website doesn't allow the gutter profanity and character assaults I'd like to use when addressing President Cheney. I don't think much of their spokemodel G Dubya neither. :wink:
It's funny how the left says V.P. Cheney is currently running the nation. Before that, the right said First Lady Hillery Clinton was leading the nation etc, etc. It always seems that presidential detractors always claim that someone else is in charge, when they don't like the politics of the person who is. I always just kind of looked at it as a funny quirk, however, I must admit I was a bit concerned, back in 79 when it seemed that Billy Carter was in charge. ;)

Poster X
11-29-2006, 05:27 PM
Yup. When you can't come up with anything substantive, resort to "gutter profanity and character assasination". A quick tongue is useless when connected to an empty mind. I'll give you a few minutes to reference the Democrat playbook and get back to me on that one.
I don't resort to gutter profanity. I start with it. And..I've been assinating his character for 14 years. He just won't die.

Old Texan
11-29-2006, 05:58 PM
I like Cheney. He makes me laugh when he debates John Edwards.

11-29-2006, 10:21 PM
It's funny how the left says V.P. Cheney is currently running the nation. Before that, the right said First Lady Hillery Clinton was leading the nation etc, etc. It always seems that presidential detractors always claim that someone else is in charge, when they don't like the politics of the person who is. I always just kind of looked at it as a funny quirk, however, I must admit I was a bit concerned, back in 79 when it seemed that Billy Carter was in charge. ;)
Funny how no one ever said Al Gore was leading the country. We all know that idiot couldn't even lead a bunch of Ethiopians to a pic nic.

Old Texan
11-30-2006, 05:36 AM
Funny how no one ever said Al Gore was leading the country. We all know that idiot couldn't even lead a bunch of Ethiopians to a pic nic.
Al was always terrified of those "pulling guard" Hildabeast calves stomping a mudhole in his "widdle" chest and didn't dare mess with her........ :yuk:

11-30-2006, 08:18 AM
Someone stop that little boy before he slugs posers mom!

11-30-2006, 11:27 AM
Funny how no one ever said Al Gore was leading the country. We all know that idiot couldn't even lead a bunch of Ethiopians to a pic nic.
Vice President Gore actually was in charge of "re-inventig" much of our Government. Agencies like the V.A. and FEMA, all received the benefit of V.P. Gore's "Re-inventing of Government". For example, the massive downsizing of the V.A. and it's adoption (more like aping actually) of the HMO model, was actally givin the title by the central office and the Clinton Administration of "Mr Gore's Seven Year Plan For Re-inventing The V.A.". V.P. Gore was in fact one of the most powerful V.P.s in our nation's history. If you like how the V.A. is currently structured or how well agencies like FEMA perform, you should give much of the credit to Vice President Gore.

Poster X
11-30-2006, 02:16 PM
Gore didn't have anything to do with neutering FEMA.

11-30-2006, 02:26 PM
Gore didn't have anything to do with neutering FEMA.
What did he do with FEMA?
What the hell did he do with anything except predict the end of Earth in 10 years (and that was nearly 20 years ago).
He's an idiot. I sure hope he tries to run again.

11-30-2006, 03:18 PM
What did he do with FEMA?
What the hell did he do with anything except predict the end of Earth in 10 years (and that was nearly 20 years ago).
He's an idiot. I sure hope he tries to run again.
Let me tell you what he did to the V.A.
He took the majority of V.A. Medical Centers and shut down most of their buildings and called them "Outpatient Ambualtory Care Centers". In each region he left one Medical Center intact and then merged all of the surrounding (some of them hundreds of miles away) " ambulatory care centers" into it and made them all part of one network "hospital". Then he eliminated all of the areas "redundant services". For example, if one ambulatory care center in the "network" had a dialysis unit he closed all the others. After all, what does one hospital network need with 2 dialysis units???Even if these centers are very far apart.
In addition he used a crackdown on some old regs limiting "non service connected" vets from receiving free care to drastically reduce the amount of care that the V.A. was providing to our nations veterans. I could go on with more details but it would be too long a post.
In short.
The title of the above radical downsizing was "Al Gore's Seven Year Plan for Reinventing the V.A."
The fruition of this plan resulted in a 50% reduction in the number of medical treatments provided by the V.A.
Prior to the start of this plan, in 93, over 70% of all V.A.s were full service medical centers. When it was completed, in 2000, over 90% of all V.A.s were "Outpatient Ambulatory Care Centers" (Clinton administration figures).
During this period of massive downsizing, the V.A.s budget grew every year. Where did the money go?? Well, every Medical Center that was downsized's bulidings were deemed not sutible for outpatient use, so they had to build brand new buildings at a cost of approx $300,000,000 each. Lots of contractors got rich, while verterans services were dramatically slashed.
Vice President Gore was deligated the task of "Reinventing several of what the Clinton Administration deemed "non vital" agencies, like the VA.
Oh no my friend, Vice President Gore was a very busy fellow (at least his appointees were) while President Clinton was in office.
Now you know why or nations Veterans are sooooooo happy with their care at the V.A.