View Full Version : Democrat's intent to swear on Quran

12-01-2006, 11:40 AM
Democratic Representive-elect Keith Ellison from Minnesota has announced he plans to take the oath of office on the Quran, rather than the traditional Bible.
Is not the Quran the same book that advocates the killing of all those who do not follow and practice the Muslim teachings?
I hope all the people of Minnesota who elected this person are real proud of their choice. Too bad this election took place before the recent television program depicting the danger of radical Islam. Five year old children chanting "death to the Jews" and "death to Americans" is chilling.
When is the public outrage going to take prescedent over the fear of offending someone?
Guess this guy never heard the old saying about how to act when in Rome.
The way I see it: "this nonsense stops now, or all is lost".

12-01-2006, 11:49 AM
Everybody who takes office in Congress has to swear by the bible, one of the most violent, vicious, anti-human books ever written. So what if he wants to use another religious book of equal immorality?
What if he was an Atheist and wanted to swear on the Constitution not the Koran or Xian bible? Would that be ok for ya?

centerhill condor
12-01-2006, 12:15 PM
Is not the Quran the same book that advocates the killing of all those who do not follow and practice the Muslim teachings?
When is the public outrage going to take prescedent over the fear of offending someone?
The way I see it: "this nonsense stops now, or all is lost".
yes, yes, and yes,...I don't get it, Minn? of all the places. If they voted for change...they'll get it.
Hey Knotbad...quote some scripture for us would ya? There's a Bible page from whence you can copy/paste. LBJ's favorite was Isiah 1:18-19; 18 ¶ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
is your 20? or some other?

12-01-2006, 12:39 PM
What if he was an Atheist and wanted to swear on the Constitution not the Koran or Xian bible? Would that be ok for ya?
If that was the case he would of NEVER been elected. Same would of happend if his constituants had known of his intentions about the Quoran.

Old Texan
12-01-2006, 01:24 PM
Keith Ellison, a Democrat, has become the first Muslim to be elected to the US Congress by winning a Minnesota seat in the House of Representatives.
Since Keith Ellison is a Muslim and if the Quran is his "Bible" so to speak, I certainly see nothing wrong being used to swear him in.
Now as far as Mr. Ellison's beliefs and questionable history with Louis Farrakkan, I don't care for him, that and the fact he's an extreme liberal Dem.
This part will puzzle Blown no doubt on how to accept him:
During the campaign, Mr Ellison was supported by the National Jewish Democratic Council as well as a prominent Minneapolis Jewish newspaper, which endorsed him over his Republican rival Alan Fine, who is Jewish.
And this should probably help as much as hurt:
The Reverend Jesse Jackson, a former candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, also campaigned for him.
Maybe Mr. Ellison will step up and force those of Muslim faith to speak out against radical jihad and islamic militancy. Those are issues I'd like to see addressed and if he does see them as issues, more power to him. Either your for enemies of the state or against them, politics shouldn't get in the way.

12-01-2006, 01:32 PM
If that was the case he would of NEVER been elected. Same would of happend if his constituants had known of his intentions about the Quoran.
You're right; the last openly Atheist elected to public office was Culbert Olson, Governor of California 1942-1945. His granddaughter Karen, also an Atheist, was elected PMOY for 1998. I guess Playboy readers don't have the same problem with Atheists you do.
I still don't understand your problem with Ellison wanting to be sworn in on the Koran. I'm the one who has the problem with it. I don't want to see ANY elected official sworn in on ANY religious book. The Constitution is the Law of the Land not a religious book.

Old Texan
12-01-2006, 01:44 PM
yes, yes, and yes,...I don't get it, Minn? of all the places. If they voted for change...they'll get it.
Hey Knotbad...quote some scripture for us would ya? There's a Bible page from whence you can copy/paste. LBJ's favorite was Isiah 1:18-19; 18 ¶ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
is your 20? or some other?
Remember Knothead is an athiest. He isn't a child of (any) God. And from the content of his posts I sometimes wonder if that isn't right in "his world", cause there surely doesn't seem to be any general scheme of things present in Knothead's lil' Utopian planet. Mass confusion in the rainbow skied world.

12-01-2006, 02:51 PM
Seems to me the whole thing is "much ado about nothing". If the Koran is the book that he thinks is holy, then, that is the one that swearing on is most likely to help him stay true to his oath.
P.S. To those who think he should swear on the Constitution. That is coverd in the oath. The point is to swear by what you hold holy, to uphold the Constitution. Perhaps Atheists on the left could swear on Thomas More's "Utopia" and Atheists on the right could swear on Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". :wink:

12-01-2006, 04:10 PM
You're right; the last openly Atheist elected to public office was Culbert Olson, Governor of California 1942-1945. His granddaughter Karen, also an Atheist, was elected PMOY for 1998. I guess Playboy readers don't have the same problem with Atheists you do.
I still don't understand your problem with Ellison wanting to be sworn in on the Koran. I'm the one who has the problem with it. I don't want to see ANY elected official sworn in on ANY religious book. The Constitution is the Law of the Land not a religious book.
This county was founded on Christian beliefs. This is a Christian country (well 85 % anyways). To be sworn in on the Koran at this time in our history is an insult. A slap in the face if you will. My problems with it are based mearly on principle.
Why is it that Muslums in this country insist on insulting our culture? First with the dumb bitch that wanted to wear her "do rag" in her DMV phote and now this asshole. They have absolutly no respect for our laws and culture.

12-01-2006, 04:24 PM
This county was founded on Christian beliefs. This is a Christian country (well 85 % anyways). To be sworn in on the Koran at this time in our history is an insult. A slap in the face if you will. My problems with it are based mearly on principle.
Why is it that Muslums in this country insist on insulting our culture? First with the dumb bitch that wanted to wear her "do rag" in her DMV phote and now this asshole. They have absolutly no respect for our laws and culture.
1. Wrong. You won't find the Xian god in the Constitution.
2. Wrong again. 14%(or 31,000,000 people) describe themselves as running the gamut from Atheism to Secular Humanism. 5% are of the other religions.
3. There's no insult to want to be sworn in on a book you believe in rather than a book you don't.
4. Islam slaps you in the face? We see how you fundie Xians tolerate others.
5. Your "principles" suck.
6. He's not insulting our "culture". It is a diverse culture comprised of many different faiths and no faiths.
7. Do you know Congressman Elliot well enough to call him an asshole? Has he done anything to YOU to earn that sobriquet?
8. Blanket condemnations do not earn my respect, and neither did your post. But that's ok we're in the process of ridding the Congress of those of your ilk who think as you do. It will be a better Congress with more civility.

12-01-2006, 04:49 PM
1. Wrong. You won't find the Xian god in the Constitution..
Read it!!!
2. Wrong again. 14%(or 31,000,000 people) describe themselves as running the gamut from Atheism to Secular Humanism. 5% are of the other religions..
I said 85% you said 81%. Polls are + - 4%. I was hardly wrong. Your numbers proove as well as mine that this is a Christian nation. I win.
3. There's no insult to want to be sworn in on a book you believe in rather than a book you don't..
It's better to live in a country that you believe in that one that you don't. So when yah movin??
4. Islam slaps you in the face? We see how you fundie Xians tolerate others..
Have you seen how Muslum fundies tolerate others? I'll take my way anyday.
5. Your "principles" suck..
You have no principles so I don't expect you to understand.
6. He's not insulting our "culture". It is a diverse culture comprised of many different faiths and no faiths...
Yes he is. I am insulted as are many others. That's why it made the news.
7. Do you know Congressman Elliot well enough to call him an asshole? I like boys. Has he done anything to YOU to earn that sobriquet?..
Yes he has. It's not what he has done to me that matters. With that thinking what has Bush done to you??? It's the represntation that insults me. He is an asshole.
8. Blanket condemnations do not earn my respect, and neither did your post. But that's ok we're in the process of ridding the Congress of those of your ilk who think as you do. It will be a better Congress with more civility. I'm gay
Shall we take a poll and see who has more respect here on this board? You or me! Have you seen the polls of how people feel about him being sworn on the Koran?? He is a representation of the liberal left and now people are going against his judgments. People who voted for him. Why??.
Do you actually re-read the things you type or are you so used to cut and paste posts that you forget to do a "reality check" on the things you print /submit. :rolleyes:

Old Texan
12-01-2006, 08:55 PM
Do you know Congressman Elliot well enough to call him an asshole? Has he done anything to YOU to earn that sobriquet?
Elliot could PM the moderators and tell them he was getting picked on by that big ol' meanie QuickJet.
Of course I suppose only big ol' whiner's with no confidence in their hairbrained beliefs do that........ :crossx:

12-01-2006, 09:35 PM
Elliot could PM the moderators and tell them he was getting picked on by that big ol' meanie QuickJet.
Of course I suppose only big ol' whiner's with no confidence in their hairbrained beliefs do that........ :crossx:
ha ha ha So true :D