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View Full Version : Taking Dumps in Public Bathrooms

12-13-2006, 03:53 PM
I am sitting in a Starbucks with my laptop going on the T-Mobile Hotspot. Sending some emails and estimates back to the shop. gotta love wireless, I can get bids done in hours instead of days now. No more yellow notepads, deciphering my notes, proofreading what the office manager thinks I meant.
I write it up and email it in. Technology as it should be. Improving production. Our customers thinks its the shit too. We can get a job awarded in the morning, done by 5:00 and they have pictures sent to their email in hours. Awesome.
So anyway as I finish off my Carmel Frappacino, I realize I have the urge to purge, but I hate pinching one off in a public toilet. If the need is really urgent I will give it spit shine and polish it off with the tp, but its not anything I look forward to.
At the office at least I know who else's asses have been on the seat. We even have a big box of ass gaskets there. If the kids need to get dropped off at the pool there, that's OK, but not in a restaurant or store if I can help it.
I can't imagine I am alone in this feeling????
Man----->holding it in till I get home<-----delon

12-13-2006, 03:55 PM
if they don't have a paper ass gasket... I don't sit down...

That Guy
12-13-2006, 03:56 PM
I am sitting in a Starbucks with my laptop going on the T-Mobile Hotspot. Sending some emails and estimates back to the shop. gotta love wireless, I can get bids done in hours instead of days now. No more yellow notepads, deciphering my notes, proofreading what the office manager thinks I meant.
I write it up and email it in. Technology as it should be. Improving production. Our customers thinks its the shit too. We can get a job awarded in the morning, done by 5:00 and they have pictures sent to their email in hours. Awesome.
So anyway as I finish off my Carmel Frappacino, I realize I have the urge to purge, but I hate pinching one off in a public toilet. If the need is really urgent I will give it spit shine and polish it off with the tp, but its not anything I look forward to.
At the office at least I know who else's asses have been on the seat. We even have a big box of ass gaskets there. If the kids need to get dropped off at the pool there, that's OK, but not in a restaurant or store if I can help it.
I can't imagine I am alone in this feeling????
Man----->holding it in till I get home<-----delon
LMAO.......give it a spit shine and polish it off with the tp.....classic..:crossx: :crossx:
That ----->sickened thinking of Mandy taking a sh!t <----- Guy

12-13-2006, 03:57 PM
Sitting in a Starbucks on your Computer? Your such a Fag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crossx: :crossx:

12-13-2006, 03:59 PM
Did you ever notice how those but gaskets become free cowboy hats at 2 am in most bars.

12-13-2006, 04:01 PM
this forum is officially taking a dump.... in public.....:mix: :mix:

12-13-2006, 04:02 PM
Where is Tom Brown when you need him?

12-13-2006, 04:04 PM
America is going to be wiped out by the common cold in 2023 because of this.
The world is a dirty place. It has been for millions of years. The more we innoculate ourselves against it, the less likely we are going to be to survive long-term.
People seem to always be sick now. Not me though. People sick all around me, all the time. I manage to avoid it for the most part. What is my secret?
Ever since being back in the Navy I have actually taken opportunities to eat something that touched the counter. I grab that damn handle on the bathrooom door. I wipe my eyes. I sit on the toilet. I don't sit on piss though... that's just gross. I will wipe it if need be... but you won't see me making paper mache all over the seat for an insulator.
I eat stuff that hits the ground. I do it on purpose, even though all of my social conditioning tells me not to. I kiss my dog on the nose. I know what she does with that nose around the yard... but she NEVER gets a cold.. what does she know that I don't?
Take the little opportunities to build a stronger immune system and you don't need flu shots. I am not saying go swimming in Malaria ponds... but don't act like a public pool is a Malaria pond either.

12-13-2006, 04:05 PM
It isn't someting most folks look forward to.
I am fairly certain of that.
I also wonder how many folks have such highly honed multi-tasking skills as our esteemed Mandelon.
On the other hand, it is a shame when you consider that such highly personal reading time has been pulled into the workplace. Is there no end to the never-ending Time and Motion Study Syndrome, where we are constantly striving to do more in less time?
Or, is this just the result of spending too much time in the office at work farting around on ***boat, and having to find a place to make up that time?

12-13-2006, 04:11 PM
...Or, is this just the result of spending too much time in the office at work farting around on ***boat, and having to find a place to make up that time?
We don't really talk about that kind of stuff around here.... everything else is fair game, but nobody is really ready to confront that particular demon just yet. Those that have aren't here anymore if you catch my drift... ;)

12-13-2006, 04:12 PM
Hope you don't get hepetitis (sp?) off of one of those toilet seats some day Wes....
You have any idea how quickly Hepatitis is killed when it comes in contact with oxygen?

12-13-2006, 04:14 PM
Sitting in a Starbucks on your Computer? Your such a Fag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crossx: :crossx:
My thought exactly... with a friggin frappawhut???? If I got caught by my wife or friends, I would eat crow.
Brokeback mandy..

12-13-2006, 04:16 PM
Hope you don't get hepetitis (sp?) off of one of those toilet seats some day Wes....
You have any idea how quickly Hepatitis is killed when it comes in contact with oxygen?
It isn't even contageous by kissing, let alone sitting on a cold throne.
Most virus' and other bugs can't survive seconds without the warmth of the body and exposure to oxygen.

12-13-2006, 04:19 PM
I know one of my sisters caught it that way. Not good
Really. Is that the story, or for real, because I just checked my info and it can be passed by sex, needle or by eating food tainted with the feces of a Hepatitis carrier in transmitive mode. It can't be passed on by casual contact, handshakes, kissing, breathing or food handling.

12-13-2006, 04:20 PM
By the way....I agree with most of what you are saying Wes but not the toilet seat. Nasty stuff there. Shopping carts at your food store are another very bad place, actually one of the worst when it comes to germs.
Like I said, I will wipe down a gross seat, but when germs are concerned, that which does not kill you will make you stronger...

12-13-2006, 04:21 PM
America is going to be wiped out by the common cold in 2023 because of this.
The world is a dirty place. It has been for millions of years. The more we innoculate ourselves against it, the less likely we are going to be to survive long-term.
People seem to always be sick now. Not me though. People sick all around me, all the time. I manage to avoid it for the most part. What is my secret?
Ever since being back in the Navy I have actually taken opportunities to eat something that touched the counter. I grab that damn handle on the bathrooom door. I wipe my eyes. I sit on the toilet. I don't sit on piss though... that's just gross. I will wipe it if need be... but you won't see me making paper mache all over the seat for an insulator.
I eat stuff that hits the ground. I do it on purpose, even though all of my social conditioning tells me not to. I kiss my dog on the nose. I know what she does with that nose around the yard... but she NEVER gets a cold.. what does she know that I don't?
Take the little opportunities to build a stronger immune system and you don't need flu shots. I am not saying go swimming in Malaria ponds... but don't act like a public pool is a Malaria pond either.
That will be 2 votes:argue: for thinning out the gene pool, germs are your friends:) if your a clean freak your probably sick more than you should be :(

12-13-2006, 04:22 PM
It depends on what type of hep... the CDC just changed the recomendations for hep C. Some of the things they said to do got me worried.

12-13-2006, 04:22 PM
America is going to be wiped out by the common cold in 2023 because of this.
The world is a dirty place. It has been for millions of years. The more we innoculate ourselves against it, the less likely we are going to be to survive long-term.
People seem to always be sick now. Not me though. People sick all around me, all the time. I manage to avoid it for the most part. What is my secret?
Ever since being back in the Navy I have actually taken opportunities to eat something that touched the counter. I grab that damn handle on the bathrooom door. I wipe my eyes. I sit on the toilet. I don't sit on piss though... that's just gross. I will wipe it if need be... but you won't see me making paper mache all over the seat for an insulator.
I eat stuff that hits the ground. I do it on purpose, even though all of my social conditioning tells me not to. I kiss my dog on the nose. I know what she does with that nose around the yard... but she NEVER gets a cold.. what does she know that I don't?
Take the little opportunities to build a stronger immune system and you don't need flu shots. I am not saying go swimming in Malaria ponds... but don't act like a public pool is a Malaria pond either.
If I ever meet you, please don't take offense if I don't shake your hand. :D

12-13-2006, 04:24 PM
Djunkie, if that is the case you probably don't want to use Mandelon's laptop device, either.

12-13-2006, 04:24 PM
The main problem I have with public restrooms are the nasty "surprises" that are inevitably waiting for you when you open the stall door and check out the throne you so desperately need (or you wouldn't be going there in the first place).
Some of those sights should never be seen by anyone :skull:

12-13-2006, 04:24 PM
If I ever meet you, please don't take offense if I don't shake your hand. :D
None will be taken. You'll probably be sick anyway so I won't want to... ;)

CA Stu
12-13-2006, 04:26 PM
Yabbut, are you man enough to eat at Taco Bell?
CA Stu

12-13-2006, 04:26 PM
None will be taken. You'll probably be sick anyway so I won't want to... ;)
Thats too bad, cause my cold wouldn't kill you, it'd only make your immune system stronger. :D

12-13-2006, 04:26 PM
one of things they recomend which shocked me is if some one in a house hold has it they need to have thier own flat ware marked, so that only they use it.( not sharing, but just for them to use.) They also said to wash it seprate from the others. the made the point about dish washers not getting rid of it all the time.

12-13-2006, 04:27 PM
Well, that is what she said. She is a health junkie and always has been. Only was with one man in her life before he passed away. No drugs and excellant healthy eating habits.
Well, think of it this way... it doesn't even present itself for weeks. If over the course of two to three weeks you can nail down the time that you sat down on a toilet as definitely the time you caught Hep... you lead a sheltered life. Far, far more likely to catch it from food.

12-13-2006, 04:28 PM
Yabbut, are you man enough to eat at Taco Bell?
CA Stu
I said I was trying to bump up my immune system dude... don't take this whole thing to that level. I would rather sit on a piss covered throne than eat at that dumpster... :D

12-13-2006, 04:29 PM
Thats too bad, cause my cold wouldn't kill you, it'd only make your immune system stronger. :D
True that... my loss! :D

12-13-2006, 04:29 PM
Many moons ago we had a reserve deputy who was not carrying his back up weapn securely. He dropped his drawers at the local Lyons to write a letter to the governor, and the weapon, a cheap POS, fell out of its place, striking the floor, causing it to discharge.
The victim, a hapless "Standard" Urinal, bled out and expired at the scene.
The deputy experienced an uncontrolled bowel movment. fortunately, he was positioned in such a fashion(becasue he was gonna take a crap) that the urinal next door was the only victim.
Gotta wath out fer them urinals...sneak up on ya...

12-13-2006, 04:30 PM
Heres another thing... many studies have shown tht only about 50% of the ppl wash thier hands after they use the rest room...since you have to grab the door handle anyways... should you wash yours?

12-13-2006, 04:30 PM
one of things they recomend which shocked me is if some one in a house hold has it they need to have thier own flat ware marked, so that only they use it.( not sharing, but just for them to use.) They also said to wash it seprate from the others. the made the point about dish washers not getting rid of it all the time.
Is Hepatitis C Contagious?
On this Page:
Discussion about contagion of Hepatitis C
About contagion and contageousnessof Hepatitis C
▲TopContagion summary:
Spread by blood; less commonly by sex; not spread by incidental contact such as handshake, hugging, kissing.
▲TopContagiousness properties for Hepatitis C:
Contagious by sex?: Yes
Contagious by physical contact (non-sexual)?: No
Contagious by handshake?: No
Contagious from kissing?: No
Contagious from saliva?: No
Contagious from blood?: Yes
Contagious from blood transfusion?: Yes
Contagious from intravenous needle usage?: Yes
Contagious from needlestick injury?: Yes
Contagious from mother to fetus (transplacental)?: Yes
▲TopContagion summary:
HCV is spread primarily by contact with blood and blood products. Blood transfusions and the use of shared, unsterilized, or poorly sterilized needles and syringes have been the main causes of the spread of HCV in the United States. With the introduction in 1991 of routine blood screening for HCV antibody and improvements in the test in mid-1992, transfusion-related hepatitis C has virtually disappeared. At present, injection drug use is the most common risk factor for contracting the disease. However, many patients acquire hepatitis C without any known exposure to blood or to drug use. (Source: excerpt from Chronic Hepatitis C Current Disease Management: NIDDK)
Primarily through contact with infected blood; less commonly, through sexual contact and childbirth. (Source: excerpt from Viral Hepatitis A to E and Beyond: NIDDK)

12-13-2006, 04:31 PM
I always grab the handle with a paper towel..

CA Stu
12-13-2006, 04:32 PM
I said I was trying to bump up my immune system dude... don't take this whole thing to that level. I would rather sit on a piss covered throne than eat at that dumpster... :D
I just don't use antibacterial soap and I'm not a germ nazi, either.
I get sick maybe once a year, and that's it.
Once you have children and are up to your elbows in plss and shlt for a while, it's kinda hard to be prissy. Potty training sucks. :idea:
CA Stu

12-13-2006, 04:38 PM
when I go to a hotel room the first thing I do is take the damn cover off the bed and throw it to the side. Lots of stuff on the bedspreads as they are not cleaned often. I make sure I wear flip flops also while walking around the room and taking a shower. Does that make me a crazy person, no. I have a very good tolerence to germs but why expose yourself if not needed.
OK, look here Mr. Hughes... ;)
The comforter is warm and comforting. I don't strain my food through it... I sleep under it. I am pretty sure that the bedspread at the local Holiday Inn has less bacteria on it than the piles of pine needles I have slept under before. Guaranteed it has less ants.
I wear flip flops, but only because of athletes foot. That sucks, doesn't kill you and does have some staying power in wet environments.
Don't get me wrong... I wash my hands before I eat, wash my hands after using the bathroom etc... but only because my hands are usually dirty and need washing. Most times I go to the bathroom in public it's to wash my hands.
I just don't go out of my way to avoid germs. They are out there, and those with the best, most comprehensive immunities will be unaffected by them for the most part.

12-13-2006, 04:40 PM
Hmmmm...interesting. Maybe I will ask her again. It was a long time ago. Got my curiousity going
Well, I am not trying to say it didn't happen like that, but if I got sick and found out I had Hep, I don't think the episode with a public toilet would come up on my radar as to where I got it from. I think I would look at partners, possible cuts on my fingers etc... tools, hospital and ER stays etc...

12-13-2006, 04:43 PM
actaully the thing you don't want to touch in a hotel room is the TV remoute... just think about it...
if you can't figure it out...think about the channels you have to pay for...

12-13-2006, 04:59 PM
One of my lifes proudest moments occured while dumping in a public restroom, a huge one in a campground in Yosemite that even had shower stalls in it it was so huge.
So I'm i'm minding my own business taking the most foul dump humanly imaginable when two guys walk in....................one of threm screams "Oh my fawking gawd!" while the other one starts gagging while they turned tail and ran! I think the one puked outside. If I wasn't taking a crap I would have chit myself I was laughing so hard.
I aint going to say what I was eating prior to this moment of glory.:D

12-13-2006, 05:05 PM
One of my lifes proudest moments occured while dumping in a public restroom, a huge one in a campground in Yosemite that even had shower stalls in it it was so huge.
So I'm i'm minding my own business taking the most foul dump humanly imaginable when two guys walk in....................one of threm screams "Oh my fawking gawd!" while the other one starts gagging while they turned tail and ran! I think the one puked outside. If I wasn't taking a crap I would have chit myself I was laughing so hard.
I aint going to say what I was eating prior to this moment of glory.:D

12-13-2006, 05:06 PM
those guys must have been gay.

12-13-2006, 05:11 PM
Hey, I made it back to the office with only a few unwanted twitches and what Tom Brown calls prefecal farts.....I hate how they linger in the truck. You know how it still stinks when you get back in 20 minutes later....:hammerhea
For Djunkie, I had to go the Starbucks because my T-Mobile account needed updating and they all have T-Mobile Hotspots. I ordered a Carmel Frapaccino. Its coffee with ice, whipped in a blender. Like a coffee flavored slurpee. then they bump the top with some whipped cream and drizzle carmel topping on it. It comes with a domed lid and a straw.
They are delicious. If you think that's gay, well then don't let us see you eat an ice cream. Some body who is still single at your age and still lives with his mom ought not to talk shit about gayness anyway. :) :supp: :)
Man--->headed to the can<-----delon :D

12-13-2006, 05:14 PM
Hey, I made it back to the office with only a few unwanted twitches and what Tom Brown calls prefecal farts.....I hate how they linger in the truck. You know how it still stinks when you get back in 20 minutes later....:hammerhea
For Djunkie, I had to go the Starbucks because my T-Mobile account needed updating and they all have T-Mobile Hotspots. I ordered a Carmel Frapaccino. Its coffee with ice, whipped in a blender. Like a coffee flavored slurpee. then they bump the top with some whipped cream and drizzle carmel topping on it. It comes with a domed lid and a straw.
They are delicious. If you think that's gay, well then don't let us see you eat an ice cream. Some body who is still single at your age and still lives with his mom ought not to talk shit about gayness anyway. :) :supp: :)
Man--->headed to the can<-----delon :D

12-13-2006, 05:16 PM
Damn......wintertime on ***boat Forums....it's getting rough:confused: .....or maybe, some guys just need more roughage to get that shit done at home in the morning:idea:
Worst place to take a crap....on an airplane. Even the first class crapper on an airliner is pretty crappy:cry:
Can someone start a thread on boating (or even Rhinos) now??

12-13-2006, 05:17 PM
Damn......wintertime on ***boat Forums....it's getting rough:confused: .....or maybe, some guys just need more roughage to get that shit done at home in the morning:idea:
Worst place to take a crap....on an airplane. Even the first class crapper on an airliner is pretty crappy:cry:
Can someone start a thread on boating (or even Rhinos) now??
any airline crapper is better then a porta potty at some big public event.

12-13-2006, 05:24 PM
I can only imagine what Tom Brown will add to this thread later. :D

12-13-2006, 05:34 PM
Mr Hughes here....lol
Shit, those bedspreads have cum and blood on them at a minimum. F THAT, you can have em Wes
More if they were doing anal ! Damn swingers.....:hammerhea :supp: :idea: :mix:

12-13-2006, 05:41 PM
I personally wont drop the duece in a public place. Dont like other peoples ass's touching mine. Its kinda like sloppy seconds, the butthole version. I even changed out the toilet seats in our house the day we moved in. Im not a clean freak, but thats one thing im anal about (get it ANAL!!) :supp:

12-13-2006, 05:56 PM
Girls Girls Girls! WTF?
You're afraid of hotel room bedspreads and sheets???
Fer Fawks Sakes!
Christ I've been all over Mexico and the sleeping conditions in the out of the way "motels" would probably scare you back to your mommy's womb!:cry:
One place I ended up in, I pulled the "cover" if you could call it that, back and there was HUGE blood stain in the middle of the sheets! Looked like someone was banging around on a menstrual cycle or someone got fawked up. I flipped the mattress and went to ask for fresh sheets, they told me to fawk off so i went to sleep. This was the motel that for hot water had a shower head that was hooked to electricity with BARE CONNECTIONS! When you turned on the "hot" water the pressure pushed two plates together and this was supossed to heat the water.:2purples: :220v: :220v:
The time I rolled in Baja we got picked up in a cattle truck and got covered in shit while being driven to the nearest town. The only open "motel" was run by a fawking DWARF and had bare plywood sides (well exceot for the little bits of tar paper that hadn't blown off. When I asked for if they had hot water to wash all the cow shit and blood off of me the dwarf grabbed a 12" long 2x4, dipped it in diesel, lit it, and stuck it under a cast iron "boiler" that GRAVITY fed the shower. Sure as hell didn't impart any heat to the water.
I won't even get started on the bugs in the rooms.
Ever worked on a ranch or seen cows get preg tested? The vet greases his arm up to his shoulder and sticks it up the cows ass to feel for the fetus. If you're the ranch hand trying to get the cows into the dehorn chute they are shitting constantly and spewing all over you from head to toe. I guess if I saw some fawker about to ram his arm up my ass to his shoulder I'd shit too!:squiggle: :messedup:
So, chittin in a public restroom? Fawking A! It's cleaner than 90% of the rest of the entire world so hell yes.:D
No bed spread, towels on the bathroom door handles???:rolleyes:

12-13-2006, 05:57 PM
Click on the link for "The Are You Germaphobic Test"
The upgrade kinda jacked the text part of adding a link:hammerhea

12-13-2006, 06:36 PM
Lets just say you and I travel in different circles and leave it at that.....lol
Maybe not anymore.:idea: :D

12-13-2006, 06:44 PM
America is going to be wiped out by the common cold in 2023 because of this.
People seem to always be sick now. Not me though. People sick all around me, all the time. I manage to avoid it for the most part. What is my secret?
I find, if I remain drunk, either the alcohol kills all germs, or I am too drunk, to realize, I am sick!

12-13-2006, 06:47 PM
America is going to be wiped out by the common cold in 2023 because of this.
The world is a dirty place. It has been for millions of years. The more we innoculate ourselves against it, the less likely we are going to be to survive long-term.
People seem to always be sick now. Not me though. People sick all around me, all the time. I manage to avoid it for the most part. What is my secret?
Ever since being back in the Navy I have actually taken opportunities to eat something that touched the counter. I grab that damn handle on the bathrooom door. I wipe my eyes. I sit on the toilet. I don't sit on piss though... that's just gross. I will wipe it if need be... but you won't see me making paper mache all over the seat for an insulator.
I eat stuff that hits the ground. I do it on purpose, even though all of my social conditioning tells me not to. I kiss my dog on the nose. I know what she does with that nose around the yard... but she NEVER gets a cold.. what does she know that I don't?
Take the little opportunities to build a stronger immune system and you don't need flu shots. I am not saying go swimming in Malaria ponds... but don't act like a public pool is a Malaria pond either.
I live the same way. My brother liver just the opposite, he has gloves in his work truck & wipes for everything. Scared of the germies. He's always sick, and so are his kids. I try not to use antibiotics also. The body just builds around them. Now if I can just keep from getting hit by a train.
Late, Mike

12-13-2006, 06:51 PM
So that means you no longer frequent such places?
Not by choice, I do still go to Mexico though.:D
No way in hell I'd take wifey on cross country Mexico trip. I'd like to see if it's stiil the same though.

12-13-2006, 06:55 PM
i don't shit in public(I REALY REALY REALY try not to)cus once i ate at the riverside casino(sea food night) and it didn't settle to good:cry: ,i mean 5 mins after i ate(5 times through the buffit):( "I HAD TO GO,AND GO NOW!!!!!"WELL i ran/walked to the m/room ,found a stall and BLEW THE FOCK OUT!!!!i think my liver went with the frist push!:cry: THEN SILENCE!:confused: ,THE hole mens room started claping,"i got a stand ovation:( one fock said that was the LOUDEST BLOW OUT I HAVE EVER HEARD!:cry: it was along night in the casino
at all costs i try to avoid shitting in public...but sometimes ya gotta go!!!
if it's really bad i always try to courtesy flush since i usually call for them if i walk in a restroom and someones shittin

12-13-2006, 07:01 PM
Oh man I just remembered another one that'll freak the germaphobes out.:D :D :D
I had some friends that all went on these out of the way Mexico trips.
We'd work for a few months and then go down South and drive all over hell for a few months. We ended up in Zihuatanejo when it was still nice and primitive. Their sewer systwm and water mallfunctioned in a "nice" hotel. There was four of us in a suite using the same bathroom, couldnt fluish the toilet for FIVE DAYS!!!!! AWWWWWWWWWWW FAWK!!!!!:2purples: The whole hotel was like that with nowhere else to go, scraeming at the front desk for days they didn't give a flying fawk..................we drank.........a lot.:D :D Im just glad I was impacted and didn't need to crap for the whole time.:supp:

12-13-2006, 07:04 PM
Over 600 Views And 65 Posts........about Taken A Dump.........damn I Love This Place.............dump On Folks Dump On ...........

12-13-2006, 07:04 PM
LOL...Getting soft?
Naw, just old and running out of time to take off to who the hell cares where.
I would fckin LOVE to jump in a camper and drive to Guatamala or further South.:D :D

12-13-2006, 07:06 PM
Aww fck, I just thought of ANOTHER Mexico dumping story!
.I just realized I'm a sick fker!:supp: :D :D

12-13-2006, 07:13 PM
I have no issue leaving dumps in public restrooms (I rufuse to take them). I pretty much live life like Froggy when it comes to germs and whatnot. However, when the wife and I were talking about toilet seats and germs, she turned me on to a piece of info I did not know. While you can't catch a disease from a toilet seat,you can catch scabies.
Causes of SCABIES
- Scabies mites are transmitted through the bodily contact with an infected person, clothing or bed linen. Scabies can also be acquired from a toilet seat.
- The scabies mite can survive for only a limited time off of the human body (usually 24 - 72 hrs).
One of my lifes proudest moments occured while dumping in a public restroom, a huge one in a campground in Yosemite that even had shower stalls in it it was so huge.
So I'm i'm minding my own business taking the most foul dump humanly imaginable when two guys walk in....................one of threm screams "Oh my fawking gawd!" while the other one starts gagging while they turned tail and ran! I think the one puked outside. If I wasn't taking a crap I would have chit myself I was laughing so hard.
I aint going to say what I was eating prior to this moment of glory.:D
You are my new hero!

12-13-2006, 07:47 PM
I have no issue leaving dumps in public restrooms (I rufuse to take them). I pretty much live life like Froggy when it comes to germs and whatnot. However, when the wife and I were talking about toilet seats and germs, she turned me on to a piece of info I did not know. While you can't catch a disease from a toilet seat,you can catch scabies.
You are my new hero!
Yea, well, whatever it is, when you give your wife/gf something..., you tell the wife/gf, "I must have caught it from a toilet seat...I never use those ass gaskets".....:idea:
It's the best defense......:shift:
Not that I know from experience.......:confused:

12-13-2006, 07:47 PM
Not the best thread to read while having dinner but hilarious no less.
76Schiada, you're quite the shitting artist. :D

12-13-2006, 07:56 PM
Not the best thread to read while having dinner but hilarious no less.
76Schiada, you're quite the shitting artist. :D
What do you expect from a Gabacho in Mexico!
How about this idea:
Mexico Weight Loss Bus Tours!!!!!!!
Get on the bus, let us do the driving and we pick the restaurants.
Guarenteed 25#'s a week weight loss!
Bring your own TP.:p :D

12-13-2006, 08:00 PM
With Wes's reasoning we could be fukking our way to immunity from syphillis and Herpes....:hammerhea
Man-->likes it clean<---delon
The smell of people's poo is little micro-particles of their poo that you are breathing into your lungs.... :( :supp:

12-13-2006, 08:02 PM
Froggy style has the right idea, a little germ contact does a body good.
I do my best to avoid taking dumps in public restrooms, ass gaskets or not.
Also, Herpes can be spread by toilet seat contact.

12-13-2006, 08:04 PM
What do you expect from a Gabacho in Mexico!
How about this idea:
Mexico Weight Loss Bus Tours!!!!!!!
Get on the bus, let us do the driving and we pick the restaurants.
Guarenteed 25#'s a week weight loss!
Bring your own TP.:p :D
Yeah supplying TP would break the endevour, the water down there is much cheaper. :D

JB in so cal
12-13-2006, 08:05 PM
With Wes's reasoning we could be fukking our way to immunity from syphillis and Herpes....:hammerhea
Man-->likes it clean<---delon
The smell of people's poo is little micro-particles of their poo that you are breathing into your lungs.... :( :supp:
Take it a step further, and that's what you breathe EVERY DAY. Skin particles; germs from sneezing; fart gas; burp gas; dog and cat farts; cow farts...Shiat! Everywhere you go, you're breating in something form someone.

12-13-2006, 08:07 PM
People seem to always be sick now. Not me though. People sick all around me, all the time.
Only somebody who doesn't have kids could say something like this. Take your teflon arse over to Kindercare for a few days. :220v: :220v:
WTF are the Japanese doing in these toilets - are they laying cable or peeing. Never seen or even thought of doing it this way (stolen from a thread a few days ago)

12-13-2006, 08:10 PM
I've never had too much of a problem taking a dump. Gotta go you gotta go. Mexico, outhouses, whatever. There's lots worse shit floatin around in the air we all breathe daily.
I even washed my hands a few weeks back, just for the hell of it.

12-13-2006, 08:14 PM
Click on the link for "The Are You Germaphobic Test"
The upgrade kinda jacked the text part of adding a link:hammerhea
click on the you are germaphobic test (http://www.okcupid.com/tests/take)
Ok, I figured it out. click the http://***boat.com/forums/images/editor/createlink.gif thing, then paste in you link and hit enter. the link will go into the message box and there will be a highlighted area, just type what you want it to say and the words will appear just like before.

12-13-2006, 08:22 PM
Also, Herpes can be spread by toilet seat contact.
Not likely......
In theory this virus will die very quickly once the temperature drops or the moisture around the virus dries up, but a scenario can be suggested where the temperature and moisture holds on long enough for the virus to survive outside the body for several minutes. This could arise where an infected person leaves the virus in droplets of warm urine on the toilet seat and someone uses that toilet seat within a few minutes and has a cut that comes in contact with that pool of warm urine. To avoid this scenario wipe the toilet seat before using. So unless you've got open sores in your ass and you sit in hot piss, it ain't gonna happen.

12-13-2006, 08:31 PM
All you germophobes must really be scared of outhouses. :skull:

12-13-2006, 08:45 PM
I am like Wes when it comes to germs. I dont get sick too often and I attribute my resistance to germs to....
Eating food if it hits the table or floor (no sissy 10 second rule here :D)
Eating food from americas finest establishments , AM/PM, 7-11, and any restaurant with a "bertos" in the second half. A "B" rating means more flavor:supp:
Not washing my hands with antibacterial soap before grabbing a snack on he jobsite.
I dont use many anti-anything , antibiotics, anti inflammatories, antihistamines. I do use antiperspirant though
I will use a public restroom, I always wipe the seat and at least make my own ass gasket out of tp if there isn't a fancy store bought one available. I even have a johnny pot in my driveway right now and I'm not afraid to use it.
BOB(got sick this year for 2 days)ALOO

12-13-2006, 08:52 PM
I am like Wes when it comes to germs. I dont get sick too often and I attribute my resistance to germs to....
Eating food if it hits the table or floor (no sissy 10 second rule here :D)
Eating food from americas finest establishments , AM/PM, 7-11, and any restaurant with a "bertos" in the second half. A "B" rating means more flavor:supp:
Not washing my hands with antibacterial soap before grabbing a snack on he jobsite.
I dont use many anti-anything , antibiotics, anti inflammatories, antihistamines. I do use antiperspirant though
I will use a public restroom, I always wipe the seat and at least make my own ass gasket out of tp if there isn't a fancy store bought one available. I even have a johnny pot in my driveway right now and I'm not afraid to use it.
BOB(got sick this year for 2 days)ALOO
This explains why i always wake up sick at your house

12-13-2006, 09:04 PM
One of my lifes proudest moments occured while dumping in a public restroom, a huge one in a campground in Yosemite that even had shower stalls in it it was so huge.
So I'm i'm minding my own business taking the most foul dump humanly imaginable when two guys walk in....................one of threm screams "Oh my fawking gawd!" while the other one starts gagging while they turned tail and ran! I think the one puked outside. If I wasn't taking a crap I would have chit myself I was laughing so hard.
I aint going to say what I was eating prior to this moment of glory.:D
That is fantastic . I did a similar thing to a fellow in the stall next to me . He thought pleading to me to flush would solve the problem . Sucker !
I on the other hand make it a point to drop um off at any and all new facilities that I have not been to before. It's kind of like bangin bitches to me .

12-13-2006, 09:09 PM
This has to be an all time favorite thread for me. Too manyy sig lines to choose from.

12-13-2006, 10:27 PM
I am sitting in a Starbucks with my laptop going on the T-Mobile Hotspot. Sending some emails and estimates back to the shop. gotta love wireless, I can get bids done in hours instead of days now. No more yellow notepads, deciphering my notes, proofreading what the office manager thinks I meant.
I write it up and email it in. Technology as it should be. Improving production. Our customers thinks its the shit too. We can get a job awarded in the morning, done by 5:00 and they have pictures sent to their email in hours. Awesome.
So anyway as I finish off my Carmel Frappacino, I realize I have the urge to purge, but I hate pinching one off in a public toilet. If the need is really urgent I will give it spit shine and polish it off with the tp, but its not anything I look forward to.
At the office at least I know who else's asses have been on the seat. We even have a big box of ass gaskets there. If the kids need to get dropped off at the pool there, that's OK, but not in a restaurant or store if I can help it.
I can't imagine I am alone in this feeling????
Man----->holding it in till I get home<-----delon
I already carry a roll of TP in case of emergency, so I'll have to start carrying a s s gaskets as well... A matched set.. a real emergency kit...lol.. Good call...

Tom Brown
12-13-2006, 10:37 PM
The world is a dirty place. It has been for millions of years. The more we innoculate ourselves against it, the less likely we are going to be to survive long-term.
That's gold right there.
Everyone is spending two bucks for a bottle of water when their bodies are designed to handle it. It might be wise to avoid hexavalent chromium, though. :D
Flu shots and isolation are not the answer for most people.
There are people who have been stripped of an effective immune system. For those people, their only choice is flu shots, relentless hand washing, and of course the staples of good health... good nutrition and exercise. Any long term chemotherapy patient is in this situation.
.... so please don't be offended if someone doesn't want to hang out when you have a cold. They may have limited physical ability to deal with it.

Tom Brown
12-13-2006, 11:06 PM
Just how far would you go, Froggy?
.... so my Dad and I are on the way to Lake Okanagan, BC for some boating. It's a 16 hour trip. You know how you get bunged up after long hours sitting in the truck.
Both my Dad and I were consuming large volumes of liquids. My Dad drinks 30+ cups of coffee per day. I drink at least a dozen bottles of water. Needless to say, we stopped a lot.
Just into BC, we pulled into a rest stop to take care of some business. My Dad went first. The above picture is what I was presented with.
Yeah... I did some hovering. I think mine is the dark content at the very top. The cigarette butt is my Dad's.

12-14-2006, 06:49 AM
With Wes's reasoning we could be fukking our way to immunity from syphillis and Herpes....:hammerhea
Man-->likes it clean<---delon
The smell of people's poo is little micro-particles of their poo that you are breathing into your lungs.... :( :supp:
If you just breath those little particles in through your nose they stick to your nose hairs, form a tiny little turd and you'll have to pluck it out.

12-14-2006, 07:09 AM
This has my vote for thread of the year, outfukkingstanding... :skull: :supp: :D

12-14-2006, 07:16 AM
I just do the ol' "BOMBS OVER TOKYO"..Just squat over the toilet , spread your cheeks and fire away!!!

12-14-2006, 07:20 AM
Tom, did you really take a picture of a friggen full toilet?? You are the man.....

12-14-2006, 07:49 AM
I just do the ol' "BOMBS OVER TOKYO"..Just squat over the toilet , spread your cheeks and fire away!!!
Hope your aim is alright. I've had the unfortunate experience of seeing the aftermath of a bombing run gone off course by some squatters in the PortoCrapper out back. :D The guy that pumps the shitters here at the plant has had to perform an "extreme cleaning" a time or two. LOL :D

Tremor Therapy
12-14-2006, 08:05 AM
Oh my god, this has been the best thread for the past 3 months! I was in a pissy mood when I got to work, and now I am laughing my ass off! Bravo gentlemen! Bravo!
Oh and Froggy, I tend to follow your way of life as well. Sick 5 days this year, and all 5 have come just hours after eating at a "Berto's" type of establishment!

12-14-2006, 08:22 AM
Anyone here ever step into a Biffy, let the door slam behind you and realize they just stood the fcking porta potty back up after the backhoe knocked the fawker over and rolled it down the little fuking embankment that it was setting next too?:supp: :cry:

12-14-2006, 08:55 AM
Anyone here ever step into a Biffy, let the door slam behind you and realize they just stood the fcking porta potty back up after the backhoe knocked the fawker over and rolled it down the little fuking embankment that it was setting next too?:supp: :cry:
No, but I've dropped a couple of M80s into one just for the hell of it. Pretty messy. LOL

Baja Big Dog
12-14-2006, 09:36 AM
Hey, when the kids wanna swim you gotta take um to the pool.....
Thank gawd I dont need "Home field adventage".
Got a house in Mexico, took a new gitrlfriend down for a 4 day trip, when we were on our way back about a mile from home she told me to drop her off and come back in an hour....HUM....found out she needs home field advantage and couldnt shiit in strange places...crazy bitch went almost 5 days without a Shiit......I about crapped when I heard that, how can they do that? It must go along with anyone that can bleed for 4 days and not die!!!