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01-17-2007, 05:51 PM

01-17-2007, 06:14 PM
Damn that looks like fun.
If they had something like that around here I'd be participating.
One of those 21' ers standing vertical at 70 mph looks hairy.
I bet one of those would be big fun for wave jumping on Lake Michigan too.
I talked to the manufacturer (Eagle) about one a few years back before I got the Stealth.

01-17-2007, 06:54 PM
Damn! They put the meanning in LIFT and CRAZY CANADIANS:D Those dudes are crazy!!!

01-17-2007, 10:36 PM

sanger ss396
01-18-2007, 09:43 AM
i use to drive one of those white water race boats back in the early 90's. most of the racers had motors 427 chevy up to a 540 cu. in. each race leg could be as long 50 or 60 miles without a break. then you would turn around and run back to where you started. an average break was 1 to 2 hrs. then you would do it all over again. on sat. you would run up and back and then on sunday the same thing some of classes were radared at and over 120mph. yet the motors would live and putting out 800 to 1000hp. there are some great vidios out of the racing. i will post later how you can get these vidios

01-18-2007, 10:40 AM
Those guys are badass!! If I was rich, Iwould race a trophy truck in the baja1000 and a badass aluminum jet in Canada!!!

01-18-2007, 11:35 AM
Few if anyone doing this type of racing is 'rich'. Thats by no means what this sport is about. If anything its just the opposite, guys finding a way to make it work and get up and back like was said. Thats the challenege, most of the time its not about being fastest its about challenging yourself and the boat and just finishing period.
Not many boats are seeing 120 but it happens. The old school race video's and alot of the stuff Ive been discovering since I started conciously trying to collect this stuff is insane. You guys think we're nuts? Go oldschool, knock off about 20-30 mph, take away your seatbelt AND your rollcage, run some of the roughest water you have ever seen AND do it in a glassboat built for lake use! My hats definatly off to the early pinoneers in this sport cause we look at them like THEY were nuts.
Its a total rush for sure and lilrick you're not that far from the US scene you should at least go watch a race, you too just may get hooked! (I think thats how everyone in this sport starts)

01-18-2007, 11:54 AM
What a rush i bet...That has to be killer on a pump to load and unload like that..What about safety doats out there or something..Looks like if yo get mixed up and lose it you might be fawked...

01-18-2007, 02:22 PM
Its really not as dangerous as it looks at times. I mean certainly you can get hurt or killed even but thats rare. There is a very well organised group of rescue boats which are stationed at critical points on the courses. everyone in the sport is very concious and concerned about everyon'e safety, especially those who are new to the sport/less expereinced.
Sanger would love to hear some stories about your expereinces and maybe even post some pics up for us. If I can help you out to do that or anything else by all means PM me

bottom feeder
01-18-2007, 06:03 PM
I will dig up some old pics from the Payette River race. Old school style. The first time I rode was three wide (Driver Navigator and Mechanic) APBA rules no seat belt no crash bar, but we did ware a brain bucket. The boat was a eliminator mostly. Their was some crazy canucks down in a V-drive with a blown BBC that took the overall. was not much later they changed the race to the Payette River Jetboat race:eek: I have some old tee shirts from them days. Maby they would fit my kids now:( I seen people like Doug Riddle, Wendal Holton, and several other unlimited radared but the state police (old school qualifying) over 115 in the late 80's early 90"s

01-18-2007, 06:32 PM
that looks fun....:)

01-18-2007, 08:32 PM
i agree looks like fun!

01-18-2007, 09:54 PM
other than Wooo-Hoooo, I am speechless :2purples: