View Full Version : Open vs Closed Helmet

Fire Water
01-26-2007, 01:17 PM
Got a question. I was reading an earlier post and saw that open face helmets are being ruled out. I understand the added protection but it seems to me there is an valid augument for using an open face.
Scenario would be: Boat crashes, when emergency personel arrive they find the driver in full cardiac arrest. In order to perform cpr the helmet must be removed. If the driver has suffered a neck or skull fracture removal of the helmet could cause more injury.
I have seen some new helmets where the entire chin gaurd will rotate, but don't know what the rules say about those.
Am I missing something. I don't race, just curious.

01-27-2007, 04:33 AM
The post you are referring to had to do with helmets for capsule boat drivers only. The problem with an open face helmet and a fighter pilot mask is that in a crash, the mask can be pulled off and the driver then has no air source if the capsule went down.
As for open boat drivers wearing helmets, I prefer a full face helmet simply because nobody can hear me scream like a little girl who just peed her pants on the playground as I go down the track!

centerhill condor
01-27-2007, 08:09 AM
open face helmet wearers can get face mangled more than closed face wearers. You hit your face on the dash and lose control for that important split second. On bikes open helmets for closed caskets.

01-27-2007, 10:17 AM
This argument can go for a long time.I myself prefer the full face over the open.I also wear contacts so a full makes it easier for me so i get less wind ans like said above is that if you do face plant into the deck of boat or hit the water face first it is going to leave a mark.
The drawbacks on full face are periphial vision(didnt matter to me as i really only look straight),If you were in the water you might feel lil clostiphobic,and one thing i never thought of is the cpr thing and possible back injuries.Buth that is about all i can think of
Open can be what was mentioned but i dont have any experience with an open face just depends on what you want to wear i guess and its your head and choice.

01-27-2007, 03:27 PM
srew the helmets they dont help, i lost three good friends last year on bikes within 6 months. R.I.P. mother fukrs.

01-27-2007, 06:05 PM
The post you are referring to had to do with helmets for capsule boat drivers only. The problem with an open face helmet and a fighter pilot mask is that in a crash, the mask can be pulled off and the driver then has no air source if the capsule went down.
This is correct ... when he is refering to the mask being pulled off, he means during the accident not by the driver ... and this has caused some serious injuries to some driver's faces in the past ...
As far as CPR/head & neck injuries ... I know that NJBA & IHBA Rescue Teams have EMT's & in some cases Paramedics on board
Good question though ...

01-28-2007, 01:46 PM
The patients need for effective cpr and airway management in an arrest situation makes it necessary to remove the helmet, most Paramedics nationwide have had proper training in removing headgear, and the truth of the matter is very few patients requiring cpr following a crash have a good outcome, and for the guy that says helmets dont help, sorry about your loss but you are as far from the truth as you can get.........I have heard the argument that open face helmets will relieve entering water pressure better than full face helmets as far as getting your head ripped off during a boat crash, dont know the answer to that one, but I do like the looks of the open face with the "cheek guards" that some boat racers wear.......Vic