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View Full Version : RIP Amber Lee Hill, you will be missed.

01-26-2007, 02:57 PM
RIP Amber Lee Hill
Any of you in OC catch the news these past few weeks?
I am not a big news watcher or TV watcher for that matter, so I didn't catch a thing.
Well she was Amber Lee Wenzler when I knew her. We dated off and on for four years.
I got a call last night about her disappearance earlier in January and that she was found murdered this Wednesday.
It is hard to know what to feel since I married and I haven't seen her since 2001 or so, but I can't help to be sad and hope her passing was quick.
She wasn't a person I would think would bring something like this upon herself or otherwise put herself in harm's way.
Certainly not a person who deserved to be rolled up in plastic and tossed off the side of a road.
I have thought about her from time to time, just like you do for an old friend. I hoped she and her daughter Jennifer were OK and doing well in their lives. I guess I won't have to think about that anymore.
I felt friendship, love, trust, nurturing, and now I feel hate, anger and rage.
Hate, anger, and rage, towards someone whom I don't even know, someone who killed my friend, for reasons unknown to me.
It is sad when you hear someone was murdered, but when you find out it was someone who was once so close to you, the news becomes poignant.
To whomever felt it was necessary, I hope you get what is coming to you.

01-26-2007, 03:20 PM
That really sucks man...:(

01-26-2007, 03:26 PM
That blows! Just because you have married doesn't make it any easier! I know I carry alot of love for a few girls I have loved.....good or bad they are what makes us who we are today!

01-26-2007, 03:27 PM
sorry to hear about your friend. :(

fat rat
01-26-2007, 03:42 PM
Sorry for your loss..............I can't imagine what it feels like.

01-26-2007, 03:46 PM
Wow, sorry to hear that Brian. Prays to all that knew and loved her.

01-26-2007, 03:47 PM
This whole story pisses me off. I cant beleive how long the cops waited to search the canyon after finding her wallet and a few other things less than a mile away.

01-26-2007, 03:48 PM
So sorry to hear this.

01-26-2007, 04:37 PM
Hey B., I was shocked and saddened to hear that you knew this girl, Amber. I had been seeing it in the news, and it was a tough story. My sympathies to you and her family and friends. It's good to see you speak out about it, because it will help you to get some feelings out. Like someone said before, you can't help but feel impacted, as it's those people and relationships we've had that help shape who we are.
I hope they solve this heinous crime quickly. She sounds like she was a wonderful girl. R.I.P. Amber Hill. :(

01-26-2007, 05:25 PM
I had heard about it on the news as well. Sorry to hear it :( . I hope they catch the son of a bitch (or bitches) and carry out immediate justice.

01-26-2007, 05:39 PM
May the Lord belss and keep you and her family. May she rest with God in Peace!

01-26-2007, 06:22 PM
Very sorry to hear of this Brian, I know they say she was part of a court case, possibly testifying or an investigation that may be linked to her disappearence, any news on that side of the story?

01-26-2007, 07:40 PM
Very sorry to hear of this Brian, I know they say she was part of a court case, possibly testifying or an investigation that may be linked to her disappearence, any news on that side of the story?
Thanks for the kind words.
No news as of yet.

01-26-2007, 07:43 PM
I am sorry that Amber's life was taken from her.
I am sorry that you have suffered this loss.
I hope for justice for those responsible.
I Pray that we never lose sight of the value of every human life.
I think your post is an excellent one and perhaps is in itself a fitting eulogy for Amber for it shows how much she touched your life.

01-26-2007, 07:46 PM
Check your PM's

01-26-2007, 07:51 PM
I have said it before and I will say it again....
This site is the absolute best for a multitude of reasons.
A few inquiries to forum members and I got an address for her daughter, sure as shit, she lives a half mile from my house.
It felt good to chat with her and her new husband.
Services are set, and it will be good for me to go.
Hopefully LE will apprehend the worthless phuck who killed my friend.
I can only hope.
To those with kind words, I thank you, I do. It means alot to me.
To you two members who dilligently produced the information I sought, a big THANK YOU!!!!
It means more to me than you know.

01-26-2007, 07:55 PM
Check your PM's
Thank you.

01-26-2007, 08:25 PM
Thank you.

04-27-2008, 09:10 AM
I wanted to bring this back up to the top in Jan.

04-27-2008, 09:50 AM
Very sad and maddening. It is hard to fathom that there are people in society that are capable of these atrocious acts, even though we are constantly told about them happening.
It is a strange and confusing feeling when the news on TV becomes personal to us. We read and hear it all our lives and then suddenly it touches us on the shoulder, like the news of your friend. Most of the time we are not prepared to understand the emotions that we feel. All at once the stories and tragedies that we refer to as "News" take on a realism that confronts us and leaves us disbelieving.
As a poster above said, our histories shape us into who we are. I have 2 ex's and am married now. I am pretty laid back and difficult to make angry. My past wives, in there own way, attributed to my easy going manner by being total bitches in the end. I would not trade any of it, and I worry for them and their families like my own.
Condolences to all involved.

04-28-2008, 05:30 AM
Sorry for your loss. If more people took the time out of their day, as you have to express your feelings, the world would be a better place. She is lucky to have had you in her life.

04-28-2008, 07:27 PM
This whole story pisses me off. I cant beleive how long the cops waited to search the canyon after finding her wallet and a few other things less than a mile away.
RIP:(Sorry to hear about your friend, RIP....Hope the P.O.S gets mutilate before a tree huggin defense attorney gets a hold of that person !!!
Now bash on the cops...OMG !!!

04-29-2008, 08:38 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend, RIP....Hope the P.O.S gets mutilate before a tree huggin defense attorney gets a hold of that person !!!
Thank you for your kind words.
Please don't turn this thread into something it isn't.
Her murder at this point is unsolved and there are no suspects.

04-29-2008, 04:25 PM
Thank you for your kind words.
Please don't turn this thread into something it isn't.
Her murder at this point is unsolved and there are no suspects.
Copy that, wish u the best.....