View Full Version : John Edwards wants to raise Taxes

02-05-2007, 08:50 AM
:mad: Ah yes John Edwards.....Raise Taxes to pay for another socialistic big government program of Healthcare for everyone........Let's continue to not be personally responsible and expect the government to take care of us......amazing!

Old Texan
02-05-2007, 10:35 AM
Edwards knows all about healthcare. He's made a fortune chasing ambulances...........:rolleyes:

02-05-2007, 08:12 PM
Kerry is now whining about being betrayed by Edwards, who interestingly, has claimed that if HE (Edwards) had been the first name on the 2004 ticket, HE could have won.
Have no fear, the Hildabeast's research team's excavator is digging in the dirt as we type, digging the breck-girl's grave.

Blown 472
02-05-2007, 08:42 PM
There are few un answered questions in other threads for you smok n mirrors, to chicken to answer them?

Forkin' Crazy
02-06-2007, 12:21 AM
There are few un answered questions in other threads for you smok n mirrors, to chicken to answer them?
Spell check broken, blown? Or are you doing that on purpose so you will look dumb, or... http://www.***boat.com/ubb/graemlins/idea_2.gif

Old Texan
02-06-2007, 06:04 AM
There are few un answered questions in other threads for you smok n mirrors, to chicken to answer them?
Now Blown give the man a break, you have left so many questions unanswered it's hard to find the others. Then there is the definition of an answer. You and PX are quite "liberal" on your interpretation of what constitutes a proper answer. Some how "Eat dogshit and die" doesn't really answer much, but it shows a lot......:devil:

02-06-2007, 08:07 AM
And of course blown had no reasonable defense or response to another far left big government candidate that wants to take more money out of our pockets for the few that don't want to go to school and take personal responsibility to better their life under one of the few systems that allows that to happen in the world......Many in this country want to be trapped and refuse to take responsibility under the guise of the governmen handouts and entitlement programs......Take a drive out into one of the neighborhoods duing the middle of the day, get involved with your local police/parole/probation department and take an honest look at many of these people......you can lead them to water but many like the handout much more teaching their kids and trapping them in the entitlement web......Don't work hard and go to school to pay you bills, medical expenses, grocery bill, but the vote let and they will provide for you! :mad:

02-06-2007, 04:28 PM
There are few un answered questions in other threads for you smok n mirrors, to chicken to answer them?
I'm trying to equal your score of unanswered questions blown, but I'm not sure I'll live long enough. I've only got about 50 to 60 years left in me.

Blown 472
02-06-2007, 05:29 PM
I'm trying to equal your score of unanswered questions blown, but I'm not sure I'll live long enough. I've only got about 50 to 60 years left in me.
Me thinks you is just chicken, bok bok

02-07-2007, 04:10 AM
Me thinks you is just chicken, bok bok
Ain't that a laffer, and coming from one whose answers are nothing but sexual spits (note my siggy line) and who cries like a bi+@h when someone takes note of his fag trany status.
I only thought last year's BS from your pie-hole was sad and lame. Oh well, you are truly impressive blown. at being non-impressive.

Blown 472
02-07-2007, 05:09 AM
Ain't that a laffer, and coming from one whose answers are nothing but sexual spits (note my siggy line) and who cries like a bi+@h when someone takes note of his fag trany status.
I only thought last year's BS from your pie-hole was sad and lame. Oh well, you are truly impressive blown. at being non-impressive.
As you are little man, you asked for the talmud, now there it is. Please defend the writings in there or perhaps you are follower and you do that stuff?? would make sence as you sure as hell aren't a leader.
What is your stand on that dog vid??

02-07-2007, 02:09 PM
Blown, So your lack of response about Edwards afirms his desire to raise everyone's taxes and you have no intelligent response? You don't mind those rising taxes?:jawdrop:

02-07-2007, 03:52 PM
Blown makes too much money, and he knows it. He also knows the rest of you boat-owning mf'ers also make way too much money. He's more than happy to send more of his income to the feds to spend for him, and you should be too.
If they'd just take it from him up front, he wouldn't have to write so many extra "guilt-checks" later on from his overbulged pocket.
I differ in this belief however, and desire to be clear about this. :D

Blown 472
02-07-2007, 07:26 PM
Blown, So your lack of response about Edwards afirms his desire to raise everyone's taxes and you have no intelligent response? You don't mind those rising taxes?:jawdrop:
Not at all.

02-07-2007, 07:58 PM
As you are little man, you asked for the talmud, now there it is. Please defend the writings in there or perhaps you are follower and you do that stuff?? would make sence as you sure as hell aren't a leader.
What is your stand on that dog vid??
Which thread did you actually want to talk about the Talmud you fear blown? The religion thread I was/am uninterested in? Yea, figures.
What dog vid? The one, for the 3rd or 4th time, that I have not watched?
I have not seen it, so I have no stand on it.

Blown 472
02-07-2007, 08:05 PM
Which thread did you actually want to talk about the Talmud you fear blown? The religion thread I was/am uninterested in? Yea, figures.
What dog vid? The one, for the 3rd or 4th time, that I have not watched?
I have not seen it, so I have no stand on it.
The one about the folks you have aligned yourself with, duh.
Yeah right, you haven't watched it, then why did you post "your point is"??? ring a bell there lil man? you are a waste of bandwidth.

02-08-2007, 03:57 AM
Someone before me wanted to know what your point was, ands if you had a remotely decently valid one, I would have considered watching it.
Since you can't figure it out blown, I'll 'splain it to ya;
I've wasted enough of my life watching "blown's post-a-links" without good reason.
Give me a reason if you want me to see it from now on.

Old Texan
02-08-2007, 05:47 AM
Someone before me wanted to know what your point was, ands if you had a remotely decently valid one, I would have considered watching it.
Since you can't figure it out blown, I'll 'splain it to ya;
I've wasted enough of my life watching "blown's post-a-links" without good reason.
Give me a reason if you want me to see it from now on.
Blown wants his post-a-links to be treated like mountains. "Open them 'cause they are there". No need for relevance to anything or even consideration for source, just give a reaction.

02-08-2007, 10:44 AM
Not at all.
So then why don't you get on your soapbox and attack him for his stupid proposal?:idea:

02-08-2007, 02:06 PM
I liked the proposal I saw last week...piss test to get your welfare check.

02-08-2007, 03:24 PM
I liked the proposal I saw last week...piss test to get your welfare check.
I LIKE that proposal.
Too bad it hasn't got a chance.
Heck yea, they gotta raise taxes. It's gonna cost $300,000 each way every time Speaker Pelosi flies her entourage home to Frisco and back on her new USAF 757.

02-09-2007, 08:38 AM
Add to the piss test turning in actual job search logs documenting that you are actually trying to find employment and if you don't then you pick up trash along the highway............Welfare at work?:idea:

02-09-2007, 12:48 PM
I recall when John Edwards was trying to create division between poor Americans and the rest of us, stating there were "two Americas". In his world, there are definitely Two Americas. There's the America where we normal people live, and there's the world where you rape the legal system, clear cut 100 acres of forest in North Carolina and build a 28,000 sq ft mansion from which you can talk down to the other America about how they aren't giving their "fair share".
P.S. John Edwards lives in the latter version of America.

Old Texan
02-09-2007, 02:08 PM
I recall when John Edwards was trying to create division between poor Americans and the rest of us, stating there were "two Americas". In his world, there are definitely Two Americas. There's the America where we normal people live, and there's the world where you rape the legal system, clear cut 100 acres of forest in North Carolina and build a 28,000 sq ft mansion from which you can talk down to the other America about how they aren't giving their "fair share".
P.S. John Edwards lives in the latter version of America.
I was doing a lot of business travel in NC during the 2004 election and John Edwards is not a "favorite son" among the populace.
As donzi5150 stated, this is what I don't like about him:
On Feb. 5, 2007, Edwards unveiled his plan for universal health care, which would require higher taxes and cost up to $120 billion per year. Edwards said the plan would be paid for by eliminating Republican-passed tax cuts for people earning more than $200,000 per year. "The bottom line is we're asking everybody to share in the responsibility of making health care work in this country. Employers, those who are in the medical insurance business, employees, the American people — everyone will have to contribute in order to make this work".
Big plans from an ambulance chasing silver tongued Medical Malpractice specialist.:mad: