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View Full Version : On Board Battery chargers

02-09-2007, 08:34 AM
Where is a good place to look and find at least a 3 bank on board battery charger? Looking for more of the overnight trickle charge to top the batteries off?
Thanks for your help in advance.

02-09-2007, 09:27 AM
I am into larger boats, own a 38' Silverton Convertible, and the above brand is what all the better boats use. Mine is a 40 amp three bank charger. They have a three step charging system that will not cook your batterys.

02-09-2007, 09:35 AM
I went with the Promariner 120. 2X6amp. One bank has 1 bluetop Optima, the other bank handles 2 bluetops. Either this brand or there are several others. Really nice to just plug it in and forget about it. Batteries are maintained at 13v after 14.5 charge. Fully automatic and isolated. Real nice.
Here's a good thread:

02-09-2007, 11:02 AM