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View Full Version : So, I'm back in the gym...

02-15-2007, 09:02 PM
and can never just take it easy getting back into. I always end up going hard, and the paying the price for the next few days. Can't freakin lift my arms over my head right now......Dohhhh! :hammer2:

Ivan Dan
02-15-2007, 10:24 PM
and can never just take it easy getting back into. I always end up going hard, and the paying the price for the next few days. Can't freakin lift my arms over my head right now......Dohhhh! :hammer2:
Hey Rick....I started back a couple weeks ago and I'm still working through the soreness. I haven't lifted in like 2+ years though. Feels great to get back in the game though huh?!?!

02-15-2007, 10:26 PM
Anyone else Working out?
"I need a partner"

02-15-2007, 10:56 PM
and can never just take it easy getting back into. I always end up going hard, and the paying the price for the next few days. Can't freakin lift my arms over my head right now......Dohhhh! :hammer2:
But can you still lift a 12 ouncer?

02-15-2007, 11:07 PM
Anyone else Working out?
"I need a partner"
Oh fock, here we go...............lol.

02-15-2007, 11:31 PM
Hey Rick....I started back a couple weeks ago and I'm still working through the soreness. I haven't lifted in like 2+ years though. Feels great to get back in the game though huh?!?!
Yep, now if I can stick w/the program. Got a history of heart disease in my family, and I have no interest in a heart attack, so gotta try to stay in some kinda shape. Back playing b-ball, too. Can't give up the beer, though. :devil:

02-15-2007, 11:32 PM
But can you still lift a 12 ouncer?
No pain, no gain. Hurt's to lift the first couple, then it gets easier..:D

02-15-2007, 11:44 PM
Anyone else Working out?
"I need a partner"
Wrong thread.....Homie don't play that :hammer2: .

02-16-2007, 12:50 AM
Sound like a good Idea. Maybe after working out for a while I can ski longer than five minutes.

02-16-2007, 04:44 AM
As much as these threads turn into strange gay shit..... Im heavily into bodybuilding and ALL the supplements that go along with it. I dont sell anything....just try to educate. If you need any info just let me know....

02-16-2007, 05:35 AM
I was hoping this thread wasn't going to be about someone needing a partner to push.......

02-16-2007, 05:36 AM
As much as these threads turn into strange gay shit..... Im heavily into bodybuilding and ALL the supplements that go along with it. I dont sell anything....just try to educate. If you need any info just let me know....
So what do you recommend?

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-16-2007, 06:03 AM
Yep, now if I can stick w/the program. Got a history of heart disease in my family, and I have no interest in a heart attack, so gotta try to stay in some kinda shape.
That is the same reason I work out. Every woman in my family back to great-grandmothers on both sides has died of heart disease. I'm going to break that tradition.

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-16-2007, 06:06 AM
So what do you recommend?
Yes,NB, can you recommend a no-carb protein shake that tastes decent? I've been using the Bally's one, but lately I have to literally choke it down, gagging. I've found that if I chug it, it goes down easier, but I still gag after the fact. LOL

02-16-2007, 06:15 AM
Yes,NB, can you recommend something to make my man's protein taste decent? I have to literally choke it down, gagging. I've found that if I chug it, it goes down easier, but I still gag after the fact. LOL
Poor hubby. Maybe more pineapple in the diet for him? :eek: :D

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-16-2007, 06:22 AM
Poor hubby. Maybe more pineapple in the diet for him? :eek: :D
LOL, I had a feeling as soon as I typed the word "gag" that would be someones twist. :D And yes, pineapple helps ;)
Shouldn't you be working or something? :D

02-16-2007, 06:31 AM
Yes,NB, can you recommend a no-carb protein shake that tastes decent? I've been using the Bally's one, but lately I have to literally choke it down, gagging. I've found that if I chug it, it goes down easier, but I still gag after the fact. LOL
Champion Nutrition
Pure Whey Protein Stack
Cocoa Mocha and Banana Scream are real good not sure about the other flavors

02-16-2007, 06:35 AM
Yes,NB, can you recommend a no-carb protein shake that tastes decent? I've been using the Bally's one, but lately I have to literally choke it down, gagging. I've found that if I chug it, it goes down easier, but I still gag after the fact. LOL
jack and diet coke. :D

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-16-2007, 06:48 AM
jack and diet coke. :D
LMAO While that is very tasty, it lacks the protein supplement that I am looking for. However, I don't gag when it goes down, so you may have something there. http://www.***boat.com/ubb/graemlins/idea_2.gif

02-16-2007, 06:54 AM
so mix in some of that tasteless soy protien supplements...:)
The no carb thing kind of kills you on taste.

02-16-2007, 07:07 AM
If anyone is looking for a different type of workout that might kill you try this out for a month.
Most workouts are very fast 20-30 mins but will put you on the edge of puking 1/2 the time.
This is the stuff guys like Chuck Lidell and other MMA guys are doing except they have transformed it a bit into crosspit

02-16-2007, 07:26 AM
As much as these threads turn into strange gay shit..... Im heavily into bodybuilding and ALL the supplements that go along with it. I dont sell anything....just try to educate. If you need any info just let me know....
What would be a good supplement to help lean out my beer belly, and please do not say stop drinking beer that is not an option. I want to lean out and show some more definition not add bulk.

02-16-2007, 08:09 AM
What would be a good supplement to help lean out my beer belly, and please do not say stop drinking beer that is not an option. I want to lean out and show some more definition not add bulk.
It's all about the diet, buy the book Body For Life it works if you follow it. Or go to Max Muscle and they have a similar program, catch is they want to sell there products to you.

02-16-2007, 08:37 AM
Yes,NB, can you recommend a no-carb protein shake that tastes decent? I've been using the Bally's one, but lately I have to literally choke it down, gagging. I've found that if I chug it, it goes down easier, but I still gag after the fact. LOL
I reccommend ON (Optimal Nutrition) Whey protien for guys. Chocolate is the best. You can get it at www.massnutrition.com or www.prosource.net for best pricing. If your really lifting seriously you need one gram of protien intake for each pound you weigh. Mix it with water like i do or for thicker you can use milk. Almost zero carbs with water. That is a baseline for building. The rest is age, gender and goal oriented. Ive replied to several PM's.....dont be shy. Just give me as much info as you feel comfortable with and I will reccommend what i think might be your best course.....

02-16-2007, 08:40 AM
so mix in some of that tasteless soy protien supplements...:)
The no carb thing kind of kills you on taste.
Carefull of the "Soy Protiens". Lots of them are high in estrogens.....not something a guy needs more of. Just a little FYI........

02-16-2007, 08:44 AM
What would be a good supplement to help lean out my beer belly, and please do not say stop drinking beer that is not an option. I want to lean out and show some more definition not add bulk.
Oh yes....the good ole beer belly. You will not like this answer tho its easy.....drink lots of water....and get some cardio in. 30-40 min a day. If your needing to cut weight and need something to say curb your diet.... try Venom.....if you can handle some decent meds....or Sans "tight" if your very sensitive to meds. Oh, and no carbs after 5pm will help 100% with your weight! Try those few easy things first.....you might be surprised. :D

02-16-2007, 08:55 AM
NB... what do you think of those "Mass Tabs"? I started those last week, for a month.

02-16-2007, 09:58 AM
Sound like a good Idea. Maybe after working out for a while I can ski longer than five minutes.
That's one reason for me too. Headed to Tahoe in a week, and want to last more than a couple runs. Gonna mix in some snowmobiling, too.
As much as these threads turn into strange gay shit..... Im heavily into bodybuilding and ALL the supplements that go along with it. I dont sell anything....just try to educate. If you need any info just let me know....
Cool. At this point I'm just trying to stay in shape and not really add bulk, although I do push the weights pretty aggressively. It's more about performance and staying active and athletic. The heart stuff is real motivation to stay fit. Plus I play b-ball w/some 20 somethings and gotta work to keep up.
That is the same reason I work out. Every woman in my family back to great-grandmothers on both sides has died of heart disease. I'm going to break that tradition.
Bummer. Good to see you're on it, though. I'm thinking w/the info we have now, we can break the cycle. My Grandfather died at 55, and I don't really remember him. My Dad's survived two bypass surgeries, but now has severe dymentia. Cholesterol can affect the brain as well as the heart. Not how I want to spend my later years.

02-16-2007, 10:03 AM
Funny this thread started. I just started working out again yesterday, and I'm about to work out again right now. Its funny but for those who know me, I'm in pretty great shape, and I pay nothing for a gym.
For about the price of a good gym membership, I put a weight bench in my garage about 4 years ago with some dumbells. I spend probably about 45+ minutes 5 days a week in there listening to music and work out. Thats all I need! Way cheaper, and in the off season, I don't get hammered with a bill.

02-16-2007, 10:30 AM
jack and diet coke. :D
Isopure tastes like Cool-Aid. Mix it with Vodka--
Actually Isopure is a good one

02-16-2007, 10:59 AM
Muscle Milk is good protien shake. Lots of flavors. And it mixes well with water. They have a low carb version as well. Remember you need at least 1 gram of protien for every pound of lean body mass. 200 lb guy, 20% body fat needs about 160 grams of protien a day.
For all you people with heart issues. I'm a firm believer in oatmeal. It will help to keep cholesterol down. And since you can buy the handy instant packs. It's fast, cheap and easy. Trader Joe's has good stuff.
And as stated above, no soy for the boys.

02-16-2007, 11:44 AM
NB... what do you think of those "Mass Tabs"? I started those last week, for a month.
ALRI's Bad Ass Mass caps? Those are a natural alternative to steroids. I see no problem with them if you stay with the reccommended doses and durations.
If that is not it let me know the manufacturer......

02-16-2007, 11:49 AM
For all you people with heart issues. I'm a firm believer in oatmeal. It will help to keep cholesterol down. And since you can buy the handy instant packs. It's fast, cheap and easy. Trader Joe's has good stuff.
Agreed 100%!!!! My cholesterol was at 2600, doc said I should be dead or would be soon. Im on meds now and eat oatmeal almost every day. I cheat with the packages of brown sugar stuff.....but its still GREAt for you.

02-16-2007, 09:51 PM
I reccommend ON (Optimal Nutrition) Whey protien for guys. Chocolate is the best. You can get it at www.massnutrition.com or www.prosource.net for best pricing. If your really lifting seriously you need one gram of protien intake for each pound you weigh. Mix it with water like i do or for thicker you can use milk. Almost zero carbs with water. That is a baseline for building. The rest is age, gender and goal oriented. Ive replied to several PM's.....dont be shy. Just give me as much info as you feel comfortable with and I will reccommend what i think might be your best course.....
Ditto on this. I went through half of my ten pound bag of chocolate and got tired, now i have the 5lb tub of the bannana flavor. It's awsome. How you drink it with water I have no idea though..... I like to make smoothies if I have time, or if not I use milk.

02-16-2007, 10:05 PM
I use this and it seems to work great..
I have taken every type of whey protein and can't stand them. The rest of my protein comes from diet. Alot of chicken, tuna, lean beef, eggs, etc... 250g a day takes some work.

02-16-2007, 10:12 PM
I've been trying to do this Body for Life program since the beginning of the year. I haven't been perfect but I've noticed some huge improvements physically. I've probably increased what I could lift by 40% on bench press alone. It works, and since I've quit smoking I have time to do the 20 or 30 minute workouts every morning. I used to go outside and smoke now I just work-out instead.;)

02-17-2007, 06:45 AM
I've had two people call me out....saying im full of shit. So this is me as of 4 months ago.... Im slightly different now...less bodyfat....and a little bigger. You two need to cut me some slack....Im just offering to help people and thier health....... Oh, and Fluffy too :D :D :D

02-17-2007, 06:54 AM
I've had two people call me out....saying im full of shit. So this is me as of 4 months ago.... Im slightly different now...less bodyfat....and a little bigger. You two need to cut me some slack....Im just offering to help people and thier health....... Oh, and Fluffy too :D :D :D
Man NVB!You look great i had no idea that you had blonde hair.:D
Joking aside,it appears as though you are doing something right.Many hrs of discipline and hard work.Good for you and if it came easy everyone would have a great body.

02-17-2007, 07:07 AM
If you have not see this site I think you will like it.
A lot of no nonsense info from all lifting areas (Olymipic, Power, Bodybuilding, Juiced, not Juiced, etc..) Their is a bias for their products (Biotest) on the site, but does not dilute the info.
Good info you are posting keep it up!!!

02-17-2007, 07:15 AM
If you have not see this site I think you will like it.
A lot of no nonsense info from all lifting areas (Olymipic, Power, Bodybuilding, Juiced, not Juiced, etc..) Their is a bias for their products (Biotest) on the site, but does not dilute the info.
Good info you are posting keep it up!!!
Coach P I'm training now with your old kicker Nate. He kicks my A$$. Being a Big USC fan makes it alot of fun.:D

02-17-2007, 08:27 AM
Not Coach P but at Espy. Nate will tear you up! He is a bad ass even as a kicker in the weightroom. The guys at UCLA use to hate that the S&C coach would call them out because the Kicker was out lifting them!

02-18-2007, 07:24 AM
If you have not see this site I think you will like it.
A lot of no nonsense info from all lifting areas (Olymipic, Power, Bodybuilding, Juiced, not Juiced, etc..) Their is a bias for their products (Biotest) on the site, but does not dilute the info.
Good info you are posting keep it up!!!
I do surt t-nation for info along with several others. Public forums, ***boat excluded ;) , are a good source of info if you can see through the BS.

02-18-2007, 08:33 AM
I've been trying to do this Body for Life program since the beginning of the year. I haven't been perfect but I've noticed some huge improvements physically. I've probably increased what I could lift by 40% on bench press alone. It works, and since I've quit smoking I have time to do the 20 or 30 minute workouts every morning. I used to go outside and smoke now I just work-out instead.;)
I've never followed the diet in the body for life program. But I did use the workout schedule and I think it's great way to get started back into working out. Even if you are using a different diet.
I still use the routine of 12-10-8-6 then back to 12 reps. But usually do just one body [art each day.
Oh and hitting any form of exercise when the smoke urge hits is great way to get through it. Worked for me years ago.

20" gun's
02-18-2007, 03:06 PM
Hey Nash you have an ok frame. You would grow a lot better if you eat 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of true body mass. Dont touch Whey that stuff is bull @#$#@. Use an dried egg white( Optimum makes a great one) and eat real meat as much as possible. When digests to fast. It is only good post workout and when you wake up in the morning. Always take it with milk. I dont touch that stuff. Its great for chicks. Good luck

02-18-2007, 03:14 PM
Hey Nash you have an ok frame. You would grow a lot better if you eat 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of true body mass. Dont touch Whey that stuff is bull @#$#@. Use an dried egg white( Optimum makes a great one) and eat real meat as much as possible. When digests to fast. It is only good post workout and when you wake up in the morning. Always take it with milk. I dont touch that stuff. Its great for chicks. Good luck
That's it! ..I'm changing my screen name to 4" pecker and am starting a smoking thread! WTF?? who the fukk calls themselves 20" guns?? Why not log in as size 11 Nike?? or Levis size 36 waist? or 36 " inseam... ???????

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-18-2007, 03:36 PM
Hey Nash you have an ok frame. You would grow a lot better if you eat 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of true body mass. Dont touch Whey that stuff is bull @#$#@. Use an dried egg white( Optimum makes a great one) and eat real meat as much as possible. When digests to fast. It is only good post workout and when you wake up in the morning. Always take it with milk. I dont touch that stuff. Its great for chicks. Good luck
"An ok frame?" He looks great and finds time to run a successful business and keep up a wonderful family. You are hereby called out " 20" guns". Show up a pic. :D

02-18-2007, 04:01 PM
That's it! ..I'm changing my screen name to 4" pecker and am starting a smoking thread! WTF?? who the fukk calls themselves 20" guns?? Why not log in as size 11 Nike?? or Levis size 36 waist? or 36 " inseam... ???????
hoolign... you probably got him beat in the pecker department.:jawdrop: :D

02-18-2007, 06:47 PM
Hey Nash you have an ok frame. You would grow a lot better if you eat 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of true body mass. Dont touch Whey that stuff is bull @#$#@. Use an dried egg white( Optimum makes a great one) and eat real meat as much as possible. When digests to fast. It is only good post workout and when you wake up in the morning. Always take it with milk. I dont touch that stuff. Its great for chicks. Good luck
Well alrighty then.....how about those Titans?????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I have this sneaky suspision I know this cat..... his suggestions sound like someone trying to mess with me and his screen name....uhhhh, ya. Maybe he only collects 20" long guns??? Whaddaya think? :) :)

02-18-2007, 06:49 PM
Well alrighty then.....how about those Titans?????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I have this sneaky suspision I know this cat..... his suggestions sound like someone trying to mess with me and his screen name....uhhhh, ya. Maybe he only collects 20" long guns??? Whaddaya think? :) :)
I think he's only 2 or 3 shy of Ahnold or Ferrigno... Not sure about Coleman...

02-18-2007, 06:50 PM
hoolign... you probably got him beat in the pecker department.:jawdrop: :D
Well that may be so..but ..I was waiting for some info on eating carcenagenic liver @1.5 times my ignoance level...
my fukkin god though. who the hell logs on here as 20" whateverthe fukks and wants to get taken seriously?? what an idiot!:jawdrop:

02-18-2007, 06:51 PM
P.S. Nashvillebound...i'd do ya:D

02-18-2007, 06:57 PM
P.S. Nashvillebound...i'd do ya:D
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

02-18-2007, 07:00 PM
I still use the routine of 12-10-8-6 then back to 12 reps. But usually do just one body [art each day..
Thats pretty much what I do depending on the lift.Here's a smaple of what I do..
Flat Bench/Decline Bench.
135lbs x 15 reps(warm up)
225lbs x 10
275lbs x 8
315lbs x 6
385lbs x 4
390lbs x 2 two sets
When I do Shrugs I try to stay consistant with the weight. Ill do...
405lbs x 15 reps @ 4-6 sets(15-30 second rest between sets)
On back days Ill superset several lifts. Keep the reps @ 15 and low recovery time. This will allow more blood into the muscle. In turn this will yield more pump. Pump causes the muscle to tear(not in a bad way though). When you recover the muscle will replace the torn layer and add another layer on top of that. That is when you develope size;)
If you need any info please dont hesitate to ask me. I train 5 days a week and also personal train on the side.

02-18-2007, 07:01 PM
Looking good Nash. What are your stats bro? What kind of diet are you on?

02-18-2007, 07:04 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
well after ya taught me guitar:D and i meant that in a totally platonic kinda "do ya sence"

02-18-2007, 07:04 PM
I think he's only 2 or 3 shy of Ahnold or Ferrigno... Not sure about Coleman...
Ronnie Coleman.... 24" biceps, 60" chest, 5' 11" 300lbs. Guys an animal.

02-18-2007, 07:05 PM
well after ya taught me guitar:D and i meant that in a totally platonic kinda "do ya sence"
Well shit...I got all tense when i read it. At the next family gathering i'll be watching you.......

02-18-2007, 07:06 PM
Ronnie Coleman.... 24" biceps, 60" chest, 5' 11" 300lbs. Guys an animal.
What I sumize from this is "Mr. 20' guns" is nothing more than a fishing pole amongst Trawlers!:D

02-18-2007, 07:07 PM
Well shit...I got all tense when i read it. At the next family gathering i'll be watching you.......
LMAO!!! Relax... :D

02-18-2007, 07:09 PM
Looking good Nash. What are your stats bro? What kind of diet are you on?
Yo slim....your shruggin 405??? Damnnnnnn. your bench and mine are very simular. At 42 I think my days of pressing 500 are over. Did 485 last summer then hurt my shoulder. Can still leg press 1300. At least something doesnt hurt ;)

02-18-2007, 07:11 PM
What I sumize from this is "Mr. 20' guns" is nothing more than a fishing pole amongst Trawlers!:D
LMAO....you need to stop all this. Im sitting here laughing just too damn much. :D :D :D :D

02-18-2007, 07:12 PM
Yes,NB, can you recommend a no-carb protein shake that tastes decent? I've been using the Bally's one, but lately I have to literally choke it down, gagging. I've found that if I chug it, it goes down easier, but I still gag after the fact. LOL
I make my own custom shakes. I order products from protienfactory.com
They have all kinds of stuff. But I have a very good one and you can enjoy drinking it.
Here is what I use.....
24oz 2% milk
2 cups of liquid egg whites
4 scoops of optimum nutrition's 100% whey protien(vanilla)
1 large bananna
1 dash of nutmeg
This will porduce 44oz of protien shake. It has a little over 200grams of protien in the whole thing. Drink 4 times a day with and between meals. Of course you want to get another 200-250 grams of protien out of meat,cheese,cottage cheese,nuts,etc. peanut butter had a schit load of protien and is very healthy for you. Dont be suprised about the fat content. That is good fat that your body needs!!!!!!! Trans fat=BAD FAT!!!!!
Here are the main ingredients....
these are killer!!!!

02-18-2007, 07:16 PM
Yo slim....your shruggin 405??? Damnnnnnn. your bench and mine are very simular. At 42 I think my days of pressing 500 are over. Did 485 last summer then hurt my shoulder. Can still leg press 1300. At least something doesnt hurt ;)
I just started back trainning. Im in week 6. My flat and decline is 405. I used to shrug 585 a few years ago. Im just getting back into the cwing of things..
My stats are.
5'11,230,10% body fat,18.5 inch bi's,50 inch chest, havent measured the rest yet. Ill be bulking untill the 3rd week of march. Then Ill go on a cutting diet for 8-10 weeks. Then its back to bulking..

02-18-2007, 07:16 PM
Yo slim....your shruggin 405??? Damnnnnnn. your bench and mine are very simular. At 42 I think my days of pressing 500 are over. Did 485 last summer then hurt my shoulder. Can still leg press 1300. At least something doesnt hurt ;)
My Bobcat's tilt is 1350lbs ...Do you people have a clue about hydraulics??? ..have you considered a rental??? I mean really...do you have anything around the house that eliminates a hydraulic rental?? You are benching 4-500lbs?? I got a lil newsflash here.... in order to really 'move it" you have to push it away from you.....HORIZONTILALLY.AWAY..SO IT WILL STAY THERE!!! Not fall back down in the same fukking spot! :D

02-18-2007, 07:17 PM
LMAO....you need to stop all this. Im sitting here laughing just too damn much. :D :D :D :D
He's so far out of "The Circle of trust" he could be called "Saskatchewan" ...20"FOKKER!:mad:

02-18-2007, 07:18 PM
I make my own custom shakes. I order products from protienfactory.com
They have all kinds of stuff. But I have a very good one and you can enjoy drinking it.
Here is what I use.....
24oz 2% milk
2 cups of liquid egg whites
4 scoops of optimum nutrition's 100% whey protien(vanilla)
1 large bananna
1 dash of nutmeg
This will porduce 44oz of protien shake. It has a little over 200grams of protien in the whole thing. Drink 4 times a day with and between meals. Of course you want to get another 200-250 grams of protien out of meat,cheese,cottage cheese,nuts,etc. peanut butter had a schit load of protien and is very healthy for you. Dont be suprised about the fat content. That is good fat that your body needs!!!!!!! Trans fat=BAD FAT!!!!!
That actually sounds good......might just try it.

02-18-2007, 07:19 PM
Hey Nash you have an ok frame. You would grow a lot better if you eat 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of true body mass. Dont touch Whey that stuff is bull @#$#@. Use an dried egg white( Optimum makes a great one) and eat real meat as much as possible. When digests to fast. It is only good post workout and when you wake up in the morning. Always take it with milk. I dont touch that stuff. Its great for chicks. Good luck
You r post wasnt cool at all.....
Some of the info you gave was right but you were in the arong to tellthe man that his frame as ok.
FYI, Casien is BEST at night so your body can digest it all night. Then another serving mixed with whey upon wakeup.
Casien protien is a very slow digestive protien. It allows your body to pull out ALL of the nutrients fromt he supplement.

02-18-2007, 07:22 PM
That actually sounds good......might just try it.
Please do and let me know how you like it. I have been on the liquid eggwhites and they are KILLER!!!! I am making bananna nut breat tonight with them. It will have 200 grams of pure egg protien in it and will take good.
Those liquid egg whites are the next best thing to beer in a can:D I mix them in EVERYTHING. Oatmeal,fruit smoothies, cookies,puddings,gravy,etc. I highly recommend them. You will get addicted to them;)

02-18-2007, 07:22 PM
I just started back trainning. Im in week 6. My flat and decline is 405. I used to shrug 585 a few years ago. Im just getting back into the cwing of things..
My stats are.
5'11,230,10% body fat,18.5 inch bi's,50 inch chest, havent measured the rest yet. Ill be bulking untill the 3rd week of march. Then Ill go on a cutting diet for 8-10 weeks. Then its back to bulking..
Heres my stats..
:D 6" 245 lbs, ROUND IN THE MIDDLE, ass takes up the whole fukknn seat.. Shit stinks to hgh heaven of beef, soup and butter! I MAKE ONE PHONE CALL AND i GET 22 TRUCKS TO MOVE 3.8 MILLION LBS of equipment:D
that's power.,..................and carbs!

02-18-2007, 07:24 PM
I just started back trainning. Im in week 6. My flat and decline is 405. I used to shrug 585 a few years ago. Im just getting back into the cwing of things..
My stats are.
5'11,230,10% body fat,18.5 inch bi's,50 inch chest, havent measured the rest yet. Ill be bulking untill the 3rd week of march. Then Ill go on a cutting diet for 8-10 weeks. Then its back to bulking..
Started HGH 3 months ago..... (scripted just to be clear)..... just now feeling the effects... threw in Test Cyp last week.(this too).. looking for some decent gains here shortly.
6'3", 245 18"bi's and calves 52" chest, 35" waist

02-18-2007, 07:24 PM
You r post wasnt cool at all.....
Some of the info you gave was right but you were in the arong to tellthe man that his frame as ok.
FYI, Casien is BEST at night so your body can digest it all night. Then another serving mixed with whey upon wakeup.
Casien protien is a very slow digestive protien. It allows your body to pull out ALL of the nutrients fromt he supplement.
Once he gets "out" he'll have a whole diffeent attitude! He's just a bit "ANAL" right now! :idea:

02-18-2007, 10:35 PM
200 grams of protein? lol you don't mess around. I packed on 2lbs of lean muscle last week, so the gains are coming. I just have to break out of my "weight equilibrium" without gaining too much fat. Do you guys use 30/40/20 diet?

02-18-2007, 11:32 PM
Im bulking right now so I comsume 3800-5000 cals/400-450g's protien and the carbs come in wherever they are. I do try to minimize my sodium and fat as much as possible. sodium can add 5-10lbs of water weight really quick!!!!
When I am cutting I try to say with 400g's of protien,40g's of fat,200g's of clean carbs,1500-2000 cals.....
I recommend 2 grams of protien per lb of body weight all the time when trying to add muscle!
If you weigh 180lbs then I would consume atleast 375 grams of protien. This will help you burn fat and add muscle. Ill lay down a simple quick diet. Then I have to go back to wiring my boat:eek:
6:30am 24oz protien shake that has whey and casien protien
8:00am 10egg whites with low fat cheese(scrambled),1 cut of oatmeat with fruit
10:00am 12oz protien shake
12:00 2 8oz chicken breasts,1 cup steamed broccoli, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter
2:00 1/2 cup of almonds, 1 cup lowfat yougart
4:30 12oz whey protien shake,can of tuna in water
5:30 workout and bust your azz in the gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6:30-7:00pm 12oz whey protien,5g glutamine,10gcreatine ethyl ester,8oz grape juice
9:00pm 2 8oz chicken breasts,cup of steamed brocolli,light spinach salad with light dressing
10:30pm 24oz protien shake consisting of whey and casien protien mixed with water just before bed!
This is just a baseline. You could move your times around and utilize different foods. They idea is to consume 6-8 small meals per day. Also, papaya enzimes and vitamin b-12 will help increase your appetite and allow your body to digest alot more nutrients.
I just made bananna nut muffins tonight that had a dozen of egg whites in it! I will use these for light snacks tomorrow throughout my workday. The idea here is that you can eat healthy and still enjoy the meals you consume. just because you are eating healthier doesnt mean that you need to eat like a HORSE.

Tom Brown
02-18-2007, 11:37 PM
6:30am 24oz protien shake that has whey and casien protien
8:00am 10egg whites with low fat cheese(scrambled),1 cut of oatmeat with fruit
10:00am 12oz protien shake
12:00 2 8oz chicken breasts,1 cup steamed broccoli, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter
2:00 1/2 cup of almonds, 1 cup lowfat yougart
4:30 12oz whey protien shake,can of tuna in water
5:30 workout and bust your azz in the gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6:30-7:00pm 12oz whey protien,5g glutamine,10gcreatine ethyl ester,8oz grape juice
9:00pm 2 8oz chicken breasts,cup of steamed brocolli,light spinach salad with light dressing
10:30pm 24oz protien shake consisting of whey and casien protien mixed with water just before bed!
I would imagine you've picked up a lot of new muscle in the area of your jaw and sphincter.

02-19-2007, 05:58 AM
Im bulking right now so I comsume 3800-5000 cals/400-450g's protien and the carbs come in wherever they are. I do try to minimize my sodium and fat as much as possible. sodium can add 5-10lbs of water weight really quick!!!!
When I am cutting I try to say with 400g's of protien,40g's of fat,200g's of clean carbs,1500-2000 cals.....
I recommend 2 grams of protien per lb of body weight all the time when trying to add muscle!
If you weigh 180lbs then I would consume atleast 375 grams of protien. This will help you burn fat and add muscle. Ill lay down a simple quick diet. Then I have to go back to wiring my boat:eek:
6:30am 24oz protien shake that has whey and casien protien
8:00am 10egg whites with low fat cheese(scrambled),1 cut of oatmeat with fruit
10:00am 12oz protien shake
12:00 2 8oz chicken breasts,1 cup steamed broccoli, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter
2:00 1/2 cup of almonds, 1 cup lowfat yougart
4:30 12oz whey protien shake,can of tuna in water
5:30 workout and bust your azz in the gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6:30-7:00pm 12oz whey protien,5g glutamine,10gcreatine ethyl ester,8oz grape juice
9:00pm 2 8oz chicken breasts,cup of steamed brocolli,light spinach salad with light dressing
10:30pm 24oz protien shake consisting of whey and casien protien mixed with water just before bed!
Thats close to what im doing.... Im taking Superpump250/No-Explode before with a preload creatine before workouts...... I dont think I would take the grape juice after working out... I use a creatine/Whey protein mix. I am going to look for the egg white products. I could use them, like you said, is quite a few things....right now I eat 4 eggs almost every day switching with oatmeal for breakfast. I do have a Mocha here at the house but I use two scoops of Chocolate Whey protein instead of chocolate mix. Some things I just cant give up.......Im sooooooooo weak.........:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

02-19-2007, 07:28 PM
I wish I was 180, for now im 157 and not genetically gifted at all. I've got a lot of work to do, but my goal is 180 and 6% bf. I think its attainable. My buddy that just got into the navy to become a SEAL just looks at a weight and gains muscle. Hows your guys cholesterol? All those eggs have to jack it up quite a bit.
Ps you guys must spend a fortune on food.

02-19-2007, 07:35 PM
Went to Jerry's deli in Marina Del Rey today and sat next to Jay Cutler... talk about huge. He told me he was just a little shy of 300lbs right now and will start working back down to 280lbs for competition in the next few weeks.
The guy took up the whole side of the booth by himself while his guests shared the other side.

02-20-2007, 04:40 AM
Jays in the top three in the world right now. Guys as nice as they come.
And big...the guys very well built. Course Ronnie is bigger..... but he's feakishly big.
As far as Cholesterol....mine was at 2600 two years ago before I started lifting. Doc said I should be dead.....or would be soon. Now its just above "normal". But I watch things a bit more carefully now. Always trying to learn. As far as food costs....its really not that much more. Maybe for the suppliments.....but the food is close to average. Ive cut out all the junk foods so that part saves a larger portion.
6% body fat?? Thats like shrink wrapped..... wish I could be 250 and 6%....never say never but its not in my will power right now.

02-20-2007, 05:14 PM
Where can I get those egg whites? And how much are they? Seems like theyd cut out a lot of the cholesterol, and be good for a bunch of protein.

02-20-2007, 05:50 PM
Where can I get those egg whites? And how much are they? Seems like theyd cut out a lot of the cholesterol, and be good for a bunch of protein.
You can get them by the bucket at any supplement store... nutrishop, maxmuscle, gnc, etc
or you can get the "egg beaters" all egg whites in any grocery store... they just come in a tiny milk carton looking thing :)

Devil's Advocate
02-20-2007, 06:47 PM
"An ok frame?" He looks great and finds time to run a successful business and keep up a wonderful family. You are hereby called out " 20" guns". Show up a pic. :D
I agree. A lot better than an "ok" frame. But 20" Guns bought our boat. I didn't meet him but No Name says he's a beast.:D