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02-16-2007, 03:21 PM
Have any of these ever affected your relationships... I adore kids, overall, but my Victorias Secret chick I dated had a boy that only a mom could love. He was the worst I had ever seen in my life. I saw her for about a year, but only on Wednesday nights and every other weekend. I had all I could take and the few times I had to be around him were a total nightmare. He would ruin trips to the lake, the movie, going out to eat... you name it... I'm thinking this freakin' kid is Damien... The kids with single moms seem to be the worst, I suppose because they are on this guilt trip over the divorce and they let their kids run all over them, and if you say anything about it, you are screwed...
I personally can't handle cats either. First off are my allergies, they leave hair everywhere, if they are outside they screw up your car... I just can't find one good thing to say about them. I dated a chick for 3 years off and on, but her wanting to move in, with her cats, finished that deal off. I like dogs, have had a bunch of Chows... love em to death, but no way are they staying in my house. My ex #4 has a St Bernard, stayed a couple of days at Thanksgiving... brought the freakin' dog with her, and my place was covered with hair before I could get rid of her and send her back home...
So, what do you do? Just tolerate it? Do you say something? I've seen kids ruin relationships before... Do you have an unruly child and expect for your date to "just take it" or do you reprimand your child?

02-16-2007, 03:49 PM
RATSO,RATSO,RATSO. you just need to date women with no kids. i've tried the kid thing and i just havent been able to handle it. it's hard to put your law down when your not their dad and have it stick. the last gal, her daughter was in her late teen and an angel. but, that is one in....well lots:rolleyes:
some may say im an a$$ or whatever they want but hey, it's not looking down on others with kids, it's being selective and if you will, conciderate.
as for the pet deal, well, lay it down when you meet them. ohhhh your a cat person. yeah im thinkin we wouldnt get along too well sorry.:D see how easy that is:idea:
oh you have three kids from four guys...yeah umm well ya know i have an allergy to anyone under 18:D see, once again very easy.:D

02-16-2007, 03:57 PM
hey ratso, was your town named after a woman???:D

02-16-2007, 04:02 PM
hey ratso, was your town named after a woman???:D
It was actually named after a tribe of indians I believe... I still think they should have just named it Wacko... after "all women":D

02-16-2007, 04:07 PM
I dated a bartender for almost 3 years. She was a single mom and at the time we started dating her son was 5. The first year we dated I was still racing very much and didn't see much of junior. The next couple years were good though. I didn't like kids until he came along. He was the coolest little guy. I would take him to go practice with me, I was coach of his soccer team, etc,etc. I was always amazed how good he was because she was a ****ing train wreck. I thought of myself as his dad and it sucked when we broke up. I hear now she is still a wreck and her son is following in her footsteps. I think he ruined it for me because I will never date another woman with kids again........Oh, and no cats.:D

02-16-2007, 04:10 PM
It doesn't matter how cute a girl is...eventually I get tired of hearing how intuitive her cat is.
...i guess its better to date a girl with a cat or kid you hate. Then to date a girl that has a boyfriend you hate.

02-16-2007, 04:16 PM
I dated a bartender for almost 3 years. She was a single mom and at the time we started dating her son was 5. The first year we dated I was still racing very much and didn't see much of junior. The next couple years were good though. I didn't like kids until he came along. He was the coolest little guy. I would take him to go practice with me, I was coach of his soccer team, etc,etc. I was always amazed how good he was because she was a ****ing train wreck. I thought of myself as his dad and it sucked when we broke up. I hear now she is still a wreck and her son is following in her footsteps. I think he ruined it for me because I will never date another woman with kids again........Oh, and no cats.:D
I guess with some you click and some you don't. I absolutely adored my last ex wifes son... may as well have been my own. He was my running buddy for a few years, and although he could be a holy terror,:jawdrop: we were dang close. That boy was constantly cracking me up and had more energy than any kid I ever met in my life...:D
My own son has always been the best I could ever ask for... we don't see eye to eye on everything, but we respect each other completely.
I had the opportunity to meet Tina's son a few weeks back... outstanding young man. She has definitely done a good job with him...;)

02-16-2007, 04:17 PM
It doesn't matter how cute a girl is...eventually I get tired of hearing how intuitive her cat is.
I never met a cat I liked, but this one seems pretty cool...

02-16-2007, 04:22 PM
I never met a cat I liked, but this one seems pretty cool...

02-16-2007, 04:26 PM
I guess with some you click and some you don't. I absolutely adored my last ex wifes son... may as well have been my own. He was my running buddy for a few years, and although he could be a holy terror,:jawdrop: we were dang close. That boy was constantly cracking me up and had more energy than any kid I ever met in my life...:D
My own son has always been the best I could ever ask for... we don't see eye to eye on everything, but we respect each other completely.
I had the opportunity to meet Tina's son a few weeks back... outstanding young man. She has definitely done a good job with him...;)
He would take care of his mom almost every night when she would come home hammered. He always had all the toys, played all the sports, but it was never a normal childhood. I can understand why he is in trouble now. I read your post's Ratso and it makes me think back to the bar scene when I was dating her.
On the flip side, its tough to find a girl now that doesn't have a kid.

02-16-2007, 04:30 PM
He would take care of his mom almost every night when she would come home hammered. He always had all the toys, played all the sports, but it was never a normal childhood. I can understand why he is in trouble now. I read your post's Ratso and it makes me think back to the bar scene when I was dating her.
On the flip side, its tough to find a girl now that doesn't have a kid.
I see that a lot in the bar scene, chicks with 1 or 2 or 3 kids, and they are out constantly, and I'm wondering where the hell their kids are and if they ever spend any time at all with them...

02-16-2007, 04:45 PM
On the flip side, its tough to find a girl now that doesn't have a kid.
aint that the truth:rolleyes:

Jim W
02-16-2007, 05:01 PM
So.........for 3 days now I have been hearing on TV of the Peter Pan peanut butter that is potentially(sp?) tainted with Salmonella.
Today, I finally got to thinking about what kind is in my kitchen????
Yup, good old PP...code on the lid it's the tainted stuff, code 2111
The jar is 3/4 gone, Im kinda thinking....why stop now???? LOL
I think I am going to go for it!!!!
Be good, Jim

02-16-2007, 05:10 PM
If given a choice between their beloved katz or a man (one who has allergies to katz), the man will get the curb.

02-16-2007, 05:27 PM
In my case Ratso it was a little reversed. I was the one with a kid and my wife had none. My son always played the "you're not my mom" crap on her all the time. My blessing was her father who was a step dad himself for her older sisters. His advise to her was: They will hate you, they will hurt you, they will defy you, they will ignore you, they will cuss at you, but when they grow up a little they will love you if you've been fair to them.
Damn guy was so smart... I miss him:( .
Now my son considers my wife his mom, and his birth mom is just that. :)
So I guess the key word is tolerance. It wasn't easy and we had blowout arguements over his actions but it also made us grow together stronger as a family unit.
I'm with you on the cat dealio.........can't stand them.
Same on the dogs............got two but they are outdoor dogs.

02-16-2007, 05:32 PM
It doesn't matter how cute a girl is...eventually I get tired of hearing how intuitive her cat is.
...i guess its better to date a girl with a cat or kid you hate. Then to date a girl that has a boyfriend you hate.
This is funny as hell to me. Just the other day I had a customer (single gal around 40) as she is telling me how safe she feels with her cat around. How smart he is as well.
It's a cat. Narrowly escaping being labeled in with the rodent family IMHO.
To me thats just like saying I love my "watch rabbit" he protects me.
No mater how smart they are...they simply cannot protect you, I tell her. Opps.:)

02-16-2007, 05:41 PM
cats.. not really a fan but we gotta have here in the desert so we have two that live outside and never come in the house and both are fixed. a neighbor that lives up the road from us hated cats until he went outside to start his truck on morning and discovered that rats had eaten the wiring to his truck, now he has 3 cats.
dogs.. i have one that we rescued from the side of the road when it was a puppy about a year ago. wasn't sure it was going to survive but it did and the kids love it. he sleeps outside and never comes in the house and is also fixed.
kids.. got 4 of them 17, 12, 7, 5. they drive me nuts most of the time but when im away from any of them i miss'em like crazy. they sleep inside.
dating... can't say much about that, been married over 18 years, i get to sleep inside and im fixed.

02-16-2007, 07:01 PM
cats.. not really a fan but we gotta have here in the desert so we have two that live outside and never come in the house and both are fixed. a neighbor that lives up the road from us hated cats until he went outside to start his truck on morning and discovered that rats had eaten the wiring to his truck, now he has 3 cats.
dogs.. i have one that we rescued from the side of the road when it was a puppy about a year ago. wasn't sure it was going to survive but it did and the kids love it. he sleeps outside and never comes in the house and is also fixed.
kids.. got 4 of them 17, 12, 7, 5. they drive me nuts most of the time but when im away from any of them i miss'em like crazy. they sleep inside.
dating... can't say much about that, been married over 18 years, i get to sleep inside and im fixed.
...lol... you sir, have it figured out... congrats...;) :D

02-16-2007, 07:04 PM
In my case Ratso it was a little reversed. I was the one with a kid and my wife had none. My son always played the "you're not my mom" crap on her all the time. My blessing was her father who was a step dad himself for her older sisters. His advise to her was: They will hate you, they will hurt you, they will defy you, they will ignore you, they will cuss at you, but when they grow up a little they will love you if you've been fair to them.
Damn guy was so smart... I miss him:( .
Now my son considers my wife his mom, and his birth mom is just that. :)
So I guess the key word is tolerance. It wasn't easy and we had blowout arguements over his actions but it also made us grow together stronger as a family unit.
I'm with you on the cat dealio.........can't stand them.
Same on the dogs............got two but they are outdoor dogs.
Zig... either you married an awesome lady, or she married an outstanding man... or both.;)

photo chick
02-16-2007, 07:27 PM
It was actually named after a tribe of indians I believe... I still think they should have just named it Wacko... after "all women":D
Hey Ratso not all women are Wacko....and I could introduce you to a few cats I know you'd love!!!!:D :D

02-16-2007, 07:31 PM
Zig... either you married an awesome lady, or she married an outstanding man... or both.;)
She's the Angel and I'm the Ass....LOL
I think we just have a lot of respect for each other and trust one another explicitely..........If either of us has an issue we air it and then put it behind us.
I consider myself a lucky mofo.:)

02-16-2007, 07:35 PM
I loved to play with my ex's cat , it would fly into walls , the ceiling , utility poles , and my pool on a daily basis :devil:

Trailer Park Casanova
02-16-2007, 07:46 PM
My wife brought to our marriage an out of control, incorrigable 5 year old.
We went 14 months without an incident with him.
Being together brought out the best in him.
We had a plan it he acted up.
Then, when he needed a tune-up we went into action, as a team, and we supported each other,, and sat on his attitude deluxe.
I hear horror stories of the kind of kid he was. Biting, scratching, kicking, vicious kid with endurance. Out of control.
Her family elders were sending him be straightened out German Swiss "Old School" style in Switzerland by kin that knows all about bratty kids.
The Swiss law and authorities not only allow it, but expect it. Takes about three episodes and the kid is cured.
If the girl you're interested in won't work with you to get the kid under control,, life will suck.
Nothing worse than being in a home where a kid or kids are out of control and have rule of the place.

Nicked prop
02-16-2007, 07:54 PM
I get a kick out of fellers that that tear up at the sight of a dog or cat hair on their Ralph Lauren shirt with the pony on the pocket but don't mind plucking the short curlies out of their incisors.

02-16-2007, 08:45 PM
I get a kick out of fellers that that tear up at the sight of a dog or cat hair on their Ralph Lauren shirt with the pony on the pocket but don't mind plucking the short curlies out of their incisors.
nice :rolleyes:
ever consider that well kept shirt helped land his babe because she likes an orderly man.........most women I doubt prefer a schmuck.

02-16-2007, 08:54 PM
i gots me a girlfriend with a kiddo, 4 years old now, when i met him he was 1 1/2, devil child from hell, now hes an angel, he loves just hanging out with me so it works for me, and my g/f was worth all the crap i put up with with her kiddo. now its alllll good in da hood. no issues with either one of them, im a happy man...:D

02-16-2007, 08:56 PM
Whats funny here is Cats and Kids sharing commonality.
If my wife had kids before we met and were married I could have seen what a wild ride I was in for up front. Where was my foresight glasses?
One wasn't enough...then we had to do it again:jawdrop:
I should have tolerated the cat:D j/k

02-16-2007, 11:07 PM
Relationships... Dating... Kids... Pets... Have any of these ever affected your relationships?
Yep, all of them at one time or another. What are ya gonna do? Kids and pets were here before her, and they'll be here after she's gone. Don't take it to hard sweety. :D

Nicked prop
02-17-2007, 03:50 PM
nice :rolleyes:
ever consider that well kept shirt helped land his babe because she likes an orderly man.........most women I doubt prefer a schmuck.
It could be that a well kept shirt is important to landing a babe. I'd hope a dog hair or cat hair wouldn't be deal breaker. Then again, if it was a deal breaker for a babe I was trying to land, we'd be in agreement on that point. Since "schmuck" is Yiddish for "penis" or "foreskin" I hope your woman does prefer a schmuck.

02-17-2007, 09:27 PM
I could never do the cat thing. No one is hot enough for me to put up with a cat. I'd hit it once and never call back if she was a cat person.

02-18-2007, 12:03 AM
......................3 dogs not a biggie,..........9 horses(down from 36).pretty cool,...........but 30 to 40 barn cats....Yikes!!................there is ample acreage,... and my boat wiring is not chewed on,..............but the cat's might eventually put me over the edge? ..................Is it against the rules to offer free cat's on ***boat?...........

02-19-2007, 11:12 PM
Animals / Pets love you unconditionally. They don't harrass you or give you crap about anything. No matter what mood you are in, they forgive you, and make you feel better. They would never ask you to choose between them and someone else, so don't ask the same or you will lose. They were there before, they will be there after. http://www.mktdept.com/Catsloveseat.jpg

02-19-2007, 11:14 PM
And of course:

02-19-2007, 11:30 PM
I love cats,,,,, they taste just like chicken!

02-19-2007, 11:32 PM
only on Wednesday nights and every other weekend.
Too bad you had to deal with the kid, sounds like a good arrangement to me..:D

02-19-2007, 11:40 PM
Animals / Pets love you unconditionally. They don't harrass you or give you crap about anything. No matter what mood you are in, they forgive you, and make you feel better. They would never ask you to choose between them and someone else, so don't ask the same or you will lose. They were there before, they will be there after. http://www.mktdept.com/Catsloveseat.jpg
If I ever walked into a chicks house and it looked like that..... I WOULD RUNNNNN!!!!!!! :jawdrop:
Imagine the smell of that many cats in one house :(

02-20-2007, 12:01 AM
If I ever walked into a chicks house and it looked like that..... I WOULD RUNNNNN!!!!!!! :jawdrop:
Imagine the smell of that many cats in one house :(
And don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. And they know how to potty in the toilet and flush it which is probably more than you can do.

02-20-2007, 06:42 AM
Animals / Pets love you unconditionally. They don't harrass you or give you crap about anything. No matter what mood you are in, they forgive you, and make you feel better. They would never ask you to choose between them and someone else, so don't ask the same or you will lose. They were there before, they will be there after. http://www.mktdept.com/Catsloveseat.jpg
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

02-20-2007, 06:47 AM
And don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. And they know how to potty in the toilet and flush it which is probably more than you can do.
OK...I see that is a picture of your house :eek:

02-20-2007, 06:55 AM
I am moving out of state so my long distance relationship can become a no-distance relationship. I have a dog and a cat.(cat really belongs to the dog, but thats another story) Taking the dog, but leaving the cat behind. He has allergies and I understand that. Luckily the folks who are going to rent my house are gonna keep the cat. Plus its a city cat, and in the country she would get eaten by some coyote or something.

02-20-2007, 07:03 AM
Here are my critters.

02-20-2007, 07:23 AM
In my case Ratso it was a little reversed. I was the one with a kid and my wife had none. My son always played the "you're not my mom" crap on her all the time. My blessing was her father who was a step dad himself for her older sisters. His advise to her was: They will hate you, they will hurt you, they will defy you, they will ignore you, they will cuss at you, but when they grow up a little they will love you if you've been fair to them.
Damn guy was so smart... I miss him:( .
Now my son considers my wife his mom, and his birth mom is just that. :)
So I guess the key word is tolerance. It wasn't easy and we had blowout arguements over his actions but it also made us grow together stronger as a family unit.
I'm with you on the cat dealio.........can't stand them.
Same on the dogs............got two but they are outdoor dogs.
i have to admit i was one pretty pissed off kid but a lot of it was because my mom was jealous of my new step mom. i remmember when she told me to never ever call her mom, etc... i remmeber times were tough for my step mom and i and my dad was caught in the middle, i was confused. now that im grown with my own familly as well as 2 dogs and a cat (wife is a vet tech always trying to bring home more animals :mad:) i love my step mom she was more of a mom than my mom could ever be, my mom is one of the many that really took white trash to a whole new level. don't get me wrong i love my mom but i wouldn't say shes a big part of my life. I think if the chick is worth it and the kid is a little on the angry side its a matter of sticking it out and trying to level with the kid, be there friend before you try and tell them what to do.