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View Full Version : When Selling A Used Boat Does It Matter What a New One Cost?

02-23-2007, 07:15 AM
This is something i have wondered about for a long time. I can't count how many times i see an ad posted for a used boat and they bring up what it would cost to build it new. Now if the boat was one, two or maybe even 3 years old then sure i think that would be relevant information but i have seen that used for boats that are much older. Most custom boat makers are changing not only the molds they use but even the processes they use to build these things and sometimes this can lead to a pretty big increase in price but does this really make an older boat worth more???
What do you think the cutoff should be for the statement "it would cost $XXX,XXX.00 to build this boat today."

02-23-2007, 07:20 AM
I think to some people it adds value, and in this current market you need every edge you can get.

02-23-2007, 07:21 AM
The used market is, what the used market is. Meaning, who cares what it cost new, what are comparable boats selling for used? The new price is irrelevant. Replacement cost is just a marketing tool by a wannabe seller.

02-23-2007, 07:24 AM
What do you think the cutoff should be for the statement "it would cost $XXX,XXX.00 to build this boat today."
And, that's not really a statement of what the boat could be bought for, just an itemization of base plus extras, but doesn't include discounted price after negotiation.

02-23-2007, 07:31 AM
i think if its 5 years old or newer, sure write it down, but it should be as clean as a new boat, not trashed and tryin. i was lookin into selling my boat and i just looked through the boat trader in my area and found out, it aint worth sellin, so thats my opinion, wooohoo i got my .02 in:D

02-23-2007, 08:00 AM
For sure I would list it. It is not a market driver, but it certainly is a good influencer as long as the boat is not too old. Let’s face it anyone shopping “used” is doing so to save money over “new”, so why not provided them with the data.
I just listed our RV for $45,900 and made sure perspective buyers knew it was $90K new. Sold it in 3 days. Same thing on the Lavey I was looking at. New was $75K, it was listed for $30K with only 100 hours on it, no brain-er.
At the end of the day its the market and buyers that set price, but you can always influence the sales process.

02-23-2007, 08:10 AM
I say it depends on the boat. 5+ year old cookie cutter custom, who cares what a new one costs.
But lets look at a boat like Rexon's Schiada. I'm not sure on the year but it's no spring chicken. They still make the same boat today. His was the tripple throw down back then and I'm sure something like it now would be outta sight price wise. So if a guy was selling a boat like that used for what a new xxxx brand would cost new I think it would be helpfull to toss in that info.