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03-02-2007, 06:57 PM
Is it just me or is it f'n stupid.......what are the problems everybody else is experiencing??

03-02-2007, 07:00 PM
Is it just me or is it f'n stupid.......what are the problems everybody else is experiencing??
my mom got a new laptop with vista and after 2 days she returned it and demanded a new one with xp on it instead........it doesn't bother me much cause im a mac user:D

03-02-2007, 07:05 PM
I just rolled 2000 Professional off and stuck on XP Professional. Vista is supposed to be a real processor smoker and require major use of memory.
I don't know if I wanted an Apple desktop (what Vista is trying to do)....I would just buy an Apple.
And....if Apple wanted to sell more computers...then.....make that itunes software less retarded.:hammer2:
Two Fosters oil cans in 45 min. I am a little punchy.:D

03-02-2007, 07:09 PM
I'll just stick with my Win 2K Pro. I think XP sux, too.

03-02-2007, 07:19 PM
Just had my laptop repaired and the guy who owned the shop said everyone is complaining about Vista. He said to wait a year until they work all the bugs out, then buy a new computer with Vista.

03-02-2007, 07:23 PM
Just had my laptop repaired and the guy who owned the shop said everyone is complaining about Vista. He said to wait a year until they work all the bugs out, then buy a new computer with Vista.
I know......I just got rolled, both harddrives (crashed laptop and desktop) both beyond repair.......@ new computers w/ vista:mad:

03-02-2007, 07:35 PM
Yeah, Vista is a real bag of s**t. I am an IT guy and just received 2 new Dell systems for my office...of course they came with Vista....which isn't compatible with my office software. Gotta love how Microsoft forces your hand on the upgrade. I became an Apple guy about a year and a half ago and never looked back. No matter how much they try to deny it, Microsoft is trying to become Apple.....It'll never happen.....

Phat Matt
03-02-2007, 07:41 PM
Who is Vista and where can I find her? :D

03-02-2007, 07:44 PM
Just bought a new 2G ram Tosh with Vista for email/internet....seems OK, but haven't loaded any "legacy" stuff on it....:idea: It does boot/shutdown quickly though...
One thing for sure, the new Office Suite (60day trial) SUX....gotta re-learn all the menus/tools, AND the files have not been downward-compatible....:hammer2:
Shuda got that MacBook instead...:)

My Man's Sportin' Wood
03-02-2007, 07:44 PM
I'm not patient enough to learn anything new. I just want to surf, not learn how to ride a new style board.

03-02-2007, 07:49 PM
All the experts say that Vista is trying to be Mac OS 10.1 and is failing badly. It is a hog for processor and memory, and is much slower than XP without any benefits. What is fun is that I have a software program that requires Windows to operate. All I have to do to run it on my Mac is to get a copyof XP. You want to try and load OS 10.4 on a Dell?

03-02-2007, 07:59 PM
All the experts say that Vista is trying to be Mac OS 10.1 and is failing badly. It is a hog for processor and memory, and is much slower than XP without any benefits. What is fun is that I have a software program that requires Windows to operate. All I have to do to run it on my Mac is to get a copyof XP. You want to try and load OS 10.4 on a Dell?
Seadog figured it out!! I am running Parallels and XP Pro on my Apple....strickly for support at the office. I use the Apple side 100% of the time for personal stuff. No spyware, no virus's.....smooth sailing!!

03-02-2007, 08:02 PM
No way my office will be upgrading to Vista any time soon. It's just not there.
We're 75% Linux anyhow. Most of our developers and support folks are Linux users and have no desire to upgrade their XP boxes to Vista since they're enough of a pain in the azz already.
I get a kick out of the Apple commercial where the PC character has the secret service guy next to him asking him to approve everything he does... what a total administration nightmare.

03-02-2007, 08:07 PM
I have been using it for a week or so now and I think it’s just fine. I did a clean install and it has been flawless so far. There are a couple programs that don’t like it but they are older so not a big deal. If you don’t have the processor for it (preferable dual core AMD or Intel) then you won’t like it since it is a processor hog. I think the reason it is a processor and memory hog though is that it keeps elements of programs running in the background because it launches most programs in half the time XP did. Plus it utilizes the dual cores much better than XP. When I did the install last week (on a system I put together in Nov) I bought a new drive as well as another gig of RAM and am dual booting XP and Vista so I can still use the apps that don't work yet.
Most of the complaints it seems revolve around learning a new OS since it is quite a bit different than XP, or previous versions. But then again I have only been using it for a week so I may end up cursing it next week. ;)

03-02-2007, 08:08 PM
Once you go MAC you won't go back!

03-02-2007, 08:09 PM
No way my office will be upgrading to Vista any time soon. It's just not there.
We're 75% Linux anyhow. Most of our developers and support folks are Linux users and have no desire to upgrade their XP boxes to Vista since they're enough of a pain in the azz already.
I get a kick out of the Apple commercial where the PC character has the secret service guy next to him asking him to approve everything he does... what a total administration nightmare.
Now, the cancel allow thing does bug me. I love those commercials though. I think a Mac is in my future. :D

03-02-2007, 08:10 PM
No way my office will be upgrading to Vista any time soon. It's just not there.
We're 75% Linux anyhow. Most of our developers and support folks are Linux users and have no desire to upgrade their XP boxes to Vista since they're enough of a pain in the azz already.
I get a kick out of the Apple commercial where the PC character has the secret service guy next to him asking him to approve everything he does... what a total administration nightmare.
Linux...nice! Your developers know whats going on. Awesome program, but I've had issues with expandability for my company. I'm pushing for an Apple change over. I've already got the pres on a Mac.....so, we'll see.
Those Apple commercials rock! I love the one where they are installing a "camera" on the guy....LMFAO :D

03-02-2007, 08:14 PM
Linux...nice! Your developers know whats going on. Awesome program, but I've had issues with expandability for my company. I'm pushing for an Apple change over. I've already got the pres on a Mac.....so, we'll see.
Those Apple commercials rock! I love the one where they are installing a "camera" on the guy....LMFAO :D
Yeah, our product is fully Linux based but our developers have been nice enough to port it to Windows for customers that can't or won't use Linux... Honestly it's the place to be.
We just started a new program where we allow our devs to basically purchase their own dev boxes and be reimbursed by the company -- I see lots of Apple hardware in our future :)

03-02-2007, 08:29 PM
Nice!! :D

03-02-2007, 08:49 PM
Nuff said...

03-02-2007, 08:53 PM

03-02-2007, 09:16 PM
The wife just got a new laptop. The laptop had Vista installed. She has not had a problem one. It took her about a day to get used to it.... Mind you, she is a computer guru and makes TRON look like an amateur.

03-02-2007, 09:27 PM
Linux...nice! Your developers know whats going on. Awesome program, but I've had issues with expandability for my company. I'm pushing for an Apple change over. I've already got the pres on a Mac.....so, we'll see.
What makes Linux rock is its security platform.
Microsoft realized this and created Vista. Vista big gain is in its security, for some it will be a pain the ass since they have no knowledge of what security really means (not speaking of internet security).
I have been running Vista64 for several months now and it truly rocks and for the casual user there is not a bug to be found (not saying there are no bugs, but 95% of the casual user will never run into them.)
Vista does have a performance hit but with most all new and improved software there is always the requirement for more horsepower from operating system to simple office software......just like your boat go from a 19' to 26' to 36' more power required.
I'm running an Intel Quad over clocking (water cooled) to 3.8ghz, with four Rapters in Raid, 2gig of PC8500 memory and a Nvidia 8800 video card. Vista64 slow? Not here I've got a K-Boat for a computer.

03-02-2007, 09:28 PM
Do they make Vista for my Commodore 64?

03-02-2007, 09:34 PM
Do they make Vista for my Commodore 64?
Won't be long before someone attempts a port :D

03-02-2007, 09:53 PM
What makes Linux rock is its security platform.
Microsoft realized this and created Vista. Vista big gain is in its security, for some it will be a pain the ass since they have no knowledge of what security really means (not speaking of internet security).
I have been running Vista64 for several months now and it truly rocks and for the casual user there is not a bug to be found (not saying there are no bugs, but 95% of the casual user will never run into them.)
Vista does have a performance hit but with most all new and improved software there is always the requirement for more horsepower from operating system to simple office software......just like your boat go from a 19' to 26' to 36' more power required.
I'm running an Intel Quad over clocking (water cooled) to 3.8ghz, with four Rapters in Raid, 2gig of PC8500 memory and a Nvidia 8800 video card. Vista64 slow? Not here I've got a K-Boat for a computer.
Nice....I just didn't want to pay as much for my computer as I did for my boat....just for Windows.
I'm sure I'm not as experienced with Vista as you are....I just got my crash course this week. I made the hop to Apple from past experiences and am very impressed....I just can't help notice all the similarities to OS X. They just can't get it running smooth, unless you turbo charge your computer.

03-03-2007, 12:03 AM
Is it just me or is it f'n stupid.......what are the problems everybody else is experiencing??
Vista sucks...trying to be a MAC....I can't find any files and folders...like a MAC. I'm going back to XP!!

03-03-2007, 12:06 AM
Vista sucks...trying to be a MAC....I can't find any files and folders...like a MAC. I'm going back to XP!!
Good call. Vista is just M$'s attempt to keep up with OS X and Linux. Not gonna happen for another few years at the very least....

03-03-2007, 01:33 AM
Just had my laptop repaired and the guy who owned the shop said everyone is complaining about Vista. He said to wait a year until they work all the bugs out, then buy a new computer with Vista.
Never, EVER take the newest and greatest Windows operating system for a minimum of 12 months after release date, EVER.
People forgot Windows XP's complete lack of compatible drivers when it was brand-new already. :( Exact same happenings back then.
IMO, Win2K-Pro is as good as it got (My and wifes's PC's) I build all our desktop PC's.
WinXP Pro is on my laptop, and doing tolerably.
VISTA is unlikely to be seen in this household till well after 2010.

03-03-2007, 01:41 AM
Lets see if it works in this. (http://www.break.com/index/how_to_properly_load_vista.html)

03-03-2007, 07:30 AM
Lmao!!! Nice!! :d

03-03-2007, 07:47 AM
Nice....I just didn't want to pay as much for my computer as I did for my boat....just for Windows.
I'm sure I'm not as experienced with Vista as you are....I just got my crash course this week. I made the hop to Apple from past experiences and am very impressed....I just can't help notice all the similarities to OS X. They just can't get it running smooth, unless you turbo charge your computer.
Have you seen the price of the MAC Pro!:eek:
We run a few MACS for the design guys with no problem working with windows. I like the OSX , but some software like veritas is a pain to load, reminds me of the dos days.
The hard drive on the new MAC pro took a dump after a week and the bluetooth module kinda sucks, but both of those arn't really only a MAC issue.
You guys need to remmber that if MAC and or Linux was the prevailing OS it would be more of a hacker target then the windows OS, right now it's not worth the time.
the firewall commercial is the best...the best:D

03-03-2007, 08:32 AM
I'll just stick with my Win 2K Pro. I think XP sux, too.
then again I thought this was going to be the bomb:D

03-03-2007, 08:35 AM
What fustrates me is that the IT guys cannot think in terms that the individual is allowed to. I needed a larger monitor. Due to the high premium for over 20", I went that size, even though I really needed a 24". I knew that the paperwork and other hassles would take forever to get me approved. Heck, I still cannot get more RAM installed! Well, it turns out that another engineer wants a 24", so IT decides I am to get his 20", but now I have to wait forever on his monitor so that I can get a second hand one. When you deal with a bureacracy you can never win.:rolleyes:
I could get a 24" iMac that would last me forever and cause less hassles than what they deal with trying to tweak my old Compaq pentium. And take up a lot less room.

03-03-2007, 06:13 PM
Do they make Vista for my Commodore 64?
Thats funny right there. My Uncle still has his Commodore PET. 1977 I think.
I told him to sell it on Ebay...and he said he gets a kick out of occasionally booting it up (which takes like 15 min to do) and several cassette tapes. :)

03-03-2007, 06:31 PM
Thats funny right there. My Uncle still has his Commodore PET. 1977 I think.
I told him to sell it on Ebay...and he said he gets a kick out of occasionally booting it up (which takes like 15 min to do) and several cassette tapes. :)
Someone told me those may actually be worth money.....

03-03-2007, 07:11 PM
I have been playing with Vista for a little over a year now (I'm a Microsoft dealer) and I think its a total piece of shit!! I will not pay for this over rated OS-x wannabe i have it on a AMD 4200 MHz duel core and with 3 gigs of ddr-2 ram and it rates my computer as a 1 LMFAO ya i may not have a great video card as I'm not a gamer i just run my business on it. i have found a few ways to make it work better but it still sucks ass. hold on please click here to approve the task you just told me to do... give me a break that was the first thing i disabled. ill just stick to Xp and my mac people wonder why I have 3 computers at my desk.. simple one is a test box with this vista crap one is my baby ( the Mac) and one PC with xp to screw with shit when i cant use a Mac. truly if you want a new computer just drop the few hundred more and get the mac its easier to learn than vista and it will do loads more.

03-03-2007, 07:25 PM
I have been playing with Vista for a little over a year now (I'm a Microsoft dealer) and I think its a total piece of shit!! I will not pay for this over rated OS-x wannabe i have it on a AMD 4200 MHz duel core and with 3 gigs of ddr-2 ram and it rates my computer as a 1 LMFAO ya i may not have a great video card as I'm not a gamer i just run my business on it. i have found a few ways to make it work better but it still sucks ass. hold on please click here to approve the task you just told me to do... give me a break that was the first thing i disabled. ill just stick to Xp and my mac people wonder why I have 3 computers at my desk.. simple one is a test box with this vista crap one is my baby ( the Mac) and one PC with xp to screw with shit when i cant use a Mac. truly if you want a new computer just drop the few hundred more and get the mac its easier to learn than vista and it will do loads more.
.....and the new Intel Mac's, you can run XP on and eliminate one of your systems. Parallels is a good VM...haven't run into too many problems with it.

03-03-2007, 07:39 PM
They have just come out with a Parallels update. Should be out soon. It resolves a couple of issues and has support for Vista. Lately, other than the cheapy models, you can get a Mac for less than a lot of equal PCs. I am looking forward to Leopard coming out. Time Machine sounds like it will be a great way to maintain a backup and justify a stand alone hard drive.

03-04-2007, 04:43 PM
.....and the new Intel Mac's, you can run XP on and eliminate one of your systems. Parallels is a good VM...haven't run into too many problems with it.
yes I know but with some of the customer support issues I have to deal with its just easyer to run an Xp box

Desert Rat
03-04-2007, 07:36 PM
If only you could find software for a MAC without having to choose from a mail order catalog. Nobody and I mean NOBODY sells MAC software out her in my area!

Tom Brown
03-04-2007, 07:36 PM
Windows. lol! :D

Trailer Park Casanova
03-04-2007, 08:21 PM
Mac family here.
Get our software from the Apple Store, or online.
Finest kine.

03-04-2007, 09:02 PM
I have been playing with Vista for a little over a year now (I'm a Microsoft dealer) and I think its a total piece of shit!! I will not pay for this over rated OS-x wannabe i have it on a AMD 4200 MHz duel core and with 3 gigs of ddr-2 ram and it rates my computer as a 1 LMFAO ya i may not have a great video card as I'm not a gamer i just run my business on it. i have found a few ways to make it work better but it still sucks ass. hold on please click here to approve the task you just told me to do... give me a break that was the first thing i disabled. ill just stick to Xp and my mac people wonder why I have 3 computers at my desk.. simple one is a test box with this vista crap one is my baby ( the Mac) and one PC with xp to screw with shit when i cant use a Mac. truly if you want a new computer just drop the few hundred more and get the mac its easier to learn than vista and it will do loads more.
How did you get Vista a little over a year ago? We are a MS Gold Partner and we had RC1 about 9 months ago and RC2 5 or 6 months ago. Then we got the RTM version just over a month before the official release date. Just curious how you got Vista over a year ago. How much MS business does your company do?

03-04-2007, 09:13 PM
Who said XP sux? I have been using XP for years with basically '0' problems.
I work in the IT industry and XP has generally been well recieved.
I'll stay with XP for at least a couple of more years.

03-04-2007, 09:41 PM
How did you get Vista a little over a year ago? We are a MS Gold Partner and we had RC1 about 9 months ago and RC2 5 or 6 months ago. Then we got the RTM version just over a month before the official release date. Just curious how you got Vista over a year ago. How much MS business does your company do?
I am a Gold Partner as your company is but it all has to do with when your subscription to the action pack is due and when you pay it. and when I say I have had it for that long I am refering to RC1.

03-04-2007, 09:51 PM
i have it on a AMD 4200 MHz duel core and with 3 gigs of ddr-2 ram and it rates my computer as a 1
And when Nvidia comes out with a SLI driver for Vista64 I will be a 5.9 across the board (the highest rating you get).
Just like all things new, you must first understand how they work before YOU can make them work.
ouch did I just say that out loud?