View Full Version : Big Proppa...

02-17-2003, 08:09 AM
How's the boat coming along..Got Boat, Got Water,Got Pics??? :D

Big Proppa
02-20-2003, 07:29 PM
Well actually I only have a few things left - I'll be changing gears tomorrow, installing my fuel tank on Saturday and hopefully if I have enough money left I'll be plumbing it on Sunday. My goal is to be 100% by the run what ya brung event and as of right now I think I'll make it.
Will you guys be coming down for that one?.

02-20-2003, 07:51 PM
Big Proppa:
Well actually I only have a few things left - I'll be changing gears tomorrow, installing my fuel tank on Saturday and hopefully if I have enough money left I'll be plumbing it on Sunday. My goal is to be 100% by the run what ya brung event and as of right now I think I'll make it.
Will you guys be coming down for that one?. Check your E-Mail please!. wink

Big Proppa
02-22-2003, 09:25 PM
Hey sangster - mounted the fuel tank, installed my seat and changed the gears so far this weekend,hopefully tomorrow I'll have a chance to plumb it and clean it up and thats about it other than the splash guard.
I have update photos that I'll post sometime tomorrow.

Big Proppa
02-23-2003, 11:40 AM
here are a few photos of the fuel cell mounting brackets we made, fuel tank originally was wider than the back of the boat so we had to cut the bottom tank down and re-fab the mounting brackets
Original Bracket
And after
The tanks were still wider than the stringers so we had to kick the mounting bracket over to compensate.
here is the tank cut down
New seat
final shot of the tanks installed -
I went with the doubles because of all the cruisen around we do - I'm sure I gave up a few mph - but atleast I wont have to stop for gas every 1/2 hour
off to plumb it -

02-23-2003, 11:58 AM
Big Proppa:
Hey sangster - mounted the fuel tank, installed my seat and changed the gears so far this weekend,hopefully tomorrow I'll have a chance to plumb it and clean it up and thats about it other than the splash guard.
I have update photos that I'll post sometime tomorrow. Check your PM please!!.. :)

02-23-2003, 01:01 PM
Big proppa check your pm's

02-23-2003, 01:25 PM
looks good bill but is that motor a top secret project since you have it covered? :D :D

Big Proppa
02-23-2003, 02:21 PM
no 77 - I wish it was though! - carbs are off so I covered it

Big Proppa
02-23-2003, 06:13 PM
OK got the fuel pump mounted to the fuel tank bracket had to space it out a little to miss the bracket leg
hooked up most of the water lines but ran out of braided line -
wow the floor in my jet boat was never this clean
[ February 23, 2003, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Big Proppa ]

02-23-2003, 07:08 PM
ok bill not a top secret project but zoomies on the motor? :) :) .should i be worried?

Big Proppa
02-23-2003, 07:37 PM
77 - hopefully by the time I'm done everyone will be!! jawdrop
just kidding , I just hope to do 100

02-23-2003, 07:39 PM
Big Proppa:
Well actually I only have a few things left - I'll be changing gears tomorrow, installing my fuel tank on Saturday .
Big Proppa, there's one thing you might want to consider. I have seen guys with stacked tanks like you have that are not boxed in. By that I mean the top tank and the bottom tank are welded together as one and not by the three tubes like you have. The three tube kind tend to crack around the welds from vibration, seeing as they are carrying the top tank that holds about 12 gals of fuel with no means of supporting it. My stacked tank is boxed in and still has a bracket around both ends of the tank ends, and then bolted to the stringers. Don't mean to tell you how to install your tank, just trying to help you out so you don't have a problem:)

02-23-2003, 07:48 PM
those are some nice looking welds Bill. Did you weld that yourself?

Big Proppa
02-23-2003, 10:10 PM
Billy B - thanks for letting me know - how would I go about better stabilizing the top section at this point, what would you recomend?
Super - I wish they were, a buddy of mine welded it together.

02-23-2003, 10:14 PM
Bill, like mine are done, with a rod welded to each of the four corner sections for extra support.

02-24-2003, 12:30 AM
Big Proppa:
Billy B - thanks for letting me know - how would I go about better stabilizing the top section at this point, what would you recomend?
Wish I knew how to post a picture, but I don't so I'll try to explain. If you were to look at the side of your tanks, picture a flat piece of aluminum big enough to cut 2 holes in it the size of your tank ends. The piece slides over each end and it ties the top tank to the bottom tank. The piece is also tall enough to attach to the outside of your stringer. You do the same to the other side. Once you have it installed you take a piece of round stock aluminum about 3/8 in size and you cut 4 pieces the width in between the tank brackets.These 4 pieces (2in front & 2 in back of the tank) help stabilize the brackets from moving from side to side and are normally placed about the mid point of the upper and lower tank. The ends are tapped and threaded and the side brackets drilled to accomadate them. This type of bracket would enable you to lower the tank in the boat. The only problem would be the time you already have invested in the other brackets cry . Sorry If I confused you, if you'd like I could send you a picture, just p.m. me with your address. :cool:

02-24-2003, 04:45 AM
Hey Billy, check your PM's please!. wink

02-24-2003, 03:19 PM
Hey Big Proppa...Looking good...Is there a Strut Brace in that boat..Hard to tell by the pics..But it would be a good idea if not.... :D

Big Proppa
02-24-2003, 10:15 PM
Sangster - Ya their's one there just cant see it in the photos.
Went down to J&M speed center this afternoon and picked up the rest of my plumbing lines and fittings - and thats all folks she's a done deal!!!!!

Big Proppa
02-27-2003, 10:48 PM
Picked up my splash guard today from Mr. Braaksma should have it on by Sunday and then she's really done.

02-27-2003, 11:13 PM
Big Proppa:
Picked up my splash guard today from Mr. Braaksma should have it on by Sunday and then she's really done. Sounds like a trip to the lake is now in order!!! Enjoy...

Big Proppa
03-03-2003, 08:57 AM
Acceptance - This Sunday should be the day.

03-03-2003, 03:39 PM
Big Proppa..How did the boat run...Any pics.. :confused:

Big Proppa
03-03-2003, 04:56 PM
She no run yet man. This coming sunday should be the day - hopefully I'll get some pics in the water.