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04-10-2007, 01:30 PM
Just got back, was nice day, very beautifull, and well put together!! Little dissapointed that there were only about 10 of us from Hot boat there, but im sure it was hard for many to attend!! Coulnd not help but shed a few tears, as i thought about the many memories we have had on the water, and off!! Good seeing Phatt matt, SYA, Goldi, LHC30, Kilrtoy, Bob, Sbark and few others!! we got a group pto that will be posted later!!!
Made me really apppreciate all the good freinds i have mad eon Hb the last 3-4 years!! love ...leon;)

04-10-2007, 01:44 PM
But this is the 3rd thread started about a very loved man and I tear up every time I read them.
Like I said in another thread "You guys rock!!!!!!". I have never thought that a group of people could put something together as fast as you have with the whole lighthouse thing.
Keep Rockin!!!!!!!
God speed TRIMM MANN!!!!

That Guy
04-10-2007, 02:24 PM
Leon is right, it was a nice service...I wasn't at all disappointed by the turn out of HB people. It was in the San Fernando Valley and since we all live all over the place including many outside of CA, I thought it was a nice representation....I know that many people had to work, the distance was too great, etc...so I think Kenny would have been happy...just my .02.

04-10-2007, 02:49 PM
Just got back, was nice day, very beautifull, and well put together!! Little dissapointed that there were only about 10 of us from Hot boat there, but im sure it was hard for many to attend!! Coulnd not help but shed a few tears, as i thought about the many memories we have had on the water, and off!! Good seeing Phatt matt, SYA, Goldi, LHC30, Kilrtoy, Bob, Sbark and few others!! we got a group pto that will be posted later!!!
Made me really apppreciate all the good freinds i have mad eon Hb the last 3-4 years!! love ...leon;)
Thats all that showed up?? WOW. I thought he had about 15 best friends from HB. Miguel said it was a nice service.......

That Guy
04-10-2007, 02:52 PM
Thats all that showed up?? WOW. I thought he had about 15 best friends from HB. Miguel said it was a nice service.......
There were more than 10...I don't know exactly how many but either way it was nice.

04-10-2007, 03:57 PM
We just got back home from the services and celebrating Kenny's life and great friendship by having a few "barley pops" at one of his favorite restaurants - El Toro!
We had a spot for Kenny at the table and even had a beer or two waiting for him...
(No, Mark didn't drink those all by himself!)
The services were very nice and Bobby will post a group photo later when he gets a chance...in the mean time, HB was well represented, although I know everyone would have liked to been there in person, I am sure all were in spirit!

04-10-2007, 04:00 PM
That's Los Toro's Ted....
Sad but happy day for many people.:)

Old school Ultra
04-10-2007, 04:08 PM
Hey guys,
I have known Kenny for about 25 years and never knew of all of the family he had here at HB on-line,
Just the turnout here on this website is amazing!
You guys are a great group and he was lucky to call you his Friends.

04-10-2007, 04:13 PM
That's Los Toro's Ted....
Sad but happy day for many people.:)
Thank you Todd, but there was nothing "Los(t)" about that place :D

04-10-2007, 04:21 PM
wish i could have made out there ..........

04-10-2007, 04:29 PM
...and he was lucky to call you his Friends.
It is we (too) who are lucky to have know Kenny...
Jeff, it was a pleasure meeting you today, would have been better under different circumstances...

04-10-2007, 04:32 PM
Very nice service, could not stay around as my friend and I had to get back to work. Goodspeed Kenny

That Guy
04-10-2007, 04:38 PM
Very nice service, could not stay around as my friend and I had to get back to work. Goodspeed Kenny
It was nice you were able to take the time away from work to be there...:) missed Yvonne....:(

04-10-2007, 06:53 PM
to everyone who made it out to see our friend off to his next venture , i thank you from his other friends said to say many thanks to all of you at hb ....as we are upon his departure we will see him another day, our friend is now in heaven, and looking down upon us and watching us and keeping us safe as we enter the new boating season ...always know he is with us ...R I P trimm mann ..for you are already greatly missed ...:)

04-10-2007, 06:54 PM

Phat Matt
04-10-2007, 07:26 PM
It was a nice day. I'd rather be wearing board shorts though. The services were nice. The hardest part for me was listening to friends and family give their eulogy.
Thanks for lunch OG. That CL tasted pretty good! :)

04-10-2007, 07:40 PM
It was a nice day. I'd rather be wearing board shorts though. The services were nice. The hardest part for me was listening to friends and family give their eulogy.
Thanks for lunch OG. That CL tasted pretty good! :)
Yes, thanks Mark for lunch. The eulogies were the toughest part for me too. I definitely cried the hardest during those. RIP Kenny.

Speedin' Ian
04-10-2007, 08:11 PM
Glad to hear it went well. Gave a couple guys at work the day off to attend as they were pretty good friends with him. I had only met him a couple times but he seemed like a great guy.

04-10-2007, 09:12 PM
Only met Kenny a couple of times, but as I said before, seemed like a great person to have as a friend. Nice to see Hbers supporting each other.

04-10-2007, 10:27 PM
well I guess Coors is not that bad :D
wellllll I did have to go to Jack and Coke ;)

Phat Matt
04-10-2007, 10:34 PM
well I guess Coors is not that bad :D
wellllll I did have to go to Jack and Coke ;)
Was there coke in that? :)

Tom Brown
04-10-2007, 10:52 PM
Solemn pictures. Thank you for sharing them.
When I was younger, I didn't care to look at things like this. I didn't see any reason to take the emotional hit. Now I enjoy the memories of good people, good friends, and good times. I didn't know Trimm Man beyond reading his posts but these images choke me up.
You are all fine people. I'm proud to know you.
Why does the sight of Mark in a tie make me laugh? I would post a picture of myself in my Tuxedo but I know Bilge Idiot would turn it into a line of greeting cards and a Saturday morning cartoon.
Rest in peace, Trimm Man. I wish I had the opportunity to get know you better but I will enjoy stories of you from your friends.

04-11-2007, 05:48 AM
Thanks to all of our friends for thinking of Kenny, yesterday. It was as nice of service as I have ever been to. Kenny would have been amazed at the turnout and even more amazed by the thoughts given by all of you out there in Hot Boat Land. If one's life is measured by the number of people who think of them on the day they are laid to rest, Kenny's life would have to be measured in light years.
We went to Los Toro's because of you and your connection with the place. It is no wonder why you and Kenny liked the place so much. Thanks to the SEVEN friends who showed up there.:D
See you Thursday,
OG<still sad>Shocker

Eliminator 4 Life
04-11-2007, 06:26 AM
Thanks to all of you from HB who went and showed there support for a great hot boater he will be greatly missed sorry I couldnt attend. And thanks for the pics.

04-11-2007, 07:17 AM
Was there coke in that? :)
it was a strong drink :D

04-12-2007, 07:36 AM
Sorry we missed this one, as we are not usually in Havasu during a weekday but the kids are out of school for a week. :(