View Full Version : Fred Thompson is #2 ahead of John McCain

04-12-2007, 12:31 PM
According to a LA Times Presidential poll on Republican canidates.
The problem is.........Fred ain't running for President.......yet.
If he does, he gets my vote. I like him.
He's gotta good resume and not much baggage.

04-12-2007, 03:53 PM
Yup, he has had quite the life so far, seems like a good man.
Kinda like Mitt also, smart guy and he has the look also.

04-12-2007, 05:25 PM
Pretty good for a guy not in the race, or pretty crappy for a guy who is.
Your choice. :idea: :D
I like what Mitt has had to say for himself as well as his accomplishments from his past.:idea:

04-12-2007, 08:07 PM
Mitt Romney has the most depth of all the candidates of this years bunch. If you look at Sen McCain's legislative record the only thing that stands out is that he really does not seem to be very bright. The McCain Fiengold bill is stupid on it's face and has only made a bad situation worse and the proposed Kennedy McCain senate bill is also pretty dumb and poorly thought out.:confused: He may have been a stand up guy as a POW (understatement) but as a Senator he has mostly been a fool. It is ok to be a moderate and embrace ideas from both sides of the isle, but all too often Sen McCain seems to imbrace both party's bad ideas...

04-12-2007, 08:49 PM
Freds a good man. If he runs, i`ll likely vote for him. At least he`s against queers and baby killers. Thats a big step ahead of any liberal immoral democrat.

centerhill condor
04-13-2007, 08:51 AM
I know Fred Thompson, Fred Thompson is a friend of mine...just kiddin'
I worked on his first U.S. Senate campaign as well as Trent Lott's. The first wife and I attended the first $500 plate dinner and worked very closely with his daughter Betsy. Met the candidate and shook his hand...a giant of a man physically, well over six foot tall.
No doubt about it, Fred has the look and feels "presidential". He also has some first rate help; Howard Baker, Jim Baker, Bill Frist just to name a few. A Thompson presidency would have a first rate foreign policy and an old school conservative approach to domestic issues...not very popular these days!
He ran a very effective senate campaign with the red truck tour and plaid shirt...Just a good ole boy from Tennessee! True to his roots, as a senator he helped pass the law that requires the Congress to follow the same rules it passes for the rest of us. Talk about common sense legislation! I also respect that he didn't make a 40 year career out of the senate...served a while and has a very good acting career.
The only problem with him as a presidential candidate is how many suthern boys are we gonna send to the WH? Maybe we should take grits off the menu for a term or two?
John McCain reminds me of gus grissom...you may recall gus flew a space capsule and may or may not have caused it to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Gus was tragically killed in an inferno involving pure oxygen. Some guys just don't have the "luck" required to truly succeed in their chosen field.
The competition is very strong and the racers are merely being fitted for the sprinters shoe.

04-13-2007, 09:39 AM
Nice to hear others thinking Romney. Until the media figured out that he had as much or more CASH than the others they started giving him some PUB. Hard to believe any conservative candidate can any COVERAGE with the LIBERAL LEFT BIAS that they have. I look forward to some healthy debate on the ISSUES not his hair, or how many ex's someone has, or that they are a war hero and can do no wrong.
Condor if JIM BAKER is on Thompsons team then he WILL lose ALOT of conservatives. JIM BAKER is an appologist and has a terrible foriegn affairs track record.
Most on the 911 commission werent even people who know military tactics. Amazing to me to send people with basic military knowledge to give the COUNTRY a recommendation. McCain will cost our country jobs and economic grow with his deal making.
We need STRONG conservative voices to offset the SOCIAL RHETORIC that is such a topic.
<<<<<< stepping off soapbox
I would be ashamed if mrs Pulosi was representing my state.

04-13-2007, 11:46 AM
Nice to hear others thinking Romney. Until the media figured out that he had as much or more CASH than the others they started giving him some PUB. Hard to believe any conservative candidate can any COVERAGE with the LIBERAL LEFT BIAS that they have. I look forward to some healthy debate on the ISSUES not his hair, or how many ex's someone has, or that they are a war hero and can do no wrong.
Condor if JIM BAKER is on Thompsons team then he WILL lose ALOT of conservatives. JIM BAKER is an appologist and has a terrible foriegn affairs track record.
Most on the 911 commission werent even people who know military tactics. Amazing to me to send people with basic military knowledge to give the COUNTRY a recommendation. McCain will cost our country jobs and economic grow with his deal making.
We need STRONG conservative voices to offset the SOCIAL RHETORIC that is such a topic.
<<<<<< stepping off soapbox
I would be ashamed if mrs Pulosi was representing my state.
She does not represent our state. Her district (The 8th) is in a nutty little place called San Francisco. Sens Boxer and Feinstein represent our state and believe it or not, as bad as they are, they are more conservative (and a bit less nutty) than Speaker Pelosi is...:rolleyes: :) :messedup:
P.S. My district's Rep is Howard "Buck" Mckeon.

04-17-2007, 06:20 AM
I like the fact that he limited himself to a term and a half in the Senate....because he felt that the Senate should not be a lifetime career. He could have been re-elected in 2003 in a walk.

04-23-2007, 10:11 AM
I'd love to hear him rallying his campaign staff...
"The average Democrat, son, don't take a dump on the campaign trail without consulting his advisors." Or...
"If Hilary gets elected this situation will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it!"