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View Full Version : The Mayor is pissed!!!!

Baja Big Dog
05-03-2007, 09:08 PM
He is cutting his trip (taxpayer paid vacation!) short from Latin American, the news interviewed some Mexicans in Mexico where the Mayor Mex was and guess what.....THEY want answers on the police force used, these piss ants are in Mexico!!!!
Then this piss ant mayor says he wants to build bridges on the borders not walls!!!

05-03-2007, 09:10 PM
Fock the mayor.. send him back with them.

05-03-2007, 09:14 PM
he should not be there... stay within your own city/ district... it should be state government there if anyone at all... blah blah blah

05-03-2007, 09:15 PM
Fock the mayor.. send him back with them.
yep, if he likes it that much, stay there...

05-03-2007, 09:16 PM
yep, if he likes it that much, stay there...
quick lets build the wall now. so he can't get out.:D

05-03-2007, 09:17 PM
or a ditch...

05-03-2007, 09:17 PM
or a ditch...
with water and hungry sharks and aligators.:devil:

05-03-2007, 09:19 PM
quick lets build the wall now. so he can't get out.:D
hell... hot boat alone has enough DCB's and Magic deck boats to make that barricade:jawdrop: :D :D :D

Baja Big Dog
05-03-2007, 09:21 PM
with water and hungry sharks and aligators.:devil:
And snipers:confused:

05-03-2007, 09:22 PM
hell... hot boat alone has enough DCB's and Magic deck boats to make that barricade:jawdrop: :D :D :D
LOL!! :D

05-03-2007, 09:22 PM
And snipers:confused:
Hell ya.. why not.. :D JBB has the right idea. :)

05-04-2007, 05:00 AM
Fock him. He's an a$$ wipe. He should do us all a favor and stay over there.

Baja Big Dog
05-04-2007, 07:56 AM
I gotta quit watching the fircken news.....now the Mexicans IN Mexico want to know why the civil rights of the douche bags that got beat were violated, and they made the demand in fricken SPANISH!!!

Bow Tie Omega
05-04-2007, 07:58 AM
Where is Tom Bradley when you need him? I am telling you guys, go get the book "State of Emergency" by Pat Buchanon. It is a Mexican Goverment led agenda to send al of these illegals up here in the first place. They are taught in school that California, Arizona and New Mexico really belongs to the Mexicans and we just stole it from them. They know that they can not take it by force, so they, the illegals, at the mexican goverments urging are coming here, the goverment gives them info on who to contact for work, where water stations are along the way, where to enter, everything......They are told to come here, get jobs and send money back to Mexico, while occupying these areas that are "rightfully theirs". The illegals infusing this money into the Mexican economy is somewhere along the lines of 30 billion a year and rising sharply, a lot of money for a 3rd world country. They are also told not to assimilate into the American culture and remain a loyal mexican, meaning they are told to not learn the english language, have lots of kids over here and tax our welfare systems. At the same time thru official channels, the Mexican Goverment is pushing for a dropping of the borders and working towards a North American Union, a lot like the EU. A stance the liberals are largely in favor of. Once that happens, the southwest as we know it and our country will be changed forever. They will have their land back, those illegals will become legal and be able to vote for their own into office. And with a population of 36 million in the southwest, approx 10% of the American overall population, they can do alot once legalized. They will essentially have their land back, they will be able to vote in any hispanic they want into office and control their goverment.....Legally.
Please do not get me wrong, this may come off as racist, I am not and this is not my intention. I have no problems with hard working hispanics who choose to be Americans legally and assimilate into the American way. They do not have to give up their traditions to be Americans. I want Americans here, no matter what their race. But when they blatantly choose to not assimilate, break our laws, not even attempt to learn the language, do not attempt to gain citizenship for 20 some odd years, They need to leave. They are not Americans, they are illegals. It would cost our goverment less to close the borders then it does to pay for all of the welfare and medical bills that the illegals take from our taxes. There are some pundints who believe that our economy could not afford to kick everyone out.........I do not believe it. But lets say it is true, After we close the borders, we give a one time "conditional" amnesty program. We give all of the illegals a chance to become Americans. If they do not file in a given period of time, they are deported. We as a country allow all law enforcement agencies to become Immigration officials as well to enforce the imigration laws. If they are arrested for anything other than minor traffic violations, they are deported. If they are not working, they are deported. After lets say 5 years, if they still are good citizens, they assimilate, they can pass a test, just like other immigrants who choose to become citizens, we make them citizens. That is my realistic solution.
In hindsite, I am ashamed to say that I voted for George W Bush for President. I was in favor of going into Iraq, I am not infavor of tying out troops hands together. If a country goes to war, it should be able to use all of the firepower available to them period. Now this border issue......He has to go. I hate to say it, but the presidential candidate who promises to close the borders, he will be who I vote for.........Read the book guys, "State of Emergency". It really opened my eyes.

05-04-2007, 08:00 AM
I gotta quit watching the fircken news.....now the Mexicans IN Mexico want to know why the civil rights of the douche bags that got beat were violated, and they made the demand in fricken SPANISH!!!
if they are so pissed at us.. Tell them to get their fricken non english speaking pieces of shit outta here.

05-04-2007, 08:04 AM
I said it long ago.....we need a "Berlin Wall" style with armed gaurdposts and a shoot then ask policy.........

05-04-2007, 08:08 AM
why don't we ship all the illegals from everywhere in the US to Washington DC and see how fast the president gets involved in this shit. They can camp out in front of the white house with their BBQ's and mariachi bands.

05-04-2007, 08:14 AM
siggy, we will never get that lucky:mad: :mad:
i would love to see some pink mist made down on the border.

05-04-2007, 08:19 AM
We should send the LAPD down to Mexico to beat their a$$e$.

05-04-2007, 08:21 AM
Since they are here illegally (hence, not here), they dont have any civil rights.
I gotta quit watching the fircken news.....now the Mexicans IN Mexico want to know why the civil rights of the douche bags that got beat were violated, and they made the demand in fricken SPANISH!!!

05-04-2007, 08:23 AM
The Mayor is a tool. When he was speaking in front news crews about the fire in the hill behind Forest Lawn he was speaking english then proceeds to stop and speak spanish.:mad: All he is doing is encouraging them to not bother learning the english language.:mad:

05-04-2007, 08:26 AM
get out of our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:devil: v-drive

05-04-2007, 08:31 AM
He is cutting his trip (taxpayer paid vacation!) short from Latin American, the news interviewed some Mexicans in Mexico where the Mayor Mex was and guess what.....THEY want answers on the police force used, these piss ants are in Mexico!!!!
Then this piss ant mayor says he wants to build bridges on the borders not walls!!!
I heard that "Bridges" comment last night and almost threw up! WTF is wrong with him?? Um at that point there will be NO ONE left in all of Mexico!!! That country needs to be blown up. just drop a bomb. (Wait I have family there......lol suprisingly enough)

05-04-2007, 08:32 AM
I said it long ago.....we need a "Berlin Wall" style with armed gaurdposts and a shoot then ask policy.........
I have always said we need to shoot on sight. :)

05-04-2007, 08:37 AM
I heard that "Bridges" comment last night and almost threw up! WTF is wrong with him?? Um at that point there will be NO ONE left in all of Mexico!!! That country needs to be blown up. just drop a bomb. (Wait I have family there......lol suprisingly enough)
Should E-mail him that pic you E-mailed to that school

05-04-2007, 08:53 AM
i love this one...