View Full Version : Robbed, Part 2

12-23-2002, 08:20 AM
Your not going to believe it. My trailer got broke into again and they finished taking everything they missed last time. Basically, my tool chests which also had in it three props, three sets of gears (including the 12's I just bought from Rexone and never used), probably around a grand worth of new AN fittings and misc. stainless hose. Every damned tool that I own. We did everthing the cops told us to: we tripled the floodlights in the yard, called the precinct and asked for a "patrol watch", and put locks on that are "shrouded" so they can't be cut with bolt cutters. I started also locking the handle lock and the dead bolt lock on the trailer in addition to the new padlock. They cut the clasp off of the door and pried the door open. And broke a window out of my trailer, just for fun I suppose. Guess I'll just leave my trailer unlocked so when they steal my stuff at least I won't have to make repairs. And I'm now finding out that I'm woefully underinsured so I'll get about a nickel on the dollar.
What the hell am I supposed to do? Sleep in the trailer with my gun every night? I can't park a 44' trailer in front of my house or in my back yard. The cops said they just poison dogs nowadays, that if they want to get in they will. They suggested that we hire off-duty police officers for surveillance, but god-damn. We're struggling enough as it is right now with this shitty economy. The cop said it would be pretty pricey, so I guess that I either pay now or pay later. Those assholes will probably just throw my props and gears in a pile, next to my distributor they got last time. Or maybe sell it to some dumb**** for $25 bucks.

12-23-2002, 08:40 AM
Damn Scott, sorry to hear this again, damn.
lotta years back I read that this store owner was tired of being broke into so he electrify the door on the inside, when they steped inside Wham. Fried the sob. Out come of trial was not gulity.

12-23-2002, 08:42 AM
Man, sure am sorry to hear that, that's real FKN shame, if I can help in anyway, let me know!!..When's the next Glendale swap meet???, may find some of it there!!....... :mad:

12-23-2002, 08:51 AM
126....Thats the shits... Even if they catch these assholes..The worst thing that will happen to them is a Possession of stolen property charge..big whooppie....wish you the best in this matter for sure...

12-23-2002, 09:33 AM
I just can't believe you got hit again. So sorry to here the news.
If we lived any closer I would offer my side yard to you. Plenty of room.
I sincerly hope this whole deal works out for you. If their is anything I could do let me know.

12-23-2002, 09:57 AM
Scott, Sorry to hear you got hit AGAIN! we should bring back the way of the old West where they rounded up a posse, hunted 'em down and hung 'em or Middle Eastern way of justice, get caught for stealing you loose a hand. These guys are the lowest form of scum and should be delt with accordingly. burningm

12-23-2002, 10:13 AM
Now that sucks the bog one. Time to keep an eye out for RH rotation parts.
What's really ****ed is you mostlikely know these punks!

Blown 472
12-23-2002, 10:29 AM
Is there anyway you could set up a camera?? x10 makes some small kick ass cameras that I think have motion sensors on them and you could run it to a vcr to get them on film???

12-23-2002, 10:33 AM
Someone's gotta find them and put their genitals into a vice and twist away! eek! :mad:
I'd say they are from your area and do this on a regular basis. Have the police said that there are similar thefts in your area, or from criminals they have caught in the past?
WEAK! :mad:

12-23-2002, 10:36 AM
Even if you got them on film though, you'd have tape of someone stealing your shit and that's about it. Most those cameras won't pick up much more than shadowy figures in the dark, unless by chance you could get a license plate in the shot and then be able to make it out...
Scott, you're more than welcome to park it at my house, 32nd St and Cactus, although it sounds like they pretty much got everything already... What a bummer and I'm sorry to hear it. If I can help out at all, just let me know.

Blown 472
12-23-2002, 10:45 AM
what bout leaving some rattle snakes in there?

12-23-2002, 10:52 AM
Thanks guys. The cops say the area is getting hit pretty hard. My buddy has cameras and got hit a while back; he said he got to watch some guys carrying his stuff out the gate but that was about it. Didn't do him any good.
The big problem is that this is stuff I've accumulated over 13 years of racing and some of the tools were gifts; I don't have many receipts unfortunately. I'm digging right now to see what I can come up with.
Thanks for the offer Jordy - I don't know exactly what I'm going to do right now, but I'm going to have to do something different, that's for sure. I've had my trailers stored at my yard for the eight or nine years I've raced out of an enclosed trailer and have never gotten broke into before. Lucky I guess...

12-23-2002, 10:53 AM
surveillance cameras sounds like a great idea!!maybe wont catch them in the act but will most likely identify them...sorry to here about that...makes me want to go put another lock on mine...

12-23-2002, 10:55 AM
Blown 472:
what bout leaving some rattle snakes in there? Aside from the fact they're all hibernating right now, if you put some in there and they bit someone, even if they were stealing your stuff, and died, you would be tried for murder because you can't use a lethal weapon (the rattlesnake) to defend property, because in the eyes of the law, and even the Supreme Court, property can be replaced while human life cannot.

Blown 472
12-23-2002, 10:56 AM
hummmm, you seem to have an answer for all, you are wise grasshopper.
So then a trip wire with exploding snakes are out too?
[ December 23, 2002, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: Blown 472 ]

12-23-2002, 11:00 AM
may be a dumb question, but who is to say you "knew" the snake was in there, and could they prove it was done as malicious....
sorry to hear about your loss, hope you at least get some type of recovery thru insurance. :mad:

12-23-2002, 12:39 PM
I'm talking to the cop that came out yesterday, well, ok, ranting at the cop that came out and said "WTF, guess there's nothing I can do." He suggested that we "electrify" the fence. I say yeah, so the guy can sue my ass after he gets shocked and can't get a hard-on anymore. The cop agrees. Then I say that I carry a personal firearm and I should just shoot the thief but I'd just get thrown in prison. The cop says, "well, if it was on your personal property and no one else was around . . ." It's certainly not the fault of the police, seems like they're real frustrated with all of the liberal left-wing BS too.

12-23-2002, 12:59 PM
Well, I'm no Perry Mason, but it seems to me that anyone that would break into a race trailer & steal steel props & sets of gears either has a very good use for these items or knows someone that does.....Your everyday theif in my opinion wouldn't bother with things like props & gears..To heavy to carry for one, Secondly, They would have a hard time getting rid of them, unless they new someone who would buy them...Thiefs aren't stupid..Or they would get caught alot more often...SAD but TRUE!! My personal opionion is "You don't have to look very far to find these guys"... 126driver, good luck and don't let it ruin you Holidays....
[ December 23, 2002, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Sangster ]

12-23-2002, 01:44 PM
126 Although I can't do much I'll do what I can. My brother and I hit all of the auto/boat swapmeets here in Socal. Since he has a Daytona Sprint we always keep and eye out for RH gear. If we see anything like you've described you'll hear from me as well as I'm sure most everyone else on this board. As for the lowlifes I hope they need an emegency root canal on the day the dentist runs out of anesthetic :mad: :mad: This upsets me I have to go home now and take my medication.

12-23-2002, 01:47 PM
Well, I'm no Perry Mason, but it seems to me that anyone that would break into a race trailer & steal steel props & sets of gears either has a very good use for these items or knows someone that does.....Your everyday theif in my opinion wouldn't bother with things like props & gears..To heavy to carry for one, Secondly, They would have a hard time getting rid of them, unless they new someone who would buy them...Thiefs aren't stupid..Or they would get caught alot more often...SAD but TRUE!! My personal opionion is "You don't have to look very far to find these guys"... 126driver, good luck and don't let it ruin you Holidays.... No, I don't think so. The props and gears where in the bottom big drawer of the rollaway tool box. They just took the whole thing.

12-23-2002, 03:46 PM
Scott, is there anything that could be identified? I would bet green money some of your stuff will be showing up at the swap meets. Turlock swapmeet is coming up at the end of next month and I scope out all the v-drive stuff I see. I will gladly keep an eye peeled for your parts and notify the "proper authoritys" if anything turns up that could be yours. Merry Fu*kin Christmas, huh?

12-23-2002, 03:56 PM
It really sounds like they were after tools, and got the v-drive stuff by chance. Check all those pawn shops up and down Main st., maybe with a list of your stuff. You know the guy will ask the proprietor of the place if he has a use for "this steel thing with two ears on it and a hole in the middle"
Good luck and I sorry to hear you got nailed again.

12-23-2002, 04:15 PM
Scott, is there anything that could be identified? I would bet green money some of your stuff will be showing up at the swap meets. Turlock swapmeet is coming up at the end of next month and I scope out all the v-drive stuff I see. I will gladly keep an eye peeled for your parts and notify the "proper authoritys" if anything turns up that could be yours. Merry Fu*kin Christmas, huh? Nothing that could be positively ID'ed as mine. If you see any 7/8" RH props at a swap meet though, there's a pretty good chance it might be mine. Maybe a brand-new set of RH lightened 12's? Nothing I could prove though. Hell, I'll buy 'em back. I just got off the phone with my insurance adjuster and he said only $1K on any boat stuff because it wasn't scheduled.
Merry effin xmas. No doubt. Screw it - I'm going to go play poker and drink beer and tell my wife I'm Christmas shopping.

12-23-2002, 05:08 PM
Sorry to hear about that (again) Scott. I'll keep my eyes open up this way for anybody selling the stuff. If I find it, I can guarantee you that you won't have to "buy it back". But the SOB that took the stuff is gonna need lotsa $$ to pay for the doctor bills!

12-23-2002, 10:15 PM
Scott, check you PM.

12-24-2002, 07:43 AM
I'm talking to the cop that came out yesterday, well, ok, ranting at the cop that came out and said "WTF, guess there's nothing I can do." He suggested that we "electrify" the fence. I say yeah, so the guy can sue my ass after he gets shocked and can't get a hard-on anymore. The cop agrees. Then I say that I carry a personal firearm and I should just shoot the thief but I'd just get thrown in prison. The cop says, "well, if it was on your personal property and no one else was around . . ." It's certainly not the fault of the police, seems like they're real frustrated with all of the liberal left-wing BS too. Scott,
Man, I sure am sorry about your run of bad luck. I wish I was closer to you, I'd buy the beer...
A few years back, a buddy of mine woke up to find three assholes in his house carrying his TV, Stereo, etc. out the front door. They had already got his tools from the garage. He came downstairs with his .357. Two of them made it out the door, he shot the third one three times. Unfortunately, the bastard lived but was paralyzed. My friend was actually arrested and was convicted of "excessive force". The judge ruled that since the "victim" wasn't armed "equally" he should of used better judgment. He had to serve weekends in jail for two years!
Because he was convicted of a crime, this allowed the "victim" to sue him in civil court for damages, which he won, and got like 1.1 million!
That's our system at work...

12-24-2002, 08:55 AM
Scott, The way your luck is running I would stay far away from anything that remotely resembles a gambling table, cards, dice, slot machines, ect... :D

12-24-2002, 09:04 AM
Scott, The way your luck is running I would stay far away from anything that remotely resembles a gambling table, cards, dice, slot machines, ect... :D Too late. :( I NEVER lose at cards, and got waylaid last night. :mad: Just wasn't into it I guess. I even folded with two winning hands because I wasn't paying attention. :rolleyes:

12-26-2002, 12:18 AM
126, this is the saddest thing I have heard this season and I am truly sorry. I know I have razzed you before for having a nice trailer but I thought they offered protection from this sort of thing. Heck, I was getting one to protect the whole boat during off season! Our current Law system just doesnt work for folks like us. It only works for the criminal! I spent 36 days on a Jury that convicted a druggie of a double O J Simpson style killing that handed him a RARE Death sentence. I just read the News that said the death penalty was lifted because the cops didnt read him his rights soon enough! Now I hear he gets a new trial because, get this, his PUBLIC defender was incompetent and ASKED the Judge for the wrong jury instructions. All at the tax payers expense of course. I know nothing I can say will make you feel better and all the advise here is simply a little too late but I would get that trailer closer to where I sleep and a large pack of BIG well fed canines! Terribly sorry for your loss! I'll keep my Nostalgia guys eyes open for suspisious good stuff and the 7/8 props will really stand out. Wishing you better luck in getting back what is rightfully yours....Jerk