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View Full Version : 17 year old Iraqi girl stoned to death.....

05-05-2007, 12:24 PM
Sad, here is the story..... (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=452288&in_page_id=1811)
Don't watcj this if you have a weak stomach....
Here is the video link...... (http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/1177931030/Girl_Gets_Stoned_to_Death_for_Dating_a_Man_of_Anot her_Religion)
I'm posting this not because it is fun..but because it sheds a scary light on the TYPE of people we are up against...it is clear that these people are animals, have no souls, and are as backward and ignorant as cavemen...the only way to deal with people like this is simple....kill every focking one of them....kill them all, nuke the whole area....rid the world of these people....someone once told me the difference between Christians and Muslims is this....Christians celebrate life, muslims, death...the video enforces the statement....sigh....

05-05-2007, 12:35 PM
Didn't watch the video, but now that I think about it what you said about the difference between christians and muslims is dead on.

05-05-2007, 12:44 PM
For half an hour... that is f'n sickening, what a bunch of peices of shit.
i don't give a shit when i hear that our soldiers are killing 'innocent civilians' over there, cause these are the sickos we are up against. :mad:

05-05-2007, 12:45 PM
I agree.....Kill em all. They contribute nothing positive or productive to the world. :mad:

05-05-2007, 12:49 PM
Muslims is a pretty broad term and so is Christians.
Maybe RADICAL muslims is a lil closer??
There are some looney-ass Christians marchin' around as well...
Anyways, having lived in the Middle East for several years I can tell ya that there are good and bad alike, just like anywhere else. Although it is easy to get Ignorant & Bad confused with one-another. These folks are without a doubt differant...Even the good...But to say they are all shat is plain wrong.
Just my $.02

05-05-2007, 12:52 PM
That country needs to be turned into a GOLF course You know when you thought you had a good idea and realize it not a good one so what do you do ? Throw it away, Maybe thats what needs to be done with this Iraqi counrty . I think we have a few extra bombs to spare ? How can those men (F%@ckers ) stand around and do that I'm sure they must have Daughters I vote to bomb the bastards :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :D

05-05-2007, 12:56 PM
Sad, here is the someone once told me the difference between Christians and Muslims is this....Christians celebrate life, muslims, death...the video enforces the statement....sigh....
From the link:
"Miss Aswad, a member of a minority Kurdish religious group called Yezidi, was condemned to death as an "honour killing" by other men in her family and hardline religious leaders because of her relationship with the Sunni Muslim boy."
:confused: :confused:
Blanket statement is dangerous

05-05-2007, 01:20 PM
That country needs to be turned into a GOLF course You know when you thought you had a good idea and realize it not a good one so what do you do ? Throw it away, Maybe thats what needs to be done with this Iraqi counrty . I think we have a few extra bombs to spare ? How can those men (F%@ckers ) stand around and do that I'm sure they must have Daughters I vote to bomb the bastards :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :D
More like a glass lake...:devil:

Wet Dream
05-05-2007, 01:56 PM
That right there is a bunch of sand ni**ers...and if you're offended by that statement, **** you.

Pheelin Phroggy
05-05-2007, 01:57 PM
As a retired soldier, I support everyone of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines over there.... but hell, if we pull out, maybe they would just continue to kill each other over there til one faction survives.. then we could push a cpl quick buttons and finish them off.

05-05-2007, 02:01 PM
Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand
Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?
A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand
The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be in your homelands
Holy wars
Dave Mustaine Megadeth

05-05-2007, 02:01 PM
That is the saddest thing I've seen done to a human being...strike that...abortion is just as brutal...its all very very terrible. :(

05-05-2007, 02:09 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad:

fat rat
05-05-2007, 02:17 PM
This is beyond our comprehension as Westerners. Many of these religious leaders are barbaric and, in my opinion, savages. They have no values and their idea of God is completely twisted.
That poor girl. I feel terrible for anyone that is born into such a society.

Xlration Marine
05-05-2007, 02:21 PM
I agree.....Kill em all. They contribute nothing positive or productive to the world. :mad:
So tell me what has the USA brought to the table. Killing the Indians ensaleving blacks? Pornography violence killing every day in the news. Um child pornography, rape drug's gambleing ,playboy, penthouse. Topless bars. Dumb ass therapits on TV saying that "hooking up is a good thing" If you can look past your nose you will see that the USA brings nothing good to the table. Divorse ,bastard childern. Thieves in government, Clinton. I think if they beat the living chit out of those guys that they caught on the "To Catch a Preditor" show that kind of thing wouldn't go on. In their world this girl committed a crime, thats there rule. To fear one type of ruler, the one you can't see (GOD) doesn't scare people. But to fear a a law that does things like this is real and does keep people in check, for the most part. Who rembers the kid from the USA that was smuggling drugs in some Asain country. He got his a$$ caned?? I'll bet you he hasn't done that again. Truth hurts. But ask them, what they think the USA is. I'll bet they paint an ugly picture just as we do of them.

05-05-2007, 02:28 PM
This is NOT a halloween picture..this is what these people believe, and they train and educate thier kids to hate and kill Jews and Americans from the moment they are born...somewhere in Palestine, there is a very proud family that took this pic......sigh.....this is not a war only of politics, this is also against the entire culture of islam.....

boat boy
05-05-2007, 02:54 PM
A good friend of mine, was born in Jordan and is Christian. Had lunch with him and his wife, also born in Jordan and to is Christian. There prespective on things with Sadam and Christians were totally different than what you would think. They claim Sadam would leave the Christian community alone. I question that.
As for the video, I agree nuke them after we get our boys out.

05-05-2007, 02:56 PM
So tell me what has the USA brought to the table. Killing the Indians ensaleving blacks? Pornography violence killing every day in the news. Um child pornography, rape drug's gambleing ,playboy, penthouse. Topless bars. Dumb ass therapits on TV saying that "hooking up is a good thing" If you can look past your nose you will see that the USA brings nothing good to the table. Divorse ,bastard childern. Thieves in government, Clinton. I think if they beat the living chit out of those guys that they caught on the "To Catch a Preditor" show that kind of thing wouldn't go on. In their world this girl committed a crime, thats there rule. To fear one type of ruler, the one you can't see (GOD) doesn't scare people. But to fear a a law that does things like this is real and does keep people in check, for the most part. Who rembers the kid from the USA that was smuggling drugs in some Asain country. He got his a$$ caned?? I'll bet you he hasn't done that again. Truth hurts. But ask them, what they think the USA is. I'll bet they paint an ugly picture just as we do of them.
What's wrong with pornography, gambling, playboy, penthouse and topless bars??????? :jawdrop: :D

Baja Big Dog
05-05-2007, 03:59 PM
So tell me what has the USA brought to the table. Killing the Indians ensaleving blacks? Pornography violence killing every day in the news. Um child pornography, rape drug's gambleing ,playboy, penthouse. Topless bars. Dumb ass therapits on TV saying that "hooking up is a good thing" If you can look past your nose you will see that the USA brings nothing good to the table. Divorse ,bastard childern. Thieves in government, Clinton. I think if they beat the living chit out of those guys that they caught on the "To Catch a Preditor" show that kind of thing wouldn't go on. In their world this girl committed a crime, thats there rule. To fear one type of ruler, the one you can't see (GOD) doesn't scare people. But to fear a a law that does things like this is real and does keep people in check, for the most part. Who rembers the kid from the USA that was smuggling drugs in some Asain country. He got his a$$ caned?? I'll bet you he hasn't done that again. Truth hurts. But ask them, what they think the USA is. I'll bet they paint an ugly picture just as we do of them.
Man..good points...need any help moving out of this porn filled, topless bar, Penthouse filled nation of scum?:eek:

05-05-2007, 04:06 PM
I'm sorry but the US didn't invent slavery, genocide, pornography/sexual desire, pedophilia, rape, gambling etc. THESE THINGS HAVE BEEN AROUND SINCE THE BEGINING OF CIVILIZATION
The computer you are typing this message on was brought to the table by the US, the boat you spend your summer on was brought to the table by the US, the affordable automobile you drive was brought to the table by the US, the medicine that may have saved you or your childs life was brought to the table by the US, the career you have was brought to the table by the US, the FREEDOM you have was brought to the table BY THE US.
If you think that citizens should be kept in line by fear of the government MOVE TO CHINA, or another communist country, and you wont have to worry about being exposed to all these things that you find disgusting.

05-05-2007, 04:12 PM
I'm sorry but the US didn't invent slavery, genocide, pornography/sexual desire, pedophilia, rape, gambling etc. THESE THINGS HAVE BEEN AROUND SINCE THE BEGINING OF CIVILIZATION
The computer you are typing this message on was brought to the table by the US, the boat you spend your summer on was brought to the table by the US, the affordable automobile you drive was brought to the table by the US, the medicine that may have saved you or your childs life was brought to the table by the US, the career you have was brought to the table by the US, the FREEDOM you have was brought to the table BY THE US.
If you think that citizens should be kept in line by fear of the government MOVE TO CHINA, or another communist country, and you wont have to worry about being exposed to all these things that you find disgusting.
Well put.....

05-05-2007, 04:38 PM
Sad, here is the story..... (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=452288&in_page_id=1811)
Don't watcj this if you have a weak stomach....
Here is the video link...... (http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/1177931030/Girl_Gets_Stoned_to_Death_for_Dating_a_Man_of_Anot her_Religion)
I'm posting this not because it is fun..but because it sheds a scary light on the TYPE of people we are up against...it is clear that these people are animals, have no souls, and are as backward and ignorant as cavemen...the only way to deal with people like this is simple....kill every focking one of them....kill them all, nuke the whole area....rid the world of these people....someone once told me the difference between Christians and Muslims is this....Christians celebrate life, muslims, death...the video enforces the statement....sigh....
It is a horrible thing. I watched the video. It is sickening. But this is their culture. How do you kill them all (the radical faction). They are everywhere. They are not in one location. Iraq is roughly the size of texas I think. Iran is bigger. Afgahnastan, Syria... You can't get them all.
What about Sudan. What about the Balkans. What about Somalia. What about Rwanda. Those are just the places the media finds newsworthy.
Historically and presently how do you eliminate the killing and slaughter of innocents. It just seems to be human nature in some less civilized parts of the world. Not a lot different than the US in it's infancy as the settlers from far away slaughtered the Native Americans. :eek:

photo chick
05-05-2007, 04:40 PM
It is a horrible thing. I watched the video. It is sickening. But this is their culture. How do you kill them all (the radical faction). They are everywhere. They are not in one location. Iraq is roughly the size of texas I think. Iran is bigger. Afgahnastan, Syria... You can't get them all.
What about Sudan. What about the Balkans. What about Somalia. What about Rwanda. Those are just the places the media finds newsworthy.
Historically and presently how do you eliminate the killing and slaughter of innocents. It just seems to be human nature in some less civilized parts of the world. Not a lot different than the US in it's infancy as the settlers from far away slaughtered the Native Americans. :eek:
I love your posts..........that's the length I'll get into this subject...but I seem to always agree with you Rexie!!!

Xlration Marine
05-05-2007, 05:07 PM
I'm sorry but the US didn't invent slavery, genocide, pornography/sexual desire, pedophilia, rape, gambling etc. THESE THINGS HAVE BEEN AROUND SINCE THE BEGINING OF CIVILIZATION
The computer you are typing this message on was brought to the table by the US, the boat you spend your summer on was brought to the table by the US, the affordable automobile you drive was brought to the table by the US, the medicine that may have saved you or your childs life was brought to the table by the US, the career you have was brought to the table by the US, the FREEDOM you have was brought to the table BY THE US.
If you think that citizens should be kept in line by fear of the government MOVE TO CHINA, or another communist country, and you wont have to worry about being exposed to all these things that you find disgusting.
You have a piont. But in the good ol USA it's on the telly and on your door step one mile from the nearest school and flashing neon all over the place. Disgusting? More along the lines of WRONG and Imoral. Auto's big deal, medicine to fix one thing,cause side effects for other things. Ask Jesse Ventura about FREEDOM. He left this country because he was loosing his freedoms, get on a plane lately. Ask the people of Washington DC if they felt free to walk the streets at night when the shooter was out. The same here a year ago in south Phoenix. These people that are in this vid have the right to live next to you, would you feel free?? Look at your next paycheck, what 20-30 percent that you will never see. Yup your free allright.

Xlration Marine
05-05-2007, 05:13 PM
By the way, ask my little brother about medicine. His Doctor didn't tell what would happen from taking medicine that he had insted of going back on the machine. He lost both of his leggs, thanks quack ooop's doc.

Xlration Marine
05-05-2007, 05:16 PM
Time to relax.
Our geat government.

05-05-2007, 06:20 PM
were not free in the US huh? Your stupidity amazes me, along with your spelling.

05-05-2007, 06:57 PM
So tell me what has the USA brought to the table. Killing the Indians ensaleving blacks? Pornography violence killing every day in the news. Um child pornography, rape drug's gambleing ,playboy, penthouse. Topless bars. Dumb ass therapits on TV saying that "hooking up is a good thing" If you can look past your nose you will see that the USA brings nothing good to the table. Divorse ,bastard childern. Thieves in government, Clinton. I think if they beat the living chit out of those guys that they caught on the "To Catch a Preditor" show that kind of thing wouldn't go on. In their world this girl committed a crime, thats there rule. To fear one type of ruler, the one you can't see (GOD) doesn't scare people. But to fear a a law that does things like this is real and does keep people in check, for the most part. Who rembers the kid from the USA that was smuggling drugs in some Asain country. He got his a$$ caned?? I'll bet you he hasn't done that again. Truth hurts. But ask them, what they think the USA is. I'll bet they paint an ugly picture just as we do of them.
The kid that got his a$$ caned vandalized a car with spray paint. If he had been smuggling drugs, he would have been put to death.

05-05-2007, 07:03 PM
Time to relax.
Our geat government.
Dumb and stupid.....sigh...

05-05-2007, 07:47 PM
You have a piont. But in the good ol USA it's on the telly and on your door step one mile from the nearest school and flashing neon all over the place. Disgusting? More along the lines of WRONG and Imoral. Auto's big deal, medicine to fix one thing,cause side effects for other things. Ask Jesse Ventura about FREEDOM. He left this country because he was loosing his freedoms, get on a plane lately. Ask the people of Washington DC if they felt free to walk the streets at night when the shooter was out. The same here a year ago in south Phoenix. These people that are in this vid have the right to live next to you, would you feel free?? Look at your next paycheck, what 20-30 percent that you will never see. Yup your free allright.
Here is the deal, if you don't like it here get the **** out! You can move away like Johnny Depp you ungrateful ****!

05-05-2007, 08:27 PM
sick assholes:mad:

05-05-2007, 09:13 PM
I love your posts..........that's the length I'll get into this subject...but I seem to always agree with you Rexie!!!
Thanx PC. I like your kittys and pics too. :)

Baja Big Dog
05-05-2007, 09:33 PM
You have a piont. But in the good ol USA it's on the telly and on your door step one mile from the nearest school and flashing neon all over the place. Disgusting? More along the lines of WRONG and Imoral. Auto's big deal, medicine to fix one thing,cause side effects for other things. Ask Jesse Ventura about FREEDOM. He left this country because he was loosing his freedoms, get on a plane lately. Ask the people of Washington DC if they felt free to walk the streets at night when the shooter was out. The same here a year ago in south Phoenix. These people that are in this vid have the right to live next to you, would you feel free?? Look at your next paycheck, what 20-30 percent that you will never see. Yup your free allright.
Dude..two words..Pro..Zac, your an awfully bitter person!! Get some help.

05-06-2007, 08:26 AM
****ing Animals

05-06-2007, 10:34 AM
It is a horrible thing. I watched the video. It is sickening. But this is their culture. How do you kill them all (the radical faction). They are everywhere. They are not in one location. Iraq is roughly the size of texas I think. Iran is bigger. Afgahnastan, Syria... You can't get them all.
What about Sudan. What about the Balkans. What about Somalia. What about Rwanda. Those are just the places the media finds newsworthy.
Historically and presently how do you eliminate the killing and slaughter of innocents. It just seems to be human nature in some less civilized parts of the world. Not a lot different than the US in it's infancy as the settlers from far away slaughtered the Native Americans. :eek:
We have sons and daughters dying to preserve a way of life for people like that? W T F?????????????????????
I say we pull out of Iraq and let them kill each other. The U.S. lets it happen in Darfur why not Iraq too. These people can not be saved from themselves. A holy war does not end. The U.S. needs to wory about the U.S. and the U.S. only. As Sen. Ron Paul said. Fock policing the world.
We need to kick all those non citizen fockers out of the U.S. and Cancel any and all future visas to these fockers. No more student visas.....etc. Let them all stay in the desert and kill each other in the desert. Hell let Isreal Nuke them. We should stop interviening in that crap too. Isreal is a big boy and he can take of himself.
Austrailia doesn't let them act a fool in their country...why do we?

05-06-2007, 10:50 AM
We have sons and daughters dying to preserve a way of life for people like that? W T F?????????????????????
I say we pull out of Iraq and let them kill each other. The U.S. lets it happen in Darfur why not Iraq too. These people can not be saved from themselves. A holy war does not end. The U.S. needs to wory about the U.S. and the U.S. only. As Sen. Ron Paul said. Fock policing the world.
We need to kick all those non citizen fockers out of the U.S. and Cancel any and all future visas to these fockers. No more student visas.....etc. Let them all stay in the desert and kill each other in the desert. Hell let Isreal Nuke them. We should stop interviening in that crap too. Isreal is a big boy and he can take of himself.
Austrailia doesn't let them act a fool in their country...why do we?
Shot, very good points...I agree with you, except that the fear, as I see it, is the rise of another Iran type government with sharia law inthe area...that is what the problem is...I think liberals have focked things up so bad, that there is no way to set things right except by blood. England for example, is starting to see the huge muslim population the same way we view the illegal aliens..get them out, ok, but HOW?? All of Europe is turning quietly away from Muslims...but because of the way liberalism has screwed things up, getting rid of them is not easy. In a recent survey of English muslims, it was found that over 70% of them would support shiria law over English law in England. That was a wake up call.
Back to my point, the reason that we can ignore other regional conflicts, but not Iraq, is that these people, left to thier own devices, will set up a govt. as dangerous as Iran or the Taliban in Afghanistan...the world can no longer take a chance with another Muslim extremist govt. .....so there we are..personally, I say nuke them all...

05-06-2007, 11:06 AM
Shot, very good points...I agree with you, except that the fear, as I see it, is the rise of another Iran type government with sharia law inthe area...that is what the problem is...I think liberals have focked things up so bad, that there is no way to set things right except by blood. England for example, is starting to see the huge muslim population the same way we view the illegal aliens..get them out, ok, but HOW?? All of Europe is turning quietly away from Muslims...but because of the way liberalism has screwed things up, getting rid of them is not easy. In a recent survey of English muslims, it was found that over 70% of them would support shiria law over English law in England. That was a wake up call.
Back to my point, the reason that we can ignore other regional conflicts, but not Iraq, is that these people, left to thier own devices, will set up a govt. as dangerous as Iran or the Taliban in Afghanistan...the world can no longer take a chance with another Muslim extremist govt. .....so there we are..personally, I say nuke them all...
This is why there should be no more visas permitted to muslims period. stay in your own focked up country and fix it. They want to come here and play the religion card like they are entitled to something. We as a country will not wake up until 9-11 part two happens.
Let Isreal nuke them. We need to sake our bombs:D

05-06-2007, 12:50 PM
We have sons and daughters dying to preserve a way of life for people like that? W T F?????????????????????
I say we pull out of Iraq and let them kill each other. The U.S. lets it happen in Darfur why not Iraq too. These people can not be saved from themselves. A holy war does not end. The U.S. needs to wory about the U.S. and the U.S. only. As Sen. Ron Paul said. Fock policing the world.
We need to kick all those non citizen fockers out of the U.S. and Cancel any and all future visas to these fockers. No more student visas.....etc. Let them all stay in the desert and kill each other in the desert. Hell let Isreal Nuke them. We should stop interviening in that crap too. Isreal is a big boy and he can take of himself.
Austrailia doesn't let them act a fool in their country...why do we?
I don't disagree. But how realistic are any of those things with our present government mindset? Not very. There lies the problem. In this now PC world of ours we surely can't offend anyone by kicking them out or denying them free access. That might be construed as profiling. And we certainly can't fight a real war with imbedded reporters looking over our soldiers shoulders with cameras. The Iraq war is somewhat of a joke because of the above (restraints our government has allowed to be in place). I don't say that in disrespect of our troops (God knows they want to win) but in disrespect of our government and politicians who tie one arm behind their backs as soon as they enter the war zone between the reporters and somewhat limited rules of engagement and weapons. And the problem started on the first day of the war imo when the US and other nations let half or more of the Iraqi army cut and run to fight another day. That other day is now going on 5 years. Yes there are other imported fighters now, but would they now be there if the Iraqi threat had been eliminated during the first days?
Like a good friend of mine who served 18 mo in Iraq said, You can fight them over there or fight them here. Let them spend their money over there fighting. I agree a lot of lives have been lost. Ask how many would be lost if we were fighting them here tho. That friend also firmly believes we will be fighting them here if we don't use them up over there because they won't stop hating and will spend their money mounting terrorism here if not there. Right now most of Al Quieda's remaining dollars are being funneled into the wars in Iraq and Afgahnastan.
Regardless of your view on the war in Iraq, I'd think you'd agree that we have put a huge financial dent in Al Quieda since 911 between freezing assets and using their money up to fight us in Iraq.
Some things to think about before saying we should just leave Iraq and let the chips fall where they may.

05-06-2007, 01:07 PM
Rexone:Not a lot different than the US in it's infancy as the settlers from far away slaughtered the Native Americans.
"Native Americans" did their fair share of slaughtering and torturing.

photo chick
05-06-2007, 01:10 PM
Thanx PC. I like your kittys and pics too. :)
One of those damn kitties tried to bite me last week....:jawdrop: So I bit him back:D

05-06-2007, 01:10 PM
"Native Americans" did their fair share of slaughtering and torturing.
Would they have if the settlers and calvery had not invaded their homelands? And who ended up winning that war?
You're missing my point of that post. That point being that human nature seems to be the source of this throughout history, not exclusive to any one race or culture.

05-06-2007, 02:18 PM
Okay all, hate to post this long, but you all need to take a good hard look into our perspective on these people that we are so prone to hate.
I received this email from somebody, and I thought it made some good sense. I forwarded it to others with a lead in line of "I normally try not to be this one sided, but..."
Well, I sent it to one of my friends from jr. high/high school, who does human intelligence/interrogation for the Army. He was deployed to Guantanamo at the upstart of the incarceration there (no, no involvement in the mayhem over there), and then into Baghdad in October of '03, right in the middle of the most heated battles in Iraq. He was one of those faced with children pointing guns in his face, and more than he'll ever admit, had to make the decision of "my life vs. yours" in these situations. He's a father of 5 and a CHP officer that was a reservist, and was deployed to do his duty. He never quipped or griped, but instead did it with honor.
Why am I setting this up??? Because as ignorant as I was made to feel after having forwarded the email to him, I was able to read his reply and understand that I too had fallen sucker to all the hype.
Before you read this, don't for a second think that I'm not sickened by these people, just understand that the most important word that must be used when describing these people, is "radical" or "extremist".
Can a good Muslim be a good American? I forwarded that question to a Friend that worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his Forwarded reply.
Have you ever thought -- Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and a
loyal citizen? Is Muslim American really an oxymoron? Consider this:
Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of
Arabia .
Religiously, no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except
Islam (Quran, 2:256)
Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam
andthe Quran (Koran).
Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns
in prayer five times a day.
Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends
with Christians or Jews.
Politically, no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders),
who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America , the great
Domestically, no, because he is instructed to marry four women and beat
and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34).
Intellectually, no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution
since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be
Philosophically, no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow
freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co - exist.
Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or Autocratic.
Spiritually, no, because when we declare "one nation under God," the
Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as
heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent
Therefore after much study and deliberation.... Perhaps we should be very
suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both
good" Muslims and good Americans. Call it What you wish...it's still the
truth. A Muslim was thought to be that way ever since they were born and
thereafter to belief in the Islamic way of living without having to cope
to have respect for other religions.
If you find yourself intellectually in agreement with the above
perhaps you will share this with your friends. The more who understand
the better it will be for our country and our future.
Pass it on Fellow Americans.... The religious war is bigger than we know
or understand.
This text is a bunch of crap, I find the below text to be far from the truth....While in the military I have personally lived in a Muslim country (Iraq) for close to one year and came in contact with Muslims on a daily basis........I know of many civilian Muslims who I associated with who fought and sacrificed their lives to help us (Americans) fight the war on terrorism and spread our Ideology of Freedom......I Iost two of my buddies in the Iraq war and personally dealt with an AL Qaeda prisoner directly linked to 9/11 who felt no remorse for the event......If anyone should hate a Muslim it should be me....
My hate (for lack of a better word) is directed at the ignorant Muslim extremist who hijacked a religion to justify their own cause... The ignorant asshole who drafted the text below is no different than the extremist hijackers. This person is trying to hijack the the resurgence of American Pride by manipulating the minds of those who lack true knowledge of Islam and leading people to believe that the below text is true........
As you can see this person is a coward and cannot even put his name on the text to back up his supposed "Truths".....I served in war with American Muslims who have contributed to the democracy that this idiot is taking advantage of....Did this coward volunteer to serve in our military after 9/11??? I doubt it....... I know many American Muslims who did, knowing that their language skills would greatly enhance the war on TERRORISM at a time that their country (USA) needed them!!!
As a Christian American who served ( two tours-Iraq and GTMO BAY) and currently serves in the US Military and has a great knowledge of Muslims and Islam, I believe that I have the right and duty to make sure that ignorance is not spread when it comes to Muslims, Islam or any other race or religion that is protected by the US Constitution and what the United States stands for...
Don't misinterpret what I have said to think that I am "Soft" or a liberal... Just the opposite, I believe that we must vigorously hunt down these Muslim Extremist and KILL them for the safety of Americans, true Muslims and other non "EXTREMIST MUSLIMS" throughout the world........there is no converting these extremist to become moderates and they are a cancer to the world...
Remember "Not all Muslims are AL Qaeda but all AL Qaeda are Muslims......Muslims who have MANIPULATED Islam for personal benefit at the expense of all other Muslims."
Think about it......
Does what happened during the Christian Crusades (Against Muslims and Jews-read below, in case you forgot!!) or Jonestown Massacre affiliated with Disciples of Christ Church -900 killed, or more recent, Waco, TX (David Koresh -74 killed) and many other tragic events make Christianity a hateful religion..... or is it the individuals who manipulated a religion for their own benefit..........
The interpretation of the Koran as you see below is intended to fulfill the writers own personal self fulfilling goals........just as it was interpreted and used to manipulate the 19 Hijackers and current 10 million extremist Muslims living throughout the world by Usama Bin Laden, Ayman Al Zawahiri and Khalid Sheik Mohammad................
If you are open minded and a realist you will find that every race and religion has ignorant lazy people within who will use any event as an excuse to take advantage of others to fulfill their own desires (Yes, I know its hard to believe, but Mexicans too).....don't fall for this writers crap!!!
"The war against ignorance is bigger than we know or understand!!!"
Edward M.
Proud American of Mexican Descent and Veteran of OEF (GTMO-Inside the Wire) and OIF-II (Outside the Wire- Not a REMF!!!!).......]

05-06-2007, 02:23 PM
You're missing my point of that post. That point being that human nature seems to be the source of this throughout history, not exclusive to any one race or culture.
NOt to hijack the thread, but it does somewhat apply. I got your point exactly. That's why I mentioned that as humans, the indians did their share of "inhumane" acts, far above and beyond defending "their" land. Would they have if we didn't "invade"? Since I wasn't here, I wouldn't know, but my guess is that most who came to this country did so in peace, just looking for another place to live. I don't accept the fact that we, the opressive white man, were as bad as history, and most people, say we were. The indians developed their own ideas and techniques of torture and murder amongst themselves, long before we came here. Kinda why we called them "savages". It's sort of a "what came first, the chicken of the egg?" situation...did we cause them to become savages, or were they already, before we even got here?
Human nature.

05-06-2007, 02:48 PM
NOt to hijack the thread, but it does somewhat apply. I got your point exactly. That's why I mentioned that as humans, the indians did their share of "inhumane" acts, far above and beyond defending "their" land. Would they have if we didn't "invade"? Since I wasn't here, I wouldn't know, but my guess is that most who came to this country did so in peace, just looking for another place to live. I don't accept the fact that we, the opressive white man, were as bad as history, and most people, say we were. The indians developed their own ideas and techniques of torture and murder amongst themselves, long before we came here. Kinda why we called them "savages". It's sort of a "what came first, the chicken of the egg?" situation...did we cause them to become savages, or were they already, before we even got here?
Human nature.
I think the indians were justified in any savage behavior.
I'd scalp you too if you tried to take my land.:D So what if you think I have more than I need or can use. Its mine.
just my .02:D

05-06-2007, 03:00 PM
I don't disagree. But how realistic are any of those things with our present government mindset? Not very. There lies the problem. In this now PC world of ours we surely can't offend anyone by kicking them out or denying them free access. That might be construed as profiling. And we certainly can't fight a real war with imbedded reporters looking over our soldiers shoulders with cameras. The Iraq war is somewhat of a joke because of the above (restraints our government has allowed to be in place). I don't say that in disrespect of our troops (God knows they want to win) but in disrespect of our government and politicians who tie one arm behind their backs as soon as they enter the war zone between the reporters and somewhat limited rules of engagement and weapons. And the problem started on the first day of the war imo when the US and other nations let half or more of the Iraqi army cut and run to fight another day. That other day is now going on 5 years. Yes there are other imported fighters now, but would they now be there if the Iraqi threat had been eliminated during the first days?
Like a good friend of mine who served 18 mo in Iraq said, You can fight them over there or fight them here. Let them spend their money over there fighting. I agree a lot of lives have been lost. Ask how many would be lost if we were fighting them here tho. That friend also firmly believes we will be fighting them here if we don't use them up over there because they won't stop hating and will spend their money mounting terrorism here if not there. Right now most of Al Quieda's remaining dollars are being funneled into the wars in Iraq and Afgahnastan.
Regardless of your view on the war in Iraq, I'd think you'd agree that we have put a huge financial dent in Al Quieda since 911 between freezing assets and using their money up to fight us in Iraq.
Some things to think about before saying we should just leave Iraq and let the chips fall where they may.
IMO our government needs to evolve into something better than this PC crap. The ex-leader the CIA should not be afraid to say yes we tortured Al Quieda members. And by doing so we saved millions of lives. Why do they have to lie and call it something touchy feely so that liberals don't get upset. You don't go to battle with 60 minutes in your humvee. War is ugly and does not have rules when your enemy does not follow or have to follow rules. IMO the gloves should be off. Screw that "we need to show thew world an example of being better than the terrorists" crap. We need to win period! War has evolved throughout history. We no longer line up on a battlefield (like in the civil war) and shoot each other at 50 yards for obvious reasons. We need to adapt to the war we are fighting. If we have to fight with our hands tied behind our back then I think it is an injustice to our troops who have given all.

05-06-2007, 03:57 PM
So nobody has answered the important question.........What is wrong with porn, gambling, playboy and topless bars?????:D

05-06-2007, 04:31 PM
We have sons and daughters dying to preserve a way of life for people like that? W T F?????????????????????
I say we pull out of Iraq and let them kill each other. The U.S. lets it happen in Darfur why not Iraq too. These people can not be saved from themselves. A holy war does not end. The U.S. needs to wory about the U.S. and the U.S. only. As Sen. Ron Paul said. Fock policing the world.
We need to kick all those non citizen fockers out of the U.S. and Cancel any and all future visas to these fockers. No more student visas.....etc. Let them all stay in the desert and kill each other in the desert. Hell let Isreal Nuke them. We should stop interviening in that crap too. Isreal is a big boy and he can take of himself.
Austrailia doesn't let them act a fool in their country...why do we?
AMEN,,,,,,,,,,, I'm with you.