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View Full Version : Pissing on the mexican flag

05-06-2007, 04:28 PM
How come nobody has filmed a video on Americans pissing on or flying upside down the Mexican flag? How do you think those cockroaches would respond to that? I don't know about everyone else but I am really fed up with the A--holes coming into our county and getting a free ride and protesting. I feel our Veterans that fought for the freedoms we have deserve better.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

05-06-2007, 04:46 PM
Most Americans don't do it because our parents taught us to respect other cultures and there peoples. Most of the mexican immagrants I have met and worked with over the years have a strong sense of family and values. I bet a lot of those kids got an ass whipping when they got home after their school stunt. The rest should have.

Troy McClure
05-06-2007, 05:52 PM
[QUOTE=ShockwaveBob;2544024]Most illegals are too busy working to worry about marching at some demonstration.
Somebody that was born here has just as much right to hold a flag upside down as you do to complain about it. /QUOTE]
Sure about the first statement? I really doubt that and unless you were out taking a poll, that's a pretty bold. My best guess (and no, I was not there) is that the majority were illegal and/or had parents/relatives that are.
As far as the second statement, That's why we really need to change our constitution. F'n anchor babies.

05-06-2007, 05:55 PM
Most of the people you call "cockroaches" that are "stirring the pot", in your mind, were born here. Most illegals are too busy working to worry about marching at some demonstration.
Somebody that was born here has just as much right to hold a flag upside down as you do to complain about it. And, as a veteran, who's memory you seem so worried about, what exactly do you think that I carried a weapon in defense of this country to protect? Your right to hold a flag upside down, call people cockroaches or just generally make an ass out of yourself in the name of patriotism. No need to thank me, Uncle Sam thanked me on the 1st and 15th.
Welcome back Bob. I don't give a crap if they were born here or not. I received two purple hearts in Nam and I didn't come back home to see this disrespect. I don't think I'm making an ass out of myself in the name of patriotism. It's you liberals than F things up in the name of patriotism. Can't believe an ex marine would sympathize with this. By the way, I never did receive thanks from Uncle Sam. He never was on the receiving end of an AK47 and doesn't have a clue what it feels like. I'm pissed and I've earned the right to voice my opinion whether anyone likes it or not.

05-06-2007, 06:00 PM
I watched a guy take a dumb on a mexicans truck then wipe his ass with his mexican flag. almost every one on the job site cheered.