View Full Version : Vacations gone wild..

05-10-2007, 07:07 AM
With all the talk going on about these trips i'd like to point out the positive things that have come of these.....
1. Meeting new people that have become close friends would have to be #1 on the list. The people know who they are (friends) and I thank you for your friendship. This is in huge part to these forums. Going to Camp Far West and meeting all the Nor-Cal guys is one of the best times I can remember having with by boat.
2. Seeing the Needles trip grow over the years was a kick. The enthusiasm, the smack talk (all in fun) and waiting to see who showed up with what was always cool. Then like everything in this world times change. And with change you have to adapt or be left behind.
3. Having the local police come down and visit with us on there off time to see what can be done to make us and them happy (complaints...noise) and be willing to work out a solution was a huge step, and one that took alot of doing on both parts to make it work. Now there are some that don't see it that way but to each his own. Just remember one thing...The actions you take affect all of us. Even if you don't think so!!!!.
4. Now some of you might say that I do this from a business stand point. I have always done alot of boats in my career and yes with these boat making a strong come back it did rejuvenate the boat painting again. But your only as good as your last job, and without quality work it would all go out the window. I just love boats. I always have since I was a very little kid. And it doesn't matter what type. I can drive by a field and see a boat sitting there all jacked up and wish I could restore it. My wife (Janice) just looks at me and shakes here head (smiling). I just love the fact that you can bring these boats back from the dead and have fun with them all over again. They belong on the water, they deserve to be brought back, and we should be able to run them once in awhile. I really enjoy watching Connor (my son) at the age of 10 be able to cruise Barry Black's injected Sanger up and down the river. He drove Tony's boat, he's driven my boat, Desi's boat (tunnel ram Cole), and last but not least the "Sea Donkey". I mean these are the things these trip are made of. This is what I wish the police and the local people who complain (noise) could see. They were all kids at one time. Looking for a fun time. And now that there not there they seem to forget.
5. But when I really look back on the times that were had most of it was sitting around a fire ripping on each other, leaning against a boat while "Nutts a Hang'in King" changed gears & Tony cracked up. Playing shoes against Hud and then having him cook for all of us while getting a little love pinch from one of our group and me seeing it is "PRICELESS", are what these trips are really about.
So with that said it's been a good run and a fun one. Hopefull not the last one!!!!.

05-10-2007, 07:24 AM
How about the interview with Scummer after he won the chicken!
Giving Hud his helmet at CFW!
All of the countless laughs on the point while Allen is making passes back and forth!
Great times!

05-10-2007, 07:33 AM
I know you've meet alot of people in your racing career but you have to admit. The group of people we have come across in the last few years have been "SPECIAL"!!!:D .

05-10-2007, 07:42 AM
Well put Billy. I am just bummed I never made it to one of these deals, when they were huge. :(

05-10-2007, 07:48 AM
Cant agree more there CHIEFY! Your the SOLE reason im having so much fun on the WATER! Meeting all the peeps ive met in the circle boat world and all the help ive got so i can have more FUN than a humans allowed! But the STANDOUT MOMENT for me is CFW morning bullhorn CALLOUT!!!Your a frick'in BEAUTY!!! CHIEFY!!

05-10-2007, 08:09 AM
Billy, You have done alot for this sport/hobby/lifestyle. Prolly more then anyone else around today. Anyone who thinks you do it just for the money must have never met you. Sure these boats are a part of your income. But when you think about it, how bad ass is that?? C'mon, being able to combine your passion, lifestyle and job all into one is what most people dream of.
I did get the chance to go to 2 of your deals. Both for one day only but I still had a great time. Thanks so much for that.
I hope your guys are able to keep doing what your doing. Just don't drunk dial RCL and it will stay off the internet. lol

Mr. V-Driver
05-10-2007, 08:24 AM
I haven't made it to some of the get together events, but It's been a pleasure to know Billy and Bobby- Krazy Kolors- through the years!!!
You guys are Kewl..........:)

Sanger D
05-10-2007, 08:46 AM
thank you Bill for your help and encouragement!!I have a blast at the get togethers and EVERYONE is a specail kind of charactor,scotty and dave S,truitt ,JJ,vanbeenan,rick ,steve d,chris and sheryl,jerry,nazi,the list goes on and on.the stories and help and education is priceless and I hope it never ends!!!!!!Its easy to get caught up in the moment and say things we PROBABLY don't mean sometimes on this web, but WE all share a hobby that is hard in our hearts and at the end of the day,I'm glad for EVERYONE I've ever had the chance to talk to and meet at any gathering of hot boats....With ALL MY B.S. aside, thanks everyone for your passion:D .....now get bent!!!!!!!;)

05-10-2007, 08:49 AM
Are you making the trip this year to C.F.W. ?It would be nice to finally meet ya.

Rattle Can Lou
05-10-2007, 09:09 AM
Holy Shiat, Wer'e not going to be able to talk to the chubby little bastard after all the nutt swingin. I thought Guru was head nutt swinger guy but NNNOOOOOO, It's Billy himself. Don't worry about me starting any crap about drunk callin....I'm done with it. I'm gonna haul my new "replica wacker" to Needles and make speed runs by the marina. It's an exact copy of Billy's and Janice's....HHHHHHOOOOOOOORRRRAAAAHHHHHH!

05-10-2007, 09:45 AM
It is more about one place denying V-Drives that stinks. I am scared to see what unfolds down the road, if a few more places start denying them, we could all be screwed. The only thing we can do is continue to be the responsible boaters.
Another thing that hurts is so many people can afford to buy over the transom exhaust boats now days, that it is almost like the sea doo crowd. Just a bunch of irresponsible boaters out making the good ones look bad. And the average joe doesnt know the difference between a jet or v-drive so they all think they are the same.

05-10-2007, 11:29 AM
Great Post Mr.B!
May the wind be on your face and the sun on your back at the next gathering.

Cole Man II
05-10-2007, 11:51 AM
I think that alot of people have realized that buzzing the tower is no longer a good idea. Its not good for them or for any of us.
I think if enough people stand up and make an effort to be a true ambassador to our hobby, you will be seeing v-drives around for a long time to come.

05-10-2007, 12:01 PM
"Now some of you might say that I do this from a business stand point." Quote Billy B
If you were just doing this from a business standpoint I don't think you would be so active in the how to forum, on a how to paint a boat. For all of us that have been able to pick up tips from you, we are truly lucky. I agree with everything you guys are saying and also would like to add that we need to come together and police ourselves, because we don't know how many more we are going to get. Also know one mentioned the fundraiser for Mr. Cosantino that you put together that was a huge success. Thanks Billy

05-10-2007, 12:57 PM
Good stuff Billy,
Warm fuzzy's all around. The caliper of people I have met through these events is unreal.
It is just hard to see things being taken away that we all know will never come back. I have a pretty good feeling we will find new ways & new places to get together. The love for these get together's is just to deep.
For me personally it is always memories of good times. Even back to after my mom & dad split up. Things were tough, but I will always cherish the memory of riding in my dads hydro feeling the hot breeze watching the droplets of water vibrate off the deck. I for one am not ready to let the heritage die.

Rattle Can Lou
05-10-2007, 01:22 PM
I Love Billy...I want the world to know. I Love Billy. I grew up in this sport. The funny thing is when I grew up it wasnt a sport. These were the boats to have. You went to the lake and put your boat in the water and there were 15-25 of em tied up to Skier's Beach out of Orowood Resort on the Delta. At Lake Berryessa they were like Lake Lice are today. When I got on this website and started particpating and meeting people I felt like I was reborn again. I will be at the next Needles event and so will my brothers. I Thank You Billy along with Reggie Hammons and so many other kewl people I have met through this hobby. My beleif is that if we keep our nose clean there will be a time where our group will be desired by the resorts...Think about the street rod scene. Many restaraunts and drive in's really enjoy having the street rodder events held at their venues. We need to view ourselves a little differently. We need to realize what we bring financially to a resort. If we keep everybody sane and demand that eveybody act accordingly, then someday we will have value.

05-10-2007, 01:49 PM
I wove you too Billy..........

05-10-2007, 03:22 PM
I Love Billy...I want the world to know. I Love Billy. I grew up in this sport. The funny thing is when I grew up it wasnt a sport. These were the boats to have. You went to the lake and put your boat in the water and there were 15-25 of em tied up to Skier's Beach out of Orowood Resort on the Delta. At Lake Berryessa they were like Lake Lice are today. When I got on this website and started particpating and meeting people I felt like I was reborn again. I will be at the next Needles event and so will my brothers. I Thank You Billy along with Reggie Hammons and so many other kewl people I have met through this hobby. My beleif is that if we keep our nose clean there will be a time where our group will be desired by the resorts...Think about the street rod scene. Many restaraunts and drive in's really enjoy having the street rodder events held at their venues. We need to view ourselves a little differently. We need to realize what we bring financially to a resort. If we keep everybody sane and demand that eveybody act accordingly, then someday we will have value.
Billy & RCL have made good points here...But this "Sanity" thing may be an Issue for some...:) :) :)

05-10-2007, 06:22 PM
I think i am going to "cry " i luv you man:D

05-10-2007, 06:31 PM
I Love Billy...I want the world to know. I Love Billy. I grew up in this sport. The funny thing is when I grew up it wasnt a sport. These were the boats to have. You went to the lake and put your boat in the water and there were 15-25 of em tied up to Skier's Beach out of Orowood Resort on the Delta. At Lake Berryessa they were like Lake Lice are today. When I got on this website and started particpating and meeting people I felt like I was reborn again. I will be at the next Needles event and so will my brothers. I Thank You Billy along with Reggie Hammons and so many other kewl people I have met through this hobby. My beleif is that if we keep our nose clean there will be a time where our group will be desired by the resorts...Think about the street rod scene. Many restaraunts and drive in's really enjoy having the street rodder events held at their venues. We need to view ourselves a little differently. We need to realize what we bring financially to a resort. If we keep everybody sane and demand that eveybody act accordingly, then someday we will have value.
speaking of Berryesa is anyone else but me going this weekend last ***boat event there, John Rossi's :confused:

05-10-2007, 08:01 PM
Hey Jim Jones....I mean Billy 'B' when are you serving the coolaid, you need a cable show The Reverend B, V-drive'en you to good times......just send cash to the cause because the big man from above wants billy to have a back up motor and drums of fuel and a spot at the waters edge!!! Hey all kidding aside billy is a down to earth guy that I have personaly knowen for almost 28 years, although I have not been out to a 'EVENT' I know what it is like around the shop and the races when he is on a roll. He is like no other and I mean that in a good way. Billy is a boater thru and thru and does what he does to promote the sport not his wallet. There how was that, now can I get the secret hand shake and membership card :D

05-11-2007, 05:13 AM
Thanks evryone for the props. I wasn't looking for that (personally) but I truley appreciate it. Even from from my arch rival spray can painter buddy. I just don't want to see this form of boating go away. And I think with enough support and as some of you have pointed out (police ourselves) we can make this happen. And SAWTOOTH we'll put you front row and center if you'll bring the brand new 1986 or is it 88 Mako flat (pro gas) out for it's maiden voyage. :eek: :D . For those of you who don't know the story, Sawtooth bought the hull brand new, has done everything himself, and I do mean everything except the engine which I believe the "KING" of HP Bubby Wilton did that, and the boat has yet to see water which I always bust him on. The boat is top notch in everyway. Maybe someday Chris we'll have you with us!!!. Thanks again everybody :)

b's sanger
05-11-2007, 05:37 AM
Silly COPS... :D

05-11-2007, 12:03 PM
I agree with everyone here, keep this alive. The last time I had this much fun was when we ran a Funny Car at primarily Fremont and Orange County International Raceway, back in the 64 Funny Car days and the Golden Gate Nationals. You could throw a Funny Car together, chip in on food, beer and a bottle, oh, and nitro, and go have a great time. If you broke something, your feircest competitor would unbolt it off his ride just to see you keep going.
I am new to hot boats, specifically v-drives, but have heard of CFW and all the fun for many years. The first time I heard of CFW I was sitting in a bar in Shanghai, China in 1992, and these guys were talking about going to CFW and all the fun. To make a long story short, I finally made it out just three Fathers Days ago, and I was hooked. The boats are great, but the real fun to us is all the people we meet. A great bunch. And every time we go we meet more, make more friends and make more PRICELESS memories.
Like just this last weekend parking our trucks in a ring just so we could cook and get out of the wind. Helping out the 222 boat get his new blown big block running, drilling out a fuel injection pill on the picnic table using Country Croc margarine we borrowed from someone else to cook with to help lube the drill bit.
The best part of all is the days and weeks after a fun weekend we are still stoked about the last time we went and cant wait to go again.
I have posted in here before that we take our Sanger to car shows. I tow it behind my '54 Hudson Hornet. I started doing it because the car shows, at least in NorCal seem to be smaller and smaller and less frequent. Part of it could be blamed on fuel cost or whatever, but we see less and less young people participating. If the car clubs opened up to other types vehicles, including boats, it would help us all out. People would see how beautiful boats really are and how great the people are. Young people out there would see there is more cool stuff out there to get involved with besides Honda's, Model A's, and Camaro's, which most cannot afford. And it is the young people, like all of us at one time were, that will keep this going. The more we get involved now the better for all of us.
I used to tell my son when he would say "I miss the good times", I would reply "Son, these are the good times". And they really are.

05-11-2007, 06:06 PM
i just wanted to butt in and say how much i love this sport. v-drives have been my passion since i was a little kid. my dad had a blown gas sanger and i have been addicted ever since. ive had the pleasure of meeting a few of you guys like tony, billy, and a couple others. its sad to see all the cool boats in my town that never see water because of either the laws or the complaints. i'm in the middle of putting a runnerbottom together and will be at all the gatherings next year. appreciate what evrybody is dong to keep these boats running. and hope to meet all you guys soon!

05-12-2007, 07:56 AM
I feel ya I remember the days of driving my dads flat sitting on his lap. watching the water dropplets bounce around on the deck. Getting to drive the boat under the bridge at 45-55 mph was scrary as hell to me even at age 6 or 7. I spent from a newborn till about 11years of age in his numerous boats he had during the summers. as I grew older I was always drawn to the water. Im very lucky to live right on the bay of Green bay and have several lakes and rivers to run the very same flat in this picture. I have put umteen hours in restoring and tinkering. Now to get my Dad back in the boat before its too late. LOL I hang with all of his friends from the 60 and 70s. There quite a bit older than me but its always great to hear a story about the old man expecially the ones he would never tell you! http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/709dad.jpg
Now in my early 30s I still like to spend every weekend I can with my Hot boating friends and live the live style of a "California Hot Boater"

05-12-2007, 08:14 AM
Great Pics!!

05-12-2007, 12:13 PM
Thats really what it is all about, enjoying family and friends.

05-12-2007, 09:14 PM
Great pics - I've spent time in Wisconsin and it is beautiful back there! There is a lot of rat rod / hot rods AND BOATS back there and the only thing bad is your fingertips during winter. Bought an old Unlimited Hydroplane a few years back in the Lake Geneva area and a very nice place. Lots of nice water and history. Way before the California boys.
Keep it going in the east and thanks for the pics!!:D :D

05-13-2007, 08:51 PM
Well said Billy! I have had some of the best times of my life with this boating group. Camp Far West- "Camp Hud", meeting Southern Cal people for the first time, barbecue, peach pie & Skippy Helmets...C'mon! The 1st year at Needles, the barbecue capital of the south, and still record holder for mushrooms cooked in six days @ 82 lbs....C'mon! Yes I have had some good times North & South & going all over going racing! I have made more good friends in the last five years off this computer than I ever though possible! The Needles deal about V-Drives is a sad thing, but some times when your in business you have to do things that you really don't want to. Thats life, I really don't see any reason to run them in the ground about it. There are more good times just around the cornner, so get your shit ready to go.............C'mon!:)

05-14-2007, 07:24 PM
I think its kinda like a Person who can stand up on a wave and one who does not, only a surfer knows the feeling!
I think this is the same exact thing, you get the guy who is got the bloody fingers fighting his way to the top of the coorperate ladder who will die not knowing the true feeling of the "River Lifestyle", its kinda sad cuz there are alot of people around that will never know the types of good hearted people you can meet at river gatherings! I have met alot of V-driver through Billy/Bobby and standing on the wayside watching you guys helping out getting the traffic cone back in the water last year @ pheonix was a true identifying moment (for me), you guys are a great bunch of people (family) and am proud and honored to have met some of you!

05-14-2007, 09:06 PM
Are you posting drunk again??

05-15-2007, 06:19 AM
Not drunk!

THE Brutha's Wife
05-16-2007, 06:04 PM
We've met lots of great folks through restoring "herself" & river trips. Dave and Julie, Mr. Waldrip, Billy and Janice....Connor too, Allen, Roy, Mr. King, Mr. Van Beenan, Tony, RCL, Desi....the list goes on and on. It's like a family reunion when everybody gets together (a really weird family, but a family none-the-less :sqeyes: ).
Can't thank you guys enough for taking care of THE Brutha and Marty in September...hope to be there for the next one.
If Darnes could ever work less than 15 hours a day, he'd log on and make some "heart felt" comment :D ...but until then, thanks to all from the both of us!