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Kindsvater Flat
05-11-2007, 08:29 PM
Seems like its happening more and more. Back in 2000 I lost my cousin John to what started as testicle cancer and then spreading.
4 1/2 years ago my nephew also got testicle cancer. He lost one and had open surgery removing some lymph nodes. Monday it had returned and will be going under the knife this following monday. Only good news is that the CT scan was negative of it being anywhere else. Now for the fun part. Steve has an identical twin brother. He was tested today as a precautionary since they are identical. Guess what, he has a tumor also. Where abouts is unknown right now but still it sucks. Bro inlaw is going nuts and the sister is a wreck. Mom went down to her place this weekend to keep her company. So looks like we might need a few extra prayers for the next few weeks. Seems like this place has good karma for it so I thought I would start here.

Devil's Advocate
05-11-2007, 08:32 PM
So sorry to hear this. Prayers for all to work out well.

05-11-2007, 08:33 PM
:( Thoughts and prayers are with all.

05-11-2007, 08:38 PM
Real sorry to hear that Mike. :(

05-11-2007, 08:42 PM
Sorry to hear Mike...I hate cancer and what it does to families.
I have lost more than a handful of relatives due to this wicked shit.

05-11-2007, 09:41 PM
Hang in there buddy. I hope things turn out ok.:clover:

05-11-2007, 10:02 PM
Sorry to hear this Mike. I lost my mom to it also many years ago. The positive thing is the range of drugs they now have is many times what they had 10 or even less years ago. My thoughts will be with them and you in what no doubt will be a difficult time.

05-11-2007, 10:08 PM
I'm sorry mike if you ever need to talk i'm here for you.
i will pray that they will be ok. 928 854-2019

Tom Brown
05-12-2007, 01:55 AM
The positive thing is the range of drugs they now have is many times what they had 10 or even less years ago.
Indeed. Particularly with that type of cancer, the chance for survival is high.
I'm sorry about your nephews, Kindsvater Flat. They, and you, have my best wishes.

05-12-2007, 06:05 AM
Cancer sucks!!
I know with breast cancer, it's not the death sentence it once was.
There are so many more treatments and options available now.
I will be thinking of you and your family.

05-12-2007, 06:09 AM
Prayers with you!
Been through it with my dad, He made it:)

photo chick
05-12-2007, 06:10 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this, yes Cancer sucks. I have lost many relatives and friends and even one tiger to it (my avatar). I have also had several who have made it through too....best wishes to you and your family....

Trailer Park Casanova
05-12-2007, 07:15 AM
Best Wishes from us.
Early detection is the key to survival.

05-12-2007, 07:26 AM
prayers going out to the friends and families.

05-12-2007, 09:14 AM
Seems like its happening more and more. Back in 2000 I lost my cousin John to what started as testicle cancer and then spreading.
4 1/2 years ago my nephew also got testicle cancer. He lost one and had open surgery removing some lymph nodes. Monday it had returned and will be going under the knife this following monday. Only good news is that the CT scan was negative of it being anywhere else. Now for the fun part. Steve has an identical twin brother. He was tested today as a precautionary since they are identical. Guess what, he has a tumor also. Where abouts is unknown right now but still it sucks. Bro inlaw is going nuts and the sister is a wreck. Mom went down to her place this weekend to keep her company. So looks like we might need a few extra prayers for the next few weeks. Seems like this place has good karma for it so I thought I would start here.
Sorry to hear about that. I feel for ya.
Just lost my Aunt to breast cancer, one of my cousin just found out she has breast cancer, one of my other cousins has terminal lung cancer.
My uncle just found out he has pancreatic cancer.
This all happened just in the last 2 weeks.
I don't know what's with all the cancer all the sudden. Cancer doesn't even run in my family.
Until now. :(

05-12-2007, 09:47 AM
I hope all turns out well for them. I watched cancer slowly take my fathers life. I wish this experience on no one.

3 daytona`s
05-12-2007, 10:05 AM
Seems like its happening more and more. Back in 2000 I lost my cousin John to what started as testicle cancer and then spreading.
4 1/2 years ago my nephew also got testicle cancer. He lost one and had open surgery removing some lymph nodes. Monday it had returned and will be going under the knife this following monday. Only good news is that the CT scan was negative of it being anywhere else. Now for the fun part. Steve has an identical twin brother. He was tested today as a precautionary since they are identical. Guess what, he has a tumor also. Where abouts is unknown right now but still it sucks. Bro inlaw is going nuts and the sister is a wreck. Mom went down to her place this weekend to keep her company. So looks like we might need a few extra prayers for the next few weeks. Seems like this place has good karma for it so I thought I would start here.
He beat it,try to be positive,I`m thinking of them and will say a prayer. Best of wishes.

05-12-2007, 06:24 PM
Sounds like the load on your shoulders is heavy right now.
I honestly don't know a family that this, this BLIGHT hasn't touched.
Clearly, your has been touched more than once.
You will be in our prayers.

Baja Big Dog
05-12-2007, 06:27 PM
So Sad..:(

05-12-2007, 07:11 PM
I have a nodule on my LT and was sweating major bullets. Turns out its OK but I have to keep an eye on the SOB. Us fellas need to watch the nads as much or more than women need to watch boobs. Almost every guy has had a hard hit to the balls at some point in their life.
OP...thoughts and prayers buddy.

05-13-2007, 08:55 PM
Haang in there. People survive every day. New treatments are on the way. I'll keep you in my prayers.

05-13-2007, 10:41 PM
Just said a prayer for you and yours. Be strong.

05-14-2007, 06:38 AM
Im so sorry to hear this. I lost my younger brother to cancer last December. I still cant believe he is really gone. I wish you the best!!!

Kindsvater Flat
05-20-2007, 08:06 PM
Steve is recovering well from his surgery and holding tough. They said they didn't find anything else out of the ordinary. Vince, the other twin, went in for a scan around the testicles and they didn't find anything. He is suppose to go back but didn't say when. So far so good so thanks.

Kindsvater Flat
06-15-2007, 06:36 PM
Latest news. They finally got there results in from there scan. Steve, who had surgery already, has a 4 1/2 tumor in his stomach. Vince has a tumor in his neck, lung, and abdomen. Chemo starts monday for the both of them.

Tom Brown
06-15-2007, 06:40 PM
Sorry, Kindsvater Flat.
It's positive they are on top of it and treating it aggressively. If they had just left the twin brother, things could be much, much worse.
There are definitely people who survive cancer. At least, for a time. Try to stay positive. :)

06-15-2007, 07:15 PM
my best freinds dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer about a year and half ago he went through a sugery and then radiation they got most of it with the surgery and zapped the rest with the radiation. went in every 90 days to check everything out. three months ago his PSA numbers were back. during the last 90 days he has been drinking 2 gallons of oxygenated water a day and a juice called xango in mass quanitys. also been riding a bicycle quite abit. forward 3 days ago PSA numbers are going down and almost gone, doctor was suprised and told him to keep doing whatever he was doing:D just figured I would share his story. best of luck for you and yours

Blown 472
06-15-2007, 07:31 PM
Sorry to hear that Mike, keep my fingers crossed for the best.

06-15-2007, 09:41 PM
In Christs Love I will pray for a full recovery

06-15-2007, 10:28 PM
I hope all turns out well. You have my support, man. On an associated note, I sure would like to know what percentage of those afflicted with cancer are represented by the agricultural demographic, or live in a primarily agriculturally dominated area. I suspect that those involved in ag would be overrepresented in such a study...

Kindsvater Flat
06-15-2007, 10:36 PM
Both grew up in south san francisco. 1 has lived in auburn for 10 yrs and the other in vacaville for 8. We have good water on the ranch.
I forgot to say that they have been in real good spirits and already have dove season marked on there calender. They will finish chemo the week before. Today they did break down as reality set in as to how bad they really are. They are both strong and hard headed so I'm praying for the best. My sister is having a hell of a time keep they're dad together

Kindsvater Flat
06-15-2007, 10:44 PM
I hope all turns out well. You have my support, man. On an associated note, I sure would like to know what percentage of those afflicted with cancer are represented by the agricultural demographic, or live in a primarily agriculturally dominated area. I suspect that those involved in ag would be overrepresented in such a study...
Everyone that I know that has passed away in our area has either been high blood pressure, heart attack, or industrial accident.

sorry dog
06-17-2007, 08:18 AM
Everyone that I know that has passed away in our area has either been high blood pressure, heart attack, or industrial accident.
From what I'm reading, environmental factors can play a role, but there are so many factors that I think one factor as being the sole cause is rare.
It sounds like they have good family support. I firmly believe that a positive outlook can make the difference.
I just got back from Houston where my best friend just started chemo for a stage 4 tennis ball sized tumor in his lower spine. He did well on the starter dose, so they will give him the nuke size dose 21 days later and see if that starts to work. Fortunately, some of the smartest people in the world are working on this, and he is MD Anderson which is supposed to be one of the best.
6 Months ago he was in law school and the first symptom was a sore leg, but he has a positive outlook so I have faith that his chances are good.

sorry dog
06-19-2007, 02:52 PM
Just found out that it isn't in his bone marrow. So far so good.

Kindsvater Flat
08-03-2007, 07:06 PM
They just finished another week of chemo. Both are feeling pretty sick but all well. Steves numbers started in the 17k range and is now down to 11 and Vince's numbers are down to 5 from around 7-8k range. Both are sick of each other and have cabin fever bad. The first few weeks they still came to the ranch and went fishing on lake oroville but the last time out was to much for them.

ULTRA26 # 1
08-03-2007, 07:14 PM
Hopefully a full recovery is ahead. My thoughts are with your family. Be positive.

Wet Dream
08-03-2007, 07:16 PM
Prayers to the family and anyone else that has been through this or might go through any time in the future.