View Full Version : Bush vs. Carter...

centerhill condor
05-21-2007, 05:53 PM
I saw some political ramblings in the sandbar and thought I'd bring some where it belongs...maybe some of Ya'll are too young to remember the highlights of the Carter legacy...So, I've taken the liberty to present some of the diatribe for your enjoyment and comments.
I well remember the Carter presidency. A presidency of broken promises and intentional missteps.
I don't admire Jimmy Carter for a variety of reasons. He brokered peace in the middle east over thirty years ago...you may recall a well worn image of Sadat and Begin doing the three man hand shake in the rose garden. More meaningless photo ops...BC followed handsomely in his foreign policy footsteps..Sent Jimmy over to DPRK with the checkbook to fix that little nuclear misunderstanding...more meaningless photo ops and broken promises.
Back then we had this thing called the "misery index"...inflation added to unemployment. It was a real problem getting a first mortgage at 15% apr.
It was President Carter that did nothing other than embargo grain for the USSR after invading Afghanistan. This was the bitch that bore bin laden.
It was President Carter that insisted upon bringing the Shah to the U.S. over objections from his own NSA and their warning that students and religious zealots would take over Persia and our embassy.
It was President Carter that belittled the military to the point of not having enough bullets or combat ready aircraft to liberate the hostages from the students.
It was President Carter that displayed his naiveté telling us we could "negotiate" with religious terrorists.
It was President Carter that coined the phrase, "I feel your pain".
It was President Carter that said we would build oil refineries to help get over the gas shortage in his famous "crisis of confidence" speech.
It was President Carter that crippled the U.S. nuclear industry by signing an executive order outlawing the reprocessing of spent fuel.
It was President Carter that made the Congressional leadership long for the "professionalism" of the Nixon white house.
It was President Carter that ignored Nixon's advice regarding the trouble we're gonna have with the religious extremists.
He was only in office for four years!
The Presidency of the United States of America is the seat of leadership for the free world. Today, more than ever, we need a man that can make the tough decisions because he believes they are the right thing to do and stand up to the critics and nay sayers. We call that most high and rare quality leadership.
You may disagree with "W" but you can rest assured he didn't stick his finger in the air to find a politically expedient answer to the tough questions nor did he decide "not to decide".
The Carter Presidency had precious little leadership...and for the record, I've also built houses for the homeless, given blood, taught Sunday school, fed the hungry and been faithful to my wife. Maybe I should've given a speech about it...
Jimmy Carter simply wasn't up to the task and the free world continues to suffer. Me thinks he's merely trying to revise his story for the state funeral. Besides his only real problem with "W" is that he actually wants to win!
Ya'll keep standing behind Carter...waaaay behind!

Blown 472
05-21-2007, 06:18 PM
Funny how you righties can dig up shit from way back, but if someone brings up something about the righties within the last year or so it is dismissed as old news. Yall are a funny bunch

Old Texan
05-22-2007, 06:26 AM
Funny how you righties can dig up shit from way back, but if someone brings up something about the righties within the last year or so it is dismissed as old news. Yall are a funny bunch
Blown, being behind Jimmy will not allow your "Billy Beer" collection to regain it's initial value. Just drink it and chalk it up to another loss from the Carter era.:D

Old Texan
05-22-2007, 06:32 AM
I saw some political ramblings in the sandbar and thought I'd bring some where it belongs...maybe some of Ya'll are too young to remember the highlights of the Carter legacy...So, I've taken the liberty to present some of the diatribe for your enjoyment and comments.
I well remember the Carter presidency. A presidency of broken promises and intentional missteps.
I don't admire Jimmy Carter for a variety of reasons. He brokered peace in the middle east over thirty years ago...you may recall a well worn image of Sadat and Begin doing the three man hand shake in the rose garden. More meaningless photo ops...BC followed handsomely in his foreign policy footsteps..Sent Jimmy over to DPRK with the checkbook to fix that little nuclear misunderstanding...more meaningless photo ops and broken promises.
Back then we had this thing called the "misery index"...inflation added to unemployment. It was a real problem getting a first mortgage at 15% apr.
It was President Carter that did nothing other than embargo grain for the USSR after invading Afghanistan. This was the bitch that bore bin laden.
It was President Carter that insisted upon bringing the Shah to the U.S. over objections from his own NSA and their warning that students and religious zealots would take over Persia and our embassy.
It was President Carter that belittled the military to the point of not having enough bullets or combat ready aircraft to liberate the hostages from the students.
It was President Carter that displayed his naiveté telling us we could "negotiate" with religious terrorists.
It was President Carter that coined the phrase, "I feel your pain".
It was President Carter that said we would build oil refineries to help get over the gas shortage in his famous "crisis of confidence" speech.
It was President Carter that crippled the U.S. nuclear industry by signing an executive order outlawing the reprocessing of spent fuel.
It was President Carter that made the Congressional leadership long for the "professionalism" of the Nixon white house.
It was President Carter that ignored Nixon's advice regarding the trouble we're gonna have with the religious extremists.
He was only in office for four years!
The Presidency of the United States of America is the seat of leadership for the free world. Today, more than ever, we need a man that can make the tough decisions because he believes they are the right thing to do and stand up to the critics and nay sayers. We call that most high and rare quality leadership.
You may disagree with "W" but you can rest assured he didn't stick his finger in the air to find a politically expedient answer to the tough questions nor did he decide "not to decide".
The Carter Presidency had precious little leadership...and for the record, I've also built houses for the homeless, given blood, taught Sunday school, fed the hungry and been faithful to my wife. Maybe I should've given a speech about it...
Jimmy Carter simply wasn't up to the task and the free world continues to suffer. Me thinks he's merely trying to revise his story for the state funeral. Besides his only real problem with "W" is that he actually wants to win!
Ya'll keep standing behind Carter...waaaay behind!
Don't forget Jimmy's dealings with his buddy Castro and the "Great Flotilla". Fidel emptied his prisons and shipped 'em all north. Jimmy's contribution toward immigration fiasco. Actually it was during the Carter administration that the illegal workers really started comming across in great numbers.
I can deal with Clinton and the Bush's, but Jimmy C was far and away the biggest disaster to sit in the Oval Office in my lifetime. If not for Reagan cleaning up his messes, we'd still be feeling the effects of his 4 years.
I hope enough folks remember Jimmy got elected because the nation was PO'd at the Republicans over Nixon and Watergate. Ford had no chance and the people decided we needed change and voted for the "Old Peanut Farmer". Hopefully history and Hillary won't repeat this mistake.

Blown 472
05-22-2007, 06:38 AM
Blown, being behind Jimmy will not allow your "Billy Beer" collection to regain it's initial value. Just drink it and chalk it up to another loss from the Carter era.:D
I have a whole basement full and going to sell it on ebay.

05-22-2007, 08:17 AM
President Carter's failure to keep to the Truman Doctrine undermined the work of all the Presidents before him (since Truman) and allowed the USSR to free up the capitol to stir up trouble (particularly in Africa) that led to unimaginable suffering and the deaths of millions.

05-22-2007, 10:33 AM
Funny how the comparison of bush to Carter sounds repetitive.
Nixon was the best prez we have had since JFK. Sure he was a little crooked and got caught but bush is just plain dangerous to America.

05-22-2007, 12:12 PM
Every time a Pres does something unpopular, esp in foreign policy, the President Carter comparisons come out. In 20 years we will know if they are valid with re to President Bush. Right now Presidents Carter and Harding are the head screw ups of the modern era. Time will tell if President Bush should join them. If Iraq and Afganistan collapse Iran style and our economy goes down the tubes (very hard, very soon) it could happen.

05-23-2007, 12:50 PM
Right now Presidents Carter and Harding are the head screw ups of the modern era.
JFK messed up the bay of pigs, paved the way for the Cuban Missile Crisis. He showed America the paper tiger and got the ball rolling for communism spread, strengthening in Eastern Europe, South America and Africa... He also began helping France in Vietnam, Degaulle (sp?) that socialist liberal chit bag really F'd America with that one. Hmmm, what about the oil for food deal? Johnson just lied to get America fully invovled when France stuck the U.S with the bag. Johnson should be on that list as well. If Oswald did'nt take that p*ssy scumbag out, JFK would not be mentioned much today!!! In fact he would been known as the POS he was............. :jawdrop:
Liberals hated and set up President Nixon cause he stopped micro- manage of the war by the White House. Nixon going into Cambodia, Laos, and un-leashing the B52's on Hanoi would have won that war! Wilson should be on this list as well, following the lib socialist chit bag David Lloyd George into WWI and pathing the way for the idea of the modern united nations, he supporter the soft hand towards Germany as well........

05-23-2007, 01:01 PM
JFK messed up the bay of pigs, paved the way for the Cuban Missile Crisis. He showed America the paper tiger and got the ball rolling for communism spread, strengthening in Eastern Europe, South America and Africa... He also began helping France in Vietnam, Degaulle (sp?) that socialist liberal chit bag really F'd America with that one. Hmmm, what about the oil for food deal? Johnson just lied to get America fully invovled when France stuck the U.S with the bag. Johnson should be on that list as well. If Oswald did'nt take that p*ssy scumbag out, JFK would not be mentioned much today!!! In fact he would been known as the POS he was............. :jawdrop:
Liberals hated and set up President Nixon cause he stopped micro- manage of the war by the White House. Nixon going into Cambodia, Laos, and un-leashing the B52's on Hanoi would have won that war! Wilson should be on this list as well, following the lib socialist chit bag David Lloyd George into WWI and pathing the way for the idea of the modern united nations, he supporter the soft hand towards Germany as well........
I just said they were the head screw ups, I didn't say they were the only ones...;)

Old Texan
05-23-2007, 01:40 PM
JFK messed up the bay of pigs, paved the way for the Cuban Missile Crisis. He showed America the paper tiger and got the ball rolling for communism spread, strengthening in Eastern Europe, South America and Africa... He also began helping France in Vietnam, Degaulle (sp?) that socialist liberal chit bag really F'd America with that one. Hmmm, what about the oil for food deal? Johnson just lied to get America fully invovled when France stuck the U.S with the bag. Johnson should be on that list as well. If Oswald did'nt take that p*ssy scumbag out, JFK would not be mentioned much today!!! In fact he would been known as the POS he was............. :jawdrop:
Liberals hated and set up President Nixon cause he stopped micro- manage of the war by the White House. Nixon going into Cambodia, Laos, and un-leashing the B52's on Hanoi would have won that war! Wilson should be on this list as well, following the lib socialist chit bag David Lloyd George into WWI and pathing the way for the idea of the modern united nations, he supporter the soft hand towards Germany as well........
LBJ was perhaps the biggest crook to ever hold the office. The Billy sol Estes tale from the 60's was probalby one of the biggest scams a sitting Sen then Pres ever got involved in, but Lyndon had the clout to push the attention away and was never officially tied into it.
Much of the hate today for Halliburton stems from their beginnings with Brown & Root. LBJ was George Brown's lapdog and Viet Nam put them on the map.
JFK is still viewed as "America's Darling". He's held at a level of esteem rivaling Elvis by many living now geriatic ladies. Ah, "the days of Camelot" when the bootlegger's son fulfilled the bootlegger's dreams. Inspite of it all it's really a shame John and Bobby were murdered and their no account little bro Teddy was left with the family legacy to muddle up further.
Curious how the 2 ex Presidents still don't have a lot of their dirty laundry aired out. I recall a couple years ago a book by Frank Sinatra's black butler due out that was to spill a lot of the beans on JFK and his days hanging with the "Rat Pack" in Vegas. The excerpt I read said some real negative things especially about racist Papa Joe K. These folks still have power from the grave to keep the closet sealed.
Oh yeah and it isn't really "kook" conspiracy about longstanding rumors LBJ had something to do with the JFK shooting. You never know.....lots of stories beside those Texas campfires through the years, scary legends.:idea:

Steve 1
05-27-2007, 08:31 PM
Here is some good reading on the Rat traitor Carter, Which pretty much places the blame for what is wrong on the should be in prison coward’s shoulders ranging from the rise of problems in the Gulf to N Korea and a lot in between.

05-27-2007, 09:44 PM
Just for the record, we started helping France in Vietnam in 1945. Most of out Pacific theater stockpiles never made it back to the US when Japan surrendered. Our then ally, France, was already having problems with their colony in southeast Asia.....They bailed out, (surprise, surprise), and then President Eisenhower put our advisers in there sometime in the late 50s...I, for one, don't believe Oswald shot Kennedy. Kennedy had already announced his plan to leave Vietnam in early 64, and also to disban the CIA as an unnecessary agency........For about 6 months prior to Oswalds Russian defection, the Marines/CIA taught him to speak Russian.........The day after he returned to the US his American citizenship was re instated......IMO, he was truly a "patsy" as he said he was, set up all the way, and killed while in custody prior to a trial where he most likely would've proved his innocence. Jack Ruby, who died in jail, had told a Senate investigator he would reveal all IF the investigator could get him out of Texas to DC and protect him......Hmmmmm, it really could get alot deeper on this subject, but not now.......Maybe another thread about government lies and cover ups......MP

Old Texan
05-28-2007, 09:46 AM
Here is some good reading on the Rat traitor Carter, Which pretty much places the blame for what is wrong on the should be in prison coward’s shoulders ranging from the rise of problems in the Gulf to N Korea and a lot in between.
As mentioned I hope the reason for electing a democrat to office again isn't for the same reason we ended up with J. Carter, simply the belief of need to change parties. Our media's influence on way too many "ignorant' and easily influenced voters is frightening. Carter did more harm in his 4 years than anyone in history. Hopefully Hildabest is a lot smarter and no one knows exactly where this Obama guy came from.
On the Republican side the scary thing to me is McCain. Very unstable character that wants to be all things to all people and all situations.
Not any real good choices on either side. But still it's hard to believe anyone could be as inept as Jimmy.

05-28-2007, 02:11 PM
Not any real good choices on either side. But still it's hard to believe anyone could be as inept as Jimmy.
Elect any of the Dems or Sen. McCain and we just might come to that belief.

06-05-2007, 01:35 PM
I saw some political ramblings in the sandbar and thought I'd bring some where it belongs...maybe some of Ya'll are too young to remember the highlights of the Carter legacy...So, I've taken the liberty to present some of the diatribe for your enjoyment and comments.
I well remember the Carter presidency. A presidency of broken promises and intentional missteps.
I don't admire Jimmy Carter for a variety of reasons. He brokered peace in the middle east over thirty years ago...you may recall a well worn image of Sadat and Begin doing the three man hand shake in the rose garden. More meaningless photo ops...BC followed handsomely in his foreign policy footsteps..Sent Jimmy over to DPRK with the checkbook to fix that little nuclear misunderstanding...more meaningless photo ops and broken promises.
Back then we had this thing called the "misery index"...inflation added to unemployment. It was a real problem getting a first mortgage at 15% apr.
It was President Carter that did nothing other than embargo grain for the USSR after invading Afghanistan. This was the bitch that bore bin laden.
It was President Carter that insisted upon bringing the Shah to the U.S. over objections from his own NSA and their warning that students and religious zealots would take over Persia and our embassy.
It was President Carter that belittled the military to the point of not having enough bullets or combat ready aircraft to liberate the hostages from the students.
It was President Carter that displayed his naiveté telling us we could "negotiate" with religious terrorists.
It was President Carter that coined the phrase, "I feel your pain".
It was President Carter that said we would build oil refineries to help get over the gas shortage in his famous "crisis of confidence" speech.
It was President Carter that crippled the U.S. nuclear industry by signing an executive order outlawing the reprocessing of spent fuel.
It was President Carter that made the Congressional leadership long for the "professionalism" of the Nixon white house.
It was President Carter that ignored Nixon's advice regarding the trouble we're gonna have with the religious extremists.
He was only in office for four years!
The Presidency of the United States of America is the seat of leadership for the free world. Today, more than ever, we need a man that can make the tough decisions because he believes they are the right thing to do and stand up to the critics and nay sayers. We call that most high and rare quality leadership.
You may disagree with "W" but you can rest assured he didn't stick his finger in the air to find a politically expedient answer to the tough questions nor did he decide "not to decide".
The Carter Presidency had precious little leadership...and for the record, I've also built houses for the homeless, given blood, taught Sunday school, fed the hungry and been faithful to my wife. Maybe I should've given a speech about it...
Jimmy Carter simply wasn't up to the task and the free world continues to suffer. Me thinks he's merely trying to revise his story for the state funeral. Besides his only real problem with "W" is that he actually wants to win!
Ya'll keep standing behind Carter...waaaay behind!
Maybe all that is true but it is busch thats giving America away!

06-05-2007, 01:36 PM
I saw some political ramblings in the sandbar and thought I'd bring some where it belongs...maybe some of Ya'll are too young to remember the highlights of the Carter legacy...So, I've taken the liberty to present some of the diatribe for your enjoyment and comments.
I well remember the Carter presidency. A presidency of broken promises and intentional missteps.
I don't admire Jimmy Carter for a variety of reasons. He brokered peace in the middle east over thirty years ago...you may recall a well worn image of Sadat and Begin doing the three man hand shake in the rose garden. More meaningless photo ops...BC followed handsomely in his foreign policy footsteps..Sent Jimmy over to DPRK with the checkbook to fix that little nuclear misunderstanding...more meaningless photo ops and broken promises.
Back then we had this thing called the "misery index"...inflation added to unemployment. It was a real problem getting a first mortgage at 15% apr.
It was President Carter that did nothing other than embargo grain for the USSR after invading Afghanistan. This was the bitch that bore bin laden.
It was President Carter that insisted upon bringing the Shah to the U.S. over objections from his own NSA and their warning that students and religious zealots would take over Persia and our embassy.
It was President Carter that belittled the military to the point of not having enough bullets or combat ready aircraft to liberate the hostages from the students.
It was President Carter that displayed his naiveté telling us we could "negotiate" with religious terrorists.
It was President Carter that coined the phrase, "I feel your pain".
It was President Carter that said we would build oil refineries to help get over the gas shortage in his famous "crisis of confidence" speech.
It was President Carter that crippled the U.S. nuclear industry by signing an executive order outlawing the reprocessing of spent fuel.
It was President Carter that made the Congressional leadership long for the "professionalism" of the Nixon white house.
It was President Carter that ignored Nixon's advice regarding the trouble we're gonna have with the religious extremists.
He was only in office for four years!
The Presidency of the United States of America is the seat of leadership for the free world. Today, more than ever, we need a man that can make the tough decisions because he believes they are the right thing to do and stand up to the critics and nay sayers. We call that most high and rare quality leadership.
You may disagree with "W" but you can rest assured he didn't stick his finger in the air to find a politically expedient answer to the tough questions nor did he decide "not to decide".
The Carter Presidency had precious little leadership...and for the record, I've also built houses for the homeless, given blood, taught Sunday school, fed the hungry and been faithful to my wife. Maybe I should've given a speech about it...
Jimmy Carter simply wasn't up to the task and the free world continues to suffer. Me thinks he's merely trying to revise his story for the state funeral. Besides his only real problem with "W" is that he actually wants to win!
Ya'll keep standing behind Carter...waaaay behind!
Maybe all that is true but it is busch thats giving America away!