View Full Version : Thanks for the get well wishes

Nucking futs
05-23-2007, 08:27 AM
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. It means alot when your down and out. This was a big wake up call and it was a shocker to say the least. Im just happy im still here cuz I have some unfinished buisiness to take care of. Thanks for all the calls and visits and I should be back up to full speed here real soon.
I had a 90% blockage in the main arterie that was starving my heart for blood and o2. they moved fast and said If I didnt make it in when I did there is a good chance It would Of been fatal. My heart rate was close to nothing when I was on the ER table and then they shot me with the NITRO and I was on a charge. They put a stint into the vein and all should be good now, so Im just thankfull it went good.
So, If you don't feel right ,get checked out, I never thought I was having a heart attack to be honest, Now I know what it feels like.
Have fun at the river this weekend and have a few coldies for me and I will catch up with you all later.

05-23-2007, 08:30 AM
Tim, good to see you posting!!!!!!!!! Take care...

05-23-2007, 08:41 AM
Thanks for taking the time to update us, even though I am sure you are still drained. It is very good to hear that you are better, cause we cannot lose you just yet, like you said...you have unfinished business. :)
Best wishes my friend.

05-23-2007, 08:49 AM
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. It means alot when your down and out. This was a big wake up call and it was a shocker to say the least. Im just happy im still here cuz I have some unfinished buisiness to take care of. Thanks for all the calls and visits and I should be back up to full speed here real soon.
I had a 90% blockage in the main arterie that was starving my heart for blood and o2. they moved fast and said If I didnt make it in when I did there is a good chance It would Of been fatal. My heart rate was close to nothing when I was on the ER table and then they shot me with the NITRO and I was on a charge. They put a stint into the vein and all should be good now, so Im just thankfull it went good.
So, If you don't feel right ,get checked out, I never thought I was having a heart attack to be honest, Now I know what it feels like.
Have fun at the river this weekend and have a few coldies for me and I will catch up with you all later.
glad your home and doing good Bro...

05-23-2007, 08:49 AM
OK ... no more heart issues from anyone here on the boards this year. Tim, glad to hear that you're ok ... but after loosing Tommy ... we don't need to loose you and/or anyone else here ...
Glad you didn't act the fool and say you didn't need to go in, I know too many guys who would have tried to "tough it out" ... good for you.
Again, glad you're ok ...

05-23-2007, 08:52 AM
Glad all came out OK Tim. Nothing but Rice Cakes and Salad in the diet for you from now on.:D See you and Lana at the Rio soon.

Wicked Performance Boats
05-23-2007, 11:19 AM
Hope to see you soon bro. Pat

05-23-2007, 11:23 AM
Holy crap Tim. I've been off the boards for a few days and had no clue. Glad to hear your doing better. Take care bud and we'll see you on the water.

05-23-2007, 11:25 AM
Glad your doing better - we'll pour one out for ya!

05-23-2007, 01:26 PM
Good to hear that you are doing better easy your way back into the saddle. Lisa and I will come down and see you and Lana soon.

05-23-2007, 01:34 PM
Plavix,Lipitor,Toprol,Zenia,Folic Acid,Asperin. You will be good to go for a long time.

05-23-2007, 01:46 PM
Tim glad your doing good.I"ll drink a beer or two for you and tommy,see ya at the river next trip.(rivertard).;)

05-23-2007, 06:24 PM
Glad to see you posting and in good spirits Tim . I'm 27 and I've got high blood pressure that my doctor hasnt gotten to the bottom of yet . Needless to say I welcome doctor visits now to stay on top of everything . We should all use your hospital visit as a wake up call as nobody is immune . Get well and stay well . Hope to see ya on the water soon .

05-23-2007, 06:48 PM
OK ... no more heart issues from anyone here on the boards this year. Tim, glad to hear that you're ok ... but after loosing Tommy ... we don't need to loose you and/or anyone else here ...
Glad you didn't act the fool and say you didn't need to go in, I know too many guys who would have tried to "tough it out" ... good for you.
Again, glad you're ok ...
I agree completely with Brian and everyone else here. Glad to hear you're gonna be okay and wonder if sometime in the near future you would feel comfortable in sharing what symptoms you experianced so that maybe us morons will pay attention to what our bodies are telling us and be able to recognize an issue sooner rather than later.
I'm sure most of us here have too much stress in our lifes and not enough time spent kicking back.
Good too hear you were smart........take care of yourself..John

05-23-2007, 06:58 PM
Glad to see you posting and in good spirits Tim . I'm 27 and I've got high blood pressure that my doctor hasnt gotten to the bottom of yet . Needless to say I welcome doctor visits now to stay on top of everything . We should all use your hospital visit as a wake up call as nobody is immune . Get well and stay well . Hope to see ya on the water soon .
I agree. I am 27 and I visted the doctor and she said "NO MORE DRINKING NOW!" My liver enzymes were waaay above the maximum amount. If I never went and found out, and kept drinking my liver would have just gave up on me.
Scary shit.
Doctors are there for a reason. I had an uncle pass away at 39 of a heart attack and another uncle have triple bypass at 43, you just never know.

05-23-2007, 08:33 PM
Welcome back Timmer. I woulda never guessed that one.
Serious wake up call as the others have said. I believe we're about the same age? And you're in a hell of a lot better shape than I am.
Glad to hear that you're doing better bro.

05-23-2007, 10:08 PM
Glad your back bro...time to make a few minor lifestyle changes:D

05-23-2007, 10:44 PM
Glad your doing better - we'll pour one out for ya!
Ya down my throat.
Seriously, get well quick man.

05-23-2007, 11:03 PM
I don't know you but glad your ok. I'm one of those guy's that refuses to go into Hospitals. Few months back in Sept. got a pretty nasty gash above my left eyebrow... I self fixed myself up, passed out twice in the bathroom doing it. Think I might make a few changes from reading your posting, thanks.....

Nucking futs
05-24-2007, 09:22 AM
I agree completely with Brian and everyone else here. Glad to hear you're gonna be okay and wonder if sometime in the near future you would feel comfortable in sharing what symptoms you experianced so that maybe us morons will pay attention to what our bodies are telling us and be able to recognize an issue sooner rather than later.
Well what I felt was a pain I have felt before and never really thought twice about. I get the usuall upset stomache or heartburn and thats what it felt like, heartburn. Only this time it burned really bad!!!! The pain was moving up towards my throat and then it shot down into my left arm. I was sitting down and then i was starting to feel winded and couldnt breath right( real short and fast breaths) then I started a minor sweat like a hot flash. I thought I would just get through it and that the heartburn would pass, but thats when the sweat turned into a waterfall. Litterally it was making puddles at my feet and thats when Lana called And I said I need to go and I need to go NOW!!!!!!
I hate going to the doctor, cuz I think im heathy as a horse and now I find out im not,well thats a wake up call foresure. I smoked ciggs and drink time to time and I know my diet wasnt the best, but it turns out That this shit runs in my family and now I know I have it.
Just alittle more exersize and a few diet changes and no more smoking and I shouold be good to go.
Just get checked out if you don't feel right. We all lost Tommy to the same thing that happened to me and I told myself then I was going to make changes to my lifestyle but did I? NO, But I have now!!!!

05-24-2007, 09:35 AM
know first hand what you went thru,have two stints and that darn nitro give you the worst head throb ever.god bless with your recovery.

05-24-2007, 10:33 AM
Tim we met last year Labor day weekend at the Park at Big River. I hope you will have everything on the up and up to meet up again. I know that wake up call first hand. As you might of read a couple of months ago I was in a serious car wreck. I was told I should'nt even be hear and overcome great odds of survival. You should feel the same way after something so serious to come over your life. I tell you I don't even like to drink anymore or eat bad food. Yes this wake up call just puts something in your heart to do the best that you can for yourself. I will continue to pray for you and your health to continue in the right direction. Take care and TAKE IT EASY.
In Christs Love

05-24-2007, 08:27 PM
Thanks Tim. I appreciate you sharing what you went through and am glad you're gonna be okay. Take care...John
Well what I felt was a pain I have felt before and never really thought twice about. I get the usuall upset stomache or heartburn and thats what it felt like, heartburn. Only this time it burned really bad!!!! The pain was moving up towards my throat and then it shot down into my left arm. I was sitting down and then i was starting to feel winded and couldnt breath right( real short and fast breaths) then I started a minor sweat like a hot flash. I thought I would just get through it and that the heartburn would pass, but thats when the sweat turned into a waterfall. Litterally it was making puddles at my feet and thats when Lana called And I said I need to go and I need to go NOW!!!!!!
I hate going to the doctor, cuz I think im heathy as a horse and now I find out im not,well thats a wake up call foresure. I smoked ciggs and drink time to time and I know my diet wasnt the best, but it turns out That this shit runs in my family and now I know I have it.
Just alittle more exersize and a few diet changes and no more smoking and I shouold be good to go.
Just get checked out if you don't feel right. We all lost Tommy to the same thing that happened to me and I told myself then I was going to make changes to my lifestyle but did I? NO, But I have now!!!!

05-27-2007, 07:53 PM
We got back this morning and saw this thread, and all I can say it holy shit! Sounds like you're doing alot better and after a little fine tuning , will be ready for quite a few more years. You're the second one on ***boat to get a stent, so Doc should have coughed up the HB discount. J/K :D
See ya on the river.....

old rigger
05-28-2007, 07:41 AM
Very happy to hear you're home and one the road to recovery.
Lost my dad to a heart attack too, sucks big time. Went out and got checked for the same thing right away after that.
Good Luck.
Oh yeah, thanks for sharing your symptons too. My dad died alone while out hiking, I still think about him all the time and wonder what he felt and went through at the end.

05-28-2007, 07:48 AM
Great to hear your doing ok. Hope your rehab goes well and your back on the water in no time. Mike:D