View Full Version : anyone ever use strip calking to seal pump adaptors??

05-24-2007, 11:15 AM
i'm putting my transom adapter back on tonite and i had a rough time getting it off before with all the silicone and was thinking about goin back with strip calking(or buytle calking,etc.). it'd sure make getting the transom adapter easy to get off next time around plus it'll conform well/seal great.
anyone ever tried using it to seal up your transom adapter before? the stuff stays "soft" and won't dry out and leak.just looking for opinions before i try. i've got a rubber transom adapter i ordered in but of course its not rite:mad: along with several other parts i had ordred :mad: :mad: :mad: tom

05-24-2007, 11:22 AM
i'm putting my transom adapter back on tonite and i had a rough time getting it off before with all the silicone and was thinking about goin back with strip calking(or buytle calking,etc.). it'd sure make getting the transom adapter easy to get off next time around plus it'll conform well/seal great.
anyone ever tried using it to seal up your transom adapter before? the stuff stays "soft" and won't dry out and leak.just looking for opinions before i try. i've got a rubber transom adapter i ordered in but of course its not rite:mad: along with several other parts i had ordred :mad: :mad: :mad: tom
Hey okie! you better stick with what ya know! i would hate for it to go down!:eek:

05-24-2007, 11:29 AM
Hey okie! you better stick with what ya know! i would hate for it to go down!:eek:
:D i hate silicone and i know i'll be pulling the transom adapter back off soon for a better impellor, just wanting to save myself the hassle of removing tubes of silicone with my thumb nails again:mad: i've got caulking gun tubes with black,silver or white silicones(all auto grade) plus i've got a few tubes of 8609 3m urethane adhesive(i know it'd never leak using this but it'd never come back off either,lol). i cracked the f/g adapter in a couple of spots and had to fix it already, didn't want to do it again.

05-24-2007, 11:34 AM
:D i hate silicone and i know i'll be pulling the transom adapter back off soon for a better impellor, just wanting to save myself the hassle of removing tubes of silicone with my thumb nails again:mad: i've got caulking gun tubes with black,silver or white silicones(all auto grade) plus i've got a few tubes of 8609 3m urethane adhesive(i know it'd never leak using this but it'd never come back off either,lol). i cracked the f/g adapter in a couple of spots and had to fix it already, didn't want to do it again.
i know it sucks! seems endless cuttin and scraping that crap off! at least a 12 packs worth lol. hell it might work???? dunno guess you'll just have to give it a whirl and see. dont think i would yank off the trailer right off the bat though. give it a few minutes and check for leaks.

05-24-2007, 11:41 AM
here's the stuff i have on hand:
i just thought maybe it'd stay in place well, but i guess i could just lay a nicer bead of silicone than the last guy did and it'll look better. whoever did pump work on my boat last sealed it the right way but must have made a 1/2 inch wide bead of silicone cause he used his finger and spread it on the outside too, it was uggggglllllyyy:sqeyes: i've gotta use black silicone to seal up to the bowl anyways, guess i'll open a black tube and get busy:rolleyes: i need a flush mount adapter so i can get the bowl off without removing the transom adapter:mad:

05-24-2007, 11:41 AM
:D i hate silicone and i know i'll be pulling the transom adapter back off soon for a better impellor, just wanting to save myself the hassle of removing tubes of silicone with my thumb nails again:mad: i've got caulking gun tubes with black,silver or white silicones(all auto grade) plus i've got a few tubes of 8609 3m urethane adhesive(i know it'd never leak using this but it'd never come back off either,lol). i cracked the f/g adapter in a couple of spots and had to fix it already, didn't want to do it again.
When I had mine apart the first time, back in '04, I cleaned all the old silicone off the transom adaptor, made sure it was nice & smooth. Ran a thin bead of clear RTV around it on the mounting surface & then ran my finger across it, smoothing it down into a thin layer. Let it get kind of tacky & then bolted it on. Pulled it apart recently, when I was doing the bowl swapping deal, it came right off, nice & clean & when I was done & had it back together, didn't even have to add any new silicone. I keep a close eye on it when its in the water, haven't had a leak yet. :rollside:

05-24-2007, 11:46 AM
i wonder if you laid down some pam ON the inermost part of the transome and then left half the mating surface raw if it woud be easier - or if you just make a big ****in mess :confused:

El Prosecutor
05-24-2007, 11:59 AM
I used a lightly greased gasket on the transom adapter, and some silicone around the bowl. It has not leaked a drop in a year. When I remove it (hopefully in 2027) a snap-blade knife will take care of the silicone around the bowl, and the TA should come right off.

05-24-2007, 01:04 PM
Prosecutor, did you use any silicone at all on the transome? If grease will work, thats a good easy to clean way to do it. I know that will work on the pump to intake gasket.

El Prosecutor
05-24-2007, 01:11 PM
Prosecutor, did you use any silicone at all on the transome? If grease will work, thats a good easy to clean way to do it. I know that will work on the pump to intake gasket.
No silicone on the transom at all. Just a lightly greased gasket. I have only done it once, but it seems to work great so far.
For clarification, I did use a bead of silicone around the bowl where the bowl meets the transom adapter, just no silicone on where the adapter / gasket meets the transom itself.

05-24-2007, 02:29 PM
Digging out globbs of silicone is a PIA no doubt, but it does stop the leaks. For a neat tip, I use fine line paint tape....mock the transom adapter into position, mask about 3/16th away from the adapter, then mask about the same on the adapter it's self. Repeat the same steps on the bowl and adapter too. Remove the adapter, apply silicone to the areas where there is penetration thru the hull, such as mounting holes....a thin bead around them, and the same around the transom adapter. Now you can install the adapter and tighten it into position, and wipe off any silicone that squeezes out. Now run a bead around the bowl and adapter, wet your finger and run it around on the silicone, this forms a nice filet. Pull the fine line off the bowl/adapter, and your half done. Now hull/adapter repeat the same process, apply silicone bead around the adapter, wet finger and smooth the silicone all the way around. Now pull off the fine line tape, and you have a truely pro silicone job, that people will wonder how you got it so smooth;)
For extra protection use an additional strip of masking tape on the hull and bowl, to help prevent any silicone accidently getting applied where it's not wanted.

05-24-2007, 04:56 PM
Exactly what I used last time! Worked great.
I marked the T.A. OD, then ground a small groove in transom (like an O ring groove) in transom. Just inside the OD mark and around each bolt hole.
I didn't have the nice Berk adaptor with a gasket and O ring, so I have to seal the bowl too.
I also used it to seal bowl, thinking I can always put a bead of silicon over it.

05-25-2007, 10:54 AM
i chickened out and went with the black silicone and the tape trick, still looks like shiat compared to a gasket. i'm gonna build a flush mount adapter this winter so it'l work till then i guess:rolleyes:

05-25-2007, 11:36 AM
When I bought my boat, the TA looked like this
It now looks like this
When I installed the TA, I used a light coat of silicone between the TA and the transom. I then used an aluminum metalflake gutter sealant on the joint between TA/transom and the TA/bowl. I taped it all off first as mentioned above and it came out great. You just need to pull the tape off not too long after apllying the sealant.

05-25-2007, 11:42 AM
looks tons better cas!
i pulled the tape at the rite time, just hate seeing silicone on the outside of my boat when i'm doin everything i can to make the boat a clean lake monster:D i went home at lunch and looked at it again, looks ok for now. i think next time i do this type of transom adapter, i'm gonna cut some grooves into the adapter and use the strip calking in the grooves, i know it'll work!

05-28-2007, 10:57 AM
Tom, now take an exacto knife and trace the outer edge of the transom plate lightly, and shazammmm silicone gone.........