View Full Version : Pontoon boat question. Try not to laugh.

05-24-2007, 06:41 PM
I am replacing the deck on our pontoon. I have some 18 gauge aluminum sheet metal that I want to use. I know I'll have to add braces underneath to keep it from sagging (they are about 3-4 feet apart right now). I'm thinking about welding in cross pieces and riveting the sheets to the frame. Anyone see any problems with this. Also the nose cones had foam in them, but they take on water and the foam actually soaked it up. They still had about 6 inches of water in the in them after sitting for about 7 months. I am wondering if I can just weld them shut (they're are open on the top) or if the foam was not just for flotation but to strengthen the cone to keep it from deforming or collapsing. Any input will be appreciated.

05-25-2007, 12:28 PM
I would say you could have a few problems with welding it up. One would be the air in the area will be very hot, when it cools it could cause the area to colapse.
Also if it doesn't then it can do it when you go from say welding it sea level to Big Bear Lake. It has happen to guys with pontoons that don't remove the drain plug. It will cause them to condinse and get dents in the sides. THey then use air pressure to repair them, by filling the toons with pressure.

06-21-2007, 07:25 AM
I thought they keep them pressurized, good to know

06-21-2007, 05:50 PM
I sell SunTracker pontoons here in Tennessee PM me with a contact number and I will have one of my techs call you and advise you on your best options.