View Full Version : '73 Kona Resto build

05-25-2007, 09:28 PM
Ok here goes.I have been wanting to write a thread following the progress of the restoration of My Kona,for a while now,but havent had the time to spend on it.
However I will try to make the time When ever I can.
Please keep in mind that some of the pics that I will be showing are of work that I have done on the boat more than a year ago.That being said and My limited budget,hopefully the tread will catch up to the present day progress.
These first pics are when I went to Huntington beach to pick up the boat.
I bought the boat less engine,but it did come with the basset water injected headers,and all the stain less braided hoses.
The pump is a jacuzzi 12wj freshly rebuilt about 4 years ago but never ran after rebuild,with a place diverter.
A litle story about the previous owner.Aparently he had
a prety good motor in the boat ,and was running it at lake Mead,as He use to live in Vegas,when He got pitched from the boat.I guess He got scared of it and never ran it again.
I guess before he decided that he was'nt going to drive the boat again,He had the pump done and new interior and carpet put in.
The boat has been regellcoated,but the deck has a bunch of tiny cracks all over and other spots that are crazing. I later found that the cracks in the deck were in the glass too,but the other cracks were only in the gell.

05-25-2007, 09:55 PM
Ok here are a few more Pic's.
These are from when I got the boat back to Vegas(back full circle).
The boat had been sitting under a dark blue heavy cloth boat cover for four years,so it needed a good cleaning.
From these pics and from a distance,You could not see the boat acne it had.
Ok here is where it started getting intresting!
I bought a 454BBC which was reportedly in good running order,rebuilt with about 5000mi,with 10:1.compresion ,with the intentions of just sticking it in the boat and go have fun.It was end of season and being the curious one,or skeptik,Idid not just want to take the word of another,I poped the pan off to have a look inside.lo and behold what did I discover ?A spunn bearing,I WAS PISSED! Any way I proceeded to tear down the engine .I pulled the heads first and made another discovery.It aint no 10:1 motor and further more one cylinder was really rusty .UHHO!Have I got a cracked block or head?
I tore the motor completly down and off to the machine shop it went to cleaned and maged.
well The block and the heads tested good,NO CRACK'S,but the one rusty cylinder could not be cleaned up,so it was time to bore.
I talked with My engine builder and we decided to go with some more cubes,A STROKER MOTOR! Bored .030 and bought a Scatt 4.25 stroke rotating asymbly.
Any way while I was gathering parts and with My limmited budget,and being hard headed and not wanting to settle for a lesser motor (i did not just want a stock motor) ,I started picking at the boat! For one the cracks in the deck were driving Me crazy! so I started contemplating fixing the deck, started there and one thing lead to another.You Know one of those ,while I am here I might as well fix this too,situations.
Anywho here I am a year and a half later and I am still working on it! Oh well hopefully the end result will be worth it,When all is said and doneIt will practicly be a neww hull,as I have filled every hole except the transom cutout,and replaced every pice of wood,except the wood glassed into the deck.I think it will probobly even be built better than Kona built it the first time!
I am calling It a reso build instead of a restoration ,becouse while the hull is a classic It will be updated and modernized to almost a custom boperformance boat....Hal

Wicked Performance Boats
05-26-2007, 01:47 AM
You go Hal, It will be a nice piece when you're done. Pat

El Prosecutor
05-26-2007, 06:59 AM
Nice boat, that is a great interior too.

05-26-2007, 09:21 AM
Very nice!!
I just returned from Havasu yesterday from my kona restorations maiden voyage, and I was impressed on how the well the boat turned out. My point being, when you hit the water with your "new toy" every single thing you did, every extra hour/day you put into it although nobody else may notice, makes your smile all that much brighter. Keep it up you have a sweet looking boat and trust me, people "WILL" notice !!:D And when you put the hammer down for the first time, be ready to capture a memmory you wont soon forget WOOOOOO-HOOOOO what a rush!!!!!!
Your boat looks great, keep us posted on the progress.

05-26-2007, 10:13 AM
Hey Pat! How have You been doing? Hope all Is well.
Thanks Guys.The boat does'nt look near as good now!
The thing is in a million pieces,body work has been done and is in the primer state right now.
DOZZR,Your boat looks awesome!I have been admiring You'r boat ever since You posted about it. I really love the flames! I plan on painting Mine with a bunch of Ghost flames. It's nice to see actual Konas, and not the Tahiti Tigers that ours are splashed from.
Do You have any pics of Your restore proccess? What all did You do to it?Let's see more pic's of it!
Here are a few pics of what the deck looked like up close .

05-26-2007, 10:48 AM
heres a couple more pics of the boat accne.
this is on the side of the hull.
this is on the top of the cockpit area

05-26-2007, 11:46 AM
Here you go Hal,
I wasn't really planning on getting into a complete restore, so unfortunately I dont have alot of close up pics of the original condition of the boat. But it had no clear coat left on it at all, when I would wipe it down after running it my towell would have all kinds of metalflake in it, and the finish was like sandpaper :jawdrop: , I still have to get the seats upholstered, I made new ones ( http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s8/Dozzr/Boatpaint033.jpg ) and they are at a guys shop but when the guy saw the boat he all of a sudden decided to double the price, I guess he thought I had alot of money to blow.
So now I need to find someone who can get it done affordably.
I was fortunate that the hull was in great shape, I didnt have to get into hardly any glass work at all, there was some delaminating spots around the stringer connections but it was still protecting the framework, so I was able to repair it easy enough without replacing any wood. there were some stress cracks here and there but I grinded and filled them and after the Havasu beating it took they seem to be holding up perfectly.
I dont want to take over your post so I'll cut it off here, but feel free to ask away if you have any questions, so log off, and get buisy on that boat !!, :D we have to get all these Kona's together at one time and have some fun.
Have a good one,

05-26-2007, 11:37 PM
Ok here are a few pic's of the interior ,before we get into the ugly stuff!
Well next we will be getting to the ugly stuff of getting rid of the boat accne replacing the wood and the fun fiberglass work...Hal

05-27-2007, 09:56 AM
Ok well while I was waiting on My engine to be built,I was sitting here staring at the deck on the boat.Every time I would look it over I would tell Myself,Man i should fix this! After a while I started picking at the deck.I had seen Roostwears Stevens thread ,and He was scraping the paint with a razor blade,and I thought would this work for Me.
I started scraping and it was working
It started comming off pretty easy
Aha! The original gell,Silver metal flake!
Ok! Well this scraping is taking way toooolooong! Time to break out the big gunns!

05-28-2007, 09:41 AM
Todays update .
The razor scraping is taking too long. I will have to grind the rest of the gel off with a power tool,But first being that I guess I will go ahead and re paint,I need to get the boat off the trailer and onto a dolly that I built.
I went ahead and removed the rub rail from around the boat. When I got it removed I was surprised that there was no hull deck seam It apears that the huhh is some what capped,but is cracked in spots.I don't know if this is a factory deal or an after thought?
To get the boat off the trailer I decided to try Squircha's method ,with the two engine hoists.I have allready removed the pump ,so I will have to use the transom eyes to lift,hope it holds.The hull does'nt seem to be all that heavy,so I dont see a problem.
Got her all hooked up and started to lift
Off the trailer we go!
Free hanging,Hope nothing goes wrong now!
Bottom shot.Got some work to do here.
ready to go on dolly.You can see the dolly in the background.
Well the two engine hoist method worked like a charm. Very cool idea Squircha! It was easy as pie!

05-28-2007, 10:33 AM
Glad it worked out for ya.
I've taken mine off the trailer by myself.
Flipping it over pretty much takes two people.

05-28-2007, 12:50 PM
Yea I took this one off by Myself also.It was very easy....Hal

06-19-2007, 08:08 PM
Ok! Well let's see if we can catch this thread up some.
I got the boat off the trailer and onto the dolly for better working access.
I needed to grind all the gell coat off the deck,down to the bare glass to make sure that all the cracks go away .When I got down to bare glass I found that there was a ton of tiny cracks in the glass itsself.The cracks were very tiny and bunched together all over th deck,almost like at some point there was a bunch of weight placed on the deck. Maybe someone too heavy walked on the deck? Any way there were too many and they were too small to V-grind and fill back with glass.
I called Todd(Toddnjuzz) at TRG fiberglass,to see what route He thought I should take. He gave Me a couple options,one of which was to lay up a layer of mat followed by a layer of cloth,over th entire deck then blocksand it down. Todd said that is what they did to Cyclones deck on his Rogers and it worked great,So that is what I did. Deck grindinghttp://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/535/36.jpg

06-19-2007, 08:23 PM
Here You can see the original gell coat ,which was silver flake with blue flake graphics.
Down to the glass

06-19-2007, 08:33 PM
Before I glass the deck I need to Fix a spot on the nose.
If You look at the nose in this pic You can see the bad spot.
I filled in the bad spot with glass,then laid up layers of glass over it.

06-19-2007, 08:55 PM
dam, even looking at it on the internet makes me itch :D lookin good !!!, keep it up we will have a kona bash when you are done

06-19-2007, 08:58 PM
Ok ,I got the deck laid up with a layer of mat and a layer of cloth.
First I laid out the mat and cut it to fit the deck,then cut the cloth to fit ,so every thing would be ready to go.
I used vinylester laminating resin for the layup,and added some sufacing agent to the final coat to harden non tacky.I had to work at night and under catylize the resin,due to the heat here in Vegas.
Here is the deck cured and ready for block sanding.
I got one ripple in the final layer,that I had to grind a little before blocking.
After sanding down the glass layup,I skimmed the whole deck with a mixture of finnishing resin and microballons to fill in the low spots(not shown),then blocked that down.Then as a final fairing I used a pollyester putty to finnish fairing,then primed.

06-19-2007, 09:50 PM
dam, your workin that focker, great job man...:jawdrop: :D

06-19-2007, 10:46 PM
Great Write UP! Keep up the good work, we are watching your progress !

06-20-2007, 08:25 AM
Great write up, like a good book with pictures. pls update whenever you can....

Wicked Performance Boats
06-20-2007, 10:39 AM
Hal, Looks great and keep up the progress. Everything is ok with me. Got the suburban back and still building Rod's Wicked. Should be on the water testing in a week or so. Pat

06-20-2007, 11:52 AM
Hey Pat .I am glad You are doing good.Which hull did Rod get,Or did he have one laid up?
I am going to be ready to cut the intake out and set it soon.I may give You a call ,for some help.

Wicked Performance Boats
06-21-2007, 07:56 AM
Hey Pat .I am glad You are doing good.Which hull did Rod get,Or did he have one laid up?
I am going to be ready to cut the intake out and set it soon.I may give You a call ,for some help.
Hal, Rod got the 3rd hull laid up by Cheeta Bob or the last one he laided up. Let me know if you want help. I've got the template too. Pat

06-21-2007, 10:40 AM
Ok well while I was waiting on My engine to be built,I was sitting here staring at the deck on the boat.Every time I would look it over I would tell Myself,Man i should fix this! After a while I started picking at the deck.I had seen Roostwears Stevens thread ,and He was scraping the paint with a razor blade,and I thought would this work for Me.
Ok! Well this scraping is taking way toooolooong! Time to break out the big gunns!
Pain in the ass, isn't it? Someone obviously sanded before they sprayed your boat! Looks good BTW.:D

06-21-2007, 11:21 AM
great job. keep up the good work..

06-23-2007, 12:09 AM
Well I was'nt really planning on replacing the stringers,but there I go again looking at things too long!
After looking them over realy good I found that they were still very solid,but I can see that the glass has delamminated from the wood,and they were very ugly.
I cut out the stringers today.I just took a side grinder and cut about a 1/4" above the hull,on both sides of each stringer.Then with the stringers removed,I took a sawsaw and cut down alongthe hull and the remaining glass to make it smooth.

06-23-2007, 12:24 AM
I am doing a pump swap and set back,so I removed the Intake.
I started first by removing the bolts through the hull and intake,then carefully cutting,with a grinder and cutoff wheel,along the seam of the intake hole and intake,from the bottom.
I then took some screwdrivers,wood chisels and a pry bar and wedged them between the flange and hull working around the inake,tapping each one in allitle at a time ,untill it finally just poped loose.

06-23-2007, 12:30 AM
Went ahead and cut out the glass and removed the wood in the transom. also filled a few holes in the inside.
I went ahead and removed all the wood in the gunnels and the dash in prep for replacing with new.

06-23-2007, 01:01 AM
I filled all the holes on the inside around the gunnelswhere varrious things were mounted.
I cut out all the gauge holes,then ground(not shown)the area down tapering the edges inward.
I then bonded the dash wood with two layers of mat and clamped them with bar clamps.While the glass was still wet I laid up the glass in the gauge holes alternating mat and cloth untill built back up.
As You can see in the pic above, I decided to fill the steering col hole,so I could have some adjustability in mounting the wheel.

06-23-2007, 01:21 AM
On this day I cut out and fitted the wood for the transom.
I scribed lines in the wood with a wood burning tool,to try and simulate the balsa look.
I ground out and glassed in the exhaust holes,swimstep holes and various other thrugh hull fittings.

06-23-2007, 01:29 AM
Here I laid up the transom wood using two layers of wet mat to bond the transom wood to the hull.I then used 2x4's and bar clamps to clamp the wood tight untill cured.

06-23-2007, 06:58 AM
dam that boats gonna be brand new when you get done, that is a beautiful job, wish i knew enough about glassing to do that stuff, it looks great:eek: :D

06-23-2007, 09:48 AM
I just got done doing a bit of glass work to my boat and lemmie tell you, I do not envy you! That stuff sucks and itches for days. Looks good though! Next winter I have some holes to fill in my boat. Yay! Definitely keep us posted!

06-23-2007, 10:44 PM
Thanks 76 anthony.
Yea, luckydazeIt is alota itchy work,but I have gotten use to it and it does'nt seem to bother me as much any more.
The realy frustrating part is trying to get the resin catylized right for the heat here in vegas,so it does'nt kick off before you get achance to use it.Needles to say I have wasted a lot of resin before I learned.I have to work alot at night when laying up any glass...Hal

06-23-2007, 11:07 PM
Well here I ground down the fiberglass on the holes I filled
I mixed up some resin and micro baloons to fill in the low spots,from where I had ground the fiberglass.
I then block sanded the resin/microballoon filler and washed the boat out from all the acumillated dust.

06-23-2007, 11:37 PM
Ok here was My delima.I am doing a pump swap and a set back.I am swaping from the jucuzzi 12Wj that was in the boat To a Berk 12jg. The intake hole for the jacuzzi is wider than the berk intake ,the bolt holes are'nt even close,and I really did'nt want to just patch the front of the set back, So, I decided to just glass in the entire hole and start from scratch.
This is the hole after bulling the intake and cleaning the area up a bit.
I then made a scarf cut around the perimiter of the holeand tapered it out wards ,so there would'nt be a lip inthe glass after it was built back up.
I then took a piece of plexiglass ,sprayed PVA(mold release) on it and atached it to the bottom of the hull, over the hole.(not shown)
I then laid up alternating layers of mat and cloth,using laminating resin,until the hole was built back up flush with the top of the inside hull.The laid one final lyer over the entire bilge area inside the stringers.
In this pic You can see the plexiglass attached to the bottom.with the PVA the plexi just pulls right off without sticking.

06-23-2007, 11:48 PM
After I got the intake hole glassed in I encased the transom wood in two layers of mat and one layer of clothI used one solid piece all the way accross the pump hole.I will jus cut the hole back out later.
I then ground the floor and sanded the transom.I got the cloth a little focked up around the hole,but thats allright it will be cut out anyways.
I then did a llitle work block sanding the repairs around the insides of the gunnels and dash.I also found acouple of spots that I wanted to give a little atention to on the rear of the deck and transom.

06-24-2007, 01:02 AM
Just when I thought I might be getting close,I got another hair brained idea.I decided to go head and cap the hull,instead of having a rub rail.I also needed to fix some stress cracks on the lower side of the hull.
The hull was already capped for the most part, from the factory.However it was cracked in some areas and I needed to fix the holes fron the rubrail also.
I started by v-grinding along the cracks and holes between the deck and hull.I then laid in layers of glass building it back up to just a little high.
I then ground the glass down a little and finnished by block sanding.
I then skimm coated the cap with filler and block sanded again and then primed.

06-24-2007, 01:18 AM
These holes were bugging me.I thought that since ihad filled all the other holes ,I may as well fill these alsoI also found a few areas on the transom that needed some more attention.
I ground out the holes and bad areas and filled with glass.
I block sanded the repairs ,then skimmed the entire transom with filler and block sanded again.

06-24-2007, 09:40 AM
WOW! i am speechless! You are doing a killer job!

06-24-2007, 10:26 AM
I took the boat off the dolly and set it up on a three point stand,for stringer fitment and installation.
I used the old stringers as a template to get close to the right fit ,but I marked them a little big ,because the original stringers were not fitted that close.They had almost 3/8" between the wood and hull, in some spots.
I cut some jigs out of plywood,to hold thestringers upright for installation.
I know the level across the stringers Was not neccessary,but I was just currious.
After I got the stringers fitted to the hull like I wanted,1/8" maximum,I took My router with a round over bit and routed the tops of the stringers.
Next I cut up strips of mat 1-1/4" wide x 12' long and had them rolled up ready to go so all I have to do is wet out the hull then just roll them out while wetting out the strips.

06-24-2007, 10:39 AM
Do you ever work:eek:?? Thats a lot of work and you are making killer progress!!!! I see that you are doing the right thing when you are setting the stingers in(the way you have the hull lifted up). Alot of guys try that on the trailer and creat hook/rocker in the hull. You must have been around someone that knew how to do this:idea: Not every guy would do it the way you are doing it. I think this thread needs to be bumped to the fiberglass section:idea: Alot of people could learn from this thread;)

06-24-2007, 11:03 AM
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/535/1518.jpgafter I wetted out and laid up the bedding stripps ,I set the stringers down in the wet glass and weighted them down with some heavy granite pieces that I had lying around.
After cured,I removed the weights and I am ready to lay up the glass over the wood.
I cut up all the glass materials,4 layers each(alternating mat and cloth)and had them ready to go.
I coated the stringers ,generously,with resin and then laid up the first layer of mat,then wetted that out.I then laid up a layer of cloth and squigied the cloth and resin to get out all the air bubbles,then repeated the proccess(mat,cloth,squiegie,mat,cloth,squiegie),fi nnishing with a layer of cloth.
Man I'm glad that is over! That was a chore.
The hardest part was trying to beat the heat before the resin kiked off.I had to work at night and under catalyze the resin due to the heat here in Las Vegas.
Well It did'nt turn out as pretty as I had hoped for,becouse I am going for the natural look,so I guess I have some sanding to do.

06-24-2007, 11:19 AM
I'm gonna take a stab at your job HonorinHal... is it possible that you're a body man???:D :D :D

06-24-2007, 01:57 PM
damn man this is looking good!

06-24-2007, 02:11 PM
I have to give this man a huge thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is doing an excellent job:) :) :) :)

06-24-2007, 02:39 PM
This is a great thread. I'm going to duplicate it and post it in the Fiberglass and Paint forum as well... :)

06-24-2007, 02:42 PM
I'm gonna take a stab at your job HonorinHal... is it possible that you're a body man???:D :D :D
LOL! No PW,I am actually a Marble setter, in the marble,granite and Tile buissness for 24 years now. I took auto body and paint in trade school/high school but have never done it prophetionaly(IS THAT HOW YOU SPELL THAT?).
Well while I am waiting for the heat to die down and the Race to be over,I will try to get cought up on this thread.
Well after completing the stringers I had a few repairs to make where I got a couple of air bubbles in the last layer of cloth,so earlier in the week I ground them out,reglassed them and then sanded down the stringers.
After sanding the stringers,I cut fitted the plywood floor,front and rear bulkheads and center stringer.
The boat ,when I got it had a removable floor wedged beteen the stringers with the carpet.I am going to glass every thing in solid.
After I got every thing to fit the way I wanted I bondedThe center stringer abd bulkheads in with epoxy,then I cleaned them up and laid up mat and resin over them,on the inside of the well.I will drill a drain hole in the front and back and set a brass drain insert in each one ,latter.

06-24-2007, 02:52 PM
Sorry brotha but I had to pm rexone and ask him to post this in the fiberglass section. So if you could post the same info over there that would be beautiful. this is a killer thread and others need to see this;)

06-24-2007, 02:52 PM
That brings Me to the Prsent.Last night I coated the bottom side of the floor with about 4 coats of resin and bonded the floor to the hull and supports with wet strips of MatThen placed a bunch of heavy weights on the floor to keep it down tight untill cured..

jet guy
06-24-2007, 07:57 PM
Dude you are a true artist

06-24-2007, 08:41 PM
awsome thread, keep it coming

06-24-2007, 10:06 PM
Phenomenal job! You really are going above and beyond with this project.
I spent an hour under the bow of my bahner this afternoon doing some structural and touch up work with fiberglass. I am covered in splinters and my arm hairs are all stuck together with resin. I do not envy you! That is some serious work! Keep it up!

06-25-2007, 08:13 PM
Thank You ,to All of You Guy's, for You'r compliments!
Thank's 396,for wanting to get this posted in the fiberglass and paint section.I do'nt know how to duplicate posts ,to two different sections.Maybe someone could clue me in.
396, I do work, however I work from 3am to 11am so I have pretty much all of My day's free. It's great! However not all of this work has been done just recently. In My very first post , I wanted Everone to Know that some of these pic's are of work done almost a year ago. None the less alot of this work has progressed quite rappidly, over the last four months or so.
Again Thank's to All, for all the compliments....Hal

06-25-2007, 10:47 PM
youre insane.....seriously.
I thought i did a ton of work on my project....now i feel like i need to go back and do more work.
your work is amazing ....and I must ask....from the begining to present.....how much time is elapsed? i hope longer then the 6 days this thread shows. If thats the case, i really feel like a slacker.
my project has been goin on since november and we are still far from completion lol
anyways....keep the progress coming...i enjoy reading it.

06-26-2007, 06:55 PM
Hey Goad, LOL, Yea I would be superman if I could get all that done in 6 days! No ,seriously it is about a one year period since I started the project,With a little time off from it here and there. I really did'nt work on it much last summer, due to hanging out at the river all the time. Although a majority of the work has been done in the last two or three months ....Hal

06-26-2007, 07:58 PM
I had ran Into a snag with trying to find the right wood for the stringers.It is almost imposible to find clear kiln dried doug fir,here in Vegas.I had to get green doug fir and dry it Myself.It took three sets of it curling and splitting ,before I got a set dry without it splitting or warping....Hal

jet guy
06-26-2007, 10:28 PM
How did you seperate the wood form the glass my dash is broken I need to replace the wood to start and then the wood is bent around to fit and I dont know how to do this. can you help

06-27-2007, 01:44 AM
WOW !!!!, leave you alone for a while and you go nuts :D
Dam Hal it looks great and the really amazing part is you havn't once bitched about the itching (I guess I am a wuss when it comes to glassing)
I dont know your plan on the floor is, but have you thought about putting a couple of drain holes in if you are going to make it a removable top. I am only saying this because alot of the water that gets into my boat ends up in that general area.
Just my 2 cents
The boat looks great ....... you should have it done in no time at this pace, Have you decided on the colors yet?

06-27-2007, 06:57 PM
How did you seperate the wood form the glass my dash is broken I need to replace the wood to start and then the wood is bent around to fit and I dont know how to do this. can you help
Hey jet guy: to get the wood off I used a wood chisel to take the wood off in layers.When I got the bulk of the wood off I used the wood chisel to scrape off the rest and then a grinder to clean up the glass.
I had to curve the gunnel wood and dash wood a little.I wett the wood well ,then clamped them in place with lots of clamps,and let dry for several days,then tok them down and bonded the wood with wett mat cut to the size of the wood,reclamped the wood in place to cure.once cured I removed the clamps and then coated the wood tith resin and laid a layer of matt over the out side of the wood.
I hope this helps.................Hal

06-27-2007, 07:03 PM
WOW !!!!, leave you alone for a while and you go nuts :D
Dam Hal it looks great and the really amazing part is you havn't once bitched about the itching (I guess I am a wuss when it comes to glassing)
I dont know your plan on the floor is, but have you thought about putting a couple of drain holes in if you are going to make it a removable top. I am only saying this because alot of the water that gets into my boat ends up in that general area.
Just my 2 cents
The boat looks great ....... you should have it done in no time at this pace, Have you decided on the colors yet?
Hey DOZER: The boat had a removable floor originally,But i am glassing it in solid.I am going for the wood floors so I want the wood to show thru the glass.
I am going to put in a drain at the front and back with the brass inserts,but I can't do it untill I get it all glassed in...Hal

06-27-2007, 07:34 PM
Ok ,well I had to take a couple days off to reserch how I was going to install the vanier floors.
I will be using white ash vanieer on the plywood floor and on the areas out side of the stringers,from the front bulkhead to the transom.
Being the inquisitive one that I am,I made a couple of samples of the wood floor ,to deside wether or not to use only one layer of cloth over the vanier or a layer of mat and cloth.
This sample is with only one layer of cloth
This sample is with a layer of mat and cloth
And here are the two together.
I think the sample with the one layer of cloth is the clearest,so I think one layer of cloth it is....Hal

06-27-2007, 10:37 PM
Just curious....why use cloth or mat?
why not just coat resin ? I am no fiberglass expert, but isnt the cloth/mat only there for structural perposes?
I am in no way saying this is correct, just asking out of curiosity.
but yes....the single layer of cloth looks the best to me.

09-04-2007, 01:00 AM
Ok well it's been a while. I have been working on the boat off and on,so let Me try to catch up.
I made the gunnel supports and lamminated them with cloth.I had allready test fitted them so I know they will fit.
Just for the hell of it I sanded and polished the glass on the gunnel suports.

09-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Here are the supports sitting in place.
After testing them again,I shimed them away from the hull about 3/16 ,then took some glass and folded it in a 90 deg angle and laid up the glass the length of the suports and the hull to install them.I used two layers of glass ,making sure the only place the suports were touching was the wood on the gunnel itself.

09-04-2007, 01:23 AM
I got the center floor glassed in,need to sand and will flowcoat with the rest of the in side.I think I am going in a different direction with the rest of the floors.It is so Hot here and the resin sets up so fast ,even with under curing it by 50% and I want to proceed with the project,So I an leaning towards gellcoating the rest of the inside.

09-04-2007, 01:42 AM
The old bulkhead was a removable piece,with carpet on it.it was not glassed i at all only screwed to twopieces of wood half assed glassed to the hull,so it didnt lend any stuctural support at all.
I used the old bulkhead as a template as it fit the hull pretty well on the bottom and sides,and made it taller to fit up to the underside of the deck ,making sure to leave a 1/4" gap all the way around.
I test fitted it and will install it later.
This is the old bulkhead that was used as a template.
here is the new one all cut out and ready to go.
Test fitting

09-04-2007, 01:55 AM
I modified The dolly to set the boat on after it is flipped upside down.I made it to support the boat on the stringers and also made it to where I can remove the parts and use it both ways.All I have to do is unbolt the upper cradle and I can sit the boat back down,right side up.
I also built this nifty hoisting rig. I load tested it with a small bock 350,so it should more than handel half the load of the boat for flipping.I intend on using it for alot of other things,after a little more bracing.

jet guy
09-04-2007, 06:18 AM
Ive been looking forward to the contnuation of this looks good

Wicked Performance Boats
09-04-2007, 07:49 AM
Killer job Hal. Keep it coming! Pat

09-04-2007, 09:59 AM
Hall, All I can say is Thanks for taking the time to document your work with text and photos. I hadn't planned on going to the extent you are but now I am motivated to do it the right way this winter and bring out a fresh boat in the late spring.

09-04-2007, 08:18 PM
Hey All thanks for the comps.
Well It came time to flip the boat.I was a little preplexed on what I was going to do about a lifting point at the rear of the boat,since I had filled all holes in the transom and I had no pump touse as I had pulled the intake and glassed in that hole.
I finnaly came up with the Idea to drill holes thru the section of the intake hole that will be cut out and U-bolt a section of pipe on the inside of the hull.Thes will give Me a circular object to allow the hull to rotate and a stiff lifting point,It took about six U-bolts and a 1x4 board to use as a shim to get the pipe over the lip in the jet cutout in the transom.
I thought I took a pick of the rig but I cant find it. The flip went smooth as sikk.I had My son lend a hand to just balance and position the dolly.
Any way's,Up and over!
and we have touch down
In this pic You can kinda get an idea of the lifting rig that I came up with.
I had planed on cutting out the intake hole while she is upside down,but I dont know what to use ti flip back ove.Any Ideas? I might have to flip it then cut the hole from underneath the boat.
Next ,Bottom by HAL !

09-06-2007, 07:49 AM
Damn Hal. Keep it up. It's looking really good and you're gonna beat me to the water.

09-06-2007, 08:55 AM
That does'nt have quite the same ring to it as Bottom by Bennet.
Allright !I got the boat flipped upside down and resting on the dolly.
Now it's time to try my hand at bottom blueprinting!I am no expert and at this point omly have a vauge idea of what I am doing.There is a thread onhere with a post called "Bottom blue printing 101" in which Jeff Bennet gives step by step instruction on blueprinting a bottom.I have that saved to fav's ,coppied on paper and will be following them to the letter,with all the materials that He suggests.
At first glance the bottom does'nt loog to be too bad.All that dark gray stuff is the old speed coat that is all but worn off.I took some acetone on a rag and it came right off.
Speed coat is gone and I have sanded with 40 grit from transom up 6'.I sanded first so that when I started witing on hull that I would'nt sand the writting off.
I put the straight edge on the keel.It does'nt look too bad.
I measued the keel and all the strakes and all mid points bettween the strakes.
WOA! look at that
Looks like I got I got some work there.
I staightedged the other side ,the side of the wall in the above pics,and found that side to be worse.It will need a couple layers of matt laid up.

09-06-2007, 09:17 AM
This was a very good read! Keep the pics coming. Great for the do - it -yourselfer! Great job! Makes me want to tear mine back down and do it again......Maybe a winter project is on the way!

09-06-2007, 09:36 AM
I laid up two layers of matt on the right side of the hull from the keel down to the first strake,and transom up about two feet.Sorry I forgot to take pics of that,and where I wrote all the numbers down on the hull.
I got the glass ground down and block sanded as flat as possible.The red is just some old rattle can paint sprayed for a guide coat.
OOPs ,here are a few pics of the writting.
All the glass is sanded and ready for the next step

09-06-2007, 10:02 AM
Hey Cooper You out there?Joe told Me You have been lurking around out there.So what do You think of You'r old boat now.I just had to do something about that deck and one thing led to another. Go ahead and chime in sometime.
Ok, the next step was to clean with acetone.
Since I still have some low spots that are about 1/16" I am going to use the duraglass.
I got the duraglass all sread out.Its not the prettiest spread job ,but man this stuff kiks fast!

09-06-2007, 11:13 AM
You know what you need...Annother project. This looks great though. Keep it up. I just get to look at pictures of boats on line while I am waiting for truck drivers to show up to deliver and pick up equipment before going to the other store.

09-19-2007, 07:51 PM
Ok ,I got the dura glass all ground down and then block sanded flat.
Man This stuff is hard as hell.You have to grind the majority down to almost where you want it then finnish with a sanding blockand 40 grit. Here are some more pics before the next step.

09-19-2007, 08:17 PM
Time for the next step,filler,
Becouse there are still some small low spots 1/16" and smaller,Bennet recomends to use regular body filler for this step and the product that he recomends is Rage gold,by Evercoat.
I got the rage gold spread out.This stuff realy is gold.It will probobly take 3-4 aplications to get every thing nice and straifgt.Make sure to keep checking with the straight edge as You go.
Next I block sanded all the filler down with a long board and 40 grit
I checked it with the straight edge and saw that there are still a couple of spots that need more filler.

09-19-2007, 08:28 PM
I added some more rage gold ,blocksanded again, and checked it again.It's getting there .but I think it is pretty damn close,Of corse I checked with the straight edge at the center and all strakes and mid pointd inbetween all the strakes.
Next I found I neede a bit more on the keel and transom area and was a little lower than 1/16 so I used a little more dura glass ,blocked that down and then detailed the rest out with 80 grit and a block.
I then washed the bottom off to remove the dust build up.

09-19-2007, 09:34 PM
well I think I have it straight enough.there will be some blending needed after the intake is set,but i will have to finnish the rest at a later date,after I get My intake back from being machined for a ride plate and shoe.
Since I am kinda at a stand still on finnishing the blue print untill i get my intake back,I went ahead and sanded the bottom and sides in prep for pimer.
I washed the hull to remove all the dust,Will let dry for the rest of the day and will spray a couple coats of primer tomarow after work.

09-19-2007, 10:44 PM
doing a great job. keep up the good work

09-19-2007, 11:26 PM
Hey Hal thanks for the updates. Nice meeting you last time at the Avi regatta. The boat is turning out awesome. Hopefully that weather has been better for you out in Vegas! Hope to run with you next year in your new toy!

09-20-2007, 07:27 PM
Thanks Guy's for the comp's.
Chris It was great meeting You also.It's always nice to put a face to the screen names.
Ok well I got the bottom and sides primed today, with about 3 coats of primer.It got dark but I shot some pics any ways.I will shoot some more pics tomarrow during light,before I start block sanding.
I did discover that I have quite a few pin holes and scratches to fill,mostly from the hull capping.

09-21-2007, 02:00 PM
I did discover that I have quite a few pin holes and scratches to fill,mostly from the hull capping.
Thats looking really good Hal. I agree, that Gold is killer good. If you only have some little pinholes, try some UCS "Icing". really nice stuff for that purpose and sands like butter
Good luck and keep it up and we'll see which one of us finishes first.:D John

09-25-2007, 01:11 PM
Holy Cow. Wow Hal. Killer Job. I Can't Believe This Is The 1st Time I've Read This Whole Thread. You Talked Once About A Surfacing Agent So The Glass Wouldn't Dry Tacky. I Assumed When My Glass Work(a Little I've Done In The Past) Didn't Dry (dried Tacky), That I Just Mixed It Wrong. Dude If You Get Done And Bored I Might Have A Daytona For Ya. Haha . Keep It Up

09-25-2007, 03:14 PM
great job ! you sure went all out on your project . this thread is great I'm taking mine down hope it will be as good an turn out as yours I've got an 77 avenger the motors just about done know for the hull .The picts and info will be very helpful kept it coming can't wait to see it done:D :)

10-05-2007, 06:40 PM
great looking boat !

10-07-2007, 02:42 AM
:D lookin good, so when do we get to see some color ?
awesome job!!
Oh by the way did you see the AVI video ?...You were in it I think it was when we were coming back from our ride:D :D :D

10-07-2007, 10:14 AM
has anyone ever seen a tahiti with a setback pump in it?

10-07-2007, 10:28 AM
Man this sure is looking killer!! I did the same thing to my kachina and it was a biotch. Made a huge difference but was very time consuming.

10-07-2007, 11:15 AM
Hey Dozzr where Ya been?
No ,I hav'nt seen the vid yet. I had an awesome time ,but hopefully next season I will Have Mine out there.
I am waiting to get my intake back From MPD,so I can finnish up the bottom. I talked to Jack yesterday and finnally got it shipped to him Yesterday afternoon. Jack said about 7-10 day turnaround ,once he recieves it.
Then I have to flip the boat back over ,cut the hole,set the intake ,flip back over ,blend the bottom to the intake,paint the bottom,and then flip back over.Then on the top I can sand w/80,prime, sand w/ 220,prime,wetsand w/400,then Ill be ready to spray color.
I have done so much work on this thing that I am getting a little nervous about spraying the paint. I just do'nt want to screw it up! I am still trying to decide on a paint concept.
By that time I may have to wait for warmer weather to paint, But In the mean time I will wire the boat ,make the rail kit and do as much rigging as I can.
I really apeciate all the support and great coments,from every one on here.....Hal

10-07-2007, 11:32 AM
Hey Taylormanss: I have not seen One of Our hulls with a set back Yet. There is a guy with a Kona Just like Mine ,Placecraft tim,Thad has had His in the low 80's with a Tunnelramed 455 olds.I don't think he had a setback pump and I am not sure if he had any bottom work done or not?
I am doing the setback in mine ,just becouse I am doing a pump swap,I. glassed in the entire hole,and with the intake out I see no reason not to,rather than doing it at a later date.
I also staightened(blueprinted)the bottom,But I have nothing to compare it to ,becouse I have never ran this hull in its previous condition.It may turn out to be a dog,But I have learned alot and have had fun building it. Oh well I have to get back to wetsanding......Hal

10-07-2007, 06:50 PM
I'm sure you will finish yours before i finish mine.let us know how your pump works out.

10-18-2007, 07:54 PM
Ok ,Well I guess its time for a little update.
These picks are a couple weeks old.i have been waiting on My intake and this is just what I have been doing in the mean time.
After priming I spread out some glazing putty to fill in the scratches from the blueprinting.
I then block sanded the bottom and sides with 80 grit.
I then washed the hull with comet and gave it a good rinse.
I then reprimed all the spots where I broke through the primer,scuffed and gave the entire bottom and sides anothe coat of primer.
I then sprayed some rattle can guide coat.
I block sanded the bottom and sides with 220.
I washed the hull again,touched up the break throughs.
Then I sprayed a third and final coat of primer in preporation for wetsanding with 400 grit.

10-18-2007, 08:00 PM
after the primer has dried I sprayed another coat of rattle can guide coat,this time using black.
I prefer black for guide coat ,but any left over s you have will work.

10-18-2007, 08:22 PM
Well While I was waiting on My Intake I decided to go ahead and dress up My tanks.
I have been practicing this for a while and I could see in My head what i wanted them to look like.
The tanks were covered in carpet glue and fiberglass.I was able to clean the glue off with chemicals,but I had to sand the fiberglass resin off.after that I would have took alot more work than I was willing to do to polish them.
I achived this look by sanding with a Da and 80 grt,then using a 4 1/2" side grinder with rough scotch bbight rollock disk,just going crazy in all directions.I then took some 80 grt rolock and pressed straight down ,making rows of circles, and overlapping each row.it's hard to control,becouse the grinder wants to take of.
I the put on a medium scotchbright rolock disk ,drew ot some flames on the face of the tank,and went to town grinding the flames.I ended up just freehanding the flames as it was easier than following what I had drawn.
So What do Ya think?
Here is some more of My testing and practicing ,with the color that I am thinking of using,and My half assed atempt at a ghost flame.
This blue is called spectra blue efect.It looks darker untill the sun light hits it,then it really POP's !
I really want to do the blue with realy rich brandy wine pearl ghost flames,but the only thing that concerns Me is ,My interior has two shades of blue and a charchoal,stripes and no shades of red.I just do,nt know how the paint would look with the interior....Hal

11-17-2007, 12:09 AM
Well I finally got the intake back.Jack made it a pretty quick turn around.
I had the intake machined for a ride plate and shoe ,with shims.
This is the intake with the shoe and ride plate bolted on.
This is the cradel that ataches the ride plate to the bowl,with shims for adjustment.
Here are all the parts laid out.

11-17-2007, 01:07 AM
With the boat still upside down ,I laid out the Intake hole cutout.
I am doing a setback and I want the biting edge of the shoe as close to the edge of the transome as posible,and the hand hole outside the boat.
First I found the center line of the hull by measuring the distance of the strakes at the rear of the hull.
I measured from the very upper edge of the strakes at the rear.
I then measured the distance of the two center strakes about 5' foreward of the transom.
I took the distances divided them by half and marked the center line down the keel.

11-17-2007, 01:18 AM
I then measured the length and width of the intake.
Then from the transom I measured foreward to define the front of the cut out.
And then from the centerline I laid out the width of the cut out.
Then mark the cut out on the hull.

11-17-2007, 01:57 AM
After I got the hole laid out ,I drilled holes in all four corners of the layout and on the center line,with a 1/16" drill bit,I used the holes to transfer the layout to the inside.
I then flipped the boat right side up,transfered the layout to the inside and cutout the hole.
The lines you see around the hole is the outside edge of the intake,where I have to grind to get the intake low enough.
I droped in the intake to test the fit.
I ground the perimiter of the hole to get the intake deep enough.
I installed the adjustment bolts to get the height in the hole right.
Then get under the boat with a straight edge.To set the hight of the intake ,in the front make sure no part of the intake hangs below the keel.Then lay the straight edge along the center of the keel to the back edge of the shoe ,where the rideplate ataches. This is very important,make sure the backedge of the shoe is in the same plane as the keel.With the straight edge ,on the keel. the keel and back edge of the shoe shold all be in the same plane.

11-17-2007, 10:39 AM
After makind all the neccesary adjustmente and test and getting the intake where I wanted it ,it was time to make it purdy.
I sanded the intake ,taped off the machined parts and sprayed some primer on it
After priming, I sanded and then laid down some base coat/clear coat.

11-17-2007, 10:46 AM
After The paint had dried,I set the intake back in the hole and mocked up the suction housing to make sure I was happy with where the hand hole is positioned.

11-17-2007, 11:00 AM
After I got every thing painted and mocked up,its time to stick it.
I taped off the areas I didnt want to get epoxy on.
i reinstalled the jacking bolts.
i reinstalled the shoe.
VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure there are no shims installed right here in the shoe,for installing the intake ,it will make the intake too high above the keel!
Next I taped off the perimiter of the intake hole,for a neat epoxy job.

11-17-2007, 11:05 AM
This is a great thread and you're doing a killer job Hal. I'm learning a ton. Keep it up.......john
ps.......don't you love the acetone?

11-17-2007, 11:21 AM
I set the intake back in the hole,with the jacking bolts installed, to reajust all the settings.
I adjusted the front up so that there was NO aluminum hanging below the keel.
I then laid the staight edge backk along the keel and adjusted the hieght of the shoe to be flush with the keel.
I then measured up,1' from the two strakes at the transome onboth sides of the hull,and staight edged a line across the two points.This line is used to level the intake side to side.
I then removed the intake,being very carefull not to distub the jacking bolts.
I then mixed up the epoxy,on a cardboard sheet and spread it generously around the intake hole and around the mounting flange of the intake.

11-17-2007, 11:50 AM
After spreading out the epoxy,I set the intake in the hole and smashed it down tight ,while wiggling it back and forth, to get out all the air bubbles and squeez out the excess epoxy.
I then picked up the excess,and smoothed out the epoxy ,with wet hands,on the top and bottom.
Just as the epoxy was starting to tack up ,I pulled the tape from around the hole perimiter and the intake.
I then rechecked all the adjustments and measurement's.
I checked the centerline alignment and level.
I then rechecked every thing again.Once I was stisfied that nothing has moved and all adjustments were dead nut's on,I put some dead weight on the intake to hold it in position untill the epoxy had cured.I also put a heat lamp on it to help cure ,since the temprature was a little cool.
I let all that set and cure for 24 hours,before removing the weight.
The intake is set !
I will drill and install bolts temporarilly,to flip the boat and then countersink the holes with the boat upside down

11-17-2007, 12:41 PM
Great job Hal..... I bet it takes twice as long taking
all those pics.
thanks for posting them

11-17-2007, 10:29 PM
Hey thank's Guy's
John I am learning alot also ,mostly as I go.I do alot of research,mostly among these forums here ,and other sites like banderlog and any other place I can find.
I have been around and worked on fiberglass boats all My life.They were mostly fishing boats.
My Dad use to build and brag race bass Boat's,Mostly Allison crafts.
I used to take bowrider tri hulls and others ,cut out the frot bow seating and build casting and fishing decks in them.I would convert most of them to use in the Marsh,and flats,in and around New Orleans ,Louisiana,where I am originally from.
This is however My first jet boat.

11-17-2007, 10:33 PM
the taking pictures is'nt really what takes so long.It's the uploading the pictures onto Hot boat,and then writing the posts and entering the pic's with it.But it's still fun...Hal

11-17-2007, 10:52 PM
I drilled the holes for the intake bolts.They will be installed temporarily,to flip the boat.I trust the epoxy,but better safe than sorry.
Next I bolted up the suction housing and the bowl,to use as a lifting and pivot point,to flip the boat back upside down,tofinnish the bottom,around the intake.
After I got the boat over,I mocked up the rideplate and cradle.

11-17-2007, 11:22 PM
Well after playing around with the ride plate,I removed all the intake bolts,and countersunk all the holes.
I then mixed up some epoxy,coated the head's of the bolts and droped them in the holes.
I climed under the boat reinstalled all the nuts and washers and sinched every thing tight.
After the epoxy was hard,I sanded down the epoxy around the intake.
I then mixed up a litle more epoxy and spead it out around the intake area and into the intake entry ,to form a smooth transition in to te intake .I fanned the epoxy outward towards the transom,to blend in the area around the intake.

11-17-2007, 11:24 PM

11-18-2007, 11:03 AM
Congrats on all that hard work. And thanks for the great read as well!

11-19-2007, 06:42 PM
Thank's n8dawg.It's been alot of work,But it'll be worth it.
I wanted to do the thread so that hopefuly others will have somthing to refer to when doing their project,becouse My project pretty much runs the gammit of every thing from replacing stringers, setback pump, setting an intake,fiberglass work, paint,and rigging.
I do not profess to know every thing,but I just wanted to share what I have learned and show people that You do'nt have to have a shop do every thing for You.With a little skill Every one can do things themselves and save some doe.....Hal

04-23-2008, 03:02 PM
Ok the thread is still here ,but why are all the Picture's just little red X's?
Uploading all those pics was more work than typing the thread!....Hal

04-24-2008, 06:22 AM
Hang in there Hal, up in the sandbar there is a thread that says the pic gallery is still under const.:D

04-24-2008, 12:35 PM
This is an awesome thread, thanks for posting everything. I know
exactly how you feel though. I'm doing the same things as you, but on
a 74' Kona. We're using POR-15's products, from their fillers all the way to
their 2part poly white coat. This stuff works awesome! What paint do you
plan on using? So, the big question.....When do you plan on being done?
I've been going for almost 2 years also, good luck with everything, summer's
almost here.

Wicked Performance Boats
04-28-2008, 07:35 AM
Hal, I read you post on intake setup. I didn't see where you made sure the intake mounting flange was 4 degrees relitive to the keel line. I've had to grind the rear area, to make the shoe sit on the rear of the shoe right. Pat:idea:

04-28-2008, 08:37 PM
Hey Pat,how's it going.
I had talked extensivly ,with Jack Mclure,about setting the intake.To make a long story short .He told me not to set the intake with a insturment showing 4*,rather set the front of the intake flush with the keel and the shoe installed with no shims,using a straight edge along the keel to the transom,set the rear of the intake at the shoe area, flush with the staight edge.
Then to level the intake ,He said to use the outside strakes to measure from and make sure each side of the intake is an equal measurement from each strake.
All measurements were taken from the bottom of the hull including the centerline taken from the center measurement of the most inner strakes.
I did have to do some grinding on the intake hole ,on the inside of the hull,to get the depth that I needed with the shoe.
Just out of curriosity, I did put an angle finder on the keel,marked that as zero,then put the angle finder on the intake flange,and to my surprise,it was right on money at 4*
Jack is the Man and I felt it best ,infact He insisted,that I follow His instruction's to the letter. He said that if I did ,it would come out right and it did.
I wish the pictures were still on here ,it would show the entire process that I went through.The only thing I did'nt get a pic of was the angle finder. I wanted to show it exactly how Jack instructed Me on doing it.....Hal

04-28-2008, 08:53 PM
Hey KonaJet74;
Thank's i have been working on Mine for about two years also.
I m planning on using a single stage Imron or the like on the bottom and a base/clear on the sides and the top.
The botton will be a gunnmeatal gray and the sides and top are called spectra blue. The only thing I cant seem to make up My mind about is whether to paint the whole thing a solid blue or make the deck to just behind the dash ,white.That is where I am still undesided. I just want somthing clean and simple.
If You get a chance ,why don't You throw up some pic's of You'r Kona....Hal

Wicked Performance Boats
04-29-2008, 06:38 AM
Hey Pat,how's it going.
I had talked extensivly ,with Jack Mclure,about setting the intake.To make a long story short .He told me not to set the intake with a insturment showing 4*,rather set the front of the intake flush with the keel and the shoe installed with no shims,using a straight edge along the keel to the transom,set the rear of the intake at the shoe area, flush with the staight edge.
Then to level the intake ,He said to use the outside strakes to measure from and make sure each side of the intake is an equal measurement from each strake.
All measurements were taken from the bottom of the hull including the centerline taken from the center measurement of the most inner strakes.
I did have to do some grinding on the intake hole ,on the inside of the hull,to get the depth that I needed with the shoe.
Just out of curriosity, I did put an angle finder on the keel,marked that as zero,then put the angle finder on the intake flange,and to my surprise,it was right on money at 4*
Jack is the Man and I felt it best ,infact He insisted,that I follow His instruction's to the letter. He said that if I did ,it would come out right and it did.
I wish the pictures were still on here ,it would show the entire process that I went through.The only thing I did'nt get a pic of was the angle finder. I wanted to show it exactly how Jack instructed Me on doing it.....Hal
Thanks Hal, I didn't do it the same way but ended up with the same result. Just checkn you're work. Pat:)

04-29-2008, 01:57 PM
Hey Pat, thanks,glad You are looking out. I need some one to check My work. I want to make sure I am getting it right.
I hope that any one who sees somthing questionable ,will speak up. It's all a learning experiance for Me.
By the way, how is Your boat comming along?
I got to get out You'r way to throw back some brewskis with You...Hal

Wicked Performance Boats
04-30-2008, 06:47 AM
Hey Pat, thanks,glad You are looking out. I need some one to check My work. I want to make sure I am getting it right.
I hope that any one who sees somthing questionable ,will speak up. It's all a learning experiance for Me.
By the way, how is Your boat comming along?
I got to get out You'r way to throw back some brewskis with You...Hal
Hal, The boats about 2/3 rigged will be on the water Memorial Day weekend. Lets get drunk and celebrate!!!!! Pat

04-30-2008, 07:35 AM
Hey Hal! You got your thread back. Too cool and lets hope they can save all the pics you've already posted. You've done a heck of a job. Keep it up

04-30-2008, 05:00 PM
Hey Pat, Name the time and place and Ill be there!
Thank's John .I am waiting for some callm winds ,so I can spray the bottom.In the mean time In trying to collect part and pieces.
How is You'r ride comming.Have You got the motor back in it yet?....Hal

05-03-2008, 06:24 AM
How is You'r ride comming.Have You got the motor back in it yet?....Hal
Close Hal. I'm in the midst of the rail kit install now. At the advice of Pat, I sent my crank out and had a 1/4" key cut 180 out on the snout so I'll be double keyed for the blower pully. Just got the shortblock together last Sunday.
Tom & Josh hooked me up with some sweet waterjetted plates from my motormount setup and now I'm anxious to get to fine tune them for my application. Theyre a really nice setup if you're looking for a DIY type of setup.
Good luck and post up some pics of where you are...

Wicked Performance Boats
05-13-2008, 07:18 AM
At the advice of Pat, I sent my crank out and had a 1/4" key cut 180 out on the snout so I'll be double keyed for the blower pully. Glad you took my advise John. But I woulda towed u back on Labor Day. J/K Getter done!!!!! Pat