View Full Version : MORG....

11-12-2002, 12:31 PM
The Big Brown Truck will be there tomorrow sometime... :cool: :cool:

11-12-2002, 12:46 PM
Will that girl be driving that brought those cases to Superdave? :D :D :D :D
Hope, Hope, Hope.
Ah Sh?t, as if i would do anything except studder & fall down.

11-12-2002, 12:54 PM
I don't think so....I still have her tied up in the Garage..Why do you think I spend so much time out there..... :D :D

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 01:11 PM
What are you having delivered?
Cole Man.

11-12-2002, 01:11 PM
LMAO- I guess I never have to send you to the garrage.

11-12-2002, 01:17 PM
Cole Man II....Where you been hiding...I'm tring to keep John in the Garage & off the couch...Sent him the "Ole' Power Gel Coat Remover" He's taken to long doing it by hand...... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Craig, did you get your Carbs squared away yet.. :confused: :confused:

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 01:40 PM
Sorry about being so slow on the pick-up. The boat thing hasn't been on my mind lately. I have the carbs back, but only time will tell if they are squared away. At this point I am just waiting to hear back from Jimmy with word on the motor. My fuel pump went bad, but it should not be a bid hold up. I also plan to remove the air shifter. It currently works just fine, but I found it to be more hassle than I want to deal with.

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 01:46 PM
Have you herd from Gary Riggins lately? Do you know whether he ordered a new boat?
Cole Man.

11-12-2002, 01:47 PM
ColeManII, Your gonna have it ready for New Years Aren't ya.......

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 01:58 PM
If Jimmy has the motor back together, and If its not raining. Yes I will be there, race gas in hand.
Cole Man.

11-12-2002, 02:00 PM
Right On...... :cool: :cool:

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 02:05 PM
Is your boat all together and ready to go?
How about riding motor cros the weekend of the 23rd & 24th. We can even come your way if you would like.
Cole Man.

11-12-2002, 02:07 PM
Yup......No NOS yet...But it's ready.. :D :D

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 02:15 PM
Nitrous Oxide! How fast do you plan on going, and who the heck are you trying to beet? Do you plan on using the Nos at the lake? Your boat puts new meaning the the term pleasure craft.
Cole Man.

11-12-2002, 02:17 PM
BTW..here's whats going on at CFW today http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/we/52/11.gif wink wink wink

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 02:18 PM
I herd there is a storm coming in this weekend that should dump a fair amount as well.

11-12-2002, 02:19 PM
Cole Man II:
Nitrous Oxide! How fast do you plan on going, and who the heck are you trying to beet? Do you plan on using the Nos at the lake? Your boat puts new meaning the the term pleasure craft.
Cole Man.Hence the name.."Chronic Relief"

11-12-2002, 02:29 PM
Work Work Work,
Let me check into the new rubber.
I have not heard from Riggs'ie. I have his e-mail I'll send him a note.
Supposed to be raining here in Reno. Sunny

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 02:42 PM
I just called Dave, he said Jimmy hasn't started on my motor yet, he is hoping this weekend.
Cole Man.
[ November 12, 2002, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Cole Man II ]

11-12-2002, 02:49 PM
Plenty of time still.....

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 02:56 PM
Once Jimmy gets strated he should have things wraped up quickly. The air shifter is easy to take out. I think the weather will be the biggest variable.
Cole Man

11-12-2002, 03:03 PM
So...Whats ya gonna do with the air shifter.... :confused: :confused:

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 03:20 PM
I plan to polish the shit out of it and sell it. Trick Pony is trying to talk me out of it, but I don't think it is worth the extra hassle.
Cole Man

11-12-2002, 03:43 PM
Cole Man II:
I plan to polish the shit out of it and sell it. Trick Pony is trying to talk me out of it, but I don't think it is worth the extra hassle.
Cole ManWhat Hassle? :p :p

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 03:53 PM
The hassle of getting the bottle filled every time the system chooses to spring an air leak. The hassle of paddling to shore because your out of air preasure. The hassle of your freinds giving you grief because your boat is so unreliable. Just little things like that.
Cole Man.

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 03:58 PM
Just discussing the problems I had with the air shifter reinforce my feelings about it. Its gone! If or when I take the boat to the drags I will slam it into gear manually. I am going to polish the bottle and sell it, I can use the money for race gas.
Cole Man.

11-12-2002, 04:05 PM
I was thinking of the hassle of trick pony. I agree with the outing of the air shifter. You don't need any more excusses :p :p :p wink :D

11-12-2002, 04:20 PM
Excuse's...we don't need no stinkin' Excuse's.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Cole Man II
11-12-2002, 04:29 PM
No excuses here Sangster. I am just navigating towards that middle ground of fast, but simple. I don't think I am asking to much. I just want to have the fastest boat on the lake, and I want it to never brake down. This is all.
Cole Man.

11-12-2002, 04:30 PM
Me Too...

11-12-2002, 08:58 PM
ColeManII how much for that air shift? I too want to have the fastest boat on the lake!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2002, 10:23 PM
How much for the shifter? Im interested

11-12-2002, 11:40 PM
I,m interested also, if I can't get rid of this boat I better just keep building it up.

Cole Man II
11-13-2002, 07:48 AM
Let me figure out what I have invested in the air shifter and I will get back to you all with a price. Yes the system works, but based on my expereince I do not recommend it for lake use.
Cole Man.