View Full Version : Dems already can't follow their own rules...

06-03-2007, 07:27 AM
I would like to say that I am surprised, but I'm not:rolleyes:
WASHINGTON (AP) - After promising unprecedented openness regarding Congress' pork barrel practices, House Democrats are moving in the opposite direction as they draw up spending bills for the upcoming budget year.
Democrats are sidestepping rules approved their first day in power in January to clearly identify "earmarks" - lawmakers' requests for specific projects and contracts for their states.
Rather than including specific pet projects, grants and contracts in legislation as it is being written, Democrats are following an order by the House Appropriations Committee chairman to keep the bills free of such earmarks until it is too late for critics to effectively challenge them.
Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., says those requests for dams, community grants and research contracts for favored universities or hospitals will be added to spending measures in the fall. That is when House and Senate negotiators assemble final bills.
Such requests total billions of dollars.
As a result, most lawmakers will not get a chance to oppose specific projects as wasteful or questionable when the spending bills for various agencies get their first votes in the full House in June.
The House-Senate compromise bills due for final action in September cannot be amended and are subject to only one hour of debate, precluding challenges to individual projects.
Obey insists he is reluctantly taking the step because Appropriations Committee members and staff have not had enough time to fully review the 36,000 earmark requests that have flooded the committee.
What Obey is doing runs counter to new rules that Democrats promised would make such spending decisions more open.

06-03-2007, 05:24 PM
Imagine that. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I'm shocked at them.;) ;) Ever hear the story of the "Frog (or Turtle, Ive heard it both ways) and the Scorpion"? Who would imagine the party, who's entire domestic platform is based on buying votes with public largess, would give up their easiest means of doing it..:rolleyes:

Old Texan
06-04-2007, 04:38 AM
That in a nutshell is what the Democrats have been about. W's biggest problem as stated by ES in another thread is his trying to compromise and work with the Dems who in turn stab him in the back and push their own "priority Pork" projects through. They want SS reform, but are unwilling to accept or work out any plan where Republicans have control, they want border control but on their terms, and on and on.
DC is nothing more than a big "daycare" facility for overage brats. Somehow the people need to vote out the current fools on both sides of the aisle, but again it's hard to get rid of the "rulebreakers" when they are also the "rulemakers".
Term limits must be instituted.

centerhill condor
06-04-2007, 05:45 AM
you act surprised...they really can't be blamed this is how they get elected by "US" anyway.
Meet the new boss same as the old boss! or is that the other way around.
Expect more of the same until the electorate grasps the concept that leadership is not merely a check!

06-04-2007, 03:28 PM
And the "Honorable" William Jefferson with 16 indictments today from the Grand Jury............:confused:

Old Texan
06-04-2007, 07:36 PM
And the "Honorable" William Jefferson with 16 indictments today from the Grand Jury............:confused:
Caught him with "cold" cash, they did.......:devil:

06-05-2007, 03:08 PM
Does anyone think Pelosi will step up and rid this embarassment from the house or just continue to support him until all the truth and details come out?I'll give Jefferson one thing, atleast he took the money instead of just talking about it like Murtha did!:idea:

Old Texan
06-05-2007, 06:57 PM
As long as it took to indict him and after the fiasco he created in New Orleans during the Katrina disaster, I doubt it. The man has made a complete mockery of his position and realtively little of the story has made the mainstream news.
Murtha and Jefferson have no conscience and Pelosi looks past it all to save the seat(s).

Poster X
06-07-2007, 10:37 AM
I would like to say that I am surprised, but I'm not:rolleyes:
Should we comprise a list of all the pork, side-step shuffles, fillibusters, unread bills, and intellectual compromises and misadventures from the decades long Republican Congress? I think not. You don't have the attention span for it. Face it.. both parties suck. Your's just sucks more.

06-07-2007, 04:52 PM
Should we comprise a list of all the pork, side-step shuffles, fillibusters, unread bills, and intellectual compromises and misadventures from the decades long Republican Congress? I think not. You don't have the attention span for it. Face it.. both parties suck. Your's just sucks more.
Actually, I'd like to see that list. So....get to work. You do your fair share of side-step shuffles as well.
By the way, did Hillary give you time off for good behavior or something? Shouldn't you be out on the campaign trail?

06-07-2007, 07:30 PM
Should we comprise a list of all the pork, side-step shuffles, fillibusters, unread bills, and intellectual compromises and misadventures from the decades long Republican Congress? I think not. You don't have the attention span for it. Face it.. both parties suck. Your's just sucks more.
your preaching to the choir sir, I was hoping someone would stick to there guns.
my what sucks? is this a drunk post:confused: