View Full Version : Ammunition buyer and seller registration! ACT NOW!

06-05-2007, 03:35 PM
PLEASE pass this on to everyone you know and emplore them to contact everyone they know in Kommiefornia. While this bill is currently in the Kalifornia state senate, if the precedent is set, we can be assured that the other Dems/Libs will try to get it implemented nationwide! ACT NOW!
Here's the gist of the bill:
AB 362 (De Leon) would require that all handgun ammunition buyers be registered at the time of each purchase with the State Department of Justice (DOJ).
AB 362 (de Leon) OPPOSE
AB 362 (De Leon) would require that all handgun ammunition buyers be registered at the time of each purchase with the State Department of Justice (DOJ). The registration information to be obtained by the ammunition seller would include: a) the date of the transaction, b) the name, address, and date of birth of the buyer, c) the buyer's driver's license or other identification number, and their right thumbprint, d) the brand, type, and amount of ammunition purchased, e) the buyer's signature, and f) the salesperson's name.
This bill would also require that no person shall sell or transfer more than 50 rounds of handgun ammunition in any month unless they are registered as a handgun ammunition vendor with DOJ.
It would require ammunition vendors to obtain a background clearance for employees who handle ammunition in the course and scope of their employment.
AB 362 would further mandate that no retail seller of ammunition shall sell, offer for sale, or display for sale, any handgun ammunition in a manner that allows ammunition to be accessible to a purchaser without the assistance of the retailer or employee thereof. Violation of these provisions would be punishable as an infraction with a fine of $500, or as a misdemeanor.
Finally, AB 362 would further provide that handgun ammunition, which includes reloading components, may only be purchased in a face-to-face transaction. This would do away with all mail or internet purchases by lawful California users of handgun ammunition.
The author has stated that he will be amending the bill later to require costly criminal and mental history background checks for handgun ammunition buyers each time they buy ammunition!!!!
It is important that every sportsman and other owners of firearms immediately contact the members of the State Senate to oppose AB 362!!!
Also contact your own district legislators in the Senate. Make sure that each one is aware that you oppose this bill! To find your own district legislators, and others, use the following link and type in your zip code. You will be given the names and contact information for both your Senator and Assembly Member depending on your zip code. Click Here to Contact Your Californian Senator and Assembly Member. (http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html)
Many legislators are freshman, elected in last November's statewide elections. They critically need to hear from their own constituents in order to help determine their positions!!!
Don't forget, they are your public servants, and they need to hear from you!!!
Don't let the "antis" mobilize more contacts with legislators than us!!!
Again, legislators mostly want to hear from their own constituents!!!
Be sure to contact yours first, but then go to work on the others!!
Your action is needed now if we are to have success!!!
Please Act Today!!!
PLEASE copy this to all your other bulletin boards, MySpace, e-mail lists, etc. We NEED to get the word out!

centerhill condor
06-05-2007, 04:16 PM
more proof that every legislator has a nephew that needs a job!
What a waste of time and law enforcement resources. Makes for great political speech...free for now!

Steve 1
06-05-2007, 04:17 PM
This is bad very bad!

06-05-2007, 05:23 PM
Looks like the New World Order is on top of all the sheep. Grow some balls boys. Thank God I'll be dead in 20 years or less and I won't have to put up with more of this communist bull shit.

06-05-2007, 05:31 PM
sad part about that... is other then 12, 16 and 20 gauge shot shells... there are hand guns out there for every other calibur...( technicly its illegal to sell any brass of any one under the age of 21... yet every one sells them to ppl 18-21) So they basicly already are... This is like so many other "ideas" that range from per bullet tax to ID numbers on shells... all they are going to do is cost the goverment more money.

06-05-2007, 08:03 PM
Very bad. We have the worst legislature in the nation, hands down.

06-06-2007, 08:56 AM
Very bad. We have the worst legislature in the nation, hands down.
You guys have the chance to do something about it though. GET TO IT! - and get your friends to it too.

06-06-2007, 11:14 AM
all they are going to do is cost the goverment more money.
No, all they'er going to do is take your weapons in the not so very long run.
This is just a short stepping stone.

06-06-2007, 11:46 AM
No, all they'er going to do is take your weapons in the not so very long run.
This is just a short stepping stone.
The government will take more of our money, it is the people who buy ammo (us) who will pay for this. That "registration" will no doubt come with a fee..
The people who it will hurt the most are target shooters and the mom and pop types that sell affordable reloads to target shooters. It has no potential at all for reducing gun crime. After all, it dosen't take much ammo to rob or shoot someone (unless it's in my home ;) ).

Old Texan
06-06-2007, 02:10 PM
Got one going in Houston now that would get the CA libbies all shook up.
Little skinny white guy gets on a bus and bumps into a big black guy. They exchange "pleasantries" and the white guy slips by and goes to the back and sits down. After a couple minutes the black guy decides he's pissed and announces to all he's going back and kick shiat outta the lil' fella. As he approaches, the white guy pulls a pocket knife (3.5" blade per the AP) to give the big guy something to think about and hopefully cease. The big one is not impreseed and proceeds to ball up his fists and come on strong. Little guy drops the knife, pulls his pistol which is licensed under the right to carry law and shoots the big guy. Big guy staggers to the front of the bus and expires.
Grand jury rules justifiable homocide as the shooter was left with no escape and did everything to stop the aggresor with no way out but to defend himself with his legal firearm.
Our resident black activist, infamous Quanell X, has declared the whole Grand Jury as a mockery and insult to Blacks. Thus he is demanding a new prosecutor and grand jury.
Also the little guy has no record or priors and the black guy has multiples in multiple jurisdictions ranging from drug possesion to multiple varieties of assaults.
Justice done?????

06-06-2007, 03:00 PM
Sounds like double jeopardy to try him again.