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View Full Version : Need Advise..bad vendor!

bear down
06-18-2007, 03:13 PM
I had reserved a band via a contract and a deposit. The band called me 24 hours before the event. Luckily I found a replacement. The guy basically told me that he got a gig that paid better and that the muscians would not perform. He called 3 hours before the event and said he scrapped up enough guys to perform but I told him I had contracted another group....He never cashed the deposit but I have a signed copy of the contract stating that I had 5 days prior to the event to cancel and receive my deposit back if less than that I would forfeit my deposit..Can I go after this guy for any damages or just to give him a headache and so he won't do this to anyone else? Thanks for the advise.

06-18-2007, 03:55 PM
....He never cashed the deposit but I have a signed copy of the contract stating that I had 5 days prior to the event to cancel and receive my deposit back if less than that I would forfeit my deposit.
What are your damages at this point? If he had cashed the check, you'd be able to get that back from him as stated but beyond that, what are your damages?
If this is just a small garage band, good luck at them actually having anything to go after.

Xlration Marine
06-18-2007, 04:00 PM
Damages can be big if people are paying to see this band. What is the time frame they have to cancel? You have 5 days, whats theirs say. Also you could have lost revinue if people wanted to see them and then left when some other band showed up. Pluss any money that you put into promoting the band on said evening.

bear down
06-18-2007, 04:09 PM
This was for a personal event/party that I threw. there was no damage but a lot aggrivation. I just want him to hurt so he doesn't do this to anyone. if he was nice about things I would let it go, but he was a big punk about it and just blew me off. once I told him if I had to pay more for a replacment than what he was charging me that I would expect him to pay the difference and he just hung up on me. not professional.

06-18-2007, 04:12 PM
Next time you need a band, just call me.

06-18-2007, 04:41 PM
I just want him to hurt so he doesn't do this to anyone. if he was nice about things I would let it go, but he was a big punk about it and just blew me off.
Contrary to popular belief, a lawsuit is not a great way to "prove a point" or retaliate. Those motivations always seem to go away after the first legal bill.
let it go. you already had the last laugh by replacing him.

06-18-2007, 05:13 PM
put a stop payment on the "deposit " check. ;) especially if he hasn't cashed it yet.

06-18-2007, 05:44 PM
put a stop payment on the "deposit " check. ;) especially if he hasn't cashed it yet.
+1. Anything else is not worth the hassle.

06-18-2007, 05:51 PM
Find out where they're playing next and send Axl Rose over to kick their asses. :mad:
Oh wait. :idea:
Axl can't kick anyone's ass. :D