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View Full Version : Left Lane Drivers Unit. Its about time!!!!!!

06-27-2007, 03:40 PM
Slower traffic keep right, its the law
Keep right except to pass
Traffic has become increasingly congested and tempers flare as slower drivers occupy what has been historically referred to as the “fast lane”. It’s time to get that Left Lane back! It is our considered opinion that not only will traffic move more smoothly and more quickly once the Left Lane is used in the way it has been designed but also headaches, frustration, bad tempers and road rage will all be greatly reduced when this pressure valve is released. It’s time to reduce this unnecessary stress. It’s time that…
Left Lane Drivers Unite!
We invite you to join Left Lane Drivers of America, a growing, grassroots effort to reclaim the Left Lanes on our freeways and multiple lane highways. To do this, those of us who are genuine “Left Lane drivers” are politely but firmly reminding others what the Left Lane is for. We are doing this with the copyrighted ™ Windshield Decal (which also serves as the Trademarked Logo for LeftLaneDrivers.org). This not-so-subtle reminder reads correctly when seen through a rearview mirror (see above), making slower drivers in front of you more aware of the need to leave the Left Lane open to faster moving traffic.
Again, the idea is to provide other drivers with a polite but firm reminder. When a slower driver reads the copyrighted ™ Windshield Decal on your car or truck he or she will often take the hint and will either pick up the pace and speed up or move to another lane. What’s more, they will probably be reluctant to “park” themselves in the Left Lane from that point on.
Get your ™ Windshield Decal TODAY!
The ™ Windshield Decal is made of the highest quality 3M™ ScotchCal™ Vinyl and has been shaped to fit the curvature of car and truck windshields. In addition to looking terrific on your vehicle, this revolutionary breakthrough in material design is highly visible to other drivers and yet is virtually transparent from inside the cockpit, allowing a full field of unobstructed vision while driving (see pictures for details). Cost for one decal is $29 plus s/h. Order your ™ Windshield Decal TODAY! To order, click here to go to our secure site.
view details / order
Bottom Line: Moving over is a matter of courtesy. It is a matter of safety. It is a matter of doing one's part to help traffic flow smoothly. And it is the law in many states: “Stay to the right except to pass”. Left Lane Drivers of America invites you to do your part and take this positive step to help improve traffic flow on today’s overcrowded, pressure-packed freeways and to help reduce instances of road rage, hazardous driving and untimely, often deadly accidents. Order your ™ Windshield Decal TODAY!
Terms and Conditions | Copyright 2007 LeftLaneDrivers.org
LeftLaneDrivers.org is a dba of JosefÂ’s Storhaus, Ltd.

06-27-2007, 03:45 PM
i don't think i'll be putting one of those on my car anytime soon....the blowing the horn/middle finger method works fine for me :D :D

06-27-2007, 03:46 PM

06-27-2007, 03:51 PM
i don't think i'll be putting one of those on my car anytime soon....the blowing the horn/middle finger method works fine for me :D :D
I give them a courtesy honk with my train horns and if that doesnt get them to move over, I pass them and then break check them down to 30mph then they get the hint.
I have learned to not do this with truckers tho, they end up ganging up on you for the next few miles down the freeway with that whole CB radio BS.

06-27-2007, 04:37 PM
Not sure if it would really help ease traffic. Think all it will do is over populate the other lanes

06-27-2007, 04:40 PM
I thought the "fast lane" disappeared once the HOV lanes went in...

06-27-2007, 04:58 PM
If the speed limit is 65mph on the freeway how can there be a fast lane?
Its not like there is a limit for each lane.
so you think it should be like this.:idea:
Lane#1 80mph
Lane#2 75mp
Lane#3 70mph
Lane#4 65mph.
It just does not work like that, but it would nice.
the speed limit for the whole freeway is 65mph like or not.

06-27-2007, 05:12 PM
The left lane is a passing lane and not to be driven in except to complete a pass. In Illinois they finally got tired of the suprising number of numb-nuts that thought they could just stay in the farthest left lane. They make a law that if you are not in the process of passing someone and are in the left lane you get a ticket. Really easy. In Europe they limit the time and distance you can drive in the passing lane. If you cannot complete your pass in a given distance or time frame you cannot pass. They use cameras so you receive the ticket in the mail. In Germany the cost of the ticket is directly related to your ability to pay.
Completed your pass? Get the heck over!

steve d
06-27-2007, 05:24 PM
How many languages does your decals cover?

06-28-2007, 06:38 AM
If the speed limit is 65mph on the freeway how can there be a fast lane?
Its not like there is a limit for each lane.
so you think it should be like this.:idea:
Lane#1 80mph
Lane#2 75mp
Lane#3 70mph
Lane#4 65mph.
It just does not work like that, but it would nice.
the speed limit for the whole freeway is 65mph like or not.
You got this wrong,
This is the way it is around here,
Lane#1 95mph +
Lane #2 85mph
Lane #3 80mph
Lane #4 70mph with the ocasional 65mph do gooder thrown in.
And yes the speed limit is 65 mph, I personally think that the speed limits should be raised to at least 70 mph and then strictly inforced.
I practilly live on the freeways and am just as tired of the people who think that they can do 85 plus anytime they want to as much as I am tired of the tailgaters. Practically everyday I am caught up in a traffic jam caused by several cars ass packing each other.

06-28-2007, 07:47 AM
You can always tell how close you are to LA/OC on the 40 by comparing the number of cars driving in the left lane to the number in the right lane :D

06-28-2007, 07:48 AM
I think I'll just do the speed limit in any lane I want. Your 29 bucks probably goes to PETA.:D

06-28-2007, 07:49 AM
All of these bumper stickers, and window stickers are really nice, but inevitably you are going to have that jerk off on the freeway in front of you that when he sees it, is going to stay in front of you and drag his ass even more to prove a point. Unfortunately we can not get away from this.
I have learned over the past couple of years to just leave 30 minutes earlier than what I really should to make sure I get places on time, and am not in a rush. Granted I still do 80 on the freeway when I can, but you can't count on it anymore. And it's not worth it to me to be a jerk on the road and cause an accident because I got pissed off at some idiot doing 65 in the fast lane. My .02. :D

06-28-2007, 07:50 AM
I give them a courtesy honk with my train horns and if that doesnt get them to move over, I pass them and then break check them down to 30mph then they get the hint.
I have learned to not do this with truckers tho, they end up ganging up on you for the next few miles down the freeway with that whole CB radio BS.
That just shows how smart you are..:rolleyes: why would you risk someones life like that..

06-28-2007, 07:55 AM
We take our privileges much too much for granted.....and think they are rights.
We should adopt some of the rules placed on drivers in Europe and stop the madness of lane changing bozo's in rice grinders racing up the freeways...passing on the right strictly prohibited.

06-28-2007, 07:59 AM

Dave C
06-28-2007, 08:03 AM
You guys think you have it rough. Come drive up here in novice driver land. :eek: You will go nuts in no time.
This is the way it is around here,
Lane#1 45mph
Lane #2 55mph
Lane #3 65mph
Lane #4 95mph (cuz no one uses this lane).
Oh and everyone merges onto the freeway at 40 mph.:eek:
Oh and don't get me started on towing a trailer.... you are taking you life in your hands.

06-28-2007, 08:05 AM
I think I'll just do the speed limit in any lane I want. Your 29 bucks probably goes to PETA.:D
You are really f-ing stupid....it's against the law to hold up traffic in the fast lane....even if you are going the speed limit. Hope you get a ticket!:mad:

06-28-2007, 08:32 AM
Then we can try to get this