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06-28-2007, 06:44 PM
Left straight out of the channel south and headed to the little cove where we always go to see this. Very sad!!:confused:

06-28-2007, 06:48 PM
Very sad indeed. Some people just have no respect.

06-28-2007, 06:49 PM
Is that Browns wooden leg in that pile....?

06-28-2007, 06:49 PM
this is bullcrap! I always clean up after leaving, if not taking more than the trash I produced. It is too bad some people just dump their trash like this.

06-28-2007, 06:55 PM
this is bullcrap! I always clean up after leaving, if not taking more than the trash I produced. It is too bad some people just dump their trash like this.
We do the same. we always have 4 or 5 large bags on board as there is always someone forgetting theirs and we also have bagged up areas like that and hauled them in. That looks like a damn huge mess. FN idiots should be shot at once!

06-28-2007, 06:55 PM
Very discusting, fockers should be slaped with the bottles they left behind. Indeed a few can make the rest of us look bad as a boating community.

06-28-2007, 06:56 PM
this is bullcrap! I always clean up after leaving, if not taking more than the trash I produced. It is too bad some people just dump their trash like this.
same here
post up where it is, i will go and pick it all up!
i love the exercise, and will be there for 10 days
hubby thinks i am crazy
cus i always pick up shait ,all day long in havi... along with shopping carts and trash in them....where ever i am, no problem
i just love havi

06-28-2007, 06:59 PM
Left straight out of the channel south and headed to the little cove where we always go to see this. Very sad!!:confused:
I believe that is body beach area, that now has no traspassing signs

06-28-2007, 06:59 PM
same here
post up where it is, i will go and pick it all up!
i love the exercise, and will be there for 10 days
hubby thinks i am crazy
cus i always pick up shait ,all day long in havi... along with shopping carts and trash in them....where ever i am, no problem
i just love havi
Your my hero!

06-28-2007, 07:03 PM
Mother Focking idiots. I hate people who litter.
Some M-Fer at my work said they took tv's, and microwave out in the desert and shot it up and left it out there. I told him if my pops or myself saw him do that I would have blown their kneecaps off. I told him I would go out and pick the shit up he left out there to and dump it in his truck... f-n son of a bitch.:mad:

06-28-2007, 07:06 PM
That kind of thing ruin's it for people who care and clean up after themselves. Very sad indeed...

06-28-2007, 07:07 PM
The people that destroy Glamis by burning vehicles out in the dunes and breaking bottles or burying cans, burning pallets with nails etc etc, are probably related to the idiots that fock up our Lake!
No I am all fired up! I need a beer. LMAO

06-28-2007, 07:10 PM
There seems to be more than a fair share of low class people that trash the lake and beaches. Last time we were out by the naked turtle and this group was trashing the beach and water. You can see it changing for the worse.

06-28-2007, 07:15 PM
The people that destroy Glamis by burning vehicles out in the dunes and breaking bottles or burying cans, burning pallets with nails etc etc, are probably related to the idiots that fock up our Lake!
No I am all fired up! I need a beer. LMAO
got a cold bud ice waiting for ya!:D

06-28-2007, 07:22 PM
same here
post up where it is, i will go and pick it all up!
i love the exercise, and will be there for 10 days
hubby thinks i am crazy
cus i always pick up shait ,all day long in havi... along with shopping carts and trash in them....where ever i am, no problem
i just love havi
Now THAT'S cool! Kudos to you!! We need more like you! Or...trash police. Just think of the additional revenue our local economy would realize if the no dumping law was enforced more rigorously!
I'm no stranger to disposing of a-holes' trash either!

Tom Brown
06-28-2007, 07:25 PM
Is that Browns wooden leg in that pile....?
lmao! :D :D
We need more like you!
EAZYKILLER2006 is super cool but one of her goes around pretty well.

3 daytona`s
06-28-2007, 07:35 PM
Left straight out of the channel south and headed to the little cove where we always go to see this. Very sad!!:confused:
I grew up on a farm in the Midwest and we years ago put up with "CITY" people driving out and dumping garbage and their unwanted pets. I love it when this comes to light everyone condems it and freaks out. Who in the hell is doing it then?:idea:

Tom Brown
06-28-2007, 07:36 PM
Who in the hell is doing it then?:idea:
I always thought it was farm people? :confused:

06-28-2007, 07:46 PM
We've cleaned up numerous beaches and hauled it back. 90% of the shit is recyclables, we've paid for a fair share of fuel costs with it. :) The labor to pick it up was well worth the 20-30 minutes it takes. Even the bags cost us nothing, well except the annual pass fee.

06-28-2007, 07:47 PM
same here
post up where it is, i will go and pick it all up!
i love the exercise, and will be there for 10 days
hubby thinks i am crazy
cus i always pick up shait ,all day long in havi... along with shopping carts and trash in them....where ever i am, no problem
i just love havi
wooohoooo, what time will you be at my house??:D :D :D

06-28-2007, 07:51 PM
wooohoooo, what time will you be at my house??:D :D :D
LOL, she ain't going to your house, you can't control your bowels....:D:D Old fart :)

3 daytona`s
06-28-2007, 07:52 PM
I always thought it was farm people? :confused:
The people who make their living there,drive around and throw out a bag of garbage,and discard an unwanted pet.:(

06-28-2007, 08:08 PM
same here
post up where it is, i will go and pick it all up!
i love the exercise, and will be there for 10 days
hubby thinks i am crazy
cus i always pick up shait ,all day long in havi... along with shopping carts and trash in them....where ever i am, no problem
i just love havi
Hi Easy, if I could I would go help you. The pic's really don't show how big a mess it really is. It was unbelivable. if you left out of the south end of the channel and go past the little lighthouse, go straight towards cupcake mountian. It is only about 1/2 mile past that lighthouse. If you get to copper cyn, you went way to far. I will see if I have some pics from the shore looking towards the channel. You are a good person!;)

06-28-2007, 08:17 PM
Now that is some trash pile

06-28-2007, 08:19 PM
Pic from shore looking north. The south opening to the channel is just to the right just out of the frame.
This pic is looking to the east at the dirt road that comes down from the 95 that go's to the fish habitat restoration facility.
Hope it helps and again I wish I could get back out there to help as well.

06-28-2007, 08:31 PM
That appears to be about the center of California bay.

06-28-2007, 08:41 PM
That appears to be about the center of California bay.
Yes that is right where it is. Thanks

06-28-2007, 08:50 PM
Depressing to see that people will ruin a good thing.

06-28-2007, 09:26 PM
So it is on the California side right??
I don't think we're hitting the lake until Sunday, but we'll drive over and pick up some trash too!
I'm leaving the donkey doo-doo though.:D

06-28-2007, 09:29 PM
So it is on the California side right??
I don't think we're hitting the lake until Sunday, but we'll drive over and pick up some trash too!
I'm leaving the donkey doo-doo though.:D
Yup...Cali side.
Leave da poop :D

06-28-2007, 10:33 PM
i am ready

27 Awesome cat
06-28-2007, 10:37 PM
i am ready
I will help:D

06-28-2007, 10:41 PM
same here
post up where it is, i will go and pick it all up!
i love the exercise, and will be there for 10 days
hubby thinks i am crazy
cus i always pick up shait ,all day long in havi... along with shopping carts and trash in them....where ever i am, no problem
i just love havi
Bless your heart...Everyone needs a woman like you.
That looks like the border crossing in the desert. What a shame.

06-29-2007, 01:40 AM
How did the road apples get on the BEACH?????

Hardly Satisfied
06-29-2007, 02:40 AM
All it takes is a little extra time to bag it, some people are just lazy

centerhill condor
06-29-2007, 04:30 AM
if you litter, you're trash!

06-29-2007, 05:51 AM
after being at mohave earlier this week and seeing how clean it was, it makes havasu look like trash all over!
it sucks!

a catered life
06-29-2007, 05:55 AM
yea on fathers day weekend we pulled into a small cove and saw about the same thing....:( it was sad...

06-29-2007, 06:00 AM
All that stuff appears to have been there for quite some time. I wonder how many people have looked at, complained about it, talked about how they don't do it, talk about how they always pick up, and then just got in their boat and Drove off to leave it for another day?:idea: :idea: :idea:

06-29-2007, 06:17 AM
All it takes is a little extra time to bag it, some people are just lazy
Yep...just keeps some trash bags on your boat. You can even get them at Windsor.
My husband almost kicked a guys ass because he saw him throw an empty beer can into the lake. He made him pick it up and put in a trash bag. :D

Not So Fast
06-29-2007, 06:33 AM
If you watched the " Party Police" thingy on TV then you saw some of the people that do this to the lake. They come here and trash the place and leave but they have a good time and spend MONEY so we dont want to piss them off:( Imagine what you saw on TV going on about a gazzlion times and theres your pile of trash. Gotta make the laws tougher and ENFORCE them if thats possible???? NSF

06-29-2007, 06:42 AM
the other day I was down in goose flats down by mcintyre park and in the evening a large boat full of people left and I noticed they forgot their trash, two big bags on the beach??????????????? I yelled to them as they left, "HEY YOU FORGOT YOUR TRASH!" A couple of them turned around and gave me the evil looks like they wanted to kick my ass??????????????????? WTF YOUR MOTHER ISN'T HERE TO PICK UP AFTER YOUR DUMB AZZ. so I had three bags of trash instead of my one. Am I missing something, is someone come around pick up trash bags if you leave them on the beach, do they have weekly trash pickup that I don't know about?????

06-29-2007, 06:43 AM
Just out of curiosity, why didn't you pick it up? I pick up trash all the time and I make my kids help.
All that stuff appears to have been there for quite some time. I wonder how many people have looked at, complained about it, talked about how they don't do it, talk about how they always pick up, and then just got in their boat and Drove off to leave it for another day?:idea: :idea: :idea:
SWB, not just them because I'll bet they aren't the first to complain about the trash... That is why I stated the above... Really makes you wonder how many people have complained and not done Sh!t. Just to clarify, I have been guilty of bitching about something and not doing anything about it. It is easy to do, but I try not to be that way these days..;)

Tremor Therapy
06-29-2007, 08:40 AM
Eazykiller good for you!
We carry a box of 33 gallon trash bags with us all the time, and my wife and I are always picking up trash that some a'hole has left behind. In fact we always end up being the trash police for the group of people we always go to the river with.
:D And I laugh, as my wife has almost gotten in a fight with people at Steamboat over throwing their trash on the shore, and not walking 25 feet to a trash can (and that day we ended up bagging all of the extra trash that was thrown on the ground around the cans). I know its a pipe dream, but if everyone spent an hour of one of their days out at the lake picking up some of the trash, the problem would probably be gone in 1 weekend.

06-29-2007, 08:53 AM
That brings a tear to the indians eye. :(
Sucks to see that..

06-29-2007, 02:09 PM
Personally, I would feel a little hypocritical about posting a picture of trash and not picking it up. I would expect every person that saw it to say "why didn't you pick it up?"
I realize you're not always in a position. There were a couple old tires at little sandbar for months last summer (they might still be there). I believe they were from the tube float. I picked up like two bags of trash that were left on the shore with the tires and put it in my boat, but I refused to cart those tires in my boat. I took the trash, let somebody else put dirty tires into their boat.
I could only guess they were'nt prepared with extra bags, it happens. But at least he cared enough to say something and not just completely ignore it.
Most of the time we generate barely any trash so a grocery bag is plenty for our stuff......we will always grab a bag or two of the big green "keep Havasu clean" bags as we launch..........them fuggers can hold a crapload of trash.:eek:
20-30 minutes is about all it takes at the most to pick up a bag or two.

06-29-2007, 02:11 PM
Yep...just keeps some trash bags on your boat. You can even get them at Windsor.
My husband almost kicked a guys ass because he saw him throw an empty beer can into the lake. He made him pick it up and put in a trash bag. :D
I can't wait to actually hear you say this, reading it is cute enough but to hear it in your voice will be priceless.....;)
Congrats once again and stay safe on your journey :)

06-29-2007, 02:12 PM
How did the road apples get on the BEACH?????
Wild asses are all over the place there.....we've camped on the beaches before and they'll come down, breath down your neck and wait for handouts :D

06-29-2007, 02:18 PM
I think I see a Raider Nation sticker in the pile of trash...

06-29-2007, 02:21 PM
Mother Focking idiots. I hate people who litter.
Me too...however,
I have to watch myself at times, as it may land my ass in Jail one of these days from going Kill-Bill on lazy, trash tossing scum bags.:mad:

06-29-2007, 02:23 PM
Just out of curiosity, why didn't you pick it up? I pick up trash all the time and I make my kids help.
It was myself, wife and 2 young girls there. There is probably 20 trash cans if not more there. We had only the 1 white trash bag that you can get at the gas dock. There is alot of broken glass and crap that I did not want to get into without some boots, gloves and a quick place to get rid of it. Trust me, we do pick up trash and alot of it no matter where we are at. This was just above my means at the time. Sorry people!

06-29-2007, 02:32 PM
Personally, I would feel a little hypocritical about posting a picture of trash and not picking it up. I would expect every person that saw it to say "why didn't you pick it up?"
If this is the same area across from site six it was there in giant piles last year too. I wanted to clean it up but it would have taken a 26' pontoon and 12- 15 giant bags.
However, we did pull into a beach above devils elbow last week and did shore patrol and filled a large bag of OPS. Pulled in trashed and left spotless.

06-29-2007, 03:33 PM
Keep Havasu Beautiful
A group of volunteers go out after every holiday weekend and spend one morning cleaning what they can get to.. Usually a group fo 30 to 50 show up.. So locals are doing what they can.... and most of those doing the cleaning do not even boat....
So heres an idea - how about the HOT BOAT community pick a Saturday and when you are all together - go clean up an area.... When evenone gets involved - it will get better...
Smile and enjoy....
"Uncle Larry"

06-29-2007, 04:52 PM
HavasuUncleLarry I think that is a brilliant idea !! Lets schedule a date for sometime in late August or early September for all the HB's on this forum to gather for a trash pick up. Maybe the local rubbish company in the Havasu could volunteer in this effort and drop off a large trash container at one of the launch sites. This would show the local residents all of us from the tri states area that we appreciate the City of Lake Havasu and their residents..Get something going and I'll be there..

06-29-2007, 06:09 PM
Keep Havasu Beautiful
A group of volunteers go out after every holiday weekend and spend one morning cleaning what they can get to.. Usually a group fo 30 to 50 show up.. So locals are doing what they can.... and most of those doing the cleaning do not even boat....
So heres an idea - how about the HOT BOAT community pick a Saturday and when you are all together - go clean up an area.... When evenone gets involved - it will get better...
Smile and enjoy....
"Uncle Larry"
They have the "keep havasu beautiful" bags for free. I would be willing to get together sometime august or later. I think we may want to wait until closer to october, since we would just clean and then the holiday would come and it would get trashed. Maybe what we can do is organize a day at the begining and end of each season to bring together the people and help clean. Kind of like Clean Glamis days in feb.

JB in so cal
06-29-2007, 06:33 PM
They have the "keep havasu beautiful" bags for free. I would be willing to get together sometime august or later. I think we may want to wait until closer to october, since we would just clean and then the holiday would come and it would get trashed. Maybe what we can do is organize a day at the begining and end of each season to bring together the people and help clean. Kind of like Clean Glamis days in feb.
Sorry if this has been mentioned or touched on, but I know we must have some screen printers on here and a ton of other "industrial minded" peeps. What if we commissioned a couple thousand or so "Hot Boat" trash bags; Logo'd up and purchaseable in 100's or so?? EVERY bag left at a site near trash would tell people that others are watching out for our area.
Take 'em to Glamis; the River; Havasu; a picnic - whatever!
Not exactly a profit center, but...
Just thinkin' out loud, but I know I would buy a couple hundred:idea:

06-30-2007, 07:55 AM
Your my hero!
That cant be your crew, you drink a hell of a lot more than that..........

06-30-2007, 09:01 AM
Me? You must have me confused with someone else. I am a saint when I'm on the water!

06-30-2007, 09:25 AM
If you watched the " Party Police" thingy on TV then you saw some of the people that do this to the lake. They come here and trash the place and leave but they have a good time .....
My favorite segment was when the female officer made the boat full of kids pick up a bunch of trash. I think one of them threw something in the water so she came over and made it very clear, pick up the trash or go to jail.
That's what it would take; work detail. You take the people thrown in jail and have them perform xx hours of community service, WHILE THEY ARE STILL IN TOWN. Go to jail, expect 4 hours of trash detail the next morning.
The alternative would be to use some of the money brought to town to hire cleaning crews.
You will never stop the @ss clowns doing this, but you can make it difficult on them.

06-30-2007, 12:22 PM
Why not ask Boat Cop to put a word in to the judge. When you get fined for OUI, part of the punishment would be to pick up all that garbage on the beachs.
All that money the state makes from OUI's, why not invest in some big pontoon boats and take out the persons Operating Under the Influence and make them pick up trash. Again problem solved, and we all have a clean beach......

Not So Fast
06-30-2007, 02:43 PM
My favorite segment was when the female officer made the boat full of kids pick up a bunch of trash. I think one of them threw something in the water so she came over and made it very clear, pick up the trash or go to jail.
That's what it would take; work detail. You take the people thrown in jail and have them perform xx hours of community service, WHILE THEY ARE STILL IN TOWN. Go to jail, expect 4 hours of trash detail the next morning.
The alternative would be to use some of the money brought to town to hire cleaning crews.
You will never stop the @ss clowns doing this, but you can make it difficult on them.
Been saying that for umpteen years Chipster and so as not to pre judge them or violate their rights give them the choice before going to the jail or seeing the judge , Pick up trash alongside the 95 and the shoreline or go see the man. Sheriff Joe would make it happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NSF

06-30-2007, 05:32 PM
Wild asses are all over the place there.....we've camped on the beaches before and they'll come down, breath down your neck and wait for handouts :D
Yea those kind of people are all over Havasu:D :)

06-30-2007, 06:26 PM
Me? You must have me confused with someone else. I am a saint when I'm on the water!
hey cris remember the "good christian" drunk bitch in the channel that chewed me out when I told her to pick up her trash......Ha Ha she was a true "Angel".........

06-30-2007, 10:42 PM
That was some funny shiat! I bet you she is there right now.......

07-01-2007, 04:21 PM
that is great that you found this mess
this is what will shut the water ways down for the good guy
wish i saw the post on sat night would have been there to help
:jawdrop: :( :mad:

07-02-2007, 08:20 AM
So, did anyone go and get this mess picked up??:confused:

07-02-2007, 09:00 AM
Littering and no respect for the lake bothers me. This thread has got me thinking about getting some bags made that have printing on them. I am waiting on a few quotes. I do need some feedback from fellow ***boaters.
If you were to keep some bags on your boat, what size do you prefer? 13 gallon, 30 gallon, etc...?
What is a good phrase to print on the bags? "BOATERS KEEPIN' IT CLEAN" ?
What color bag? I thought a Yellow bag would be cool, with black ink. I want the bags to stand out.
Give me some feedback guys. My thoughts are to get the bags printed and then sell them in 50 or 100 bag rolls for my cost on getting them made. If you could buy 50 of these bags for lets say $7 - $9, would you?

07-02-2007, 03:21 PM

07-02-2007, 03:28 PM
I would buy the bag. But you have to pick a color that won't ruin your upholstery. The ones they give you at Windsor they tell you turn them inside out so the colors don't bleed on your seats.

07-02-2007, 03:29 PM
Well Ari, I'm not the richest guy in the world but i could certainly afford 10 bucks.. I'll buy them.
The old saying from back in the day I believe was "Pack it in, Pack it Out" with regards to bringing trash to the lake and taking it home.
I don't think today's crowd would even care about that though.. Something more along the lines of
"Pick up your Trash or it's your Ass!!" would probably make more of an impact. ;)
That way if you see somebody throwing trash on the beach you can just walk up and hand them the bag.. The bag will get the message across for you.

07-02-2007, 04:30 PM
I would buy the bag. But you have to pick a color that won't ruin your upholstery. The ones they give you at Windsor they tell you turn them inside out so the colors don't bleed on your seats.
Very good to know, thanks for the feedback...

Old Man Havasu
07-02-2007, 06:01 PM
Me too...however,
I have to watch myself at times, as it may land my ass in Jail one of these days from going Kill-Bill on lazy, trash tossing scum bags.:mad:
I am all about that quote! Kill-Bill PERFECT! LOL :)