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07-02-2007, 03:36 PM
Do you believe in karma???? 20K may not be alot to some of you ballers, but it is a great down on a new havasu house. Is the question you ask yourself, "what are the chances I will get caught?" or "Where should I return this."
I not sure the answer is clear for me, :devil: but it is good to know that their are people out their who can without hesitation do the right thing.:D

little rowe boat
07-02-2007, 03:38 PM
God bless her, she did the right thing. I would have done the same.

07-02-2007, 03:43 PM
no question about it.. i would have returned it. just because i found it.. it doesn't make it mine.

07-02-2007, 03:44 PM
I"ve know Linda for over 20 years now. Her ex husband Phil is a retired L.A. County Fire Captain. His son Phil Jr. ownes Bodyline Auto Repair. I know she could probably use the money, like most of us.

Tom Brown
07-02-2007, 03:46 PM
I think it's awesome she's so honest. I admire that. In fact, I'd like to drill her as an offer of thanks.

07-02-2007, 03:46 PM
God bless her, she did the right thing. I would have done the same.
Out of the fear of getting caught, or just because it is the right thing to do?

07-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Ditto that.
no question about it.. i would have returned it. just because i found it.. it doesn't make it mine.

little rowe boat
07-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Out of the fear of getting caught, or just because it is the right thing to do?
Because it is the right thing to do.

07-02-2007, 03:48 PM
I think it's awesome she's so honest. I admire that. In fact, I'd like to drill her as an offer of thanks.
Very generous of you:) :) :D

07-02-2007, 03:49 PM
Ok ok ok I know I'm gonna get yelled at for this but would anyone have taken part of the money?
Cause in all honesty I'm no thief but could defiently use some money right now...:eek:

07-02-2007, 03:59 PM
I ask this question because someone I know found themselves in the exact same situation, only it was a larger amount. The owner of the money did not come forward for over a month after the money was turned over to the cops. The kicker is that the rightful owner of the cash never conveyed a THANK YOU to the person who found the money. Made her think twice about turning that kind of money over if there is ever a next time.

Tom Brown
07-02-2007, 04:01 PM
The kicker is that the rightful owner of the cash never conveyed a THANK YOU to the person who found the money. Made her think twice about turning that kind of money over if there is ever a next time.
Returning someone's property has nothing to do with receiving a thank you. If that's the last straw that turns someone into a thief, they were there already.
Kudos to these people for returning what is not theirs.
By the way, sure... some appreciation would be massively appropriate but that's a different discussion.

07-02-2007, 04:05 PM
I ask this question because someone I know found themselves in the exact same situation, only it was a larger amount. The owner of the money did not come forward for over a month after the money was turned over to the cops. The kicker is that the rightful owner of the cash never conveyed a THANK YOU to the person who found the money. Made her think twice about turning that kind of money over if there is ever a next time.
its not about getting a "thank you" or a reward of any kind. its about right and wrong.

07-02-2007, 04:09 PM
Returning it is the only right thing to do. Sure, A little Thank You Reward Would Be Nice, But Not Expected or Required. KARMA....

07-02-2007, 04:09 PM
I would have returned all $10,000 that I found..:D :D
Just this weekend when we were in Hermosa, I found a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses on the floor in a bar and turned them right in. I doubt they will ever make it back to the owner, but at least I know I did my part.
I believe in karma. :)

07-02-2007, 04:17 PM
Returning someone's property has nothing to do with receiving a thank you. If that's the last straw that turns someone into a thief, they were there already.
Kudos to these people for returning what is not theirs.
By the way, sure... some appreciation would be massively appropriate but that's a different discussion.
AW this is where I was going with this discussion. While I agree with you that a "Thank You" has nothing to do with returning someone else's property should it not be right to say THANK YOU.
Ever see the commerial where someones act of kindness is noticed by others and it starts a chain reaction of other people doing random acts of kindness for others and on and on.
Sure wish it were that way:rolleyes:

07-02-2007, 04:18 PM
This Linda lady is my neighbor across the street, i'll have to go over and slap her for turning that $$$ in..........................................j/k :D now i know why she's driving a new vette........................... she's a good woman !!

07-02-2007, 04:21 PM

Tom Brown
07-02-2007, 04:24 PM
...should it not be right to say THANK YOU.
Absolutely. I completely agree with you.
The point I was trying to make is that, I'd rather know I'm a little rude (although I try not to be) than know I'm a thief (kinda try to stay away from that too :D ).
I don't know about a reward but manners suggest a very warm reception from the person receiving an act of great kindness. The law suggests prison and a felony record for the person who takes a large amount of money not their own.
There have been a few times I've done something I felt was nice and it was received with hostility and rudeness. I've never fully understood the self absorption that would be necessary to act like that but I always smile and think about how much better I am than that person.

07-02-2007, 04:28 PM
This Linda lady is my neighbor across the street, i'll have to go over and slap her for turning that $$$ in..........................................j/k :D now i know why she's driving a new vette........................... she's a good woman !!
Go across the street and tell her she is a celeb. Ask her if they was really only 20K in the bag and not forty?:D :D

07-02-2007, 04:31 PM
I believe the long standing legal case of Finders vs. Keepers would have prevailed with most people. ;)
:D :D :D
I tend to agree!!:D I was just interested in what would get people who did turn it over to do it? Was it
1. It is the right thing to do.
2. Afraid of getting caught.
3. Karma.
4. Finders vs. Keepers.
5. Potential reward

07-02-2007, 04:36 PM
Absolutely. I completely agree with you.
The point I was trying to make is that, I'd rather know I'm a little rude (although I try not to be) than know I'm a thief (kinda try to stay away from that too :D ).
I don't know about a reward but manners suggest a very warm reception from the person receiving an act of great kindness. The law suggests prison and a felony record for the person who takes a large amount of money not their own.
There have been a few times I've done something I felt was nice and it was received with hostility and rudeness. I've never fully understood the self absorption that would be necessary to act like that but I always smile and think about how much better I am than that person.
You lying sumbitch.......you know as well as I do...that you would be in a hot tub full of strippers,smoking one of Fidel's finest in Vegas somewhere right now if you found that money.......Who do you think you're fooling here....lol...:D

07-02-2007, 04:44 PM
I'd a turned it over without a second thought for one reason only.........................BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
To address some other thoughts portrayed here........IMO, anyone that dishes out random acts of kindness in hopes for a thank you/reward/ass kissin or whatever else, isn't really doing the act so whole heartedly. There is an ulterior motive.
Good on Linda for doing the right thing.

Tom Brown
07-02-2007, 04:49 PM
Good on Linda for doing the right thing.
Do you know Linda? If so, I would appreciate it if you would seek her opinion on Canadian trout.

07-02-2007, 04:55 PM
The right person found it, thats for sure. Had it been a person with darkened and/or missing teeth it would have been a very different story........at the same time there are cameras there so it should make some people think second about taking it.
Finders keepers isn't totally true in this case IMO, she found it IN the tube, which means it was IN the banks possession. :idea: :confused:
Turning it in IS the only right thing.

07-02-2007, 04:58 PM
Do you know Linda? If so, I would appreciate it if you would seek her opinion on Canadian trout.
Don't know 'er, but, I'm sure she's OK with the Canadian trout, it's that damn Canadian bottom-feedin Carp that our women have an adversion to :D :D

07-02-2007, 04:58 PM
[QUOTE=clownpuncher;2652175]I'd a turned it over without a second thought for one reason only.........................BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
To address some other thoughts portrayed here........IMO, anyone that dishes out random acts of kindness in hopes for a thank you/reward/ass kissin or whatever else, isn't really doing the act so whole heartedly. There is an ulterior motive.
Good on Linda for doing the right thing.[/Quote/]
What if you found a bag of cash in a parking lot with no clue as to where it came from? What is the right thing to do? Look for the rightful owner yourself or turn it over to the cops?
I do have an ulterior motive to do the right thing........... that ulterior motive is a simple "Thanks" that makes the world such a better place to be. I feel so much better when I hold the door open for someone and they say thanks instead of just walking on bye. My ulterior motive is simple, set a good example for others to follow which is achieved with a simple, "Thanks."

07-02-2007, 05:03 PM
[QUOTE=clownpuncher;2652175]I'd a turned it over without a second thought for one reason only.........................BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
To address some other thoughts portrayed here........IMO, anyone that dishes out random acts of kindness in hopes for a thank you/reward/ass kissin or whatever else, isn't really doing the act so whole heartedly. There is an ulterior motive.
Good on Linda for doing the right thing.[/Quote/]
What if you found a bag of cash in a parking lot with no clue as to where it came from? What is the right thing to do? Look for the rightful owner yourself or turn it over to the cops?
Yup, turn it over to the cops, without a second thought. It ain't mine. Wish it was, but it ain't :D
I do have an ulterior motive to do the right thing........... that ulterior motive is a simple "Thanks" that makes the world such a better place to be. I feel so much better when I hold the door open for someone and they say thanks instead of just walking on bye. My ulterior motive is simple, set a good example for others to follow which is achieved with a simple, "Thanks."
I guess the words "ulterior motive" could have been better chosen. Of course it's always nice to be acknowledged for a "do-good" but, I just do em anyway. Kinda like the picking up someone elses trash at Havasu and there ain't no one else around to see ya do it. You just do it cuz it's the right thing to do.

07-02-2007, 05:14 PM
I guess the words "ulterior motive" could have been better chosen. Of course it's always nice to be acknowledged for a "do-good" but, I just do em anyway. Kinda like the picking up someone elses trash at Havasu and there ain't no one else around to see ya do it. You just do it cuz it's the right thing to do.
You are a good man "Charlie Brown" :D

07-02-2007, 09:47 PM
Ok, first off you lose your keys, maybe the occasional cell-phone. Maybe your vehicle after a long night of partying. BUT! I think if your stupid enough to "misplace" 20 large, you don't deserve it anyway!

Tom Brown
07-02-2007, 09:51 PM
You lying sumbitch.......you know as well as I do...that you would be in a hot tub full of strippers,smoking one of Fidel's finest in Vegas somewhere right now if you found that money.......Who do you think you're fooling here....lol...:D
With 20K, I could probably get Kim Hanson pretty drunk. :cool:

07-02-2007, 11:07 PM
"I do have an ulterior motive to do the right thing........... "= livin with myself.
what he said.
There is no way in hell I could sleep at night if I took that cash. A thank you would be nice, but in no way is needed. Same with returning a lost pet, I don't want your cash, just seeing the dog/cat with its rightful owner is thanks enough.

Cheap Thrills
07-02-2007, 11:35 PM
Being it was in a deposit tube there's no question who it belonged to.
I would have returned it to the bank.
Now on the other hand if it were laying in the gutter... :idea: pennies from heaven :p