View Full Version : Engine water filter

07-03-2007, 02:09 AM
Does anyone use a water filter between the jet and
engine incorporated with a pressure regulator? When I
had my engine re-built there was alot of sand in the block.
I also run in the Delta in Norcal and the water is nasty.
I did some searching and found nothing. I see CP has
one, but it's a little spendy. Any other ideas? Thanks guys!

07-03-2007, 11:00 AM
i have not heard of an inexpensive sand strainer as of yet. most everyone just deals with the sand build up and either drians are installed to help or pull a freeze plug in the off season and flush it. the small drians dont really do much for getting the sand build up out. basically they are used for the colder climates to help keep the blocks from cracking when the water freezes.

07-03-2007, 03:07 PM
I have been looking at the Sand Strainer that CP has.
It is pretty spendy.