View Full Version : catch can

07-21-2007, 04:36 PM
what exactly does a catch can or puke tank do...and where do you hook it up....my guess would be that it cools the oil and throw it on the internal parts of the heads. thanks

07-21-2007, 04:59 PM
A puke tank usually hooks up to the top of the valve covers. In case of a burned piston, broken rod or whatever, the pressure that packs into the crankcase is ventilated, along with the oil in that air, out the puke lines and into the tank. Usually for drag racing to keep the oil off of the racing surface in case of engine breakage. Very important for blower engines, as they push pressure through to the crank case quite often. Also, gives somewhere for the standard crank case pressure to go. The after the pass, you dump all of that junk oil from the puke tank out, and do the whole thing again.