View Full Version : speed coat application

02-20-2006, 10:53 AM
I seem to remember someone said something about being able to brush or roll speed coat. Anyone know if this is true? AND where in BHC can I get some (?) quart/ gallon, how much to re do the bottom of a flattie where it is needed. Hope to be doing it tomorrow or Wednesday so any info would be helpful........MP

02-20-2006, 11:51 AM
You can roll it , brush it, spray it. It's just graphite places like Grainger has it, ACE may even have it???.. Any industrial hardware outfit should have it!

Fired Up
02-20-2006, 07:36 PM
Hey MP,
Graingers has a product they call "Slick Plate". Not speed cote by name. It is a spray on product, graphite type of paint. Not sure if this is EXACTLY like the name brand speed cote. I put out a question about this some time ago and didn't get any hits. I'm going to need some myself, let me know. By the way, you know Graingers moved to Oxnard , right?

02-20-2006, 07:46 PM
It's the same stuff just Graphite with a different name and cheaper!..

02-20-2006, 07:59 PM
I know we sold some recently to Squirtin Thunder (spray cans) in BHC...

02-20-2006, 08:06 PM
How many cans did you sell Jim? I have access to a gun here, so I'll just go take what we need, I know where he lives........MP

02-20-2006, 08:11 PM
How many cans did you sell Jim? I have access to a gun here, so I'll just go take what we need, I know where he lives........MP
3 I think, not completely sure. I have quarts and gallons too if you should need any.

Sanger D
02-21-2006, 10:14 AM
Is it true? are you now a resident of our beloved Bullhead city? ...... Well then welcome :rollside: give us a PM and we,ll be happy to help with anything youd be needin help with!!!!........Its gonna be a bitchin summer on the river this year!!!!!!!

02-21-2006, 11:57 AM
My hair isn't quite blue yet, but it seems like I always show up here with the bluehairs clogging up the roads. I am only here to prepare the boat for the "next" race, which seems like all year long!! I still call So Cal home, but I'm here so much that I feel really strange when I go somewhere else and there's no WIND!!......Thanks to everyone for the info, and Sam, I'll let you know how I do.....Where is Gary when we need him??? He has done this many times..........Ray

02-21-2006, 05:30 PM
I know we sold some recently to Squirtin Thunder (spray cans) in BHC...
Rex - I bought a can too from you through Flat Busted. Shake that stuff up well, since the graphite is all sitting on the bottom.

02-21-2006, 05:55 PM
Where is Gary when we need him???
Yeah good question??????..

Fired Up
02-21-2006, 09:29 PM
Haven't spoken to e-ticket in some time. Hope he is just busy (like we all are) and things are OK. .....Hey e-ticket...you out there?

Squirtin Thunder
02-21-2006, 09:41 PM
Ray how much do you need ??? Mike how fast can you get some out here ???
The spray cans work much different in the cold, I wonder if I can warm them ???

02-22-2006, 06:32 PM
Hey guys,are there any real big gains by speedcoating a boat, just wondering if any of u have done any before after deals to see the real gains pros and cons :)

Squirtin Thunder
02-22-2006, 06:47 PM
I am not real sure if it helps the MPH at all, but I do know that my boat is looser now that the whole bottom is done.

02-22-2006, 07:22 PM
You plannin' on gettin that thing loose at all this summer there jim???
If so,...i'l plan on being there to see just how loose it really gets! LOL

02-22-2006, 08:28 PM
I am not real sure if it helps the MPH at all, but I do know that my boat is looser now that the whole bottom is done.
fill us in jim. how ya prepped the bottom,appllied it, and so on. it'd be nice to hear a before and after on it from ya. :idea:

02-23-2006, 01:59 AM
You plannin' on gettin that thing loose at all this summer there jim???
If so,...i'l plan on being there to see just how loose it really gets! LOL
As I recall it is Lilrick in his CJ circle boat that seems to make a 5 or 6 turn course out of 2 pins!! Now thats kinda loose......Or is that just not stuck? As far as an advantage towards speed goes, I would say yes. As expensive as it is I can't see everyone using it if it didn't help. I know if you like to beach your boat don't waste your money, cause the coating is not exactly strong or thick.......Most of the racers use it, and just running your hand across it feels really slick. I've also heard, and someone that knows can jump in here anytime, that the surface is microscopiclly (is that a word) rough, tiny little peaks and valleys for the water to skim past. Un fortunely I won't have any "before" data to compare.......I'll bet Mr Rankin can give us the straight poop on this subject, you out there Dave?.........Ray

02-23-2006, 05:15 AM
We did mine last year & yes it helps. Talk to Billy B before you do it he can give you some great tips. I bought powdered graphite and mixed it in the paint. This way its in real paint so it wont rub off on the bunks of the trailer

02-23-2006, 12:25 PM
Well I Bought Out The Local John Deere's Stock Of Slip-plate(6 Spray Cans@35.00 For All 6). I Shot Some Pretty Heavy On A Piece Of Sheet Metal To See What It Does. After Letting It Dry For An Hr. It Dries To A Dull Dark Gray.water Slides Off Without Even Beading Up At All.it Does Rub Off Though. Not All The Way, Just Over Spray.so If You Do Use The Slip-plate Or Speedcoat,wash It Before Puttin It On Clean Bunks.hope This Shiat Works! I Cleaned Up And Painted The Bottom Hull Last Yr. And Fixin To Cover That Work Up With This Stuff.

02-23-2006, 08:51 PM
Well we flipped the sucker today. 2 guys and alot of nervous moments, but with a little engineering and alot of gasps and grunting, it's upside down on a stack of wood to the stringers inside and hanging from the bow eye on a cheery picker up front. Boy, did I bite off more than I can chew!! Speedcoat is coming from Rex Marine tomorrow. NOW, how much of the old coat needs to come off before applying the new? We have alot of holes and nicks and dings in the last 4 or 5 feet to fill and smooth. The countersunk bolt/screw heads that are partially exposed, not all the filler is gone, do we have to chip out all the remaining before refilling? BTW, this Revenge hull is something to see. The "little" things that Richard did to this one aren't things I would notice, but Mike was ooing and ahing looking at how the bottom was finished, and the craftsmanship that went into it, not to mention the inovations and small differences that make "this hull a fast one" (Thats a quote from Richard at Parker last November). Any chance we can put Ming off for a month or so? Our motor will be ready, but this hull work looks to me like a huge project by it's self............Any volunteers in the BHC area please step right up, especially if you know what you're doing when it comes to "bottom" work!!!!............Ray 805 300 0012

02-23-2006, 08:58 PM
Ray check your PM's!..

02-24-2006, 07:51 AM
Mike at Prime Convinced me to do mine. Sure glad I did. They took out some Hook also. Here's a couple Pics...

02-24-2006, 08:11 AM
Well we flipped the sucker today. 2 guys and alot of nervous moments, but with a little engineering and alot of gasps and grunting, it's upside down on a stack of wood to the stringers inside and hanging from the bow eye on a cheery picker up front. Boy, did I bite off more than I can chew!! Speedcoat is coming from Rex Marine tomorrow. NOW, how much of the old coat needs to come off before applying the new? We have alot of holes and nicks and dings in the last 4 or 5 feet to fill and smooth. The countersunk bolt/screw heads that are partially exposed, not all the filler is gone, do we have to chip out all the remaining before refilling? BTW, this Revenge hull is something to see. The "little" things that Richard did to this one aren't things I would notice, but Mike was ooing and ahing looking at how the bottom was finished, and the craftsmanship that went into it, not to mention the inovations and small differences that make "this hull a fast one" (Thats a quote from Richard at Parker last November). Any chance we can put Ming off for a month or so? Our motor will be ready, but this hull work looks to me like a huge project by it's self............Any volunteers in the BHC area please step right up, especially if you know what you're doing when it comes to "bottom" work!!!!............Ray 805 300 0012
post some pics with it upside down
id like to see what your talking about

02-24-2006, 08:35 AM
No way to take or post pics. If you're refering to the areas to be repaired, they're the same as we've all seen before. If you're refering to the "Revenge secrets", I doubt they would show up even it good pics. One thing Richard was adament about was "don't change anything on the bottom"!! The repairs are mainly the small stuff, filler that has chipped out of countersunk screws/bolts, and the prop wash erosion from the years of use. As I said, I don't know enough about bottoms to see "exactly" what changes were done, or where the "twist" is. From my conversations with Joey, Richard, and Duff, a smooth detailed bottom is a great advantage when looking for a couple more miles an hour down the straights, the turns are up to the driver,(and of course boat plate set up) but the straightaway speed is decided by boat design and condition....Now if I can make the motor live through a weekend, maybe we can put the 89 out front again.......Any BHC volunteers?......(you'll get to see the Revenge secrets!!)......Ray

02-24-2006, 04:23 PM
Guys, how much of the hull would u want to speedcoat,i would think that a true flat would take more coverage on the bottom versus a runner bottom.Is there a measurement from the transom that anyone knows of :boxed:

02-24-2006, 07:05 PM
Guys, how much of the hull would u want to speedcoat,i would think that a true flat would take more coverage on the bottom versus a runner bottom.Is there a measurement from the transom that anyone knows of :boxed:
some guys do the whole bottom, but whatever is in the water at speed needs the speedcoat. i'm doin(my jet) the back 6ft. of the hull.that's basically all that's in the water most of the time when cruising or racin anyway. plus the speedcoat scuffs and i wouldn't want it where peeps could see.

02-24-2006, 11:48 PM
2 quarts of spped coat were delivered today, as promised by Rex Marine. The motor is ready, as promised my ME.......Now to prep the bottom and lay on the miles per hour is our task tomorrow.......It seems no matter how hard I try to be ready FAR in advance of a race it always seems to come down to the last minute for one reason or another.....Like now, the boat is upside down in the shop, nothing is done to the bottom yet except to remove the wantabe repairs from before.....The "team" has been reduced to ME......Man, I'm getting to old for this shit!! Tomorrow, Mike is supposed to be "doing" the bottom, yeah, right!......Still looking for help.....BHC.......Ray......805 300 0012

02-25-2006, 07:10 AM
2 quarts of spped coat were delivered today, as promised Still looking for help.....BHC.......Ray......805 300 0012Call Tony (GURU). I think he's still in town just hanging out. I'm sure he'd be happy to help...

02-25-2006, 08:19 PM
Call Tony (GURU). I think he's still in town just hanging out. I'm sure he'd be happy to help...
Sure we could let the boat down a little more so he could reach the bottom!!