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View Full Version : Sean Penn, a true POS..

Baja Big Dog
08-04-2007, 01:01 PM
Talking down the American government......thjis douche bag needs to meet 165 grains from a famous movie "Full Metal Jacket":mad:

08-04-2007, 01:03 PM
I can't stand that guy.:mad:

08-04-2007, 01:03 PM
600g at 1200m is mo accurate. Pun intended.

08-04-2007, 01:16 PM
This is the exact reason I don't go to the movies and rarely watch movies. I don't watch much TV outside of sports and don't buy any "news" magazines. I can only think of that song by Public Enemy -Burn Hollywood Burn.

08-04-2007, 01:35 PM
Looks like treason to me..:mad: Hang the bastard.

08-04-2007, 02:01 PM
The irony is that being in the USA is the reason they had the oportunity to become rich and "famous."
It is easy to condem the powers that be and blame them for everything when there is no consequence to you.
It is easy to believe a perfect world is possible when you have no hunger or hardship in your life.
That is why these actors and singers think they are so important, when really they are just "spectacles". With no real clout. Yeah, they can get themselves heard true enough, but they have no importance beyond being a registered voter. They fail to see that there actions undermine the country in the big picture. They think they are saviors with the power to get there will imposed.
Maybe that works at the beverly wilshire, but on the whole their actions are insignificant.
Many countries would deny him entry upon his return. :idea:

08-04-2007, 02:13 PM
that fag ruined my Spicoli avatar!! :mad: :mad:
Every time he would open his mouth I'd get flooded with hate PM's. lol
I never was a fan of Sean Penn, but am still a fan of Spicoli.
yeah, F that Penn guy. :mad:

08-04-2007, 02:21 PM
The irony is that being in the USA is the reason they had the oportunity to become rich and "famous."
It is easy to condem the powers that be and blame them for everything when there is no consequence to you.
It is easy to believe a perfect world is possible when you have no hunger or hardship in your life.
That is why these actors and singers think they are so important, when really they are just "spectacles". With no real clout. Yeah, they can get themselves heard true enough, but they have no importance beyond being a registered voter. They fail to see that there actions undermine the country in the big picture. They think they are saviors with the power to get there will imposed.
Maybe that works at the beverly wilshire, but on the whole their insignificant.
Many countries would deny him entry upon his return. :idea:
I would love to see Chavez and Sean Penn and few more of he South Americans get get smoked down there.............:idea:

08-04-2007, 02:22 PM
This is the exact reason I don't go to the movies and rarely watch movies. I don't watch much TV outside of sports and don't buy any "news" magazines. I can only think of that song by Public Enemy -Burn Hollywood Burn.
Coach - AMEN!!!! I don't understand why some Jackleg in Hollywood thinks their opinion is more important than the rest of the country. If it sucks so bad, take your money and leave....

08-04-2007, 02:26 PM
Coach - AMEN!!!! I don't understand why some Jackleg in Hollywood thinks their opinion is more important than the rest of the country. If it sucks so bad, take your money and leave....
Thing is, they view themselves as patriots, not dissidents.

Baja Big Dog
08-04-2007, 02:28 PM
Thing is, they view themselves as patriots, not dissidents.
And I view them as "DOUCHE BAGS!":mad:

08-04-2007, 02:30 PM
And I view them as "DOUCHE BAGS!":mad:
AMEN Brother!

08-04-2007, 02:31 PM
Thing is, they view themselves as patriots, not dissidents.
Yes you are correct, and I don't view them at all because I don't buy their movies, goto the movies or any of that smack. No loss to me....

08-04-2007, 02:55 PM
The irony is that being in the USA is the reason they had the oportunity to become rich and "famous."
It is easy to condem the powers that be and blame them for everything when there is no consequence to you.
It is easy to believe a perfect world is possible when you have no hunger or hardship in your life.
Many countries would deny him entry upon his return. :idea:
Truer words never spoken. Nice post.
the other thing that amazes me is how our idiot driven media covers these celebrities like bees on a honey bear. Look at the attention Lohan, Spears, and Hilton have gotten just in recent weeks, while at the same time significant events of real newsworthy nature get no air time at all. The producers that put on this dog and pony show and idiocracy need their asses kicked.

08-04-2007, 03:11 PM
Talking down the American government......thjis douche bag needs to meet 165 grains from a famous movie "Full Metal Jacket":mad:
Now there's a post that makes sense! F the a-hole!!!!
What gets me with these hollywierd jackloads, like this douche, susan sarandon and her hubby, et.al who insist on flapping their pieholes about our fine country, is how they don't seem to realize that at least half their potential audience is comprised of republicans. This to me equates to at least a 50% reduction in people who want to pay money to see their movies.
Hopefully if they keep it up, they will fade away...FOREVER.

08-04-2007, 03:27 PM

Havasu Doug
08-04-2007, 03:28 PM
Penn's philosophy is very simple BUT very dangerous. It is "any enemy of my enemy is my friend." :eek:

08-04-2007, 04:27 PM
This is why I only buy and watch PORNO!!!!!!:D \

08-04-2007, 04:29 PM
Does anyone actually care what he says anymore? Dude most still be stoned, Chavez gets him da good stuff..:rolleyes: :D

08-05-2007, 12:34 AM
those guys are fags!

08-05-2007, 09:35 AM
When I go to the circus I pay big money (compared to what a wild seal makes) to see seals and walrus's perform. But when I leave the circus I don't want to hear the seals bark any more. When I go to the movies I pay big money (compared to what the average Joe blow makes) to have actors entertain me. But when I leave the movies I don't want to hear the actors bark. Most of them aren't as smart as the circus seals.

Baja Big Dog
08-05-2007, 09:42 AM
When I go to the circus I pay big money (compared to what a wild seal makes) to see seals and walrus's perform. But when I leave the circus I don't want to hear the seals bark any more. When I go to the movies I pay big money (compared to what the average Joe blow makes) to have actors entertain me. But when I leave the movies I don't want to hear the actors bark. Most of them aren't as smart as the circus seals.
Wow...thats fantastic, thats gonna have to go on my sig line!!!!:D

08-05-2007, 09:45 AM
The funny thing is I read a report where most of the Sean,Rosie, Baldwin, Streisand, etc...etc...DON'T EVEN VOTE!! Shut the hell up sing your song, throw your ball, say your lines because I don't give a rats ass what your personal opinion is:mad:

08-05-2007, 09:51 AM
Last year I went to Iraq. Before Team America showed up, it was a happy place. They had flowery meadows and rainbow skies, and rivers made of chocolate, where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles.
:D :D :D
p.s. This is pretty funny. Apparently Sean P.O.S. Penn didn't like the way he was portrayed in the movie. http://www.morethings.com/fan/south_park/sean_penn-south_park.htm

08-05-2007, 11:03 AM
When I go to the circus I pay big money (compared to what a wild seal makes) to see seals and walrus's perform. But when I leave the circus I don't want to hear the seals bark any more. When I go to the movies I pay big money (compared to what the average Joe blow makes) to have actors entertain me. But when I leave the movies I don't want to hear the actors bark. Most of them aren't as smart as the circus seals.
You Hit the nail on the head. Those over paid politically challenged actors/actresses that spout off without knowing a thing about history or the facts about the tyrants they are standing up for and trying to protect while degrading the country that allowed them to be Free, Wealthy, supplying them with the right to Free Speech and the right to speak the way they do without being put in jail for life or even better chopping off their heads for treason. Let them talk this way in Russia, the Old Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, a huge portion of the middle east included, not to mention their beloved China and Korea....I would love to see these idiots stop ACTING like they know what they are talking about and move to these country's and live there for good...we don't need them as entertainers or as activists...
I refuse to see any movie with any of these loud mouths in them....

08-05-2007, 11:09 AM
You Hit the nail on the head. Those over paid politically challenged actors/actresses that spout off without knowing a thing about history or the facts about the tyrants they are standing up for and trying to protect while degrading the country that allowed them to be Free, Wealthy, supplying them with the right to Free Speech and the right to speak the way they do without being put in jail for life or even better chopping off their heads for treason. Let them talk this way in Russia, the Old Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, a huge portion of the middle east included, not to mention their beloved China and Korea....I would love to see these idiots stop ACTING like they know what they are talking about and move to these country's and live there for good...we don't need them as entertainers or as activists...
I refuse to see any movie with any of these loud mouths in them....
HEY GLASS HOUSE i have never seen that 80" tv in your pad not have a movie on ???????????

08-05-2007, 11:19 AM
HEY GLASS HOUSE i have never seen that 80" tv in your pad not have a movie on ???????????
Glass house? :idea: If one of these focXers speak that bad about my country I boycott them for life....just ask the wife...we can't watch 1/2 of the shows or movies that are on even with some of the great comedians that I used to love watching, now WE TURN IT OFF OR CHANGE THE CHANNEL...why the heC do you think I am spending so much time on HB....NEVER will watch a MOVIE or TV show with one of these idiots actors in it.....:D :D

08-05-2007, 11:22 AM
HEY GLASS HOUSE i have never seen that 80" tv in your pad not have a movie on ???????????
PS we are mostly stuck watching the Science channel, Discovery, History channel, War Stories, some of the good old movies before these idiots sputtered their trash, Fox news, Cops, lol...and a few others...:D

08-05-2007, 11:24 AM
i hear yuh there. i even banned the purchase of ben and jerry's icecream in my household for their support of john kerry. but i must admit i didn't stick to my guns after the election,lol. you won't see any michele p.o.s. moore flicks at my house ,thats for sure.ever.

08-05-2007, 11:37 AM
i hear yuh there. i even banned the purchase of ben and jerry's icecream in my household for their support of john kerry. but i must admit i didn't stick to my guns after the election,lol. you won't see any michele p.o.s. moore flicks at my house ,thats for sure.ever.
As I am sure you know it is not easy not being able to watch so many of these celebs and the shows or to boycott all that are against this country and hurting our men and women over seas but I have to do my part.....I have had friends die over seas protecting freedom...I have two of my staff members/friends deployed right now, I just got 1 back last week safe and sound and my nephew is going through his final training to possibly be deployed to some part of the world for active duty and when these celeb traitors spout off It erks me to know end...