View Full Version : Thank You to everyone.

08-21-2007, 10:20 AM
Just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and support. I was finally released from St. Mary's Long Beach Hospital friday night and got home Saturday morning. The staff at that hospital was awesome, they couldn't have made such a miserable situation soo comfortable.
All the people who have written, called, and stopped by- Thank You. This is why I love boat racing, it is like a huge family that i am so happy to be a part of. Everyone has been soo supportive.
I guess it was kinda rough out there, but at this point and time I still don't remember any part of the wreck. I remember waking up at St. Marys. I was wearing a brand new SRP inboard racing jacket. The doctors said that the neck restraint worked beautifully but for some reason the jacket did not right me in the water, which caused me to drown. I was treated for a severly sprained left ankle, multiple bruises and lacerations on my left side, and for a salt water drowning. It is gonna be a slow recovery for my lungs, which gain more strength everyday, but by the grace of god I am still here.
The Bezer was destroyed, but my family and I have a new Daytona hull at home ready for rigging. Hopefully some race soon we will have SS44 back out there racing, we love it too much to stop. But for now hopefully I can see everyone at San Diego. Once again thank you for all your support. Boaters, Boat Racers are the best kind of people.
John Willoby Jr. SS44