View Full Version : Hilidbeast has lost her mind

Steve 1
02-23-2006, 08:08 AM

Old Texan
02-23-2006, 12:34 PM
That woman scares the hell out of me. She is so evil and manipulative. The voucher system is dangerous to her socialist values and intent for this country. In another life she was Stalin. She wants to turn this country into a government dependent socialist society and anyone that doesn't realize this fact, may actually vote for our demise as a free nation.
Kennedy, Kerry and their like are silver spoon lapping toads whose incompetence keep them from spreading any permanent terror on our values and way of life. Hildabitch on the other hand has a dangerous agenda and would sell our nation out in an instant in order to gain personal power.
Bill was sleazy, Hilld apuke is evil.:crossx:

02-23-2006, 03:25 PM
C-mon Tex, don't sugar-coat it. Just sitting on your true feelings, holding them inside, is bad for ya. Let it out man. :p
I agree totally Tex. :cry:

02-23-2006, 03:39 PM
So under Hilary's version of the Voucher system we all must go and get approval from her on where we are sending our kids? I bet she'll ask you if your papers are in order first....

Steve 1
02-23-2006, 05:00 PM
I forgot where I got this but my regards to the Author
Reconstructive surgery always leaves scars. The woman is a raving Left Wing Nut at heart who will convert the USA into something that looks like Canada (shiver) or worse.
High on Hillary's secret agenda will be:
a) Socialist Health Care system, meaning a reduction in freedom of physician selection and a reduction for elective surgery and a general devolution of individual health care standards.
b) Completely socialist education system where individual merit and student accomplishment will be sacrificed for the failed attempt to educate the minimally motivated "underprivileged." Result: lowering of educational standards in the USA. It takes a village you know.
c) Reduction in military spending just when the USA needs to be the strongest military in the world. This will result in the increasing isolationism of the USA, which will lead to WW III, either with China, North Korea or in the Middle East with Iran.
d) The loading of our court systems with judges who will feel absolutely free to interpret newly created constitutional rights for homosexuals and other minority life stylists.
e) The movement of society generally away from the traditional American model of individual merit towards
one in which individual identity is assumed by the group, and a corresponding lack of leadership and teamwork in US culture. Much of this is fuelled by an ideological need for racial and religious parity imposed by government (No Christmas!).
f) The statutory banishment of the NRA as an answer to embedded 2nd amendment rights of the citizenry, so the people cannot defend themselves against newly empowered minorities who resort to crime and religious persecution
of the American majority. This will go hand in hand with the radicalisation of America's Muslims.
g) The empowerment and radicalisation of American Muslims who will link up with Islam fascists under the guise of educational and cultural exchanges. It takes a village you know.
h) An increase in the permeability of our borders so that the "morally superior" Democrat Utopia will spread across the world (i.e. open the doors and let violence into our nation).
I) The subrogation of American law and conventions to the United Nations, an organization operated by tyrants who abhor freedom for their own personal, aristocratic, despotic regimes at home.UN law will become stare devises in America.
j) American endorsement of the international Criminal Court Treaty so that the American Military can be subject to international investigation arraignment and punishment for " War Crimes." Friendly fire incidents and collateral damage incidents will be subject to investigation and punishment of the "criminals."
k) The endorsement of the USA of the Kyoto Protocol
thereby further hobbling business in the USA which are in direct competition with international businesses who have no such restrictions at home (i.e. China/Russia).
l) The surrender of the Pacific to China, and betrayal of Taiwan, a loss of the Pacific as a US sphere of Influence, and the resulting alienation of Korea and Japan as those nations join the Chinese Co-prosperity Sphere.
m) The increase of personal and corporate taxes, except for those who are prominent liberals, where there will be several cash cow schemes for environmental preservation and alternative energy resources research. These taxes will fund several new welfare programs dedicated to the further emancipation of women from their biological prerogative to perpetuate the human race, as a matter of lifestyle choice.
n) The devolution of the USA as a safe haven for Jews, and the creation of a social environment hostile to Jews like that of present day France.
o) Nancy Pelosi will become leader of the Senate or the Secretary of State.
p) The CIA will customize its intelligence findings to be politically correct rather than dealing with fact and reality.
q) The history of the USA will be rewritten by left wing academics that now rule our academic institutions, so that every American will feel guilty for historically defined wrongs. Al Sharp ton will seek slavery compensation and be successful and the public will acquiesce.
These are just a few of the items on Hillary Clinton's secret agenda, and if any one thinks that these are not her secret leftist agenda, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!
Hillary Clinton as president would be the end of the USA as we have known it, and will lead to WW III, a war we would likely lose. Our grandchildren will be attending Mosques when Hillary will have become a memory of infidel defilement. Allah Ak'bar!
Who should be the next president of the USA?
The Hammer, Tom Delay! He would inspire now cowardly Republican leadership and turn the corner on the liberal death of America, leaving it far behind.
Call Hillary what she is, regardless of her created image in the press. Holler it long and loud!

02-26-2006, 05:33 PM
I'll give Gallup a fair ammount of credit for accurate polling, their track reccord shows it. As much as I directly ignore polls, this one recently done gives some hope.
Gallup Poll "Would you vote for Hillary if she ran for president?"
Of those polled:
Yes, 16%
No, 51%
You really must split the 33% undecideds in half, max the figures out at 33% yes/64% no.
She shows to be virtually a lock to LOOSE, thus, we must pick a very good (desireable) Republican to oppose her and expect him/her to win. Don't choose someone to beat Hillary, pick someone to lead when she looses.