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View Full Version : Mercury Outboard For Sale

07-04-2002, 06:29 AM
I have a 1994 mercury 200 EFI, never in salt water, boyseen reeds, runs great. I am selling only because I upgraded to a new honda 225 four stroke.
$4200.00 or best offer....won't last
If interested, let me know and I will send more details.

07-04-2002, 07:59 AM
How do you like the honda? i have been hearing good things but im not too crazy on fourstrokes, Does it seem to have the power of a 2 stroke

07-04-2002, 04:36 PM
The honda 225 is awesome....somehow honda managed to take a sohc 24 valve v-6 engine and turn it on its side to create this very torqueeee engine that is rated @225 at the prop....
No more smoke, twice the fuel economy, the only draw back is that it weighs about 600lbs. You just need to have enough boat for it. I have it on a 21' boat with a 10" setback hydraulic jackplate and hydraulic steering.

07-04-2002, 05:42 PM
cool if you dont mind me asking how much did it cost? my dad is considering one

07-04-2002, 07:43 PM
they list at around $18,500, I was able to make a deal at the LA boat show and got mine for $15000. which is about what I was looking at for a promax. and I could not purchase a 2-stroke in calif.
if you give me your email address, I will send you a picture to show your dad.

07-05-2002, 05:46 AM

07-05-2002, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by 89checkmate:
The honda 225 is awesome....somehow honda managed to take a sohc 24 valve v-6 engine and turn it on its side to create this very torqueeee engine that is rated @225 at the prop....
No more smoke, twice the fuel economy, the only draw back is that it weighs about 600lbs.
Please give us more info on this motor. I would like to know what kind of actual not claimed mileage you are getting? How long does it take you to get on plane? And most of all, what is the speed compared to your old 200?
A 600lb motor on the back of my boat would sink my boat. I think it is sad you can't buy a new 2stroke after 2006. Just sad.
****ing treehuggers,

07-05-2002, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Wicky:
Please give us more info on this motor. I would like to know what kind of actual not claimed mileage you are getting? How long does it take you to get on plane? And most of all, what is the speed compared to your old 200?
A 600lb motor on the back of my boat would sink my boat. I think it is sad you can't buy a new 2stroke after 2006. Just sad.
****ing treehuggers,
What will happend to all the people that have 2stroke outboards after the 2006 rule? will we still beable to go all the lakes and rivers?

07-06-2002, 08:20 AM
I'm not sure on that one. If it is anything like it is for off roading, California is going to be a lousier place to live.

07-06-2002, 08:43 AM
Hey snappertapper, I can't get that email address to work.
As for the gas mileage, the fuel ecomony is there, when we go to Martinez, we go to the same sandbar upriver, and I am using approx. just under half of the amount of gas for the day. oh, and the honda takes 87octane, not the 92 I was putting in my merc 200. and no more purchasing that expensive 2-stroke oil.
My boat is heavy, and with 4 people, one dog, and full coolers and ez-up's, it still jumps out of the hole very nicely. I am turning a 23pitch 3 blade, the rpm's are approx.5600. and has a smooth and even powerband. I have a 21 pitch "hi-five" that I am trying the next time out. The speed is about the same (approx.65mph) mostly because of the extra weight. Also, it is very quiet, you can actually hear the stereo at crusing speed.

07-06-2002, 12:39 PM
sry i wrote the worng address it is zachsvmax@comcast.net

07-06-2002, 01:03 PM
I'm still curious as to what kind of mileage here to the sandbar entails? My boat gets great gas mileage by design with a 2stroke. I would be willing to guess that it is probably close to the mileage you are seeing with your 4-stroke. Maybe 4-5 miles to the gallon is what I get in cruise mode.
Look it up on the Allison boats website.
Long live the 2-stroke outboards!!!
Say what you believe,

07-06-2002, 04:41 PM
Yeah Wicky,
it is probably right around 4-5 mpg, my old merc didn't get great mileage.

sorry dog
07-09-2002, 12:25 PM
****ing treehuggers
If ys gots to many over your way, just send sum over here on openin day - November 22. I'll trade ya sum deer and hugger backstrap fer sum uv yer fishy rolls.