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Lookin for Liquid
09-05-2007, 02:45 PM
Need some advice from anyone that wants to give it.....
Went shopping for a new phone at Verizon yesterday....the one they suggested I actually liked and the deal was set. After checking their inventory they were out of that model but they did have a "demo" that was brought back due to their 15 day return policy and I agreed as they said it would have the same warranty as a brand new one. After getting home and looking at it's call history, which I thought should have been erased if it was "checked out" like they said it was, I erased as i didn't want the calls in my phone history.
Here is where it gets good.......Being bored with the wallpaper on the phones window I snapped 2 boat shots to replace the stock Verizon window. When I opened up the "my pics" window there happened to be 3 pics....2 boat pics and one of a VERY pornographic nature which was on the phone from the previous customer. Now I am a big boy and can handle this with a grain of salt but what if someone bought this phone for their teenage daughter and she found it....hmmm?
Called Verizon and got the "sorry"....any suggestions so this doesn't happen again?

09-05-2007, 02:48 PM
What a crack up...........:D
but yeah, it shows that what they say is not neccessarily what they do.

09-05-2007, 02:48 PM
was she hot????? ( it was a she i hope) :D :D

Screaming Pete
09-05-2007, 02:49 PM
Need some advice from anyone that wants to give it.....
Went shopping for a new phone at Verizon yesterday....the one they suggested I actually liked and the deal was set. After checking their inventory they were out of that model but they did have a "demo" that was brought back due to their 15 day return policy and I agreed as they said it would have the same warranty as a brand new one. After getting home and looking at it's call history, which I thought should have been erased if it was "checked out" like they said it was, I erased as i didn't want the calls in my phone history.
Here is where it gets good.......Being bored with the wallpaper on the phones window I snapped 2 boat shots to replace the stock Verizon window. When I opened up the "my pics" window there happened to be 3 pics....2 boat pics and one of a VERY pornographic nature which was on the phone from the previous customer. Now I am a big boy and can handle this with a grain of salt but what if someone bought this phone for their teenage daughter and she found it....hmmm?
Called Verizon and got the "sorry"....any suggestions so this doesn't happen again?
i'll go ahead a say it.............don't post it here

09-05-2007, 02:49 PM
Post it on WWW.***boatPICS.COM
I think we need to be the judge of VERY pornographic nature :D

Lookin for Liquid
09-05-2007, 03:03 PM
Does anyone really want to see a self portrait of male appendage in a self aroused state?
I thought it was funny as hell...but would someone find it so ammusing if their teenage daughter found it in her brand new phone?

09-05-2007, 03:10 PM
Does anyone really want to see a self portrait of male appendage in a self aroused state?
On second thought

09-05-2007, 03:11 PM
Does anyone really want to see a self portrait of male appendage in a self aroused state?
I thought it was funny as hell...but would someone find it so ammusing if their teenage daughter found it in her brand new phone?
Pete and Kilr apparently do........rotflmao:D

Baja Big Dog
09-05-2007, 03:23 PM
Does anyone really want to see a self portrait of male appendage in a self aroused state?
I thought it was funny as hell...but would someone find it so ammusing if their teenage daughter found it in her brand new phone?
You see, when you only give partial stories, we only have partial comments, now that we know your pissed because the guys dick was bigger than yours we understand!!

Lookin for Liquid
09-05-2007, 04:02 PM
LOL....tooo funny!...only on the internet!
You see, when you only give partial stories, we only have partial comments, now that we know your pissed because the guys dick was bigger than yours we understand!!

09-05-2007, 04:06 PM
oh crap...was it a Razor phone by any chance?
they promised me that they'd erase all the data on that thing when I turned it in! ;)

Phat Matt
09-05-2007, 04:08 PM
You should put a black light on it and see how tainted it really is. It does go on your ear and next to your mouth. I think I would notify corporate or at least the news. Could be a good story on a slow day.
Fock it, call Chris Hanson at Dateline. :D

09-05-2007, 05:12 PM
That's a pretty wild story.
I've been in the wireless industry for the better part of 6 years now. Any company I have ever worked for has had a very strict policy pertaining to returned phones and the policy is very simple. We do not sell returned phones to anyone for any reason period. When someone returns a phone it is suppose to be sent back to the manufacturer to be inspected, cleared, reset, and everything should meet and exceed the manufacturers expectations PERIOD. At that point the device is put into the warranty exchange program or sold out as a refurbished device. Under no circumstance is any exception to be made to this policy period.
In my opinion you should consider shopping around until you find the sales person you feel most comfortable dealing with. A good sales person would never sale you a used device, would go to another location to get you a new device, and would ensure that you are taken care of so that the above mentioned situation would never happen to you.

09-05-2007, 08:25 PM
I agree with the post above 100%. I have been with Verizon Wireless for 8 years and have never sold a phone that was returned. It is not standard practice to re-sell returned items. This is a perfect example as to why this policy is supposed to be in place. Sounds like the rep was just trying to help you out and do you a favor because they were out of stock. Great story though! Can't wait to share this one with the others in the office. :)

09-05-2007, 08:37 PM
Im afraid most picture phones have some Pornographic stuff!

09-05-2007, 08:41 PM
Im afraid most picture phones have some Pornographic stuff!