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View Full Version : Drum set reccomendations?

09-11-2007, 06:21 AM
Okay so at the young age of 36 I have decided to become a rock star...or at least learn to play drums. I know a few people on here play so I was wondering if I could get some insight as to what key elements I should be looking for in a basic drum set? I have seen several "Beginner kits" on ebay etc. but it looks like the quality and sound is probably not there. I would rather by some quality used stuff than crappy new stuff for the same price.

09-11-2007, 06:25 AM
I'm not chitting you when I say the Roland V-kits are sick. My drummer used these for all our recordings. They are pressure sensative and you can customize them to make any sound you want. It's a little funky to get used to but you won't make anyone pissed when you want to "learn". Just put the headphones on and enjoy.

09-11-2007, 06:42 AM
DW. Go big or go home

09-11-2007, 07:01 AM
Not sure I want to go with electronic, I think it's probably pretty cool set but I just want to have the experience of hammering on something and making a crapload of noise without electricty, just seems more real or something. Also, since I'll probably be quiting my day job and taking up a lot of new rock star drug habits, I need to still be able to play after the power company cuts the juice when I don't pay the bill.:D Also, I'd really I'd like to stay under $1000 if possible.

Cheap Thrills
09-11-2007, 07:16 AM
I've been playing since grade school. My first set was a set of Ludwig Rockers.
They sounded great and survived several band attempts all through high school.
I recently (just a few years ago) Picked up an 8 piece set of Pearl drums with Gibralter hardware and Zildjian overhead for $350.00 :eek:
I have bought a ton of good used stage gear from pawn shops so keep your eye peeled there.
Also, Almost any music shop could hook you up with a decent used set for a good deal.
Pearl, Rogers, Tamma, CB, are all good sounding kits that can be found at reasonable prices.
unless what you get comes with cymbals, be prepared for a slight dose of sticker shock. Zildjian , Sabian, Camber, are all great but pricey new and almost impossible to find in good used condition.
If you want extreme quality at an extreme price look into DW. (Drum Workshop) pieces. :idea:
I've played on a few electronic trigger sets and I agree the Roland's are nice. The action/feel of electrics takes a little getting use to but It's nice to have all those sound banks to play with.
Best of Luck.

09-11-2007, 07:22 AM
E-Bay! I got a smokin' deal on a Roland V-Kit on E-Bay. There are several people who buy V-Kits or real kits that collect dust for 2 years until the old lady says, "it's gotta go...you never use 'em!" They end up on E-bay for about 2/3 the price of new.
Rock on!

09-11-2007, 07:24 AM
I'm not chitting you when I say the Roland V-kits are sick. My drummer used these for all our recordings. They are pressure sensative and you can customize them to make any sound you want. It's a little funky to get used to but you won't make anyone pissed when you want to "learn". Just put the headphones on and enjoy.
i like the electric kits and i have a nice Yamaha one that i bought new for right around a grand. it gives you more options of when you can actually play. you can also get a wide variety of sounds with them... they are pretty fun.

09-11-2007, 07:27 AM
Hell, if you can make the noise whack away. Try rockin a white pearled out old school rogers set. You can jam and then throw your sticks up and just walk away. Good luck with that quitting your job and slammin heroin gig. It's fun while it last and don't let anyone tell you different. Just look at Charlie Watts. He looks the youngest only because he plays the drums and still does the most drugs....nevermind the white hair....that's just from eating snatch.

09-11-2007, 07:34 AM
The Recycler, Hobbie trader, or craigslist always has some nice sets for cheap. You can find some good sets such as Pearl or Yamaha used for around $200 no problem

09-11-2007, 07:39 AM
Only 20 bucks at Walmart