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09-26-2007, 02:49 PM
Hey Guys/Gals,
I have a buddy who is trying to break into the web design business but is curious where to go looking for jobs. I'm working with him on getting off the ground and how to go about owning his own business etc. but I'm just not quite sure where web design companies get there business. I understand that the majority probably earn business through word of mouth. But how do you start in the beginning, don't get me wrong he has done alot of websites and has been designing sites for about 5 years. However he's just now making it a real business, before it was purely for friends and people who had asked him to jobs for them. How can I help him get more jobs, what are some good ways to get his name out there and get things cranking for him. Any ideas would be great, I appreciate your responses and assistance.
Thanks John

09-26-2007, 03:15 PM
My advice is to have some samples of some of the work he has done.
The other is to be a bit cheaper then the competition. I would go as far as making a few freebies to show what he can do. Any business takes time from the start. Lets see some samples im sure enough people would give an opinion here and there is a ton of information and opinions here. Good luck to him.
Just my 2 cents

09-26-2007, 03:15 PM
Just looking for ideas guys, some of our thoughts have been in the direction of mailers and flyers etc. that we could send out to business's. My question to everyone on here is in what way would a business owner or manager liked to be approached about having a website created for them or more importantly re-designed. My buddies main focus is going to be re-designs because there are alot of websites out there that are very dated. But, would it be best to be contacted via a mailed letter and flyer, a phone call, an email, or in person at their business.
Thanks Again Guys,

09-26-2007, 03:17 PM
I am in the IT/IS industry, small business owner (non-web related). A couple of things I would suggest that worked for us.
1. Prospect a vertical locally who have jacked sites (we are on one right now)... Give smoking deals and cut your teeth making the transition to family an friends to an active client list. This is a b!tch but a lot of small business need to build the street credit.
2. Look for small marketing and advertising firms in the area and have him propose his portfolio. Give them a distribution rate so they are making a cut. Keeps the firms from possibly losing business to bigger venues.
3. Team up with other small to medium IT/IS businesses that do not have web design (similar approach to idea #2).
None of this is groundbreaking info (I am sure you do this as a business owner). That service segment is super competitive with offshore and killer templates being sold for dirt. In my opinion you need to be able to have the end to end web value proposition w/ customer service to turn numbers in that area. Gone are the days of 50k website designs being the norm.

old school daycruiser
09-26-2007, 03:22 PM
I can find him a good job (s) if he's not a flake. I'll even hire him myself if he lives in Sacramento, and is not a flake.
Notice the theme: Don't be a flake.

09-26-2007, 03:23 PM
craigslist is a great area or myspace, The flyers work really well for alot of my friends that do sites they get the new business list from the city and hit up the new ones when they get the permits. the only down side is with sites like joomla and rocket theme being now popular alot of people are going to doing sites from home with very little learning curve needed.

09-26-2007, 03:28 PM
If he knows: HTML code, XHTML code, CSS, Flash (Action Scripting), PhotoShop and Illustrator, has a solid portfolio & is not a flake then he should have no troubles getting work.
I have a degree in Multimedia/Graphic Design and they didnt teach Coding in school, they expected you to learn it on your own time & know it :mad:

09-26-2007, 03:31 PM
Thanks guys for the ideas I have definetly started working the direction that you've mentioned and now I have a better idea of how to approach it.
Hes definetly not a flake, and works very hard and quickly to meet deadlines and get jobs done.
Here are a few of the more recent sites hes done, nothing to crazy but that hasn't necessarily been because he can't sometimes your just limited by the customer.
A current project he's working on;
His new site that hes currently working on re-doing;
His old site; http://www.premiersitedesigns.com/
Thanks again guys for the help, were working on creating a new flyer that is clean and gives off and executive feel yet shows the creative nature of his approach to the industry.

09-26-2007, 03:59 PM
I asked and he is fully capable of all the skills you mentioned above, now its just finding the jobs haha.
Thanks John

09-26-2007, 04:20 PM
Can he take a look at my site and give me an estimate?
I want my site to have a products section like the car site sample you posted.
And I may need another site built from scratch. Again product orientated.
My site is X-tremevintageyz.com

09-26-2007, 04:27 PM
Setting up a shopping cart like the site I referenced would be no problem, to give you an estimate though I would need so more info like number of products, do you want pictures etc. do you want all the shipping info etc up and all that. Commerce Pro's are quite complex, if your interested maybe we could setup a meeting with you to see how he could help you out and earn your business.
Im going to shoot you a PM, thanks for your interest.

09-26-2007, 05:57 PM
I need a site strted from scratch PLEASE pass him my number 714 552 0300

09-26-2007, 06:02 PM
Only on HB you ask you and you recieve .Looks like he might have some jobs lined up i would like to see the results, i might use him also.Im not ready yet though.
I saw some of his work from the samples looks pretty good.

09-26-2007, 08:02 PM
Ill give you a call tomorrow, hes working out of my shop in Anaheim Hills so were close by. Hopefully he can help you out and get something designed that you like.
Thanks Hot Boat for the help, I knew this would be the place.

Baja Big Dog
09-26-2007, 08:12 PM
John...have him call me...

20" gun's
09-26-2007, 08:22 PM
They run slow. He should work on that. My old flash site didn't run that slow. He should be able to fix it. Looks good though.

09-26-2007, 09:41 PM
please have him look at my site
all my info is on the site to contact me

09-27-2007, 04:24 AM
They run slow. He should work on that. My old flash site didn't run that slow. He should be able to fix it. Looks good though.
Bingo! I noticed the slow loading too. For the non-complicated graphics that should happen. A good designer will know it's not only graphics, flow and an easy to use page, it also has to load fast. I know a few guys that work on the crappiest system they can so if it's fast on their computer people with dial-up won't notice a glitch.
FYI, his work is decent but I wouldn't hire him because of the loading speed. Could be a hosting issue could be a design issue. Either way it doesn't sell well in my eyes.

09-27-2007, 08:18 AM
Baja Big Dog, I dont have your number to call you unless your joking in which hahah.
20" Guns and Cigalert, thanks for that I will let him know Im sure its definetly something he can fix or adjust.
Beer & Water, I will have him take a look at your site today and Ill give you a call to see what he can do to help you out.
Thanks again Hot Boaters your awesome,

09-27-2007, 02:13 PM