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10-10-2007, 05:11 AM
Bank of America, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business with you any longer.
The Bank: Why?
Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don't think it's right. I'm taking my business elsewhere.
The Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we can't stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account number?
Customer: (gives account number)
The Bank: For security purposes and for your protection, can you please give me the last four digits of your social security number?
Customer: No?
The Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help you, I'll need verification of who you are.
Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants who don't have social security numbers. You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and you've given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social Security number, would you?
The Bank: No sir, I wouldn't.
Customer: Why not?
The Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't ask for that information when calling in on the Spanish line.
I provided "snopes" for doubters: http://www.snopes.com/politics/immigration/bankofamerica.asp
Now .
I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I have included the URL's for verification of the following facts.
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. http://tinyurl.com/zob77
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. http ://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.0.html
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0 604/01/ldt.01.html
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are
caused by the illegal aliens.
10. The illegal aliens in the United State s have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl.com/t9sht
12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period." http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin. http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm
14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committ ed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States ".
The total cost is a whooping .
If this doesn't bother you then just delete the message, but on the other hand, if it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, then forward it to every human in the country including every representative in Washington, DC four time a week for a month.

10-10-2007, 07:15 AM
Not wanting to bash anyone, just think this is total B.S.

10-10-2007, 07:39 AM
yeah I heard Bank Of America is changing their name to Bank Of Amigo.

ULTRA26 # 1
10-10-2007, 07:44 AM
Do you even know why it's BS or do you just think it's BS? It's a knee jerk reaction. They're here, they've been here. Either figure out a way to send them home and get all your broccoli picked or figure out a way to get them paying taxes, spending their money, stimulating the economy, paying interest, etc, like the rest of us good Americans. The last thing you want is a people that comprise 20% of your population hoarding their money.
Good post SWB

10-10-2007, 08:10 AM
yeah I heard Bank Of America is changing their name to Bank Of Amigo.
shit ain't right guys, i say send anyone without a social security # outta the country and let them try to get back in legally, and cataloged so we can keep a census on them(so we can send them out again when visa's atre up)

Cheap Thrills
10-10-2007, 08:33 AM
shit ain't right guys, i say send anyone without a social security # outta the country and let them try to get back in legally, and cataloged so we can keep a census on them(so we can send them out again when visa's atre up)
Microchipped :D (http://www.verichipcorp.com/)
T. ;)

10-10-2007, 09:58 AM
Do you even know why it's BS or do you just think it's BS? It's a knee jerk reaction. They're here, they've been here. Either figure out a way to send them home and get all your broccoli picked or figure out a way to get them paying taxes, spending their money, stimulating the economy, paying interest, etc, like the rest of us good Americans. The last thing you want is a people that comprise 20% of your population hoarding their money.
I think it's more jealousy than anything else. They get free health care, get to run into other people's cars and not pay anything and when they get rear ended, they get millions. :idea: :idea: :idea:

10-10-2007, 10:04 AM
Do you even know why it's BS or do you just think it's BS?
What is that supposed to mean! It's B.S. that a major American company is sending the message it's o.k. to be an illegal alien. Making it easier for them to do business than true Americans. The government needs to tighten up our borders and not let this happen. I say we take the illegals, put them in the military, give them S.S.#s , pay them a soldiers pay and tax them on it, then and only when they have served in the military let them become citizens. We then have them on record and they continue to pay taxes on their earnings. I bet we would have far fewer trying to cross the border.

10-10-2007, 10:37 AM
Do you even know why it's BS or do you just think it's BS? It's a knee jerk reaction. They're here, they've been here. Either figure out a way to send them home and get all your broccoli picked or figure out a way to get them paying taxes, spending their money, stimulating the economy, paying interest, etc, like the rest of us good Americans. The last thing you want is a people that comprise 20% of your population hoarding their money.
Yep, they're here and they have been here, lets fix it. I CAN figure a way to send them back. I don't mind paying 300% more for my broccoli if they will leave and they don't pay anywhere near as much in taxes as they collect. Stimulate our economy? Stimulation would be when they leave and we have more than one job for every adult. I have worked more than one job at a time for many years, I don't come from money. I don't do it any more and I don't employ any illegals either.

10-10-2007, 10:38 AM
Microchipped :D (http://www.verichipcorp.com/)
T. ;)
pure genious!!!!!:D

Cheap Thrills
10-10-2007, 11:22 AM
pure genious!!!!!:D
It would be a great idea for that purpose. However I think it may lead to worse problems.
I think pretty soon we all will have "The Mark" err. Universal IDs implanted. :idea:
Just say no to Tap-N-Go. :D

Brian Ray
10-10-2007, 11:34 AM
People who argue illegal’s are taking jobs. etc. away from hard working American's....Well the last time I stayed at a hotel/motel I did not see one white person cleaning the rooms, the last time I was out conducting a crop inspection with one of my clients I didn't see one white person picking grapes, oranges, etc., and the list goes on. It's not so much because they work for minimum wage or slightly less it's just that the jobs they do the majority of American's do not want to do or think they should be paid $50K a year.
Lets face it, the majority of American's don't want to clean toilets, make beds, wash laundry, pick oranges in 30 degree temps, pick grapes in 110 degree heat all for minimum wage or less......
So unless you want to see every type of commodity you see at the local grocery store increase 100 fold (milk, cheese, bread, fruits & vegetables, etc.) I would suggest we find some way to keep these people in our country doing jobs that we American's do not like to do. It would be good for CA......They would all pay the same taxes we pay and maybe we could keep some of that money they keep sending home to have pumped into their homeland's economy.
But what do I know I'm just some hic from the Central Valley in CA....I just see people that are grateful to have a job making a little money and providing for their families the best they can.....I see a lot of American's with their hands out asking the Gov't for help because their to FOCKING lazy to go get a job.....they think they should be making six figures working 20hrs a week!!

10-10-2007, 11:39 AM
Do you even know why it's BS or do you just think it's BS? It's a knee jerk reaction. They're here, they've been here. Either figure out a way to send them home and get all your broccoli picked or figure out a way to get them paying taxes, spending their money, stimulating the economy, paying interest, etc, like the rest of us good Americans. The last thing you want is a people that comprise 20% of your population hoarding their money.
Yeah, they're all picking fruit or cleaning hotels. None are in the construction industry or other skilled trades :rolleyes:

10-10-2007, 12:19 PM
They have Bank of America in Mexico. The applicants have Mexican ID's and that's how they can do the "bank thing" whether here, Mexico, Europe, wherever. No law against it.
SWB this is just the popular band wagon to jump on right now.
Before I get behind anything the Border has to be secured. Build a fence, a wall, a mote, whatever. Until that nothing will change.
Gathering them all up and having a mass exodus will just make a $9.00 head of lettuce and close up car washes until they come back two weeks later.
My vote is to try and GET THE MONEY out of them. In the system and tax them. Create a status of "Low Buck" and let them keep the jobs that nobody wants. I am not raising my kids to clean toilets.

10-10-2007, 12:28 PM
As an aside, the cost of, oh say, a head of lettuce won't go up for shit if they have to pay a decent wage to harvest it. The overhead and profit costs are way higher than what is paid to pick each head.:rolleyes:

Trailer Park Casanova
10-10-2007, 12:42 PM
When I came back from Viet Nam in the Marines,, Bank of America was the only bank that would give me an checking account, and cash my meager military paychecks.
Bank of America gave me a Visa card with a $500 limit, $100 gratis as a thank you to veterans in a savings passbook.
A new 3% car loan with a no interest first payment in 12 months to veterans.
B of A was with the "Your best bet is to hire a vet" program and sent me to Busch gardens for a Bartender Bouncer job.
24 hrs later I was pouring beer and breaking assholes noses. You could do that back then.
B of A gave me a hell of a jump start on life.
They ain't all bad.

Brian Ray
10-10-2007, 12:57 PM
As an aside, the cost of, oh say, a head of lettuce won't go up for shit if they have to pay a decent wage to harvest it. The overhead and profit costs are way higher than what is paid to pick each head.:rolleyes:
Yeah, then the farmer takes in the a$$ because he has no one to pass his increased labor cost on to if he can't get a higher price for that head of lettuce....;)
I have a client who growers organic apples and his labor cost is 25% of his total expenses.....now if he has to pay say 25% to 50% over minimum wage (decent wage) then his profit margins start to become thin if he can't get more for his apples.
At least in other industries such as construction if you have to pay more for labor then you just pass some of that increase along to the person buying your building or home or whatever it is your constructing. Can't do that if you're the farmer......

10-10-2007, 01:03 PM
As an aside, the cost of, oh say, a head of lettuce won't go up for shit if they have to pay a decent wage to harvest it. The overhead and profit costs are way higher than what is paid to pick each head.:rolleyes:
It will certainly be the excuse given to the general public.:D
I really do wonder if American citizens would actually pick a head of lettuce?
But I understand what your saying. Even at $20 an hour I would be willing to bet that is only a small % of the actual cost.
They will come right back anyways because Mexican officials can't figure out how to make an economy for themselves.:(
This whole deal is a big mess. It's beyond my pea brain to fix it. Stopping the influx would be a great start. Not hiring them would help but that will NEVER happen. GREED.
Even here on ***boat there is some business owner that has one employed. May not even know it.

10-10-2007, 01:16 PM
I have the PERFECT solution, It's easy I'm a genius (just ask Ultra26).
Fence the border.
Put armed troops on the border for "maneuvers".
Tell all the illegals they have 6 months to register failure to do so would be a felony. Anyone caught by immigration or local LEOP forfeits all assets does their time and is sent home.
They then have 6 months to a year to return to their home country and register in a data base set up and maintained by their home country where their previous, or new employer can contact and sponsor their return to this country.
They only get a residency permit base on employment no job no permit, lose your job lose your permit.
No amnesty, ever.

10-10-2007, 01:36 PM
I have the PERFECT solution, It's easy I'm a genius (just ask Ultra26).
Fence the border.
Put armed troops on the border for "maneuvers".
Tell all the illegals they have 6 months to register failure to do so would be a felony. Anyone caught by immigration or local LEOP forfeits all assets does their time and is sent home.
They then have 6 months to a year to return to their home country and register in a data base set up and maintained by their home country where their previous, or new employer can contact and sponsor their return to this country.
They only get a residency permit base on employment no job no permit, lose your job lose your permit.
No amnesty, ever.
I like it. :D

10-10-2007, 01:38 PM
The last thing you want is a people that comprise 20% of your population hoarding their money.:idea:
Mexico is nervous too. All that money not being sent back to Mexico:D
So for those of you that think its OK for them to be here, Is also OK for those of you who have kids in school and don't know if they or their children have TB? Its not just that they are here illegal. If there gunna be here then Tax the money going back to Mexico 75%:D That aught to pay for some of the services they create. Or should i say depleted :D Note: smilies

Brian Ray
10-10-2007, 01:38 PM
Straight from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.....
"For every dollar spent on grocery items a portion of it goes to cover certain costs of bringing that item to market."
(Data as of 2004)
$0.38.5 Labor
$0.19.5 Farm value of food products
$0.12 Advertising and packaging
$0.7.5 Transportation and energy
$0.7 Rent and Insurance
$0.6 Taxes
$0.5 Depreciation and repairs
$0.4.5 Profit
Based on this if the cost of labor increased as a result of wage increases, including offering medical insurance coverage, 401K, etc. (decent wage right?) it's pretty easy to understand profits then become upside down.
So who is left shouldering the increase, isn't going to be the Gov't (taxes) or the energy companies (fuel), or the insurance companies.....it falls back to the farmer. His only options are to continue to run breakeven, shut down, or form Co-Op's with the hope of holding back what goes to market in the hopes the demand will exceed whats available therefore increasing the price the consumer will pay for that good. Basically what the almond industry has done....but that is another story.

10-10-2007, 01:39 PM
I like it. :D
Next time you vote I'll be the write in candidate.
Sushi for everyone!:D :D

10-10-2007, 01:41 PM
I have the PERFECT solution, It's easy I'm a genius (just ask Ultra26).
Fence the border.
Put armed troops on the border for "maneuvers".
Tell all the illegals they have 6 months to register failure to do so would be a felony. Anyone caught by immigration or local LEOP forfeits all assets does their time and is sent home.
They then have 6 months to a year to return to their home country and register in a data base set up and maintained by their home country where their previous, or new employer can contact and sponsor their return to this country.
They only get a residency permit base on employment no job no permit, lose your job lose your permit.
No amnesty, ever.
Yeah, no room for corruption there. Mexican Gov. would be auctioning off spots on that database. Ever lived in Mexico? Man in charge gets paid or you go nowhere.

10-10-2007, 01:50 PM
Yeah, no room for corruption there. Mexican Gov. would be auctioning off spots on that database. Ever lived in Mexico? Man in charge gets paid or you go nowhere.
Actually the messican government is HIGHLY motivated to keep those people the fawk out of Mexico and sending home money. Checks sent home from illegal Mexicans is the second largest source of the GDP in Mexico.
BTW, Yes I have lived in Mexico.

Xlration Marine
10-10-2007, 02:29 PM
Well, if you can here to bash illegal aliens, or Mexican-Americans for that matter, you came to the right place. Welcome aboard.
Ah LMAO, Way to go Bob.:D :D

Cheap Thrills
10-10-2007, 02:29 PM
Give That Man A Beer ! Nice Job Rio.

10-10-2007, 02:36 PM
Ah LMAO, Way to go Bob.:D :D
Almost forgot that one. WTF is a Mexican American anyway? You're one or the other, can't be both.
Rio I agree with you except that recent studies have shown as many as 30 million illegals are here. We've aborted our labor pool over the last thirty years and with unemployment at 5% or less we need some of this labor. No rewards and no amnesty though.

Cheap Thrills
10-10-2007, 02:41 PM
Almost forgot that one. WTF is a Mexican American anyway? You're one or the other, can't be both.
That's more of that PC crap you have your Mexican Americans, your African Americans , your Native Americans, and the Whites the new minority.
Next time someone calls me White my reply will be.
I'm a English German Scottish Anglo Saxon American. Get it right Asshole :D
T. ;)

CA Stu
10-10-2007, 02:49 PM
Well. as I see it. IF all of these industrious, hard working, tax paying pillars of society had a fu(kin brain in their head, they'd stay in their own country and work their ever lovin a*ses off trying to make it into something worthwhile instead of leaving it a fourth world country like it's been since whenever.
All they do is come up here and demand to turn turn this country into Mexico del Norte. They do not want to assimilate and become US citizens unless it's for their own personal gain. Fu(k everyone else, it's just what they want that matters.
In the paper this morning there was a poll of Latinos that wanted to own their own home. The majority felt that the home developers should not have to build into the price of a home the infrastructure->roads, schools, parks, etc. They felt that the GOV"T should pay for it and raise the taxes. That's basically saying we want everyone to help foot the bill for us. Fu(kum.
Actions speak louder than words. When I see some progress down in their own country then they might have earned some of my respect. When they learn to obey OUR laws then they might be worthy of consideration for entrance to our country.
The meanial jobs got done for many years without all the illegal trespassing criminals invading this country and there is no doubt what-so-ever that those same jobs would get done again so don't go bitchin about $9.00 a head lettuce. The market is what it is and it will level itself.
Our country is cow-towing to the LOWEST common denominator. We are dumbing down our society to accommodate the very bottom of the barrel. That's not how this country became the greatest nation on earth but that's how this country is becoming the laughing stock of the world. We're so stupid that we are allowing the entire world to dictate to us on their terms.
Answer this question. How will this state (country comes later) survive and prosper when all of these 'rocket scientists' get the right to vote and become the majority. They'll vote in legislators of their own kind that will only advocate a tax and spend-> promise them anything so they'll vote for me-agenda.Where the hell is the money gonna come from when all these stellar citizens are making 8 bucks an hour. Oh I know, we'll just raise the taxes on the higher earners again so they can pay more for us! We've can vote in a tax increase.
This state right now is an up-side-down pyramid and it will not survive. There will be a social revolution of one sort or another. Maybe a mass exodus of the higher earners, business owners, etc., and just give them this place they've turned into same type of corrupt berg that they came from. Guess we'll just have to be the sacrificial lamb and hope that other states learn by our demise.
You are afraid of everything and everyone; your life is consummed by fear and that is why you hate.
Thanks :D
CA Stu

ULTRA26 # 1
10-10-2007, 02:57 PM
Almost forgot that one. WTF is a Mexican American anyway? You're one or the other, can't be both.
Rio I agree with you except that recent studies have shown as many as 30 million illegals are here. We've aborted our labor pool over the last thirty years and with unemployment at 5% or less we need some of this labor. No rewards and no amnesty though.
How would you manage the needed workforce? There doesn't seem to be a simple solution thus all the do nothing BS.

10-10-2007, 03:04 PM
How would you manage the needed workforce? There doesn't seem to be a simple solution thus all the do nothing BS.
Read my solution the needed work force is mangaged by the demand and the employer being willing to sponsor the worker but ONLY if he returns home first. Could be only a day but he has to go home or he's a felon and does time. If his employer wants him back he could even pre request his approval before he even returns home.
No amnesty, no benefits.
They need to be penalized for breaking the law but we do need a souce of labor. We've aborted our labor force.

10-10-2007, 03:43 PM
It will certainly be the excuse given to the general public.:D
I really do wonder if American citizens would actually pick a head of lettuce?
But I understand what your saying. Even at $20 an hour I would be willing to bet that is only a small % of the actual cost.
They will come right back anyways because Mexican officials can't figure out how to make an economy for themselves.:(
This whole deal is a big mess. It's beyond my pea brain to fix it. Stopping the influx would be a great start. Not hiring them would help but that will NEVER happen. GREED.
Even here on ***boat there is some business owner that has one employed. May not even know it.
When I was in college wayyyyyyyyy back in 1973, in Santa Cruz, I lived outside of Watsonville (Moss Landing) The ONLY job I could find was picking lettuce in Salinas. I was the ONLY white guy in the fields. The Mexicans thought I was "loco en la cabasa"..... I was there for the MONEY, $7 bucks an hour was damn good money for us "hippie types" back then. I had NO reservations about doing stoop labor, it meant me & Mrs. skyskier ate GOOD that week:D

10-10-2007, 04:00 PM
I know how to get rid of them. Go to Home Depot with a U-Haul truck, Get about 10 to 25 day labor workers , tell them you have a big job to do, put em in the back, lock the back and head for the border. then cross the border and release them.

10-10-2007, 04:06 PM
When I was in college wayyyyyyyyy back in 1973, in Santa Cruz, I lived outside of Watsonville (Moss Landing) The ONLY job I could find was picking lettuce in Salinas. I was the ONLY white gwuy in the fields. The Mexicans thought I was "loco en la cabasa"..... I was there for the MONEY, $7 bucks an hour was damn good money for us "hippie types" back then. I had NO reservations about doing stoop labor, it meant me & Mrs. skyskier ate GOOD that week:D
In 1982 I worked for McDonalds. The job was the freaking pitts. $2.85 hr I think. I would have much rather picked lettuce. :D
I based my comments loosley but there is a tendency to ride the $$ band wagon meaning any excuse to jump up prices. Take away the pickers and look...a way to make some extra money. I also stated in my post that shipping them home with a border left as is will just be a waste of money. I have camped in Buttercup and watched groups of Mexicans just run through.
I have read all this and as much as I understand what everyone is saying I still think the problem is way complicated. Some of the solutions here seem fairly easy though.
I personally don't want to pay for them. Period. No schools, medical care, car with no insurance, whatever. So sign them up and TAX them and make them pay up NOW then decide what to do with them. I like Schiada's comment - Sign up or get caught and loose everything.

Troy McClure
10-10-2007, 05:38 PM
People who argue illegal’s are taking jobs. etc. away from hard working American's....Well the last time I stayed at a hotel/motel I did not see one white person cleaning the rooms, the last time I was out conducting a crop inspection with one of my clients I didn't see one white person picking grapes, oranges, etc., and the list goes on. It's not so much because they work for minimum wage or slightly less it's just that the jobs they do the majority of American's do not want to do or think they should be paid $50K a year.
Sorry, haven't gone through the whole thread yet but this statement is just ridiculous. Did you read it before you posted???
Let's see, you did not see one white person cleaning rooms or picking fruit while you were inspected crops so illegals are NOT taking jobs from legal workers?????
WHAT. Explain that logic. Just FYI, because the worker is not white or is hispanic does not mean he's legal or not.
As far a "Job's American's don't want" I employ a few kids who are American, are white and brown and all seem to want their job. Competing against me are companies that employ illegal immigrants, many times winning the work. Guess what... THEY ARE TAKING THE JOBS THAT I AND MY EMPLOYEES WANT.
You libs really need to get different talking point. "They're only taking jobs American's don't want" GIve me a f'n break....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Brian Ray
10-10-2007, 05:44 PM
Sorry, haven't gone through the whole thread yet but this statement is just ridiculous. Did you read it before you posted???
Let's see, you did not see one white person cleaning rooms or picking fruit while you were inspected crops so illegals are NOT taking jobs from legal workers?????
WHAT. Explain that logic. Just FYI, because the worker is not white or is hispanic does not mean he's legal or not.
As far a "Job's American's don't want" I employ a few kids who are American, are white and brown and all seem to want their job. Competing against me are companies that employ illegal immigrants, many times winning the work. Guess what... THEY ARE TAKING THE JOBS THAT I AND MY EMPLOYEES WANT.
You libs really need to get different talking point. "They're only taking jobs American's don't want" GIve me a f'n break....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I guess you didn't read the rest.....And before you go ASSuming I'm a lib....think again!! :mad: :o
So you want to go pick grapes, citrus, etc. for minimum wage.....with no medical benefits and no 401K?? We've got plenty of jobs for you and your employees if that's what you want....

Troy McClure
10-10-2007, 05:45 PM
Checks sent home from illegal Mexicans is the second largest source of the GDP in Mexico.
Check that, Money coming from the US is now LARGEST of Mexico's "exports" Just recently surpassed that of Oil, go figure, Mexico doesn't want the US to enforce the border..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-10-2007, 05:51 PM
Sorry, haven't gone through the whole thread yet but this statement is just ridiculous. Did you read it before you posted???
Let's see, you did not see one white person cleaning rooms or picking fruit while you were inspected crops so illegals are NOT taking jobs from legal workers?????
WHAT. Explain that logic. Just FYI, because the worker is not white or is hispanic does not mean he's legal or not.
As far a "Job's American's don't want" I employ a few kids who are American, are white and brown and all seem to want their job. Competing against me are companies that employ illegal immigrants, many times winning the work. Guess what... THEY ARE TAKING THE JOBS THAT I AND MY EMPLOYEES WANT.
You libs really need to get different talking point. "They're only taking jobs American's don't want" GIve me a f'n break....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Your kidding, right? Profiling is another effective tool that is "PC'd" out.
"Just because he is wearing a turbin, carrying a backpack, and chanting in Arabic shouldn't single him out at the airport security". Granted, a little more extreme.
I agree with your position other than that. Or does that make me racist?

Troy McClure
10-10-2007, 06:00 PM
Straight from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.....
"For every dollar spent on grocery items a portion of it goes to cover certain costs of bringing that item to market."
(Data as of 2004)
$0.38.5 Labor
$0.19.5 Farm value of food products
$0.12 Advertising and packaging
$0.7.5 Transportation and energy
$0.7 Rent and Insurance
$0.6 Taxes
$0.5 Depreciation and repairs
$0.4.5 Profit
Based on this if the cost of labor increased as a result of wage increases, including offering medical insurance coverage, 401K, etc. (decent wage right?) it's pretty easy to understand profits then become upside down.
So who is left shouldering the increase, isn't going to be the Gov't (taxes) or the energy companies (fuel), or the insurance companies.....it falls back to the farmer. His only options are to continue to run breakeven, shut down, or form Co-Op's with the hope of holding back what goes to market in the hopes the demand will exceed whats available therefore increasing the price the consumer will pay for that good. Basically what the almond industry has done....but that is another story.
I guess you didn't read the rest.....And before you go ASSuming I'm a lib....think again!! :mad: :o
I'm apparently just assuming you're an ASS...
In the first quote you forget to itemize the BILLIONS in government subsidies that farmers are given to be competitive.
Additionally you forget to mention the options that poor farmer has. Let's see, get out of farming maybe? Turn that land into an amusement park, houses, whatever, I'm sure there is some use for it. For your next point, we won't be pay $9 for a head of lettuce, the work will just shift and the market will adjust. Farms in Mexico will thrive!!!
Additionally, aren't visas granted to allow agriculture to hire worker's legally? (they are btw)
You might not be a lib, but your head is stuck way up someone's ass to believe that drivel. Could be the farmers you're supporting/benefiting from or you just love Bush way too f'n much.

10-10-2007, 06:01 PM
Read my solution the needed work force is mangaged by the demand and the employer being willing to sponsor the worker but ONLY if he returns home first. Could be only a day but he has to go home or he's a felon and does time. If his employer wants him back he could even pre request his approval before he even returns home.
No amnesty, no benefits.
They need to be penalized for breaking the law but we do need a souce of labor. We've aborted our labor force.
I truly believe that your idea is unrealistic, and here is why.
Besides the corruption that would be involved in any system offering a sort of "qualifying" work visa issued by the Mexican government, who do you think would be expected to finance such a system? The cost of implementing and administering such a program, along with the cost of incarcaration of violators would be shouldered by Uncle Sugar. ie: YOU and I, american taxpayers.
ANYTHING we impliment with Mexico jointly is paid for by us.
I tend to agree with Roi, shut 'em down, U.S. workers will show up. At a proportianaly smaller cost increase than expected, I bet.

Troy McClure
10-10-2007, 06:03 PM
Your kidding, right? Profiling is another effective tool that is "PC'd" out.
"Just because he is wearing a turbin, carrying a backpack, and chanting in Arabic shouldn't single him out at the airport security". Granted, a little more extreme.
I agree with your position other than that. Or does that make me racist?
No, you're right. That was not my point although I can see how it reads that way. The post I quoted said (essentially) that mexicans are not taking jobs from Americans because he did not see any whites. Just doesn't make a valid argument.

Brian Ray
10-10-2007, 06:13 PM
I'm apparently just assuming you're an ASS...
In the first quote you forget to itemize the BILLIONS in government subsidies that farmers are given to be competitive.
Additionally you forget to mention the options that poor farmer has. Let's see, get out of farming maybe? Turn that land into an amusement park, houses, whatever, I'm sure there is some use for it. For your next point, we won't be pay $9 for a head of lettuce, the work will just shift and the market will adjust. Farms in Mexico will thrive!!!
Additionally, aren't visas granted to allow agriculture to hire worker's legally? (they are btw)
You might not be a lib, but your head is stuck way up someone's ass to believe that drivel. Could be the farmers you're supporting/benefiting from or you just love Bush way too f'n much.
Wow, you make a lot of assumptions about me.....but I won't go to your level of name calling etc.
I'm done with you sir as I don't have time to go line by line to explain.....you're entitled to your opinions. ;) You just don't have a clue....bye now.:)

10-10-2007, 06:14 PM
I truly believe that your idea is unrealistic, and here is why.
Besides the corruption that would be involved in any system offering a sort of "qualifying" work visa issued by the Mexican government, who do you think would be expected to finance such a system? The cost of implementing and administering such a program, along with the cost of incarcaration of violators would be shouldered by Uncle Sugar. ie: YOU and I, american taxpayers.
ANYTHING we impliment with Mexico jointly is paid for by us.
I tend to agree with Roi, shut 'em down, U.S. workers will show up. At a proportianaly smaller cost increase than expected, I bet.
We have to get them out of the country first plus we need the labor.
We aborted 40 MILLION babies in this country over the last thirty years, that's a hell of a labor force.
That's why they would have to return to their shithole countries, messicans, chinese all of them. Don't make it jointly tell them to set up and manage their own data bases or keep their "immigrants" TO THEMSELVES.Their governments do not want them to return.
The onus would be on the employers here to sponser their return across the border.
First fence and troops, then register or you're a felon. We woulnd't even have to look for them they would cycle thorugh the system eventually.
Never happen though, because it would work.
Anyone have a better plan?:D

10-10-2007, 06:16 PM
No, you're right. That was not my point although I can see how it reads that way. The post I quoted said (essentially) that mexicans are not taking jobs from Americans because he did not see any whites. Just doesn't make a valid argument.
Yeah, I kind of figured that. That just kind of jumped out at me.

10-10-2007, 06:18 PM
We have to get them out of the country first plus we need the labor.
We aborted 40 MILLION babies in this country over the last thirty years, that's a hell of a labor force.
That's why they would have to return to their shithole countries, messicans, chinese all of them. Don't make it jointly tell them to set up and manage their own data bases or keep their "immigrants" TO THEMSELVES.Their governments do not want them to return.
The onus would be on the employers here to sponser their return across the border.
First fence and troops, then register or you're a felon. We woulnd't even have to look for them they would cycle thorugh the system eventually.
Never happen though, because it would work.
Anyone have a better plan?:D
That sounds better, sometimes my skull is thicker than normal! :D

10-10-2007, 06:19 PM
That sounds better, sometimes my skull is thicker than normal! :D
Personally? I say put a bounty on 'em and deal with the fallout.:D
They sure as hell won't happen.:D :D
So who's going to sponsor my bill?

10-10-2007, 06:21 PM
Personally? I say put a bounty on 'em and deal with the fallout.:D
They sure as hell won't happen.:D :D
So who's going to sponsor my bill?
Pencil me in for a C-Note! :eek:

Troy McClure
10-10-2007, 06:25 PM
So you want to go pick grapes, citrus, etc. for minimum wage.....with no medical benefits and no 401K?? We've got plenty of jobs for you and your employees if that's what you want....
I don't think you're comprehending here.
NO, my employees and I do NOT want to work for repressed wages. In order to ensure that we do not, we need to compete against those who are not supporting this reduce labor rate. Hence, let's get rid of the illegal work force and wages will increase. Make Cents?
Ironically, Unions are supporting the illegals and their work, trying to get benefits for them, but new illegals come in supplying reduce labor rates, and around it goes. Unions, if they really had their collective in mind would be STRONGLY against illegal labor and yet they are not. The Union bosses are just trying to increase their membership, not improve the lives of the union collective.
If you were to at least take the stance of a consumer trying to keep wages repressed to keep prices down I would give you just a little respect. However your arguments are just plain illogical.
Great, now Unions are involved. Hopefully, we won't get started on Global Warming, then I'll be goin' Off on that.....

Troy McClure
10-10-2007, 06:29 PM
Wow, you make a lot of assumptions about me.....but I won't go to your level of name calling etc.
I just replied to your posts, you left the assumptions out there. As far as name calling goes, I just followed your lead with your selective use of the caps key. BUT you're right, I stooped to name calling and should not have.
My apologies.

10-10-2007, 06:58 PM
People who argue illegal’s are taking jobs. etc. away from hard working American's....Well the last time I stayed at a hotel/motel I did not see one white person cleaning the rooms, the last time I was out conducting a crop inspection with one of my clients I didn't see one white person picking grapes, oranges, etc., and the list goes on. It's not so much because they work for minimum wage or slightly less it's just that the jobs they do the majority of American's do not want to do or think they should be paid $50K a year.
you are so full of shit its not even funny. I have one of those jobs that "americans" don't want. From time to time I have employees that have jobs americans don't want. Thats why every single time I have ever run an ad for help I get well over 100 calls from americans. About 10-15 of those are illegal aliens. Yeah americans don't want those jobs...
You need to STFU.
I could make twice as much if I hired illegals... heaven forbid I have an employee for which I pay taxs, comp and etc...

10-10-2007, 07:32 PM
People who argue illegal’s are taking jobs. etc. away from hard working American's....Well the last time I stayed at a hotel/motel I did not see one white person cleaning the rooms, the last time I was out conducting a crop inspection with one of my clients I didn't see one white person picking grapes, oranges, etc., and the list goes on. It's not so much because they work for minimum wage or slightly less it's just that the jobs they do the majority of American's do not want to do or think they should be paid $50K a year.
Lets face it, the majority of American's don't want to clean toilets, make beds, wash laundry, pick oranges in 30 degree temps, pick grapes in 110 degree heat all for minimum wage or less......
So unless you want to see every type of commodity you see at the local grocery store increase 100 fold (milk, cheese, bread, fruits & vegetables, etc.) I would suggest we find some way to keep these people in our country doing jobs that we American's do not like to do. It would be good for CA......They would all pay the same taxes we pay and maybe we could keep some of that money they keep sending home to have pumped into their homeland's economy.
But what do I know I'm just some hic from the Central Valley in CA....I just see people that are grateful to have a job making a little money and providing for their families the best they can.....I see a lot of American's with their hands out asking the Gov't for help because their to FOCKING lazy to go get a job.....they think they should be making six figures working 20hrs a week!!
It will never happen, but I say lets send them back and see the problems that are created, then bring back the ones that want to work that want to become legal citizens, that want to do it right.
I agree with you there are a lot of jobs that they do that most people don’t want to do or at least don’t want to do at that pay rate. I guarantee that if the playing field was level and nobody had access to cheap illegal labor the wages would rise, we would also start to pay more for our hotel rooms, and our lawn care, and our vegetables.
But I would be happy to pay that for the increased level of education for my kids, lower health care costs, easier access to emergency rooms, social services for the legal citizens that need them, lower taxes and far less people on the freeways in socal. Remember when the illegal’s all quit working for a day my usual 40 min commute was dropped to 20 min.
Send em home and bring back what we need not the ones that just suck the system dry.

Brian Ray
10-10-2007, 07:33 PM
You need to STFU.
You sound like an intelligent person and one who I would want to carry on a conversation with.....Not!!:eek: Have a good evening.....:)

Troy McClure
10-10-2007, 08:24 PM
I guarantee that if the playing field was level and nobody had access to cheap illegal labor the wages would rise, we would also start to pay more for our hotel rooms, and our lawn care, and our vegetables.
Send em home and bring back what we need not the ones that just suck the system dry.
It's funny, people see the huge rise in the price of real estate and say the economy is "growing". We see the same or similar rise in the price of lettuce, home improvements, gardening services, housecleaning, etc. and the economy or at least the consumers, are going to suffer.
My $300k home that is now worth $700k can not be cleaned because my (legal) housekeeper now charges $100/mo. as apposed to $60/mo.
Figure it out folks...If I..you.. we ..all can start businesses, make good money, reinvest and do it all over again we all benefit, workers and employers.
The elimination of cheap, illegal labor would actually benefit the US economy...just not Mexico's, which is Bush's big concern right now (for some monetarily motivated reason I'm sure)

10-10-2007, 09:45 PM
"Who will pick the crops?" Why not use the overflowing prison population to pick the crops in exchange for a small wage as part of their debt to society.