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02-28-2006, 07:10 PM
everywhere we go people tell us how adorable the baby is..
so now my wife wants to put here in modeling.
who out there has info. for infant/toddler modeling, comemrcials..etc.?
i tried looking on the web but could nto find too much good info
thanks in advance!!

02-28-2006, 07:16 PM
Just be careful of those peeps just after your $$$. We've been approached a few times just out and about. We even went to a casting of some sort. I was still kinda leary about the whole thing. When people are asking for money, just kinda weird to me.

02-28-2006, 07:18 PM
we been through that..on one of those mall modeling competition for our son and when you win they sign you up for the school at like 2gs'.. been there done that...