View Full Version : More on new bare hulls

08-06-2003, 04:49 AM
I too have been on the search for several years for a manufacturer of new boats that would sell a bare hull- for a reasonable price. So far I haven't found what I'm looking for. I have been told the same as a few others here- most of the manufacturers want to sell either a turn key boat-or everything else less the engine. I know there are alot of us out there who have spent tons of time and money putting expensive trick hardware
and components into a "dog" of a hull because that is all we could find- or afford all at once. I have spent 15 times as much rigging out my crappy old hull as the hull cost me- I am totally familiar with my hardware and rigging and figure I could install it in a new bare hull in a few weeks time- and have a really nice "new" boat. That is what I would like to do. Some manufacturers I have found that will supply what I want is the Stealth, WarHawk out of Alabama, or the Eagle Aluminum hulls. I'm saving my money up for "someday". How many others feel like I do? I think the manufacturers would do well if they would come down off of the old "standards to uphold crap" and sell a few bare hulls as an option. Not every enthusiast is fortunate enough
to afford to snap off a totally new rig all at once.
Just a couple of my thoughts. If anyone knows of other manufacturers who will "help us out"
let me know- names and approximate prices.

08-06-2003, 06:10 AM
I haven't talked to them directly, but if you look on dragboats.com, you will see quite a few brand new bare hulls manufactured by "Bitz" I believe. I think they are all v-drive race hulls, however. If there's enough interest, this company may be willing to diversify into jets. I would be interested as well in a new, bare hull, maybe with the intake set. That would allow me to use the parts that I want, and take my time to build a boat with the features that I want for me and my family.

08-06-2003, 08:11 AM
Or ya could just buy my Spectra Hull (blank hull) and rig it yourself. wink
RD :D That explains your presence in the jet section... SPAMin' mo' fo' :D :D :D

08-06-2003, 08:52 AM
It's all about the "CASH" !
i can totally relate to your opinion, but what you have to remember is that boats are not cheap. even cheap boats get expensive when you have to fix and make them better.
allthough there are alot of us jet boat lovers, we are a minority. the market is just not there like it was back in the 70's and 80's. now its all about the "big boys" and ski/wakeboard boats.
the gangster style of thinking has changed the markets in all aspects. everyone wants to make sure everyone else knows he's a money tossing gangster. you think boats are the only place this happens? try pricing some of those 25"+ wheels people are buying for their "nav's". $10K just for a set of wheels. and now i hear even thats been out done. in the boat scene it seems that the "bigger is better and faster" idea has esculated 10 fold. the nieghborhood kids (18-22 year olds)are saying they want to get a 28' something", and his buddy says, "no way dude, a 32' something else" these boats are over $70K. AND THEY ARE GETTING THEM !!!!
so the manufacturers are building more and more of them. turn key only. these kids dont want to rig boats. nor do thier parents. i dont blame the boat manufacturers, they want the cash. and i also dont expect everyone to think like me or have my passion for jet boats. individuality is a good thing and we are lucky to live in a country that allows us to be differant. i dont like wearing the long baggy shorts that everyone is wearing, but its all i can find these days. its what sells. so why should the boat manufacturers be any differant. make what sells and makes them the most money. i could go to the shorts manufacturer and ask them to build me a pair of shorts to my liking, but it will cost me dearly. so i shop in goodwill and look for the old ones. and when i have enough saved, ill shop for a used hull aswell. unless i win that damn lotto of course. then its a new nav with 30somethin wheels, a 32' somethin boat, shorts that i can hide an uzzie in, and be cool with the big boys. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
now that i think about it. if i win, ill start a shop that makes bitchin custom boats (anything you want)and only charge what it costs me to make em. holy crap i can allready hear em typing. i gotta run and get my kevlar vest. Cya.....

08-06-2003, 04:59 PM
are you looking to buy only 1 bare hull? Or mutiples? When you say bare hull you mean only the hull nad nothing else? Well maybe once I finnish the cat hull this fall you could take a look and see what you think and we could work tgether on a design and I could fab it up for you. The only thing is "I build outa aluminum witch isn't real bad in price really! just let me know either way! :cool:

08-06-2003, 07:42 PM
are you thinking of selling that aluminium cat your building? i wasnt sure if you are building a bare hull or a complete boat. curious though, how much would you ask for a bare hull?

08-07-2003, 11:43 PM
I believe Tom Papp racing will do bare hulls he is in Norco try him you are close, sorta. His hulls are good looking and fast.